var autosaveLast = ''; var autosavePeriodical; function autosave_start_timer() { autosaveLast = jQuery('#post #title').val()+jQuery('#post #content').val(); // Keep autosave_interval in sync with edit_post(). autosavePeriodical = jQuery.schedule({time: autosaveL10n.autosaveInterval * 1000, func: autosave, repeat: true, protect: true}); //Disable autosave after the form has been submitted jQuery("#post #submit").submit(function() { jQuery.cancel(autosavePeriodical); }); jQuery("#post #save").click(function() { jQuery.cancel(autosavePeriodical); }); jQuery("#post #submit").click(function() { jQuery.cancel(autosavePeriodical); }); jQuery("#post #publish").click(function() { jQuery.cancel(autosavePeriodical); }); jQuery("#post #deletepost").click(function() { jQuery.cancel(autosavePeriodical); }); } addLoadEvent(autosave_start_timer) function autosave_cur_time() { var now = new Date(); return "" + ((now.getHours() >12) ? now.getHours() -12 : now.getHours()) + ((now.getMinutes() < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + now.getMinutes() + ((now.getSeconds() < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + now.getSeconds(); } function autosave_update_post_ID(response) { var res = parseInt(response); var message; if(isNaN(res)) { message = autosaveL10n.errorText.replace(/%response%/g, response); } else if( res > 0 ) { message = autosaveL10n.saveText.replace(/%time%/g, autosave_cur_time()); jQuery('#post_ID').attr({name: "post_ID"}); jQuery('#post_ID').val(res); // We need new nonces, { action: "autosave-generate-nonces", post_ID: res, autosavenonce: jQuery('#autosavenonce').val(), post_type: jQuery('#post_type').val() }, function(html) { jQuery('#_wpnonce').val(html); }); jQuery('#hiddenaction').val('editpost'); } else { message = autosaveL10n.failText; } jQuery('#autosave').html(message); autosave_update_preview_link(res); autosave_enable_buttons(); } function autosave_update_preview_link(post_id) { // Add preview button if not already there if ( ! jQuery('#previewview > *').get()[0] ) { var post_type = jQuery('#post_type').val(); var previewText = 'page' == post_type ? autosaveL10n.previewPageText : autosaveL10n.previewPostText;, { action: "get-permalink", post_id: post_id, getpermalinknonce: jQuery('#getpermalinknonce').val() }, function(permalink) { jQuery('#previewview').html(''+previewText+''); }); } } function autosave_loading() { jQuery('#autosave').html(autosaveL10n.savingText); } function autosave_saved(response) { var res = parseInt(response); var message; if(isNaN(res)) { message = autosaveL10n.errorText.replace(/%response%/g, response); } else { message = autosaveL10n.saveText.replace(/%time%/g, autosave_cur_time()); } jQuery('#autosave').html(message); autosave_update_preview_link(res); autosave_enable_buttons(); } function autosave_disable_buttons() { jQuery("#post #save:enabled").attr('disabled', 'disabled'); jQuery("#post #submit:enabled").attr('disabled', 'disabled'); jQuery("#post #publish:enabled").attr('disabled', 'disabled'); jQuery("#post #deletepost:enabled").attr('disabled', 'disabled'); setTimeout('autosave_enable_buttons();', 1000); // Re-enable 1 sec later. Just gives autosave a head start to avoid collisions. } function autosave_enable_buttons() { jQuery("#post #save:disabled").attr('disabled', ''); jQuery("#post #submit:disabled").attr('disabled', ''); jQuery("#post #publish:disabled").attr('disabled', ''); jQuery("#post #deletepost:disabled").attr('disabled', ''); } function autosave() { var rich = ( (typeof tinyMCE != "undefined") && tinyMCE.activeEditor && ! tinyMCE.activeEditor.isHidden() ) ? true : false; var post_data = { action: "autosave", post_ID: jQuery("#post_ID").val() || 0, post_title: jQuery("#title").val() || "", autosavenonce: jQuery('#autosavenonce').val(), tags_input: jQuery("#tags-input").val() || "", post_type: jQuery('#post_type').val() || "" }; /* Gotta do this up here so we can check the length when tinyMCE is in use */ if ( rich ) { // Don't run while the TinyMCE spellcheck is on. if ( tinyMCE.activeEditor.plugins.spellchecker && ) return; tinyMCE.triggerSave(); } post_data["content"] = jQuery("#content").val(); if(post_data["post_title"].length==0 || post_data["content"].length==0 || post_data["post_title"] + post_data["content"] == autosaveLast) { return; } autosave_disable_buttons(); autosaveLast = jQuery("#title").val()+jQuery("#content").val(); goodcats = ([]); jQuery("[@name='post_category[]']:checked").each( function(i) { goodcats.push(this.value); } ); post_data["catslist"] = goodcats.join(","); if ( jQuery("#comment_status").attr("checked") ) post_data["comment_status"] = 'open'; if ( jQuery("#ping_status").attr("checked") ) post_data["ping_status"] = 'open'; if( jQuery("#excerpt")) post_data["excerpt"] = jQuery("#excerpt").val(); if ( rich ) tinyMCE.triggerSave(); post_data["content"] = jQuery("#content").val(); if(parseInt(post_data["post_ID"]) < 1) { post_data["temp_ID"] = post_data["post_ID"]; jQuery.ajaxSetup({ success: function(html) { autosave_update_post_ID(html); } }); } else { jQuery.ajaxSetup({ success: function(html) { autosave_saved(html); } }); } jQuery.ajax({ data: post_data, beforeSend: function() { autosave_loading() }, type: "POST", url: autosaveL10n.requestFile }); }