// this file contains all the scripts used in the post/edit page
function new_tag_remove_tag() {
var id = jQuery( this ).attr( 'id' );
var num = id.substr( 10 );
var current_tags = jQuery( '#tags-input' ).val().split(',');
delete current_tags[num];
var new_tags = [];
jQuery.each( current_tags, function( key, val ) {
if ( val && !val.match(/^\s+$/) && '' != val ) {
new_tags = new_tags.concat( val );
jQuery( '#tags-input' ).val( new_tags.join( ',' ).replace( /\s*,+\s*/, ',' ).replace( /,+/, ',' ).replace( /,+\s+,+/, ',' ).replace( /,+\s*$/, '' ).replace( /^\s*,+/, '' ) );
return false;
function tag_update_quickclicks() {
var current_tags = jQuery( '#tags-input' ).val().split(',');
jQuery( '#tagchecklist' ).empty();
shown = false;
// jQuery.merge( current_tags, current_tags ); // this doesn't work anymore, need something to array_unique
jQuery.each( current_tags, function( key, val ) {
val = val.replace( /^\s+/, '' ).replace( /\s+$/, '' ); // trim
if ( !val.match(/^\s+$/) && '' != val ) {
txt = 'X ' + val + ' ';
jQuery( '#tagchecklist' ).append( txt );
jQuery( '#tag-check-' + key ).click( new_tag_remove_tag );
shown = true;
if ( shown )
jQuery( '#tagchecklist' ).prepend( ''+postL10n.tagsUsed+'
' );
function tag_flush_to_text() {
var newtags = jQuery('#tags-input').val() + ',' + jQuery('#newtag').val();
// massage
newtags = newtags.replace( /\s+,+\s*/g, ',' ).replace( /,+/g, ',' ).replace( /,+\s+,+/g, ',' ).replace( /,+\s*$/g, '' ).replace( /^\s*,+/g, '' );
jQuery('#tags-input').val( newtags );
return false;
function tag_press_key( e ) {
if ( 13 == e.keyCode ) {
return false;
function edit_permalink(post_id) {
var i, c = 0;
var e = jQuery('#editable-post-name');
var revert_e = e.html();
var real_slug = jQuery('#post_name');
var b = jQuery('#edit-slug-buttons');
var revert_b = b.html();
var old_slug = e.children('span').html();
b.html(''+postL10n.save+' '+postL10n.cancel+'');
b.children('.save').click(function() {
var new_slug = e.children('input').attr('value');
jQuery.post(postL10n.requestFile, {
action: 'sample-permalink',
post_id: post_id,
new_slug: new_slug,
cookie: document.cookie}, function(data) {
real_slug.attr('value', new_slug);
return false;
jQuery('#edit-slug-buttons .cancel').click(function() {
real_slug.attr('value', revert_e);
return false;
for(i=0; i < revert_e.length; ++i) {
if ('%' == revert_e.charAt(i)) c++;
slug_value = (c > revert_e.length/4)? '' : revert_e;
var key = e.charCode ? e.charCode : e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : 0;
// on enter, just save the new slug, don't save the post
if (13 == key) {b.children('.save').click();return false;}
if (27 == key) {b.children('.cancel').click();return false;}
real_slug.attr('value', this.value)}).focus();
function make_slugedit_clickable() {
jQuery('#editable-post-name').click(function() {jQuery('#edit-slug-buttons').children('.edit-slug').click()});
addLoadEvent( function() {
// postboxes
// If no tags on the page, skip the tag and category stuff.
if ( !jQuery('#tags-input').size() ) {
// Editable slugs
// add the quickadd form
jQuery('#tagadd').click( tag_flush_to_text );
jQuery('#newtag').focus(function() {
if ( this.value == postL10n.addTag )
jQuery(this).val( '' ).removeClass( 'form-input-tip' );
jQuery('#newtag').blur(function() {
if ( this.value == '' )
jQuery(this).val( postL10n.addTag ).addClass( 'form-input-tip' );
// auto-suggest stuff
jQuery('#newtag').suggest( 'admin-ajax.php?action=ajax-tag-search', { delay: 500, minchars: 2 } );
jQuery('#newtag').keypress( tag_press_key );
// category tabs
var categoryTabs =jQuery('#category-tabs').tabs();
// Ajax Cat
var newCat = jQuery('#newcat').one( 'focus', function() { jQuery(this).val( '' ).removeClass( 'form-input-tip' ) } );
jQuery('#category-add-sumbit').click( function() { newCat.focus(); } );
var newCatParent = false;
var newCatParentOption = false;
var noSyncChecks = false; // prophylactic. necessary?
var syncChecks = function() {
if ( noSyncChecks )
noSyncChecks = true;
var th = jQuery(this);
var c = th.is(':checked');
var id = th.val().toString();
jQuery('#in-category-' + id + ', #in-popular-category-' + id).attr( 'checked', c );
noSyncChecks = false;
var catAddAfter = function( r, s ) {
if ( !newCatParent ) newCatParent = jQuery('#newcat_parent');
if ( !newCatParentOption ) newCatParentOption = newCatParent.find( 'option[value=-1]' );
jQuery(s.what + ' response_data', r).each( function() {
var t = jQuery(jQuery(this).text());
t.find( 'label' ).each( function() {
var th = jQuery(this);
var val = th.find('input').val();
var id = th.find('input')[0].id
jQuery('#' + id).change( syncChecks );
if ( newCatParent.find( 'option[value=' + val + ']' ).size() )
var name = jQuery.trim( th.text() );
var o = jQuery( '' ).text( name );
newCatParent.prepend( o );
} );
newCatParentOption.attr( 'selected', true );
} );
jQuery('#categorychecklist').wpList( {
alt: '',
response: 'category-ajax-response',
addAfter: catAddAfter
} );
jQuery('#category-add-toggle').click( function() {
jQuery(this).parents('div:first').toggleClass( 'wp-hidden-children' );
categoryTabs.tabsClick( 1 );
return false;
} );
jQuery('.categorychecklist :checkbox').change( syncChecks ).filter( ':checked' ).change();
wpEditorInit = function() {
// Activate tinyMCE if it's the user's default editor
if ( ( 'undefined' == typeof wpTinyMCEConfig ) || 'tinymce' == wpTinyMCEConfig.defaultEditor ) {
document.getElementById('editorcontainer').style.padding = '0px';
tinyMCE.execCommand("mceAddControl", true, "content");
} else {
var H;
if ( H = tinymce.util.Cookie.getHash("TinyMCE_content_size") )
document.getElementById('content').style.height = H.ch - 30 + 'px';
switchEditors = {
saveCallback : function(el, content, body) {
document.getElementById(el).style.color = '#fff';
if ( tinyMCE.activeEditor.isHidden() )
content = document.getElementById(el).value;
content = this.pre_wpautop(content);
return content;
pre_wpautop : function(content) {
// We have a TON of cleanup to do.
// content = content.replace(/\n|\r/g, ' ');
// Remove anonymous, empty paragraphs.
content = content.replace(new RegExp('
(\\s| |
', 'mg'), '$1'); // Get it ready for wpautop. content = content.replace(new RegExp('\\s*', 'mgi'), ''); content = content.replace(new RegExp('\\s*
\\s*', 'mgi'), '\n\n'); content = content.replace(new RegExp('\\n\\s*\\n', 'mgi'), '\n\n'); content = content.replace(new RegExp('\\s*