/* global tinymce */ tinymce.PluginManager.add('wpgallery', function( editor ) { function parseGallery( content ) { return content.replace( /\[gallery([^\]]*)\]/g, function( match, attr ) { var data = tinymce.DOM.encode( attr ); return ''; }); } function getGallery( content ) { function getAttr( str, name ) { name = new RegExp( name + '=\"([^\"]+)\"', 'g' ).exec( str ); return name ? tinymce.DOM.decode( name[1] ) : ''; } return content.replace( /(?:
]*>)*(]+>)(?:<\/p>)*/g, function( match, image ) { var cls = getAttr( image, 'class' ); if ( cls.indexOf('wp-gallery') !== -1 ) { return '
['+ tinymce.trim( getAttr( image, 'title' ) ) +']
'; } return match; }); } // Register the command so that it can be invoked by using tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand('...'); editor.addCommand( 'WP_Gallery', function() { var gallery, frame, node; // Check if the `wp.media.gallery` API exists. if ( typeof wp === 'undefined' || ! wp.media || ! wp.media.gallery ) { return; } node = editor.selection.getNode(); gallery = wp.media.gallery; // Make sure we've selected a gallery node. if ( node.nodeName === 'IMG' && editor.dom.hasClass( node, 'wp-gallery' ) ) { frame = gallery.edit( '[' + editor.dom.getAttrib( node, 'title' ) + ']' ); frame.state('gallery-edit').on( 'update', function( selection ) { var shortcode = gallery.shortcode( selection ).string().slice( 1, -1 ); editor.dom.setAttrib( node, 'title', shortcode ); }); } }); /* editor.on( 'init', function( e ) { // _createButtons() // iOS6 doesn't show the buttons properly on click, show them on 'touchstart' if ( 'ontouchstart' in window ) { editor.dom.events.bind( editor.getBody(), 'touchstart', function( e ) { var target = e.target; if ( target.nodeName == 'IMG' && editor.dom.hasClass( target, 'wp-gallery' ) ) { editor.selection.select( target ); editor.dom.events.cancel( e ); editor.plugins.wordpress._hideButtons(); editor.plugins.wordpress._showButtons( target, 'wp_gallerybtns' ); } }); } }); */ editor.on( 'mouseup', function( e ) { if ( e.target.nodeName === 'IMG' && editor.dom.hasClass( e.target, 'wp-gallery' ) ) { // Don't trigger on right-click if ( e.button !== 2 ) { if ( editor.dom.hasClass( e.target, 'wp-gallery-selected' ) ) { editor.execCommand('WP_Gallery'); editor.dom.removeClass( e.target, 'wp-gallery-selected' ); } else { editor.dom.addClass( e.target, 'wp-gallery-selected' ); } } } else { editor.dom.removeClass( editor.dom.select( 'img.wp-gallery-selected' ), 'wp-gallery-selected' ); } }); // Display 'gallery' instead of img in element path editor.on( 'ResolveName', function( e ) { var dom = editor.dom, target = e.target; if ( target.nodeName === 'IMG' && dom.hasClass( target, 'wp-gallery' ) ) { e.name = 'gallery'; } }); editor.on( 'BeforeSetContent', function( e ) { e.content = parseGallery( e.content ); }); editor.on( 'PostProcess', function( e ) { if ( e.get ) { e.content = getGallery( e.content ); } }); return { _do_gallery: parseGallery, _get_gallery: getGallery }; });