35) $short_url = substr($short_url, 0, 32).'...'; return $short_url; } function selected($selected, $current) { if ($selected == $current) echo ' selected="selected"'; } function checked($checked, $current) { if ($checked == $current) echo ' checked="checked"'; } function return_categories_list( $parent = 0, $sortbyname = FALSE ) { /* * This function returns an list of all categories * that have $parent as their parent * if no parent is specified we will assume top level caegories * are required. */ global $wpdb; // select sort order $sort = "cat_id"; if( TRUE == $sortbyname ) { $sort = "cat_name"; } // First query the database $cats_tmp = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT cat_id FROM $wpdb->categories WHERE category_parent = $parent ORDER BY $sort"); // Now strip this down to a simple array of IDs $cats = array(); if( count($cats_tmp) > 0 ) { foreach( $cats_tmp as $cat ) { $cats[] = $cat->cat_id; } } // Return the list of categories return $cats; } function get_nested_categories($default = 0, $parent = 0) { global $post_ID, $mode, $wpdb; if ($post_ID) { $checked_categories = $wpdb->get_col(" SELECT category_id FROM $wpdb->categories, $wpdb->post2cat WHERE $wpdb->post2cat.category_id = cat_ID AND $wpdb->post2cat.post_id = '$post_ID' "); if(count($checked_categories) == 0) { // No selected categories, strange $checked_categories[] = $default; } } else { $checked_categories[] = $default; } $cats = return_categories_list($parent, TRUE); $result = array(); foreach($cats as $cat) { $result[$cat]['children'] = get_nested_categories($default, $cat); $result[$cat]['cat_ID'] = $cat; $result[$cat]['checked'] = in_array($cat, $checked_categories); $result[$cat]['cat_name'] = get_the_category_by_ID($cat); } return $result; } function write_nested_categories($categories) { foreach($categories as $category) { echo '\n"; if(isset($category['children'])) { echo "\n\n"; write_nested_categories($category['children']); echo "\n"; } } } function dropdown_categories($default = 0) { write_nested_categories(get_nested_categories($default)); } // Dandy new recursive multiple category stuff. function cat_rows($parent = 0, $level = 0, $categories = 0) { global $wpdb, $bgcolor; if (!$categories) { $categories = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->categories ORDER BY cat_name"); } if ($categories) { foreach ($categories as $category) { if ($category->category_parent == $parent) { $category->cat_name = htmlspecialchars($category->cat_name); $count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(post_id) FROM $wpdb->post2cat WHERE category_id = $category->cat_ID"); $pad = str_repeat('— ', $level); $class = ('alternate' == $class) ? '' : 'alternate'; echo "$category->cat_ID$pad $category->cat_name $category->category_description $count " . __('Edit') . "cat_name)) . "')\" class='delete'>" . __('Delete') . " "; cat_rows($category->cat_ID, $level + 1); } } } else { return false; } } function wp_dropdown_cats($currentcat, $currentparent = 0, $parent = 0, $level = 0, $categories = 0) { global $wpdb, $bgcolor; if (!$categories) { $categories = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->categories ORDER BY cat_name"); } if ($categories) { foreach ($categories as $category) { if ($currentcat != $category->cat_ID && $parent == $category->category_parent) { $count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(post_id) FROM $wpdb->post2cat WHERE category_id = $category->cat_ID"); $pad = str_repeat('– ', $level); $category->cat_name = htmlspecialchars($category->cat_name); echo "\n\t"; wp_dropdown_cats($currentcat, $currentparent, $category->cat_ID, $level + 1, $categories); } } } else { return false; } } function wp_create_thumbnail($file, $max_side, $effect = '') { // 1 = GIF, 2 = JPEG, 3 = PNG if(file_exists($file)) { $type = getimagesize($file); // if the associated function doesn't exist - then it's not // handle. duh. i hope. if(!function_exists('imagegif') && $type[2] == 1) { $error = __('Filetype not supported. Thumbnail not created.'); }elseif(!function_exists('imagejpeg') && $type[2] == 2) { $error = __('Filetype not supported. Thumbnail not created.'); }elseif(!function_exists('imagepng') && $type[2] == 3) { $error = __('Filetype not supported. Thumbnail not created.'); } else { // create the initial copy from the original file if($type[2] == 1) { $image = imagecreatefromgif($file); } elseif($type[2] == 2) { $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($file); } elseif($type[2] == 3) { $image = imagecreatefrompng($file); } if (function_exists('imageantialias')) imageantialias($image, TRUE); $image_attr = getimagesize($file); // figure out the longest side if($image_attr[0] > $image_attr[1]) { $image_width = $image_attr[0]; $image_height = $image_attr[1]; $image_new_width = $max_side; $image_ratio = $image_width/$image_new_width; $image_new_height = $image_height/$image_ratio; //width is > height } else { $image_width = $image_attr[0]; $image_height = $image_attr[1]; $image_new_height = $max_side; $image_ratio = $image_height/$image_new_height; $image_new_width = $image_width/$image_ratio; //height > width } $thumbnail = imagecreatetruecolor($image_new_width, $image_new_height); @imagecopyresized($thumbnail, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $image_new_width, $image_new_height, $image_attr[0], $image_attr[1]); // move the thumbnail to it's final destination $path = explode('/', $file); $thumbpath = substr($file, 0, strrpos($file, '/')) . '/thumb-' . $path[count($path)-1]; if($type[2] == 1) { if(!imagegif($thumbnail, $thumbpath)) { $error = __("Thumbnail path invalid"); } } elseif($type[2] == 2) { if(!imagejpeg($thumbnail, $thumbpath)) { $error = __("Thumbnail path invalid"); } } elseif($type[2] == 3) { if(!imagepng($thumbnail, $thumbpath)) { $error = __("Thumbnail path invalid"); } } } } if(!empty($error)) { return $error; } else { return 1; } } // Some postmeta stuff function has_meta($postid) { global $wpdb; return $wpdb->get_results(" SELECT meta_key, meta_value, meta_id, post_id FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE post_id = '$postid' ORDER BY meta_key,meta_id",ARRAY_A); } function list_meta($meta) { global $post_ID; // Exit if no meta if (!$meta) return; ?> "; } echo "
"; } // Get a list of previously defined keys function get_meta_keys() { global $wpdb; $keys = $wpdb->get_col(" SELECT meta_key FROM $wpdb->postmeta GROUP BY meta_key ORDER BY meta_key"); return $keys; } function meta_form() { global $wpdb; $keys = $wpdb->get_col(" SELECT meta_key FROM $wpdb->postmeta GROUP BY meta_key ORDER BY meta_id DESC LIMIT 10"); ?>


escape( stripslashes( trim($_POST['metakeyselect']) ) ); $metakeyinput = $wpdb->escape( stripslashes( trim($_POST['metakeyinput']) ) ); $metavalue = $wpdb->escape( stripslashes( trim($_POST['metavalue']) ) ); if (!empty($metavalue) && ((('#NONE#' != $metakeyselect) && !empty($metakeyselect)) || !empty($metakeyinput))) { // We have a key/value pair. If both the select and the // input for the key have data, the input takes precedence: if ('#NONE#' != $metakeyselect) $metakey = $metakeyselect; if ($metakeyinput) $metakey = $metakeyinput; // default $result = $wpdb->query(" INSERT INTO $wpdb->postmeta (post_id,meta_key,meta_value) VALUES ('$post_ID','$metakey','$metavalue') "); } } // add_meta function delete_meta($mid) { global $wpdb; $result = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_id = '$mid'"); } function update_meta($mid, $mkey, $mvalue) { global $wpdb; return $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->postmeta SET meta_key = '$mkey', meta_value = '$mvalue' WHERE meta_id = '$mid'"); } function touch_time($edit = 1) { global $month, $postdata; // echo $postdata['Date']; if ('draft' == $postdata->post_status) { $checked = 'checked="checked" '; $edit = false; } else { $checked = ' '; } echo '
'; $time_adj = time() + (get_settings('gmt_offset') * 3600); $post_date = $postdata->post_date; $jj = ($edit) ? mysql2date('d', $post_date) : gmdate('d', $time_adj); $mm = ($edit) ? mysql2date('m', $post_date) : gmdate('m', $time_adj); $aa = ($edit) ? mysql2date('Y', $post_date) : gmdate('Y', $time_adj); $hh = ($edit) ? mysql2date('H', $post_date) : gmdate('H', $time_adj); $mn = ($edit) ? mysql2date('i', $post_date) : gmdate('i', $time_adj); $ss = ($edit) ? mysql2date('s', $post_date) : gmdate('s', $time_adj); echo " @ : :
get_results("SELECT ID, post_name FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = 'static'"); $page_rewrite_rules = array(); foreach ($posts as $post) { // URI => page name $uri = get_page_uri($post->ID); $page_rewrite_rules[$uri] = $post->post_name; } update_option('page_uris', $page_rewrite_rules); save_mod_rewrite_rules(); } function the_quicktags () { // Browser detection sucks, but until Safari supports the JS needed for this to work people just assume it's a bug in WP if ( !strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Safari') ) : echo '
' . __('Quicktags') . ': '; echo '
'; endif; } function get_theme_data($theme_file) { $theme_data = implode('', file($theme_file)); preg_match("|Theme Name:(.*)|i", $theme_data, $theme_name); preg_match("|Theme URI:(.*)|i", $theme_data, $theme_uri); preg_match("|Description:(.*)|i", $theme_data, $description); preg_match("|Author:(.*)|i", $theme_data, $author_name); preg_match("|Author URI:(.*)|i", $theme_data, $author_uri); preg_match("|Template:(.*)|i", $theme_data, $template); if ( preg_match("|Version:(.*)|i", $theme_data, $version) ) $version = $version[1]; else $version =''; $description = wptexturize($description[1]); $name = $theme_name[1]; $name = trim($name); $theme = $name; if ('' != $theme_uri[1] && '' != $name) { $theme = __("{$theme}"); } if ('' == $author_uri[1]) { $author = $author_name[1]; } else { $author = __("{$author_name[1]}"); } return array('Name' => $name, 'Title' => $theme, 'Description' => $description, 'Author' => $author, 'Version' => $version, 'Template' => $template[1]); } function get_themes() { $themes = array(); $theme_loc = 'wp-content/themes'; $theme_root = ABSPATH . $theme_loc; // Files in wp-content/themes directory $themes_dir = @ dir($theme_root); if ($themes_dir) { while(($theme_dir = $themes_dir->read()) !== false) { if (is_dir($theme_root . '/' . $theme_dir)) { $stylish_dir = @ dir($theme_root . '/' . $theme_dir); while(($theme_file = $stylish_dir->read()) !== false) { if ( $theme_file == 'style.css' ) { $theme_files[] = $theme_dir . '/' . $theme_file; } } } } } $default_files = array(get_settings('blogfilename'), 'wp-comments.php', 'wp-comments-popup.php', 'wp-comments-post.php', 'wp-footer.php', 'wp-header.php', 'wp-sidebar.php', 'footer.php', 'header.php', 'sidebar.php'); // Get the files for the default template. $default_template_files = array(); { $dirs = array('', 'wp-content'); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $template_dir = @ dir(ABSPATH . $dir); while(($file = $template_dir->read()) !== false) { if ( !preg_match('|^\.+$|', $file) && in_array($file, $default_files)) $default_template_files[] = trim("$dir/$file", '/'); } } } // Get the files for the default stylesheet. $default_stylesheet_files = array(); { $stylesheet_dir = @ dir(ABSPATH); while(($file = $stylesheet_dir->read()) !== false) { if ( !preg_match('|^\.+$|', $file) && preg_match('|\.css$|', $file)) $default_stylesheet_files[] = "$file"; } } // The default theme always exists. $themes['Default'] = array('Name' => 'Default', 'Title' => 'WordPress Default', 'Description' => 'The default theme included with WordPress.', 'Author' => 'Dave Shea', 'Version' => '1.3', 'Template' => 'default', 'Stylesheet' => 'default', 'Template Files' => $default_template_files, 'Stylesheet Files' => $default_stylesheet_files, 'Template Dir' => '/', 'Stylesheet Dir' => '/', 'Parent Theme' => ''); if (!$themes_dir || !$theme_files) { return $themes; } sort($theme_files); foreach($theme_files as $theme_file) { $theme_data = get_theme_data("$theme_root/$theme_file"); $name = $theme_data['Name']; $title = $theme_data['Title']; $description = wptexturize($theme_data['Description']); $version = $theme_data['Version']; $author = $theme_data['Author']; $template = $theme_data['Template']; $stylesheet = dirname($theme_file); if (empty($template)) { if (file_exists(dirname("$theme_root/$theme_file/index.php"))) { $template = dirname($theme_file); } else { continue; } } $template = trim($template); if (($template != 'default') && (! file_exists("$theme_root/$template/index.php"))) { continue; } if (empty($name)) { $name = dirname($theme_file); $title = $name; } $stylesheet_files = array(); if ($stylesheet != 'default') { $stylesheet_dir = @ dir("$theme_root/$stylesheet"); if ($stylesheet_dir) { while(($file = $stylesheet_dir->read()) !== false) { if ( !preg_match('|^\.+$|', $file) && preg_match('|\.css$|', $file) ) $stylesheet_files[] = "$theme_loc/$stylesheet/$file"; } } } else { $stylesheet_files = $default_stylesheet_files; } $template_files = array(); if ($template != 'default') { $template_dir = @ dir("$theme_root/$template"); if ($template_dir) { while(($file = $template_dir->read()) !== false) { if ( !preg_match('|^\.+$|', $file) && preg_match('|\.php$|', $file) ) $template_files[] = "$theme_loc/$template/$file"; } } } else { $template_files = $default_template_files; } $template_dir = dirname($template_files[0]); $stylesheet_dir = dirname($stylesheet_files[0]); if (empty($template_dir)) $template_dir = '/'; if (empty($stylesheet_dir)) $stylesheet_dir = '/'; $themes[$name] = array('Name' => $name, 'Title' => $title, 'Description' => $description, 'Author' => $author, 'Version' => $version, 'Template' => $template, 'Stylesheet' => $stylesheet, 'Template Files' => $template_files, 'Stylesheet Files' => $stylesheet_files, 'Template Dir' => $template_dir, 'Stylesheet Dir' => $stylesheet_dir); } // Resolve theme dependencies. $theme_names = array_keys($themes); foreach ($theme_names as $theme_name) { $themes[$theme_name]['Parent Theme'] = ''; if ($themes[$theme_name]['Stylesheet'] != $themes[$theme_name]['Template']) { foreach ($theme_names as $parent_theme_name) { if (($themes[$parent_theme_name]['Stylesheet'] == $themes[$parent_theme_name]['Template']) && ($themes[$parent_theme_name]['Template'] == $themes[$theme_name]['Template'])) { $themes[$theme_name]['Parent Theme'] = $themes[$parent_theme_name]['Name']; break; } } } } return $themes; } function get_current_theme() { $themes = get_themes(); $theme_names = array_keys($themes); $current_template = get_settings('template'); $current_stylesheet = get_settings('stylesheet'); $current_theme = 'Default'; if ($themes) { foreach ($theme_names as $theme_name) { if ($themes[$theme_name]['Stylesheet'] == $current_stylesheet && $themes[$theme_name]['Template'] == $current_template) { $current_theme = $themes[$theme_name]['Name']; } } } return $current_theme; } function validate_current_theme() { $theme_loc = 'wp-content/themes'; $theme_root = ABSPATH . $theme_loc; $template = get_settings('template'); $stylesheet = get_settings('stylesheet'); if (($template != 'default') && (! file_exists("$theme_root/$template/index.php"))) { update_option('template', 'default'); update_option('stylesheet', 'default'); return false; } if (($stylesheet != 'default') && (! file_exists("$theme_root/$stylesheet/style.css"))) { update_option('template', 'default'); update_option('stylesheet', 'default'); return false; } return true; } function parent_dropdown($default = 0, $parent = 0, $level = 0) { global $wpdb; $items = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID, post_parent, post_title FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_parent = $parent AND post_status = 'static' ORDER BY menu_order"); if ($items) { foreach ($items as $item) { $pad = str_repeat(' ', $level * 3); if ($item->ID == $default) $current = ' selected="selected"'; else $current = ''; echo "\n\t"; parent_dropdown($default, $item->ID, $level + 1); } } else { return false; } } ?>