( function( $ ) { $( document ).ready( function() { var $primaryNaviClone, $secondaryNaviClone, $masthead = $( '#masthead' ), $secondaryTop = $( '#secondary-top' ), $mobileNavigations = $( '#mobile-navigations'), $searchBoxWrapper = $( 'div.search-box-wrapper' ), $searchToggle = $( 'div.search-toggle' ), timeout = false; // Toggle function. function menuToggle() { $( 'span#nav-toggle' ).toggleClass( 'active' ); $masthead.find( '#mobile-navigations' ).toggleClass( 'hide' ); } // Click event for toggle the search $searchToggle.click( function() { $( this ).toggleClass( 'active' ); $searchBoxWrapper.toggleClass( 'hide' ); if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'active' ) ) $searchBoxWrapper.find( '.search-field' ).focus(); } ); // DOM manipulations for mobile header function mobileHeader() { // Check if the toggler exists. If not add it. if ( ! $( '#nav-toggle' ).length ) $( '' ).appendTo( $masthead ); // Clone and detach the primary navigation for use later $primaryNaviClone = $masthead.find( 'nav.primary-navigation' ).detach(); // Clone and detach the secondary navigation for use later $secondaryNaviClone = $secondaryTop.find( 'nav.secondary-navigation' ).detach(); // Prepend the primary navigation clone to #mobile-navigations and remove the class and add an id $primaryNaviClone.prependTo( $mobileNavigations ).removeClass( 'primary-navigation' ).addClass( 'mobile-navigation' ).attr( 'id', 'primary-mobile-navigation' ); // Append the secondary navigation clone to #mobile-navigations and remove the class and add an id $secondaryNaviClone.appendTo( $mobileNavigations ).removeClass( 'secondary-navigation' ).addClass( 'mobile-navigation' ).attr( 'id', 'secondary-mobile-navigation' ); // Remove the click event first and bind it after to make sure it's invoked once. $( 'span#nav-toggle' ).off( 'click', menuToggle ).click( menuToggle ); }; // DOM manupilations for desktop header function normalHeader() { // Check if the toggler exists. If it does remove it. if ( $( 'span#nav-toggle').length ) $( 'span#nav-toggle' ).remove(); // Clone and detach the primary mobile navigation for use later $primaryNaviClone = $mobileNavigations.find( '#primary-mobile-navigation' ).detach(); // Clone and detach the secondary mobile navigation for use later $secondaryNaviClone = $mobileNavigations.find( '#secondary-mobile-navigation' ).detach(); // Append the secondary navigation clone to #mobile-navigations and remove the class and add an id $primaryNaviClone.appendTo( '.header-main' ).removeClass( 'mobile-navigation' ).removeAttr( 'id' ).addClass( 'primary-navigation' ); // Append the secondary navigation clone to #mobile-navigations and remove the class and add an id $secondaryNaviClone.appendTo( $secondaryTop ).removeClass( 'mobile-navigation' ).removeAttr( 'id' ).addClass( 'secondary-navigation' ); }; // Check viewport width when user resizes the browser window. $( window ).resize( function() { if ( false !== timeout ) clearTimeout( timeout ); timeout = setTimeout( function() { if ( $( window ).width() < 770 ) { mobileHeader(); } else { normalHeader(); } }, 100 ); } ).resize(); // Sticky header. var $mastheadOffset = -1, $toolbarOffset = $( 'body' ).is( '.admin-bar' ) ? 32 : 0, $maindiv = $( '#main' ); $( window ).on( 'scroll', false, function() { if ( $mastheadOffset < 0 ) $mastheadOffset = $masthead.offset().top - $toolbarOffset; if ( ( window.scrollY > $mastheadOffset ) && ( $( window ).width() > 769 ) ) { $masthead.addClass( 'masthead-fixed' ); $maindiv.css( { marginTop: $masthead.height() } ); } else { $masthead.removeClass( 'masthead-fixed' ); $maindiv.css( { marginTop: 0 } ); } } ); // Arranges footer widgets vertically. if ( $.isFunction( $.fn.masonry ) ) { $( '#footer-sidebar' ).masonry( { itemSelector: '.widget', columnWidth: 225, gutterWidth: 27, isRTL: $( 'body' ).is( '.rtl' ) } ); } } ); /* Accessibility hover styles for menu. */ $( '.primary-navigation li' ).hover( function() { $( this ).addClass( 'a11y-focus' ); }, function() { $( this ).delay( '250' ).removeClass( 'a11y-focus' ); } ); $( '.primary-navigation li a' ).on( 'focus blur', function() { $( this ).parents().toggleClass( 'a11y-focus' ); } ); } )( jQuery );