/* eslint no-magic-numbers: ["error", { "ignore": [-1, 0, 1] }] */ if ( ! window.wp ) { window.wp = {}; } wp.themePluginEditor = (function( $ ) { 'use strict'; var component = { l10n: { lintError: { singular: '', plural: '' }, saveAlert: '' }, codeEditor: {}, instance: null, noticeElements: {}, dirty: false, lintErrors: [] }; /** * Initialize component. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {jQuery} form - Form element. * @param {object} settings - Settings. * @param {object|boolean} settings.codeEditor - Code editor settings (or `false` if syntax highlighting is disabled). * @returns {void} */ component.init = function init( form, settings ) { component.form = form; if ( settings ) { $.extend( component, settings ); } component.noticeTemplate = wp.template( 'wp-file-editor-notice' ); component.noticesContainer = component.form.find( '.editor-notices' ); component.submitButton = component.form.find( ':input[name=submit]' ); component.spinner = component.form.find( '.submit .spinner' ); component.form.on( 'submit', component.submit ); component.textarea = component.form.find( '#newcontent' ); component.textarea.on( 'change', component.onChange ); component.warning = $( '.file-editor-warning' ); if ( component.warning.length > 0 ) { $( 'body' ).addClass( 'modal-open' ); component.warning.find( '.file-editor-warning-dismiss' ).focus(); component.warning.on( 'click', '.file-editor-warning-dismiss', component.dismissWarning ); } if ( false !== component.codeEditor ) { /* * Defer adding notices until after DOM ready as workaround for WP Admin injecting * its own managed dismiss buttons and also to prevent the editor from showing a notice * when the file had linting errors to begin with. */ _.defer( function() { component.initCodeEditor(); } ); } $( window ).on( 'beforeunload', function() { if ( component.dirty ) { return component.l10n.saveAlert; } return undefined; } ); }; /** * Dismiss the warning modal. * * @since 4.9.0 * @returns {void} */ component.dismissWarning = function() { wp.ajax.post( 'dismiss-wp-pointer', { pointer: component.themeOrPlugin + '_editor_notice' }); // hide modal component.warning.remove(); $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'modal-open' ); // return focus - is this a trap? component.instance.codemirror.focus(); }; /** * Callback for when a change happens. * * @since 4.9.0 * @returns {void} */ component.onChange = function() { component.dirty = true; component.removeNotice( 'file_saved' ); }; /** * Submit file via Ajax. * * @since 4.9.0 * @param {jQuery.Event} event - Event. * @returns {void} */ component.submit = function( event ) { var data = {}, request; event.preventDefault(); // Prevent form submission in favor of Ajax below. $.each( component.form.serializeArray(), function() { data[ this.name ] = this.value; } ); // Use value from codemirror if present. if ( component.instance ) { data.newcontent = component.instance.codemirror.getValue(); } if ( component.isSaving ) { return; } // Scroll ot the line that has the error. if ( component.lintErrors.length ) { component.instance.codemirror.setCursor( component.lintErrors[0].from.line ); return; } component.isSaving = true; component.textarea.prop( 'readonly', true ); if ( component.instance ) { component.instance.codemirror.setOption( 'readOnly', true ); } component.spinner.addClass( 'is-active' ); request = wp.ajax.post( 'edit-theme-plugin-file', data ); // Remove previous save notice before saving. if ( component.lastSaveNoticeCode ) { component.removeNotice( component.lastSaveNoticeCode ); } request.done( function ( response ) { component.lastSaveNoticeCode = 'file_saved'; component.addNotice({ code: component.lastSaveNoticeCode, type: 'success', message: response.message, dismissible: true }); component.dirty = false; } ); request.fail( function ( response ) { var notice = $.extend( { code: 'save_error' }, response, { type: 'error', dismissible: true } ); component.lastSaveNoticeCode = notice.code; component.addNotice( notice ); } ); request.always( function() { component.spinner.removeClass( 'is-active' ); component.isSaving = false; component.textarea.prop( 'readonly', false ); if ( component.instance ) { component.instance.codemirror.setOption( 'readOnly', false ); } } ); }; /** * Add notice. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {object} notice - Notice. * @param {string} notice.code - Code. * @param {string} notice.type - Type. * @param {string} notice.message - Message. * @param {boolean} [notice.dismissible=false] - Dismissible. * @param {Function} [notice.onDismiss] - Callback for when a user dismisses the notice. * @returns {jQuery} Notice element. */ component.addNotice = function( notice ) { var noticeElement; if ( ! notice.code ) { throw new Error( 'Missing code.' ); } // Only let one notice of a given type be displayed at a time. component.removeNotice( notice.code ); noticeElement = $( component.noticeTemplate( notice ) ); noticeElement.hide(); noticeElement.find( '.notice-dismiss' ).on( 'click', function() { component.removeNotice( notice.code ); if ( notice.onDismiss ) { notice.onDismiss( notice ); } } ); wp.a11y.speak( notice.message ); component.noticesContainer.append( noticeElement ); noticeElement.slideDown( 'fast' ); component.noticeElements[ notice.code ] = noticeElement; return noticeElement; }; /** * Remove notice. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {string} code - Notice code. * @returns {boolean} Whether a notice was removed. */ component.removeNotice = function( code ) { if ( component.noticeElements[ code ] ) { component.noticeElements[ code ].slideUp( 'fast', function() { $( this ).remove(); } ); delete component.noticeElements[ code ]; return true; } return false; }; /** * Initialize code editor. * * @since 4.9.0 * @returns {void} */ component.initCodeEditor = function initCodeEditor() { var codeEditorSettings, editor; codeEditorSettings = $.extend( {}, component.codeEditor ); /** * Handle tabbing to the field before the editor. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @returns {void} */ codeEditorSettings.onTabPrevious = function() { $( '#templateside' ).find( ':tabbable' ).last().focus(); }; /** * Handle tabbing to the field after the editor. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @returns {void} */ codeEditorSettings.onTabNext = function() { $( '#template' ).find( ':tabbable:not(.CodeMirror-code)' ).first().focus(); }; /** * Handle change to the linting errors. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {Array} errors - List of linting errors. * @returns {void} */ codeEditorSettings.onChangeLintingErrors = function( errors ) { component.lintErrors = errors; // Only disable the button in onUpdateErrorNotice when there are errors so users can still feel they can click the button. if ( 0 === errors.length ) { component.submitButton.toggleClass( 'disabled', false ); } }; /** * Update error notice. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {Array} errorAnnotations - Error annotations. * @returns {void} */ codeEditorSettings.onUpdateErrorNotice = function onUpdateErrorNotice( errorAnnotations ) { var message, noticeElement; component.submitButton.toggleClass( 'disabled', errorAnnotations.length > 0 ); if ( 0 !== errorAnnotations.length ) { if ( 1 === errorAnnotations.length ) { message = component.l10n.lintError.singular.replace( '%d', '1' ); } else { message = component.l10n.lintError.plural.replace( '%d', String( errorAnnotations.length ) ); } noticeElement = component.addNotice({ code: 'lint_errors', type: 'error', message: message, dismissible: false }); noticeElement.find( 'input[type=checkbox]' ).on( 'click', function() { codeEditorSettings.onChangeLintingErrors( [] ); component.removeNotice( 'lint_errors' ); } ); } else { component.removeNotice( 'lint_errors' ); } }; editor = wp.codeEditor.initialize( $( '#newcontent' ), codeEditorSettings ); editor.codemirror.on( 'change', component.onChange ); // Improve the editor accessibility. $( editor.codemirror.display.lineDiv ) .attr({ role: 'textbox', 'aria-multiline': 'true', 'aria-labelledby': 'theme-plugin-editor-label', 'aria-describedby': 'editor-keyboard-trap-help-1 editor-keyboard-trap-help-2 editor-keyboard-trap-help-3 editor-keyboard-trap-help-4' }); // Focus the editor when clicking on its label. $( '#theme-plugin-editor-label' ).on( 'click', function() { editor.codemirror.focus(); }); component.instance = editor; }; return component; })( jQuery );