set_permalink_structure($permalink_structure); } if ( isset($_POST['category_base']) ) { $category_base = $_POST['category_base']; if (! empty($category_base) ) $category_base = preg_replace('#/+#', '/', '/' . $_POST['category_base']); $wp_rewrite->set_category_base($category_base); } } $permalink_structure = get_settings('permalink_structure'); $category_base = get_settings('category_base'); generate_page_rewrite_rules(); if ( (!file_exists($home_path.'.htaccess') && is_writable($home_path)) || is_writable($home_path.'.htaccess') ) $writable = true; else $writable = false; if ($wp_rewrite->using_index_permalinks()) $usingpi = true; else $usingpi = false; save_mod_rewrite_rules(); ?>

number of tags are available, and here are some examples to get you started.'); ?>

: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
: /archives/%post_id%
: /archives/123

mod_rewrite installed on your server. (Ask your host.) If that isn’t available, you can prefix the structure with /index.php/ . This is the recommend method if you are on any web server but Apache.'); ?>

: /index.php/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
: /index.php/archives/%post_id%
: /index.php/archives/123


/taxonomy/categorias would make your category links like If you leave this blank the default will be used.') ?>


.htaccess was writable we could do this automatically, but it isn’t so these are the mod_rewrite rules you should have in your .htaccess file. Click in the field and press CTRL + a to select all.') ?>