/** * @output wp-includes/js/wplink.js */ /* global wpLink */ ( function( $, wpLinkL10n, wp ) { var editor, searchTimer, River, Query, correctedURL, linkNode, emailRegexp = /^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,63}$/i, urlRegexp = /^(https?|ftp):\/\/[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,63}[^ "]*$/i, inputs = {}, rivers = {}, isTouch = ( 'ontouchend' in document ); function getLink() { return linkNode || editor.dom.getParent( editor.selection.getNode(), 'a[href]' ); } window.wpLink = { timeToTriggerRiver: 150, minRiverAJAXDuration: 200, riverBottomThreshold: 5, keySensitivity: 100, lastSearch: '', textarea: '', modalOpen: false, init: function() { inputs.wrap = $('#wp-link-wrap'); inputs.dialog = $( '#wp-link' ); inputs.backdrop = $( '#wp-link-backdrop' ); inputs.submit = $( '#wp-link-submit' ); inputs.close = $( '#wp-link-close' ); // Input inputs.text = $( '#wp-link-text' ); inputs.url = $( '#wp-link-url' ); inputs.nonce = $( '#_ajax_linking_nonce' ); inputs.openInNewTab = $( '#wp-link-target' ); inputs.search = $( '#wp-link-search' ); // Build Rivers rivers.search = new River( $( '#search-results' ) ); rivers.recent = new River( $( '#most-recent-results' ) ); rivers.elements = inputs.dialog.find( '.query-results' ); // Get search notice text inputs.queryNotice = $( '#query-notice-message' ); inputs.queryNoticeTextDefault = inputs.queryNotice.find( '.query-notice-default' ); inputs.queryNoticeTextHint = inputs.queryNotice.find( '.query-notice-hint' ); // Bind event handlers inputs.dialog.keydown( wpLink.keydown ); inputs.dialog.keyup( wpLink.keyup ); inputs.submit.click( function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); wpLink.update(); }); inputs.close.add( inputs.backdrop ).add( '#wp-link-cancel button' ).click( function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); wpLink.close(); }); rivers.elements.on( 'river-select', wpLink.updateFields ); // Display 'hint' message when search field or 'query-results' box are focused inputs.search.on( 'focus.wplink', function() { inputs.queryNoticeTextDefault.hide(); inputs.queryNoticeTextHint.removeClass( 'screen-reader-text' ).show(); } ).on( 'blur.wplink', function() { inputs.queryNoticeTextDefault.show(); inputs.queryNoticeTextHint.addClass( 'screen-reader-text' ).hide(); } ); inputs.search.on( 'keyup input', function() { window.clearTimeout( searchTimer ); searchTimer = window.setTimeout( function() { wpLink.searchInternalLinks(); }, 500 ); }); inputs.url.on( 'paste', function() { setTimeout( wpLink.correctURL, 0 ); } ); inputs.url.on( 'blur', wpLink.correctURL ); }, // If URL wasn't corrected last time and doesn't start with http:, https:, ? # or /, prepend http:// correctURL: function () { var url = $.trim( inputs.url.val() ); if ( url && correctedURL !== url && ! /^(?:[a-z]+:|#|\?|\.|\/)/.test( url ) ) { inputs.url.val( 'http://' + url ); correctedURL = url; } }, open: function( editorId, url, text, node ) { var ed, $body = $( document.body ); $body.addClass( 'modal-open' ); wpLink.modalOpen = true; linkNode = node; wpLink.range = null; if ( editorId ) { window.wpActiveEditor = editorId; } if ( ! window.wpActiveEditor ) { return; } this.textarea = $( '#' + window.wpActiveEditor ).get( 0 ); if ( typeof window.tinymce !== 'undefined' ) { // Make sure the link wrapper is the last element in the body, // or the inline editor toolbar may show above the backdrop. $body.append( inputs.backdrop, inputs.wrap ); ed = window.tinymce.get( window.wpActiveEditor ); if ( ed && ! ed.isHidden() ) { editor = ed; } else { editor = null; } } if ( ! wpLink.isMCE() && document.selection ) { this.textarea.focus(); this.range = document.selection.createRange(); } inputs.wrap.show(); inputs.backdrop.show(); wpLink.refresh( url, text ); $( document ).trigger( 'wplink-open', inputs.wrap ); }, isMCE: function() { return editor && ! editor.isHidden(); }, refresh: function( url, text ) { var linkText = ''; // Refresh rivers (clear links, check visibility) rivers.search.refresh(); rivers.recent.refresh(); if ( wpLink.isMCE() ) { wpLink.mceRefresh( url, text ); } else { // For the Text editor the "Link text" field is always shown if ( ! inputs.wrap.hasClass( 'has-text-field' ) ) { inputs.wrap.addClass( 'has-text-field' ); } if ( document.selection ) { // Old IE linkText = document.selection.createRange().text || text || ''; } else if ( typeof this.textarea.selectionStart !== 'undefined' && ( this.textarea.selectionStart !== this.textarea.selectionEnd ) ) { // W3C text = this.textarea.value.substring( this.textarea.selectionStart, this.textarea.selectionEnd ) || text || ''; } inputs.text.val( text ); wpLink.setDefaultValues(); } if ( isTouch ) { // Close the onscreen keyboard inputs.url.focus().blur(); } else { // Focus the URL field and highlight its contents. // If this is moved above the selection changes, // IE will show a flashing cursor over the dialog. window.setTimeout( function() { inputs.url[0].select(); inputs.url.focus(); } ); } // Load the most recent results if this is the first time opening the panel. if ( ! rivers.recent.ul.children().length ) { rivers.recent.ajax(); } correctedURL = inputs.url.val().replace( /^http:\/\//, '' ); }, hasSelectedText: function( linkNode ) { var node, nodes, i, html = editor.selection.getContent(); // Partial html and not a fully selected anchor element if ( /]+>[^<]+<\/a>$/.test( html ) || html.indexOf('href=') === -1 ) ) { return false; } if ( linkNode ) { nodes = linkNode.childNodes; if ( nodes.length === 0 ) { return false; } for ( i = nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { node = nodes[i]; if ( node.nodeType != 3 && ! window.tinymce.dom.BookmarkManager.isBookmarkNode( node ) ) { return false; } } } return true; }, mceRefresh: function( searchStr, text ) { var linkText, href, linkNode = getLink(), onlyText = this.hasSelectedText( linkNode ); if ( linkNode ) { linkText = linkNode.textContent || linkNode.innerText; href = editor.dom.getAttrib( linkNode, 'href' ); if ( ! $.trim( linkText ) ) { linkText = text || ''; } if ( searchStr && ( urlRegexp.test( searchStr ) || emailRegexp.test( searchStr ) ) ) { href = searchStr; } if ( href !== '_wp_link_placeholder' ) { inputs.url.val( href ); inputs.openInNewTab.prop( 'checked', '_blank' === editor.dom.getAttrib( linkNode, 'target' ) ); inputs.submit.val( wpLinkL10n.update ); } else { this.setDefaultValues( linkText ); } if ( searchStr && searchStr !== href ) { // The user has typed something in the inline dialog. Trigger a search with it. inputs.search.val( searchStr ); } else { inputs.search.val( '' ); } // Always reset the search window.setTimeout( function() { wpLink.searchInternalLinks(); } ); } else { linkText = editor.selection.getContent({ format: 'text' }) || text || ''; this.setDefaultValues( linkText ); } if ( onlyText ) { inputs.text.val( linkText ); inputs.wrap.addClass( 'has-text-field' ); } else { inputs.text.val( '' ); inputs.wrap.removeClass( 'has-text-field' ); } }, close: function( reset ) { $( document.body ).removeClass( 'modal-open' ); wpLink.modalOpen = false; if ( reset !== 'noReset' ) { if ( ! wpLink.isMCE() ) { wpLink.textarea.focus(); if ( wpLink.range ) { wpLink.range.moveToBookmark( wpLink.range.getBookmark() ); wpLink.range.select(); } } else { if ( editor.plugins.wplink ) { editor.plugins.wplink.close(); } editor.focus(); } } inputs.backdrop.hide(); inputs.wrap.hide(); correctedURL = false; $( document ).trigger( 'wplink-close', inputs.wrap ); }, getAttrs: function() { wpLink.correctURL(); return { href: $.trim( inputs.url.val() ), target: inputs.openInNewTab.prop( 'checked' ) ? '_blank' : null }; }, buildHtml: function(attrs) { var html = ''; }, update: function() { if ( wpLink.isMCE() ) { wpLink.mceUpdate(); } else { wpLink.htmlUpdate(); } }, htmlUpdate: function() { var attrs, text, html, begin, end, cursor, selection, textarea = wpLink.textarea; if ( ! textarea ) { return; } attrs = wpLink.getAttrs(); text = inputs.text.val(); var parser = document.createElement( 'a' ); parser.href = attrs.href; if ( 'javascript:' === parser.protocol || 'data:' === parser.protocol ) { // jshint ignore:line attrs.href = ''; } // If there's no href, return. if ( ! attrs.href ) { return; } html = wpLink.buildHtml(attrs); // Insert HTML if ( document.selection && wpLink.range ) { // IE // Note: If no text is selected, IE will not place the cursor // inside the closing tag. textarea.focus(); wpLink.range.text = html + ( text || wpLink.range.text ) + ''; wpLink.range.moveToBookmark( wpLink.range.getBookmark() ); wpLink.range.select(); wpLink.range = null; } else if ( typeof textarea.selectionStart !== 'undefined' ) { // W3C begin = textarea.selectionStart; end = textarea.selectionEnd; selection = text || textarea.value.substring( begin, end ); html = html + selection + ''; cursor = begin + html.length; // If no text is selected, place the cursor inside the closing tag. if ( begin === end && ! selection ) { cursor -= 4; } textarea.value = ( textarea.value.substring( 0, begin ) + html + textarea.value.substring( end, textarea.value.length ) ); // Update cursor position textarea.selectionStart = textarea.selectionEnd = cursor; } wpLink.close(); textarea.focus(); $( textarea ).trigger( 'change' ); // Audible confirmation message when a link has been inserted in the Editor. wp.a11y.speak( wpLinkL10n.linkInserted ); }, mceUpdate: function() { var attrs = wpLink.getAttrs(), $link, text, hasText, $mceCaret; var parser = document.createElement( 'a' ); parser.href = attrs.href; if ( 'javascript:' === parser.protocol || 'data:' === parser.protocol ) { // jshint ignore:line attrs.href = ''; } if ( ! attrs.href ) { editor.execCommand( 'unlink' ); wpLink.close(); return; } $link = editor.$( getLink() ); editor.undoManager.transact( function() { if ( ! $link.length ) { editor.execCommand( 'mceInsertLink', false, { href: '_wp_link_placeholder', 'data-wp-temp-link': 1 } ); $link = editor.$( 'a[data-wp-temp-link="1"]' ).removeAttr( 'data-wp-temp-link' ); hasText = $.trim( $link.text() ); } if ( ! $link.length ) { editor.execCommand( 'unlink' ); } else { if ( inputs.wrap.hasClass( 'has-text-field' ) ) { text = inputs.text.val(); if ( text ) { $link.text( text ); } else if ( ! hasText ) { $link.text( attrs.href ); } } attrs['data-wplink-edit'] = null; attrs['data-mce-href'] = null; // attrs.href $link.attr( attrs ); } } ); wpLink.close( 'noReset' ); editor.focus(); if ( $link.length ) { $mceCaret = $link.parent( '#_mce_caret' ); if ( $mceCaret.length ) { $mceCaret.before( $link.removeAttr( 'data-mce-bogus' ) ); } editor.selection.select( $link[0] ); editor.selection.collapse(); if ( editor.plugins.wplink ) { editor.plugins.wplink.checkLink( $link[0] ); } } editor.nodeChanged(); // Audible confirmation message when a link has been inserted in the Editor. wp.a11y.speak( wpLinkL10n.linkInserted ); }, updateFields: function( e, li ) { inputs.url.val( li.children( '.item-permalink' ).val() ); }, getUrlFromSelection: function( selection ) { if ( ! selection ) { if ( this.isMCE() ) { selection = editor.selection.getContent({ format: 'text' }); } else if ( document.selection && wpLink.range ) { selection = wpLink.range.text; } else if ( typeof this.textarea.selectionStart !== 'undefined' ) { selection = this.textarea.value.substring( this.textarea.selectionStart, this.textarea.selectionEnd ); } } selection = $.trim( selection ); if ( selection && emailRegexp.test( selection ) ) { // Selection is email address return 'mailto:' + selection; } else if ( selection && urlRegexp.test( selection ) ) { // Selection is URL return selection.replace( /&|�?38;/gi, '&' ); } return ''; }, setDefaultValues: function( selection ) { inputs.url.val( this.getUrlFromSelection( selection ) ); // Empty the search field and swap the "rivers". inputs.search.val(''); wpLink.searchInternalLinks(); // Update save prompt. inputs.submit.val( wpLinkL10n.save ); }, searchInternalLinks: function() { var waiting, search = inputs.search.val() || ''; if ( search.length > 2 ) { rivers.recent.hide(); rivers.search.show(); // Don't search if the keypress didn't change the title. if ( wpLink.lastSearch == search ) return; wpLink.lastSearch = search; waiting = inputs.search.parent().find( '.spinner' ).addClass( 'is-active' ); rivers.search.change( search ); rivers.search.ajax( function() { waiting.removeClass( 'is-active' ); }); } else { rivers.search.hide(); rivers.recent.show(); } }, next: function() { rivers.search.next(); rivers.recent.next(); }, prev: function() { rivers.search.prev(); rivers.recent.prev(); }, keydown: function( event ) { var fn, id; // Escape key. if ( 27 === event.keyCode ) { wpLink.close(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); // Tab key. } else if ( 9 === event.keyCode ) { id = event.target.id; // wp-link-submit must always be the last focusable element in the dialog. // following focusable elements will be skipped on keyboard navigation. if ( id === 'wp-link-submit' && ! event.shiftKey ) { inputs.close.focus(); event.preventDefault(); } else if ( id === 'wp-link-close' && event.shiftKey ) { inputs.submit.focus(); event.preventDefault(); } } // Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys. if ( event.shiftKey || ( 38 !== event.keyCode && 40 !== event.keyCode ) ) { return; } if ( document.activeElement && ( document.activeElement.id === 'link-title-field' || document.activeElement.id === 'url-field' ) ) { return; } // Up Arrow key. fn = 38 === event.keyCode ? 'prev' : 'next'; clearInterval( wpLink.keyInterval ); wpLink[ fn ](); wpLink.keyInterval = setInterval( wpLink[ fn ], wpLink.keySensitivity ); event.preventDefault(); }, keyup: function( event ) { // Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys. if ( 38 === event.keyCode || 40 === event.keyCode ) { clearInterval( wpLink.keyInterval ); event.preventDefault(); } }, delayedCallback: function( func, delay ) { var timeoutTriggered, funcTriggered, funcArgs, funcContext; if ( ! delay ) return func; setTimeout( function() { if ( funcTriggered ) return func.apply( funcContext, funcArgs ); // Otherwise, wait. timeoutTriggered = true; }, delay ); return function() { if ( timeoutTriggered ) return func.apply( this, arguments ); // Otherwise, wait. funcArgs = arguments; funcContext = this; funcTriggered = true; }; } }; River = function( element, search ) { var self = this; this.element = element; this.ul = element.children( 'ul' ); this.contentHeight = element.children( '#link-selector-height' ); this.waiting = element.find('.river-waiting'); this.change( search ); this.refresh(); $( '#wp-link .query-results, #wp-link #link-selector' ).scroll( function() { self.maybeLoad(); }); element.on( 'click', 'li', function( event ) { self.select( $( this ), event ); }); }; $.extend( River.prototype, { refresh: function() { this.deselect(); this.visible = this.element.is( ':visible' ); }, show: function() { if ( ! this.visible ) { this.deselect(); this.element.show(); this.visible = true; } }, hide: function() { this.element.hide(); this.visible = false; }, // Selects a list item and triggers the river-select event. select: function( li, event ) { var liHeight, elHeight, liTop, elTop; if ( li.hasClass( 'unselectable' ) || li == this.selected ) return; this.deselect(); this.selected = li.addClass( 'selected' ); // Make sure the element is visible liHeight = li.outerHeight(); elHeight = this.element.height(); liTop = li.position().top; elTop = this.element.scrollTop(); if ( liTop < 0 ) // Make first visible element this.element.scrollTop( elTop + liTop ); else if ( liTop + liHeight > elHeight ) // Make last visible element this.element.scrollTop( elTop + liTop - elHeight + liHeight ); // Trigger the river-select event this.element.trigger( 'river-select', [ li, event, this ] ); }, deselect: function() { if ( this.selected ) this.selected.removeClass( 'selected' ); this.selected = false; }, prev: function() { if ( ! this.visible ) return; var to; if ( this.selected ) { to = this.selected.prev( 'li' ); if ( to.length ) this.select( to ); } }, next: function() { if ( ! this.visible ) return; var to = this.selected ? this.selected.next( 'li' ) : $( 'li:not(.unselectable):first', this.element ); if ( to.length ) this.select( to ); }, ajax: function( callback ) { var self = this, delay = this.query.page == 1 ? 0 : wpLink.minRiverAJAXDuration, response = wpLink.delayedCallback( function( results, params ) { self.process( results, params ); if ( callback ) callback( results, params ); }, delay ); this.query.ajax( response ); }, change: function( search ) { if ( this.query && this._search == search ) return; this._search = search; this.query = new Query( search ); this.element.scrollTop( 0 ); }, process: function( results, params ) { var list = '', alt = true, classes = '', firstPage = params.page == 1; if ( ! results ) { if ( firstPage ) { list += '
  • ' + wpLinkL10n.noMatchesFound + '
  • '; } } else { $.each( results, function() { classes = alt ? 'alternate' : ''; classes += this.title ? '' : ' no-title'; list += classes ? '
  • ' : '
  • '; list += ''; list += ''; list += this.title ? this.title : wpLinkL10n.noTitle; list += '' + this.info + '
  • '; alt = ! alt; }); } this.ul[ firstPage ? 'html' : 'append' ]( list ); }, maybeLoad: function() { var self = this, el = this.element, bottom = el.scrollTop() + el.height(); if ( ! this.query.ready() || bottom < this.contentHeight.height() - wpLink.riverBottomThreshold ) return; setTimeout(function() { var newTop = el.scrollTop(), newBottom = newTop + el.height(); if ( ! self.query.ready() || newBottom < self.contentHeight.height() - wpLink.riverBottomThreshold ) return; self.waiting.addClass( 'is-active' ); el.scrollTop( newTop + self.waiting.outerHeight() ); self.ajax( function() { self.waiting.removeClass( 'is-active' ); }); }, wpLink.timeToTriggerRiver ); } }); Query = function( search ) { this.page = 1; this.allLoaded = false; this.querying = false; this.search = search; }; $.extend( Query.prototype, { ready: function() { return ! ( this.querying || this.allLoaded ); }, ajax: function( callback ) { var self = this, query = { action : 'wp-link-ajax', page : this.page, '_ajax_linking_nonce' : inputs.nonce.val() }; if ( this.search ) query.search = this.search; this.querying = true; $.post( window.ajaxurl, query, function( r ) { self.page++; self.querying = false; self.allLoaded = ! r; callback( r, query ); }, 'json' ); } }); $( document ).ready( wpLink.init ); })( jQuery, window.wpLinkL10n, window.wp );