/*globals _, jQuery, Backbone */ /** * wp.media.view.Settings * * @class * @augments wp.media.View * @augments wp.Backbone.View * @augments Backbone.View */ var View = require( './view.js' ), $ = jQuery, Settings; Settings = View.extend({ events: { 'click button': 'updateHandler', 'change input': 'updateHandler', 'change select': 'updateHandler', 'change textarea': 'updateHandler' }, initialize: function() { this.model = this.model || new Backbone.Model(); this.listenTo( this.model, 'change', this.updateChanges ); }, prepare: function() { return _.defaults({ model: this.model.toJSON() }, this.options ); }, /** * @returns {wp.media.view.Settings} Returns itself to allow chaining */ render: function() { View.prototype.render.apply( this, arguments ); // Select the correct values. _( this.model.attributes ).chain().keys().each( this.update, this ); return this; }, /** * @param {string} key */ update: function( key ) { var value = this.model.get( key ), $setting = this.$('[data-setting="' + key + '"]'), $buttons, $value; // Bail if we didn't find a matching setting. if ( ! $setting.length ) { return; } // Attempt to determine how the setting is rendered and update // the selected value. // Handle dropdowns. if ( $setting.is('select') ) { $value = $setting.find('[value="' + value + '"]'); if ( $value.length ) { $setting.find('option').prop( 'selected', false ); $value.prop( 'selected', true ); } else { // If we can't find the desired value, record what *is* selected. this.model.set( key, $setting.find(':selected').val() ); } // Handle button groups. } else if ( $setting.hasClass('button-group') ) { $buttons = $setting.find('button').removeClass('active'); $buttons.filter( '[value="' + value + '"]' ).addClass('active'); // Handle text inputs and textareas. } else if ( $setting.is('input[type="text"], textarea') ) { if ( ! $setting.is(':focus') ) { $setting.val( value ); } // Handle checkboxes. } else if ( $setting.is('input[type="checkbox"]') ) { $setting.prop( 'checked', !! value && 'false' !== value ); } }, /** * @param {Object} event */ updateHandler: function( event ) { var $setting = $( event.target ).closest('[data-setting]'), value = event.target.value, userSetting; event.preventDefault(); if ( ! $setting.length ) { return; } // Use the correct value for checkboxes. if ( $setting.is('input[type="checkbox"]') ) { value = $setting[0].checked; } // Update the corresponding setting. this.model.set( $setting.data('setting'), value ); // If the setting has a corresponding user setting, // update that as well. if ( userSetting = $setting.data('userSetting') ) { window.setUserSetting( userSetting, value ); } }, updateChanges: function( model ) { if ( model.hasChanged() ) { _( model.changed ).chain().keys().each( this.update, this ); } } }); module.exports = Settings;