block_type->view_script_handles; // If the script is not needed, and it is still in the `view_script_handles`, remove it. if ( ! $should_load_view_script && in_array( $view_js_file, $script_handles, true ) ) { $block->block_type->view_script_handles = array_diff( $script_handles, array( $view_js_file ) ); } // If the script is needed, but it was previously removed, add it again. if ( $should_load_view_script && ! in_array( $view_js_file, $script_handles, true ) ) { $block->block_type->view_script_handles = array_merge( $script_handles, array( $view_js_file ) ); } } // Update object's aria-label attribute if present in block HTML. // Match an aria-label attribute from an object tag. $pattern = '@aria-label="(?[^"]+)?")@i'; $content = preg_replace_callback( $pattern, static function ( $matches ) { $filename = ! empty( $matches['filename'] ) ? $matches['filename'] : ''; $has_filename = ! empty( $filename ) && 'PDF embed' !== $filename; $label = $has_filename ? sprintf( /* translators: %s: filename. */ __( 'Embed of %s.' ), $filename ) : __( 'PDF embed' ); return str_replace( $matches['attribute'], sprintf( 'aria-label="%s"', $label ), $matches[0] ); }, $content ); // If it uses the Interactivity API, add the directives. if ( defined( 'IS_GUTENBERG_PLUGIN' ) && IS_GUTENBERG_PLUGIN && $should_load_view_script ) { $processor = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $content ); $processor->next_tag(); $processor->set_attribute( 'data-wp-interactive', '' ); $processor->next_tag( 'object' ); $processor->set_attribute( 'data-wp-bind--hidden', '!selectors.core.file.hasPdfPreview' ); $processor->set_attribute( 'hidden', true ); return $processor->get_updated_html(); } return $content; } /** * Registers the `core/file` block on server. */ function register_block_core_file() { register_block_type_from_metadata( __DIR__ . '/file', array( 'render_callback' => 'render_block_core_file', ) ); } add_action( 'init', 'register_block_core_file' );