/** * WordPress Administration Navigation Menu * Interface JS functions * * @version 2.0.0 * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Administration */ var WPNavMenuHandler = function ($) { var autoCompleteData = {}, menuItemDepthPerLevel = 30, // Do not use directly. Use depthToPx and pxToDepth instead. globalMaxDepth = 11, formatAutocompleteResponse = function( resultRow, pos, total, queryTerm ) { if ( resultRow && resultRow[0] ) { var data = $.parseJSON(resultRow[0]); if ( data.post_title ) { if ( data.ID && data.post_type ) autoCompleteData[data.post_title] = {ID: data.ID, object_type: data.post_type}; return data.post_title; } } }, formatAutocompleteResult = function( resultRow, pos, total, queryTerm ) { if ( resultRow && resultRow[0] ) { var data = $.parseJSON(resultRow[0]); if ( data.post_title ) return data.post_title; } }, getListDataFromID = function(menuItemID, parentEl) { if ( ! menuItemID ) return false; parentEl = parentEl || document; var fields = [ 'menu-item-db-id', 'menu-item-object-id', 'menu-item-object', 'menu-item-parent-id', 'menu-item-position', 'menu-item-type', 'menu-item-append', 'menu-item-title', 'menu-item-url', 'menu-item-description', 'menu-item-attr-title', 'menu-item-target', 'menu-item-classes', 'menu-item-xfn' ], itemData = {}, inputs = parentEl.getElementsByTagName('input'), i = inputs.length, j, menuID = document.getElementById('nav-menu-meta-object-id').value; while ( i-- ) { j = fields.length; while ( j-- ) { if ( inputs[i] && inputs[i].name && 'menu-item[' + menuItemID + '][' + fields[j] + ']' == inputs[i].name ) { itemData[fields[j]] = inputs[i].value; } } } return itemData; }, recalculateMenuItemPositions = function() { menuList.find('.menu-item-data-position').val( function(index) { return index + 1; } ); }, depthToPx = function(depth) { return depth * menuItemDepthPerLevel; }, pxToDepth = function(px) { return Math.floor(px / menuItemDepthPerLevel); }, menuList; // jQuery extensions $.fn.extend({ menuItemDepth : function() { return pxToDepth( this.eq(0).css('margin-left').slice(0, -2) ); }, updateDepthClass : function(current, prev) { return this.each(function(){ var t = $(this); prev = prev || t.menuItemDepth(); $(this).removeClass('menu-item-depth-'+ prev ) .addClass('menu-item-depth-'+ current ); }); }, shiftDepthClass : function(change) { return this.each(function(){ var t = $(this), depth = t.menuItemDepth(); $(this).removeClass('menu-item-depth-'+ depth ) .addClass('menu-item-depth-'+ (depth + change) ); }); }, childMenuItems : function() { var result = $(); this.each(function(){ var t = $(this), depth = t.menuItemDepth(), next = t.next(); while( next.length && next.menuItemDepth() > depth ) { result = result.add( next ); next = next.next(); } }); return result; }, updateParentMenuItemDBId : function() { return this.each(function(){ var item = $(this), input = item.find('.menu-item-data-parent-id'), depth = item.menuItemDepth(), parent = item.prev(); if( depth == 0 ) { // Item is on the top level, has no parent input.val(0); } else { // Find the parent item, and retrieve its object id. while( parent.menuItemDepth() != depth - 1 ) { parent = parent.prev(); } input.val( parent.find('.menu-item-data-object-id').val() ); } }); }, hideAdvancedMenuItemFields : function() { return this.each(function(){ var that = $(this); $('.hide-column-tog').not(':checked').each(function(){ that.find('.field-' + $(this).val() ).addClass('hidden-field'); }); }); }, }); return { // Functions that run on init. init : function() { menuList = $('#menu-to-edit'); this.attachMenuEditListeners(); this.attachMenuMetaListeners(document.getElementById('nav-menu-meta')); this.attachTabsPanelListeners(); if( menuList.length ) // If no menu, we're in the + tab. this.initSortables(); this.initToggles(); this.initTabManager(); }, initToggles : function() { // init postboxes postboxes.add_postbox_toggles('nav-menus'); // adjust columns functions for menus UI columns.useCheckboxesForHidden(); columns.checked = function(field) { $('.field-' + field).removeClass('hidden-field'); } columns.unchecked = function(field) { $('.field-' + field).addClass('hidden-field'); } // hide fields menuList.hideAdvancedMenuItemFields(); }, initSortables : function() { var currentDepth = 0, originalDepth, minDepth, maxDepth, menuLeft = menuList.offset().left; menuList.sortable({ handle: ' > dl', placeholder: 'sortable-placeholder', start: function(e, ui) { var next, height, width, parent, children, maxChildDepth, transport = ui.item.children('.menu-item-transport'); // Set depths originalDepth = ui.item.menuItemDepth(); updateCurrentDepth(ui, originalDepth); // Attach child elements to parent // Skip the placeholder parent = ( ui.item.next()[0] == ui.placeholder[0] ) ? ui.item.next() : ui.item; children = parent.childMenuItems(); transport.append( children ); // Now that the element is complete, we can update... updateDepthRange(ui); // Update the height of the placeholder to match the moving item. height = transport.outerHeight(); // If there are children, account for distance between top of children and parent height += ( height > 0 ) ? (ui.placeholder.css('margin-top').slice(0, -2) * 1) : 0; height += ui.item.outerHeight(); height -= 2; // Subtract 2 for borders ui.placeholder.height(height); // Update the width of the placeholder to match the moving item. maxChildDepth = originalDepth; children.each(function(){ var depth = $(this).menuItemDepth(); maxChildDepth = (depth > maxChildDepth) ? depth : maxChildDepth; }); width = ui.item.find('dl dt').outerWidth(); // Get original width width += depthToPx(maxChildDepth - originalDepth); // Account for children width -= 2; // Subtract 2 for borders ui.placeholder.width(width); }, stop: function(e, ui) { var children, depthChange = currentDepth - originalDepth; // Return child elements to the list children = ui.item.children('.menu-item-transport').children().insertAfter(ui.item); // Update depth classes if( depthChange != 0 ) { ui.item.updateDepthClass( currentDepth ); children.shiftDepthClass( depthChange ); } // Finally, update the item/menu data. ui.item.updateParentMenuItemDBId(); recalculateMenuItemPositions(); }, change: function(e, ui) { // Make sure the placeholder is inside the menu. // Otherwise fix it, or we're in trouble. if( ! ui.placeholder.parent().hasClass('menu') ) ui.placeholder.appendTo(menuList); updateDepthRange(ui); }, sort: function(e, ui) { var depth = pxToDepth(ui.item.offset().left - menuLeft); // Check and correct if depth is not within range. if ( depth < minDepth ) depth = minDepth; else if ( depth > maxDepth ) depth = maxDepth; if( depth != currentDepth ) updateCurrentDepth(ui, depth); } }); function updateDepthRange(ui) { var prev = ui.placeholder.prev(), next = ui.placeholder.next(), depth; // Make sure we don't select the moving item. if( prev[0] == ui.item[0] ) prev = prev.prev(); if( next[0] == ui.item[0] ) next = next.next(); minDepth = (next.length) ? next.menuItemDepth() : 0; if( prev.length ) maxDepth = ( (depth = prev.menuItemDepth() + 1) > globalMaxDepth ) ? globalMaxDepth : depth; else maxDepth = 0; } function updateCurrentDepth(ui, depth) { ui.placeholder.updateDepthClass( depth, currentDepth ); currentDepth = depth; } }, attachMenuEditListeners : function() { var that = this; $('#update-nav-menu').bind('click', function(e) { if ( e.target && e.target.className ) { if ( -1 != e.target.className.indexOf('item-edit') ) { return that.eventOnClickEditLink(e.target); } else if ( -1 != e.target.className.indexOf('menu-delete') ) { return that.eventOnClickMenuDelete(e.target); } else if ( -1 != e.target.className.indexOf('item-delete') ) { return that.eventOnClickMenuItemDelete(e.target); } else if ( -1 != e.target.className.indexOf('item-close') ) { return that.eventOnClickCloseLink(e.target); } } }); }, /** * An interface for managing default values for input elements * that is both JS and accessibility-friendly. * * Input elements that add the class 'input-with-default-title' * will have their values set to the provided HTML title when empty. */ setupInputWithDefaultTitle : function() { var name = 'input-with-default-title'; $('.' + name).each( function(){ var $t = $(this), title = $t.attr('title'), val = $t.val(); $t.data( name, title ); if( '' == val ) $t.val( title ); else if ( title == val ) return; else $t.removeClass( name ); }).focus( function(){ var $t = $(this); if( $t.val() == $t.data(name) ) $t.val('').removeClass( name ); }).blur( function(){ var $t = $(this); if( '' == $t.val() ) $t.val( $t.data(name) ).addClass( name ); }); }, attachMenuMetaListeners : function(formEL) { if ( ! formEL ) return; var that = this; this.setupInputWithDefaultTitle(); // auto-suggest for the quick-search boxes $('input.quick-search').each(function(i, el) { that.setupQuickSearchEventListeners(el); }); $(formEL).bind('submit', function(e) { return that.eventSubmitMetaForm.call(that, this, e); }); $(formEL).find('input:submit').click(function() { $(this).siblings('img.waiting').show(); }); }, attachTabsPanelListeners : function() { $('#menu-settings-column').bind('click', function(e) { if ( e.target && e.target.className && -1 != e.target.className.indexOf('nav-tab-link') ) { var activePanel, panelIdMatch = /#(.*)$/.exec(e.target.href), tabPanels, wrapper = $(e.target).parents('.inside').first()[0], inputs = wrapper ? wrapper.getElementsByTagName('input') : [], i = inputs.length; // upon changing tabs, we want to uncheck all checkboxes while( i-- ) inputs[i].checked = false; $('.tabs-panel', wrapper).each(function() { if ( this.className ) this.className = this.className.replace('tabs-panel-active', 'tabs-panel-inactive'); }); $('.tabs', wrapper).each(function() { this.className = this.className.replace('tabs', ''); }); e.target.parentNode.className += ' tabs'; if ( panelIdMatch && panelIdMatch[1] ) { activePanel = document.getElementById(panelIdMatch[1]); if ( activePanel ) { activePanel.className = activePanel.className.replace('tabs-panel-inactive', 'tabs-panel-active'); } } return false; } else if ( e.target && e.target.className && -1 != e.target.className.indexOf('select-all') ) { var selectAreaMatch = /#(.*)$/.exec(e.target.href); if ( selectAreaMatch && selectAreaMatch[1] ) { $('#' + selectAreaMatch[1] + ' .tabs-panel-active input[type=checkbox]').attr('checked', 'checked'); return false; } } }); }, initTabManager : function() { var fixed = $('.nav-tabs-wrapper'), fluid = fixed.children('.nav-tabs'), active = fluid.children('.nav-tab-active'), tabs = fluid.children('.nav-tab'), tabsWidth = 0, fixedRight, fixedLeft, arrowLeft, arrowRight resizing = false; function resetMenuTabs() { fixedLeft = fixed.offset().left; fixedRight = fixedLeft + fixed.width(); active.makeTabVisible(); } $.fn.extend({ makeTabVisible : function() { var t = this.eq(0), left = t.offset().left, right = left + t.outerWidth(); if( right > fixedRight ) fluid.animate({ 'margin-left' : "+=" + (fixedRight - right) + 'px', }, 'fast'); else if ( left < fixedLeft ) fluid.animate({ 'margin-left' : "-=" + (left - fixedLeft) + 'px', }, 'fast'); return t; }, isTabVisible : function() { var t = this.eq(0), left = t.offset().left, right = left + t.outerWidth(); return ( right <= fixedRight && left >= fixedLeft ) ? true : false; } }); // Find the width of all tabs tabs.each(function(){ tabsWidth += $(this).outerWidth(true); }); // Check if we need the tab manager if( tabsWidth <= fixed.width() - fluid.css('padding-left').slice(0,-2) - fluid.css('padding-right').slice(0,-2) ) return; // Set up right margin for overflow, unset padding fluid.css({ 'margin-right' : (-1 * tabsWidth) + 'px', 'padding' : 0, }); // Build tab navigation arrowLeft = $('
'); arrowRight = $(' '); // Attach to the document fixed.wrap('').parent().prepend( arrowLeft ).append( arrowRight ); // Set the menu tabs resetMenuTabs(); // Make sure the tabs reset on resize $(window).resize(function() { if( resizing ) return; resizing = true; setTimeout(function(){ resetMenuTabs(); resizing = false; }, 1000); }); // Build arrow functions $.each([{ arrow : arrowLeft, next : "next", last : "first", operator : "+=", },{ arrow : arrowRight, next : "prev", last : "last", operator : "-=", }], function(){ var that = this; this.arrow.mousedown(function(){ var last = tabs[that.last](), fn = function() { if( ! last.isTabVisible() ) fluid.animate({ 'margin-left' : that.operator + '90px', }, 300, "linear", fn); }; fn(); }).mouseup(function(){ var tab, next; fluid.stop(true); tab = tabs[that.last](); while( (next = tab[that.next]()) && next.length && ! next.isTabVisible() ) { tab = next; } tab.makeTabVisible(); }); }); }, /** * Set up quick-search input fields' events. * * @param object el The input element. */ setupQuickSearchEventListeners : function(el) { var that = this; $(el).autocomplete( ajaxurl + '?action=menu-quick-search&type=' + el.name, { delay: 500, formatItem: formatAutocompleteResponse, formatResult: formatAutocompleteResult, minchars: 2, multiple: false } ).bind('blur', function(e) { var changedData = autoCompleteData[this.value], inputEl = this; if ( changedData ) { $.post( ajaxurl + '?action=menu-quick-search&type=get-post-item&response-format=markup', changedData, function(r) { that.processQuickSearchQueryResponse.call(that, r, changedData); autoCompleteData[inputEl.value] = false; } ); } }); }, eventOnClickEditLink : function(clickedEl) { var activeEdit, matchedSection = /#(.*)$/.exec(clickedEl.href); if ( matchedSection && matchedSection[1] ) { activeEdit = $('#'+matchedSection[1]); if( 0 != activeEdit.length ) { if( activeEdit.hasClass('menu-item-edit-inactive') ) { activeEdit.slideDown('fast') .siblings('dl').andSelf() .removeClass('menu-item-edit-inactive') .addClass('menu-item-edit-active'); } else { activeEdit.slideUp('fast') .siblings('dl').andSelf() .removeClass('menu-item-edit-active') .addClass('menu-item-edit-inactive'); } return false; } } }, eventOnClickCloseLink : function(clickedEl) { $(clickedEl).closest('.menu-item-settings').siblings('dl').find('.item-edit').click(); return false; }, eventOnClickMenuDelete : function(clickedEl) { // Delete warning AYS if ( confirm( navMenuL10n.warnDeleteMenu ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } }, eventOnClickMenuItemDelete : function(clickedEl) { var itemID, matchedSection, that = this; // Delete warning AYS if ( confirm( navMenuL10n.warnDeleteMenuItem ) ) { matchedSection = /_wpnonce=([a-zA-Z0-9]*)$/.exec(clickedEl.href); if ( matchedSection && matchedSection[1] ) { itemID = parseInt(clickedEl.id.replace('delete-', ''), 10); $.post( ajaxurl, { action:'delete-menu-item', 'menu-item':itemID, '_wpnonce':matchedSection[1] }, function (resp) { if ( '1' == resp ) that.removeMenuItem(document.getElementById('menu-item-' + itemID)); } ); return false; } return true; } else { return false; } }, /** * Callback for the meta form submit action listener. * * @param object thisForm The submitted form. * @param object e The event object. */ eventSubmitMetaForm : function(thisForm, e) { var inputs = thisForm.getElementsByTagName('input'), i = inputs.length, j, listItemData, listItemDBID, listItemDBIDMatch, params = {}, processMethod = function(){}, re = new RegExp('menu-item\\[(\[^\\]\]*)'); that = this; params['action'] = ''; while ( i-- ) { if ( // we're submitting a checked item inputs[i].name && -1 != inputs[i].name.indexOf('menu-item-object-id') && inputs[i].checked || ( // or we're dealing with a custom link 'undefined' != typeof inputs[i].id && 'custom-menu-item-url' == inputs[i].id && '' != inputs[i].value && 'http://' != inputs[i].value ) ) { params['action'] = 'add-menu-item'; processMethod = that.processAddMenuItemResponse; listItemDBIDMatch = re.exec(inputs[i].name); listItemDBID = 'undefined' == typeof listItemDBIDMatch[1] ? 0 : parseInt(listItemDBIDMatch[1], 10); listItemData = getListDataFromID(listItemDBID); for ( j in listItemData ) { params['menu-item[' + listItemDBID + '][' + j + ']'] = listItemData[j]; } inputs[i].checked = false; // we're submitting a search term } else if ( '' == params['action'] && // give precedence to adding items '' != inputs[i].value && inputs[i].className && -1 != inputs[i].className.search(/quick-search\b[^-]/) ) { params['action'] = 'menu-quick-search'; params['q'] = inputs[i].value; params['response-format'] = 'markup'; params['type'] = inputs[i].name; processMethod = that.processQuickSearchQueryResponse; } } params['menu'] = thisForm.elements['menu'].value; params['menu-settings-column-nonce'] = thisForm.elements['menu-settings-column-nonce'].value; $.post( ajaxurl, params, function(menuMarkup) { processMethod.call(that, menuMarkup, params); $(thisForm).find('img.waiting').hide(); }); return false; }, /** * Process the add menu item request response into menu list item. * * @param string menuMarkup The text server response of menu item markup. * @param object req The request arguments. */ processAddMenuItemResponse : function( menuMarkup, req ) { $(menuMarkup).hideAdvancedMenuItemFields().appendTo( menuList ); /* set custom link form back to defaults */ $('#custom-menu-item-name').val('').blur(); $('#custom-menu-item-url').val('http://'); }, /** * Process the quick search response into a search result * * @param string resp The server response to the query. * @param object req The request arguments. */ processQuickSearchQueryResponse : function(resp, req) { if ( ! req ) req = {}; var wrap = document.createElement('ul'), form = document.getElementById('nav-menu-meta'), i, items, matched, message, newID, pattern = new RegExp('menu-item\\[(\[^\\]\]*)'), resultList; // make a unique DB ID number matched = pattern.exec(resp); if ( matched && matched[1] ) { newID = matched[1]; while( form.elements['menu-item[' + newID + '][menu-item-type]'] ) { newID--; } if ( newID != matched[1] ) { resp = resp.replace(new RegExp('menu-item\\[' + matched[1] + '\\]', 'g'), 'menu-item[' + newID + ']'); } } wrap.innerHTML = resp; items = wrap.getElementsByTagName('li'); if ( items[0] && req.object_type ) { resultList = document.getElementById(req.object_type + '-search-checklist'); if ( resultList ) { resultList.appendChild(items[0]); } } else if ( req.type ) { matched = /quick-search-(posttype|taxonomy)-([a-zA-Z_-]*)/.exec(req.type); if ( matched && matched[2] ) { resultList = document.getElementById(matched[2] + '-search-checklist'); if ( resultList ) { i = items.length; if ( ! i ) { message = document.createElement('li'); message.appendChild(document.createTextNode(navMenuL10n.noResultsFound)); resultList.appendChild(message); } while( i-- ) { resultList.appendChild(items[i]); } } } } }, removeMenuItem : function(el) { el = $(el) var children = el.childMenuItems(); el.addClass('deleting').fadeOut( 350 , function() { el.remove(); children.shiftDepthClass(-1).updateParentMenuItemDBId(); recalculateMenuItemPositions(); }); } } } var wpNavMenu = new WPNavMenuHandler(jQuery); jQuery(function() { wpNavMenu.init(); });