// Ensure the global `wp` object exists. window.wp = window.wp || {}; (function($){ var views = {}, instances = {}; // Create the `wp.mce` object if necessary. wp.mce = wp.mce || {}; // wp.mce.view // ----------- // A set of utilities that simplifies adding custom UI within a TinyMCE editor. // At its core, it serves as a series of converters, transforming text to a // custom UI, and back again. wp.mce.view = { // ### defaults defaults: { // The default properties used for objects with the `pattern` key in // `wp.mce.view.add()`. pattern: { view: Backbone.View, text: function( instance ) { return instance.options.original; }, toView: function( content ) { if ( ! this.pattern ) return; this.pattern.lastIndex = 0; var match = this.pattern.exec( content ); if ( ! match ) return; return { index: match.index, content: match[0], options: { original: match[0], results: match } }; } }, // The default properties used for objects with the `shortcode` key in // `wp.mce.view.add()`. shortcode: { view: Backbone.View, text: function( instance ) { return instance.options.shortcode.string(); }, toView: function( content ) { var match = wp.shortcode.next( this.shortcode, content ); if ( ! match ) return; return { index: match.index, content: match.content, options: { shortcode: match.shortcode } }; } } }, // ### add( id, options ) // Registers a new TinyMCE view. // // Accepts a unique `id` and an `options` object. // // `options` accepts the following properties: // // * `pattern` is the regular expression used to scan the content and // detect matching views. // // * `view` is a `Backbone.View` constructor. If a plain object is // provided, it will automatically extend the parent constructor // (usually `Backbone.View`). Views are instantiated when the `pattern` // is successfully matched. The instance's `options` object is provided // with the `original` matched value, the match `results` including // capture groups, and the `viewType`, which is the constructor's `id`. // // * `extend` an existing view by passing in its `id`. The current // view will inherit all properties from the parent view, and if // `view` is set to a plain object, it will extend the parent `view` // constructor. // // * `text` is a method that accepts an instance of the `view` // constructor and transforms it into a text representation. add: function( id, options ) { var parent, remove, base, properties; // Fetch the parent view or the default options. if ( options.extend ) parent = wp.mce.view.get( options.extend ); else if ( options.shortcode ) parent = wp.mce.view.defaults.shortcode; else parent = wp.mce.view.defaults.pattern; // Extend the `options` object with the parent's properties. _.defaults( options, parent ); options.id = id; // Create properties used to enhance the view for use in TinyMCE. properties = { // Ensure the wrapper element and references to the view are // removed. Otherwise, removed views could randomly restore. remove: function() { delete instances[ this.el.id ]; this.$el.parent().remove(); // Trigger the inherited `remove` method. if ( remove ) remove.apply( this, arguments ); return this; } }; // If the `view` provided was an object, use the parent's // `view` constructor as a base. If a `view` constructor // was provided, treat that as the base. if ( _.isFunction( options.view ) ) { base = options.view; } else { base = parent.view; remove = options.view.remove; _.defaults( properties, options.view ); } // If there's a `remove` method on the `base` view that wasn't // created by this method, inherit it. if ( ! remove && ! base._mceview ) remove = base.prototype.remove; // Automatically create the new `Backbone.View` constructor. options.view = base.extend( properties, { // Flag that the new view has been created by `wp.mce.view`. _mceview: true }); views[ id ] = options; }, // ### get( id ) // Returns a TinyMCE view options object. get: function( id ) { return views[ id ]; }, // ### remove( id ) // Unregisters a TinyMCE view. remove: function( id ) { delete views[ id ]; }, // ### toViews( content ) // Scans a `content` string for each view's pattern, replacing any // matches with wrapper elements, and creates a new view instance for // every match. // // To render the views, call `wp.mce.view.render( scope )`. toViews: function( content ) { var pieces = [ { content: content } ], current; _.each( views, function( view, viewType ) { current = pieces.slice(); pieces = []; _.each( current, function( piece ) { var remaining = piece.content, result; // Ignore processed pieces, but retain their location. if ( piece.processed ) { pieces.push( piece ); return; } // Iterate through the string progressively matching views // and slicing the string as we go. while ( remaining && (result = view.toView( remaining )) ) { // Any text before the match becomes an unprocessed piece. if ( result.index ) pieces.push({ content: remaining.substring( 0, result.index ) }); // Add the processed piece for the match. pieces.push({ content: wp.mce.view.toView( viewType, result.options ), processed: true }); // Update the remaining content. remaining = remaining.slice( result.index + result.content.length ); } // There are no additional matches. If any content remains, // add it as an unprocessed piece. if ( remaining ) pieces.push({ content: remaining }); }); }); return _.pluck( pieces, 'content' ).join(''); }, toView: function( viewType, options ) { var view = wp.mce.view.get( viewType ), instance, id; if ( ! view ) return ''; // Create a new view instance. instance = new view.view( _.extend( options || {}, { viewType: viewType }) ); // Use the view's `id` if it already exists. Otherwise, // create a new `id`. id = instance.el.id = instance.el.id || _.uniqueId('__wpmce-'); instances[ id ] = instance; // Create a dummy `$wrapper` property to allow `$wrapper` to be // called in the view's `render` method without a conditional. instance.$wrapper = $(); return wp.html.string({ // If the view is a span, wrap it in a span. tag: 'span' === instance.tagName ? 'span' : 'div', attrs: { 'class': 'wp-view-wrap wp-view-type-' + viewType, 'data-wp-view': id, 'contenteditable': false } }); }, // ### render( scope ) // Renders any view instances inside a DOM node `scope`. // // View instances are detected by the presence of wrapper elements. // To generate wrapper elements, pass your content through // `wp.mce.view.toViews( content )`. render: function( scope ) { $( '.wp-view-wrap', scope ).each( function() { var wrapper = $(this), view = wp.mce.view.instance( this ); if ( ! view ) return; // Link the real wrapper to the view. view.$wrapper = wrapper; // Render the view. view.render(); // Detach the view element to ensure events are not unbound. view.$el.detach(); // Empty the wrapper, attach the view element to the wrapper, // and add an ending marker to the wrapper to help regexes // scan the HTML string. wrapper.empty().append( view.el ).append(''); }); }, // ### toText( content ) // Scans an HTML `content` string and replaces any view instances with // their respective text representations. toText: function( content ) { return content.replace( /<(?:div|span)[^>]+data-wp-view="([^"]+)"[^>]*>.*?]+data-wp-view-end[^>]*><\/span><\/(?:div|span)>/g, function( match, id ) { var instance = instances[ id ], view; if ( instance ) view = wp.mce.view.get( instance.options.viewType ); return instance && view ? view.text( instance ) : ''; }); }, // ### Remove internal TinyMCE attributes. removeInternalAttrs: function( attrs ) { var result = {}; _.each( attrs, function( value, attr ) { if ( -1 === attr.indexOf('data-mce') ) result[ attr ] = value; }); return result; }, // ### Parse an attribute string and removes internal TinyMCE attributes. attrs: function( content ) { return wp.mce.view.removeInternalAttrs( wp.html.attrs( content ) ); }, // ### instance( scope ) // // Accepts a MCE view wrapper `node` (i.e. a node with the // `wp-view-wrap` class). instance: function( node ) { var id = $( node ).data('wp-view'); if ( id ) return instances[ id ]; }, // ### Select a view. // // Accepts a MCE view wrapper `node` (i.e. a node with the // `wp-view-wrap` class). select: function( node ) { var $node = $(node); // Bail if node is already selected. if ( $node.hasClass('selected') ) return; $node.addClass('selected'); $( node.firstChild ).trigger('select'); }, // ### Deselect a view. // // Accepts a MCE view wrapper `node` (i.e. a node with the // `wp-view-wrap` class). deselect: function( node ) { var $node = $(node); // Bail if node is already selected. if ( ! $node.hasClass('selected') ) return; $node.removeClass('selected'); $( node.firstChild ).trigger('deselect'); } }; }(jQuery));