check_permissions(); $title = __( 'Sites' ); $parent_file = 'sites.php'; add_screen_option( 'per_page', array('label' => _x( 'Sites', 'sites per page (screen options)' )) ); add_contextual_help($current_screen, '
' . __('Add New takes you to the Add New Site screen. You can search for a site by Name, ID number, or IP address. Screen Options allows you to choose how many sites to display on one page.') . '
' . '' . __('This is the main table of all sites on this network. Switch between list and excerpt views by using the icons above the right side of the table.') . '
' . '' . __('Hovering over each site reveals seven options (three for the primary site):') . '
' . '' . __('The site ID is used internally, and is not shown on the front end of the site or to users/viewers.') . '
' . '' . __('Clicking on bold settings can re-sort this table. The upper right icons switch between list and excerpt views.') . '
' . '' . __('If the admin email for the new site does not exist in the database, a new user will also be created.') . '
' . '' . __('For more information:') . '
' . '' . __('Documentation on Sites') . '
' . '' . __('Support Forums') . '
' ); $id = isset( $_REQUEST['id'] ) ? intval( $_REQUEST['id'] ) : 0; $msg = ''; if ( isset( $_REQUEST['updated'] ) && $_REQUEST['updated'] == 'true' && ! empty( $_REQUEST['action'] ) ) { switch ( $_REQUEST['action'] ) { case 'all_notspam': $msg = __( 'Sites removed from spam.' ); break; case 'all_spam': $msg = __( 'Sites marked as spam.' ); break; case 'all_delete': $msg = __( 'Sites deleted.' ); break; case 'delete': $msg = __( 'Site deleted.' ); case 'not_deleted': $msg = __( 'You do not have permission to delete that site.' ); break; case 'archive': $msg = __( 'Site archived.' ); break; case 'unarchive': $msg = __( 'Site unarchived.' ); break; case 'activate': $msg = __( 'Site activated.' ); break; case 'deactivate': $msg = __( 'Site deactivated.' ); break; case 'unspam': $msg = __( 'Site removed from spam.' ); break; case 'spam': $msg = __( 'Site marked as spam.' ); break; default: $msg = __( 'Settings saved.' ); break; } if ( $msg ) $msg = '' . $msg . '