/* global tinymce */ /** * WordPress View plugin. */ tinymce.PluginManager.add( 'wpview', function( editor ) { var selected, Env = tinymce.Env, VK = tinymce.util.VK, TreeWalker = tinymce.dom.TreeWalker, toRemove = false, firstFocus = true, _noop = function() { return false; }, isios = /iPad|iPod|iPhone/.test( navigator.userAgent ), cursorInterval, lastKeyDownNode, setViewCursorTries, focus, execCommandView, execCommandBefore; function getView( node ) { return getParent( node, 'wpview-wrap' ); } /** * Returns the node or a parent of the node that has the passed className. * Doing this directly is about 40% faster */ function getParent( node, className ) { while ( node && node.parentNode ) { if ( node.className && ( ' ' + node.className + ' ' ).indexOf( ' ' + className + ' ' ) !== -1 ) { return node; } node = node.parentNode; } return false; } /** * Get the text/shortcode string for a view. * * @param view The view wrapper's node * @returns string The text/shoercode string of the view */ function getViewText( view ) { if ( view = getView( view ) ) { return window.decodeURIComponent( editor.dom.getAttrib( view, 'data-wpview-text' ) || '' ); } return ''; } /** * Set the view's original text/shortcode string * * @param view The view wrapper's HTML id or node * @param text The text string to be set */ function setViewText( view, text ) { view = getView( view ); if ( view ) { editor.dom.setAttrib( view, 'data-wpview-text', window.encodeURIComponent( text || '' ) ); return true; } return false; } function _stop( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); } function setViewCursor( before, view ) { var location = before ? 'before' : 'after', offset = before ? 0 : 1; deselect(); editor.selection.setCursorLocation( editor.dom.select( '.wpview-selection-' + location, view )[0], offset ); editor.nodeChanged(); } function handleEnter( view, before, key ) { var dom = editor.dom, padNode = dom.create( 'p' ); if ( ! ( Env.ie && Env.ie < 11 ) ) { padNode.innerHTML = '
'; } if ( before ) { view.parentNode.insertBefore( padNode, view ); } else { dom.insertAfter( padNode, view ); } deselect(); if ( before && key === VK.ENTER ) { setViewCursor( before, view ); } else { editor.selection.setCursorLocation( padNode, 0 ); } editor.nodeChanged(); } function removeView( view ) { // TODO: trigger an event to run a clean up function. // Maybe `jQuery( view ).trigger( 'remove' );`? editor.undoManager.transact( function() { handleEnter( view ); editor.dom.remove( view ); }); } function select( viewNode ) { var clipboard, dom = editor.dom; if ( ! viewNode ) { return; } // Adjust the toolbar position and bail if node is already selected. if ( viewNode === selected ) { adjustToolbarPosition( viewNode ); return; } // Make sure that the editor is focused. // It is possible that the editor is not focused when the mouse event fires // without focus, the selection will not work properly. editor.getBody().focus(); deselect(); selected = viewNode; dom.setAttrib( viewNode, 'data-mce-selected', 1 ); adjustToolbarPosition( viewNode ); clipboard = dom.create( 'div', { 'class': 'wpview-clipboard', 'contenteditable': 'true' }, getViewText( viewNode ) ); editor.dom.select( '.wpview-body', viewNode )[0].appendChild( clipboard ); // Both of the following are necessary to prevent manipulating the selection/focus dom.bind( clipboard, 'beforedeactivate focusin focusout', _stop ); dom.bind( selected, 'beforedeactivate focusin focusout', _stop ); // select the hidden div if ( isios ) { editor.selection.select( clipboard ); } else { editor.selection.select( clipboard, true ); } editor.nodeChanged(); editor.fire( 'wpview-selected', viewNode ); } function adjustToolbarPosition( viewNode ) { var delta = 0, toolbar = editor.$( viewNode ).find( '.toolbar' ), editorToolbar = tinymce.$( editor.editorContainer ).find( '.mce-toolbar-grp' )[0], editorToolbarBottom = ( editorToolbar && editorToolbar.getBoundingClientRect().bottom ) || 0; if ( toolbar.length && editor.iframeElement ) { // 48 = 43 for the toolbar + 5 buffer delta = viewNode.getBoundingClientRect().top + editor.iframeElement.getBoundingClientRect().top - editorToolbarBottom - 48; } if ( delta < 0 ) { toolbar.removeClass( 'mce-arrow-down' ).css({ top: ( -43 + delta * -1 ) }); } else if ( delta > 0 && ! toolbar.hasClass( 'mce-arrow-down' ) ) { toolbar.addClass( 'mce-arrow-down' ).css({ top: '' }); } } /** * Deselect a selected view and remove clipboard */ function deselect() { var clipboard, dom = editor.dom; if ( selected ) { clipboard = editor.dom.select( '.wpview-clipboard', selected )[0]; dom.unbind( clipboard ); dom.remove( clipboard ); dom.unbind( selected, 'beforedeactivate focusin focusout click mouseup', _stop ); dom.setAttrib( selected, 'data-mce-selected', null ); } selected = null; } // Check if the `wp.mce` API exists. if ( typeof wp === 'undefined' || ! wp.mce ) { return { getViewText: _noop, setViewText: _noop, getView: _noop }; } // Remove the content of view wrappers from HTML string function emptyViews( content ) { return content.replace(/]+data-wpview-text=\"([^"]+)"[^>]*>[\s\S]+?wpview-selection-after[^>]+>(?: |\u00a0)*<\/p><\/div>/g, '$1' ); } // Prevent adding undo levels on changes inside a view wrapper editor.on( 'BeforeAddUndo', function( event ) { if ( event.lastLevel && emptyViews( event.level.content ) === emptyViews( event.lastLevel.content ) ) { event.preventDefault(); } }); // When the editor's content changes, scan the new content for // matching view patterns, and transform the matches into // view wrappers. editor.on( 'BeforeSetContent', function( event ) { var node; if ( ! event.content ) { return; } if ( selected ) { removeView( selected ); } node = editor.selection.getNode(); // When a url is pasted, only try to embed it when pasted in an empty paragrapgh. if ( event.content.match( /^\s*(https?:\/\/[^\s"]+)\s*$/i ) && ( node.nodeName !== 'P' || node.parentNode !== editor.getBody() || ! editor.dom.isEmpty( node ) ) ) { return; } event.content = wp.mce.views.toViews( event.content ); }); // When the editor's content has been updated and the DOM has been // processed, render the views in the document. editor.on( 'SetContent', function() { wp.mce.views.render(); }); // Set the cursor before or after a view when clicking next to it. editor.on( 'click', function( event ) { var x = event.clientX, y = event.clientY, body = editor.getBody(), bodyRect = body.getBoundingClientRect(), first = body.firstChild, firstRect = first.getBoundingClientRect(), last = body.lastChild, lastRect = last.getBoundingClientRect(), view; if ( y < firstRect.top && ( view = getView( first ) ) ) { setViewCursor( true, view ); event.preventDefault(); } else if ( y > lastRect.bottom && ( view = getView( last ) ) ) { setViewCursor( false, view ); event.preventDefault(); } else { tinymce.each( editor.dom.select( '.wpview-wrap' ), function( view ) { var rect = view.getBoundingClientRect(); if ( y >= rect.top && y <= rect.bottom ) { if ( x < bodyRect.left ) { setViewCursor( true, view ); event.preventDefault(); } else if ( x > bodyRect.right ) { setViewCursor( false, view ); event.preventDefault(); } return; } }); } }); editor.on( 'init', function() { var scrolled = false, selection = editor.selection, MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver; // When a view is selected, ensure content that is being pasted // or inserted is added to a text node (instead of the view). editor.on( 'BeforeSetContent', function() { var walker, target, view = getView( selection.getNode() ); // If the selection is not within a view, bail. if ( ! view ) { return; } if ( ! view.nextSibling || getView( view.nextSibling ) ) { // If there are no additional nodes or the next node is a // view, create a text node after the current view. target = editor.getDoc().createTextNode(''); editor.dom.insertAfter( target, view ); } else { // Otherwise, find the next text node. walker = new TreeWalker( view.nextSibling, view.nextSibling ); target = walker.next(); } // Select the `target` text node. selection.select( target ); selection.collapse( true ); }); editor.dom.bind( editor.getDoc(), 'touchmove', function() { scrolled = true; }); editor.on( 'mousedown mouseup click touchend', function( event ) { var view = getView( event.target ); firstFocus = false; // Contain clicks inside the view wrapper if ( view ) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); event.preventDefault(); if ( ( event.type === 'touchend' || event.type === 'mousedown' ) && ! event.metaKey && ! event.ctrlKey ) { if ( editor.dom.hasClass( event.target, 'edit' ) ) { wp.mce.views.edit( view ); editor.focus(); return false; } else if ( editor.dom.hasClass( event.target, 'remove' ) ) { removeView( view ); return false; } } if ( event.type === 'touchend' && scrolled ) { scrolled = false; } else { select( view ); } // Returning false stops the ugly bars from appearing in IE11 and stops the view being selected as a range in FF. // Unfortunately, it also inhibits the dragging of views to a new location. return false; } else { if ( event.type === 'touchend' || event.type === 'mousedown' ) { deselect(); } } if ( event.type === 'touchend' && scrolled ) { scrolled = false; } }, true ); if ( MutationObserver ) { new MutationObserver( function() { editor.fire( 'wp-body-class-change' ); } ) .observe( editor.getBody(), { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class'] } ); } }); editor.on( 'PreProcess', function( event ) { // Empty the wpview wrap nodes tinymce.each( editor.dom.select( 'div[data-wpview-text]', event.node ), function( node ) { node.textContent = node.innerText = '\u00a0'; }); }); editor.on( 'PostProcess', function( event ) { if ( event.content ) { event.content = event.content.replace( /
]*?data-wpview-text="([^"]*)"[^>]*>[\s\S]*?<\/div>/g, function( match, shortcode ) { if ( shortcode ) { return '

' + window.decodeURIComponent( shortcode ) + '

'; } return ''; // If error, remove the view wrapper }); } }); // Excludes arrow keys, delete, backspace, enter, space bar. // Ref: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent.keyCode function isSpecialKey( key ) { return ( ( key <= 47 && key !== VK.SPACEBAR && key !== VK.ENTER && key !== VK.DELETE && key !== VK.BACKSPACE && ( key < 37 || key > 40 ) ) || key >= 224 || // OEM or non-printable ( key >= 144 && key <= 150 ) || // Num Lock, Scroll Lock, OEM ( key >= 91 && key <= 93 ) || // Windows keys ( key >= 112 && key <= 135 ) ); // F keys } // (De)select views when arrow keys are used to navigate the content of the editor. editor.on( 'keydown', function( event ) { var key = event.keyCode, dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection, node, view, cursorBefore, cursorAfter, range, clonedRange, tempRange; if ( selected ) { // Ignore key presses that involve the command or control key, but continue when in combination with backspace or v. // Also ignore the F# keys. if ( ( ( event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey ) && key !== VK.BACKSPACE && key !== 86 ) || ( key >= 112 && key <= 123 ) ) { // Remove the view when pressing cmd/ctrl+x on keyup, otherwise the browser can't copy the content. if ( ( event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey ) && key === 88 ) { toRemove = selected; } return; } view = getView( selection.getNode() ); // If the caret is not within the selected view, deselect the view and bail. if ( view !== selected ) { deselect(); return; } if ( key === VK.LEFT ) { setViewCursor( true, view ); event.preventDefault(); } else if ( key === VK.UP ) { if ( view.previousSibling ) { if ( getView( view.previousSibling ) ) { setViewCursor( true, view.previousSibling ); } else { deselect(); selection.select( view.previousSibling, true ); selection.collapse(); } } else { setViewCursor( true, view ); } event.preventDefault(); } else if ( key === VK.RIGHT ) { setViewCursor( false, view ); event.preventDefault(); } else if ( key === VK.DOWN ) { if ( view.nextSibling ) { if ( getView( view.nextSibling ) ) { setViewCursor( false, view.nextSibling ); } else { deselect(); selection.setCursorLocation( view.nextSibling, 0 ); } } else { setViewCursor( false, view ); } event.preventDefault(); // Ignore keys that don't insert anything. } else if ( ! isSpecialKey( key ) ) { removeView( selected ); if ( key === VK.ENTER || key === VK.DELETE || key === VK.BACKSPACE ) { event.preventDefault(); } } } else { if ( event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || ( key >= 112 && key <= 123 ) ) { return; } node = selection.getNode(); lastKeyDownNode = node; view = getView( node ); // Make sure we don't delete part of a view. // If the range ends or starts with the view, we'll need to trim it. if ( ! selection.isCollapsed() ) { range = selection.getRng(); if ( view = getView( range.endContainer ) ) { clonedRange = range.cloneRange(); selection.select( view.previousSibling, true ); selection.collapse(); tempRange = selection.getRng(); clonedRange.setEnd( tempRange.endContainer, tempRange.endOffset ); selection.setRng( clonedRange ); } else if ( view = getView( range.startContainer ) ) { clonedRange = range.cloneRange(); clonedRange.setStart( view.nextSibling, 0 ); selection.setRng( clonedRange ); } } if ( ! view ) { // Make sure we don't eat any content. if ( event.keyCode === VK.BACKSPACE ) { if ( editor.dom.isEmpty( node ) ) { if ( view = getView( node.previousSibling ) ) { setViewCursor( false, view ); editor.dom.remove( node ); event.preventDefault(); } } else if ( ( range = selection.getRng() ) && range.startOffset === 0 && range.endOffset === 0 && ( view = getView( node.previousSibling ) ) ) { setViewCursor( false, view ); event.preventDefault(); } } return; } if ( ! ( ( cursorBefore = dom.hasClass( view, 'wpview-selection-before' ) ) || ( cursorAfter = dom.hasClass( view, 'wpview-selection-after' ) ) ) ) { return; } if ( isSpecialKey( key ) ) { // ignore return; } if ( ( cursorAfter && key === VK.UP ) || ( cursorBefore && key === VK.BACKSPACE ) ) { if ( view.previousSibling ) { if ( getView( view.previousSibling ) ) { setViewCursor( false, view.previousSibling ); } else { if ( dom.isEmpty( view.previousSibling ) && key === VK.BACKSPACE ) { dom.remove( view.previousSibling ); } else { selection.select( view.previousSibling, true ); selection.collapse(); } } } else { setViewCursor( true, view ); } event.preventDefault(); } else if ( cursorAfter && ( key === VK.DOWN || key === VK.RIGHT ) ) { if ( view.nextSibling ) { if ( getView( view.nextSibling ) ) { setViewCursor( key === VK.RIGHT, view.nextSibling ); } else { selection.setCursorLocation( view.nextSibling, 0 ); } } event.preventDefault(); } else if ( cursorBefore && ( key === VK.UP || key === VK.LEFT ) ) { if ( view.previousSibling ) { if ( getView( view.previousSibling ) ) { setViewCursor( key === VK.UP, view.previousSibling ); } else { selection.select( view.previousSibling, true ); selection.collapse(); } } event.preventDefault(); } else if ( cursorBefore && key === VK.DOWN ) { if ( view.nextSibling ) { if ( getView( view.nextSibling ) ) { setViewCursor( true, view.nextSibling ); } else { selection.setCursorLocation( view.nextSibling, 0 ); } } else { setViewCursor( false, view ); } event.preventDefault(); } else if ( ( cursorAfter && key === VK.LEFT ) || ( cursorBefore && key === VK.RIGHT ) ) { select( view ); event.preventDefault(); } else if ( cursorAfter && key === VK.BACKSPACE ) { removeView( view ); event.preventDefault(); } else if ( cursorAfter ) { handleEnter( view ); } else if ( cursorBefore ) { handleEnter( view , true, key ); } if ( key === VK.ENTER ) { event.preventDefault(); } } }); editor.on( 'keyup', function() { if ( toRemove ) { removeView( toRemove ); toRemove = false; } }); editor.on( 'focus', function() { var view; focus = true; editor.dom.addClass( editor.getBody(), 'has-focus' ); // Edge case: show the fake caret when the editor is focused for the first time // and the first element is a view. if ( firstFocus && ( view = getView( editor.getBody().firstChild ) ) ) { setViewCursor( true, view ); } firstFocus = false; } ); editor.on( 'blur', function() { focus = false; editor.dom.removeClass( editor.getBody(), 'has-focus' ); } ); editor.on( 'NodeChange', function( event ) { var dom = editor.dom, views = editor.dom.select( '.wpview-wrap' ), className = event.element.className, view = getView( event.element ), lKDN = lastKeyDownNode; lastKeyDownNode = false; clearInterval( cursorInterval ); // This runs a lot and is faster than replacing each class separately tinymce.each( views, function ( view ) { if ( view.className ) { view.className = view.className.replace( / ?\bwpview-(?:selection-before|selection-after|cursor-hide)\b/g, '' ); } }); if ( focus && view ) { if ( ( className === 'wpview-selection-before' || className === 'wpview-selection-after' ) && editor.selection.isCollapsed() ) { setViewCursorTries = 0; deselect(); // Make sure the cursor arrived in the right node. // This is necessary for Firefox. if ( lKDN === view.previousSibling ) { setViewCursor( true, view ); return; } else if ( lKDN === view.nextSibling ) { setViewCursor( false, view ); return; } dom.addClass( view, className ); cursorInterval = setInterval( function() { if ( dom.hasClass( view, 'wpview-cursor-hide' ) ) { dom.removeClass( view, 'wpview-cursor-hide' ); } else { dom.addClass( view, 'wpview-cursor-hide' ); } }, 500 ); // If the cursor lands anywhere else in the view, set the cursor before it. // Only try this once to prevent a loop. (You never know.) } else if ( ! getParent( event.element, 'wpview-clipboard' ) && ! setViewCursorTries ) { deselect(); setViewCursorTries++; setViewCursor( true, view ); } } }); editor.on( 'BeforeExecCommand', function() { var node = editor.selection.getNode(), view; if ( node && ( ( execCommandBefore = node.className === 'wpview-selection-before' ) || node.className === 'wpview-selection-after' ) && ( view = getView( node ) ) ) { handleEnter( view, execCommandBefore ); execCommandView = view; } }); editor.on( 'ExecCommand', function() { var toSelect, node; if ( selected ) { toSelect = selected; deselect(); select( toSelect ); } if ( execCommandView ) { node = execCommandView[ execCommandBefore ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling' ]; if ( node && node.nodeName === 'P' && editor.dom.isEmpty( node ) ) { editor.dom.remove( node ); setViewCursor( execCommandBefore, execCommandView ); } execCommandView = false; } }); editor.on( 'ResolveName', function( event ) { if ( editor.dom.hasClass( event.target, 'wpview-wrap' ) ) { event.name = editor.dom.getAttrib( event.target, 'data-wpview-type' ) || 'wpview'; event.stopPropagation(); } else if ( getView( event.target ) ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }); return { getViewText: getViewText, setViewText: setViewText, getView: getView }; });