(function() { tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.wpEditImage', { init : function(ed, url) { var t = this; t.url = url; t._createButtons(); // Register the command so that it can be invoked by using tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand('...'); ed.addCommand('WP_EditImage', function() { var el = ed.selection.getNode(), vp = tinymce.DOM.getViewPort(), H = vp.h, W = ( 720 < vp.w ) ? 720 : vp.w, cls = ed.dom.getAttrib(el, 'class'); if ( cls.indexOf('mceItem') != -1 || cls.indexOf('wpGallery') != -1 || el.nodeName != 'IMG' ) return; tb_show('', url + '/editimage.html?ver=321&TB_iframe=true'); tinymce.DOM.setStyles('TB_window', { 'width':( W - 50 )+'px', 'height':( H - 45 )+'px', 'margin-left':'-'+parseInt((( W - 50 ) / 2),10) + 'px' }); if ( ! tinymce.isIE6 ) { tinymce.DOM.setStyles('TB_window', { 'top':'20px', 'marginTop':'0' }); } tinymce.DOM.setStyles('TB_iframeContent', { 'width':( W - 50 )+'px', 'height':( H - 75 )+'px' }); tinymce.DOM.setStyle( ['TB_overlay','TB_window','TB_load'], 'z-index', '999999' ); }); ed.onInit.add(function(ed) { tinymce.dom.Event.add(ed.getWin(), 'scroll', function(e) { ed.plugins.wpeditimage.hideButtons(); }); }); ed.onBeforeExecCommand.add(function(ed, cmd, ui, val) { ed.plugins.wpeditimage.hideButtons(); }); ed.onSaveContent.add(function(ed, o) { ed.plugins.wpeditimage.hideButtons(); }); ed.onMouseUp.add(function(ed, e) { var n, DL; if ( tinymce.isOpera ) { if ( e.target.nodeName == 'IMG' ) ed.plugins.wpeditimage.showButtons(e.target); } else if ( ! tinymce.isWebKit ) { n = ed.selection.getNode(); if ( n.nodeName == 'IMG' && (DL = ed.dom.getParent(n, 'DL')) ) { window.setTimeout(function(){ var ed = tinyMCE.activeEditor, n = ed.selection.getNode(), DL = ed.dom.getParent(n, 'DL'); if ( n.width != (parseInt(ed.dom.getStyle(DL, 'width')) - 10) ) { ed.dom.setStyle(DL, 'width', parseInt(n.width)+10); ed.execCommand('mceRepaint'); } }, 100); } } }); ed.onMouseDown.add(function(ed, e) { if ( tinymce.isOpera || e.target.nodeName != 'IMG' ) { t.hideButtons(); return; } ed.plugins.wpeditimage.showButtons(e.target); }); ed.onKeyPress.add(function(ed, e) { var DL, DIV, P; if ( e.keyCode == 13 && (DL = ed.dom.getParent(ed.selection.getNode(), 'DL')) ) { P = ed.dom.create('p', {}, ' '); if ( (DIV = DL.parentNode) && DIV.nodeName == 'DIV' ) ed.dom.insertAfter( P, DIV ); else ed.dom.insertAfter( P, DL ); tinymce.dom.Event.cancel(e); ed.selection.select(P); return false; } }); ed.onBeforeSetContent.add(function(ed, o) { o.content = t._do_shcode(o.content); }); ed.onPostProcess.add(function(ed, o) { if (o.get) o.content = t._get_shcode(o.content); }); }, _do_shcode : function(co) { return co.replace(/\[(?:wp_)?caption([^\]]+)\]([\s\S]+?)\[\/(?:wp_)?caption\][\s\u00a0]*/g, function(a,b,c){ var id, cls, w, cap, div_cls; b = b.replace(/\\'|\\'|\\'/g, ''').replace(/\\"|\\"/g, '"'); c = c.replace(/\\'|\\'/g, ''').replace(/\\"/g, '"'); id = b.match(/id=['"]([^'"]+)/i); cls = b.match(/align=['"]([^'"]+)/i); w = b.match(/width=['"]([0-9]+)/); cap = b.match(/caption=['"]([^'"]+)/i); id = ( id && id[1] ) ? id[1] : ''; cls = ( cls && cls[1] ) ? cls[1] : 'alignnone'; w = ( w && w[1] ) ? w[1] : ''; cap = ( cap && cap[1] ) ? cap[1] : ''; if ( ! w || ! cap ) return c; div_cls = (cls == 'aligncenter') ? 'mceTemp mceIEcenter' : 'mceTemp'; return '
'; }); }, _get_shcode : function(co) { return co.replace(/
\s*]+)>\s*]+>([\s\S]+?)<\/dt>\s*]+>(.+?)<\/dd>\s*<\/dl>\s*<\/div>\s*/gi, function(a,b,c,cap){ var id, cls, w; id = b.match(/id=['"]([^'"]+)/i); cls = b.match(/class=['"]([^'"]+)/i); w = c.match(/width=['"]([0-9]+)/); id = ( id && id[1] ) ? id[1] : ''; cls = ( cls && cls[1] ) ? cls[1] : 'alignnone'; w = ( w && w[1] ) ? w[1] : ''; if ( ! w || ! cap ) return c; cls = cls.match(/align[^ '"]+/) || 'alignnone'; cap = cap.replace(/<\S[^<>]*>/gi, '').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/"/g, '"'); return '[caption id="'+id+'" align="'+cls+'" width="'+w+'" caption="'+cap+'"]'+c+'[/caption]'; }); }, showButtons : function(n) { var t = this, ed = tinyMCE.activeEditor, p1, p2, vp, DOM = tinymce.DOM, X, Y, cls = ed.dom.getAttrib(n, 'class'); if ( cls.indexOf('mceItem') != -1 || cls.indexOf('wpGallery') != -1 ) return; vp = ed.dom.getViewPort(ed.getWin()); p1 = DOM.getPos(ed.getContentAreaContainer()); p2 = ed.dom.getPos(n); X = Math.max(p2.x - vp.x, 0) + p1.x; Y = Math.max(p2.y - vp.y, 0) + p1.y; DOM.setStyles('wp_editbtns', { 'top' : Y+5+'px', 'left' : X+5+'px', 'display' : 'block' }); t.btnsTout = window.setTimeout( function(){ed.plugins.wpeditimage.hideButtons();}, 5000 ); }, hideButtons : function() { if ( tinymce.DOM.isHidden('wp_editbtns') ) return; tinymce.DOM.hide('wp_editbtns'); window.clearTimeout(this.btnsTout); }, _createButtons : function() { var t = this, ed = tinyMCE.activeEditor, DOM = tinymce.DOM, wp_editbtns, wp_editimgbtn, wp_delimgbtn; DOM.remove('wp_editbtns'); wp_editbtns = DOM.add(document.body, 'div', { id : 'wp_editbtns', style : 'display:none;' }); wp_editimgbtn = DOM.add('wp_editbtns', 'img', { src : t.url+'/img/image.png', id : 'wp_editimgbtn', width : '24', height : '24', title : ed.getLang('wpeditimage.edit_img') }); wp_editimgbtn.onmousedown = function(e) { var ed = tinyMCE.activeEditor; ed.windowManager.bookmark = ed.selection.getBookmark('simple'); ed.execCommand("WP_EditImage"); this.parentNode.style.display = 'none'; }; wp_delimgbtn = DOM.add('wp_editbtns', 'img', { src : t.url+'/img/delete.png', id : 'wp_delimgbtn', width : '24', height : '24', title : ed.getLang('wpeditimage.del_img') }); wp_delimgbtn.onmousedown = function(e) { var ed = tinyMCE.activeEditor, el = ed.selection.getNode(), p; if ( el.nodeName == 'IMG' && ed.dom.getAttrib(el, 'class').indexOf('mceItem') == -1 ) { if ( (p = ed.dom.getParent(el, 'div')) && ed.dom.hasClass(p, 'mceTemp') ) ed.dom.remove(p); else if ( (p = ed.dom.getParent(el, 'A')) && p.childNodes.length == 1 ) ed.dom.remove(p); else ed.dom.remove(el); this.parentNode.style.display = 'none'; ed.execCommand('mceRepaint'); return false; } }; }, getInfo : function() { return { longname : 'Edit Image', author : 'WordPress', authorurl : 'http://wordpress.org', infourl : '', version : "1.0" }; } }); tinymce.PluginManager.add('wpeditimage', tinymce.plugins.wpEditImage); })();