Andrew Ozz d91da52588 Accessible Tags autocomplete:
- Replace suggest.js with UI Autocomplete.
- Use the same settings like in the editor link toolbar.
- Abstract it and add in a new file, tags-suggest.js. Then make it a dependency for the Tags postbox(es) and Quick and Bulk Edit.
- Add `data-wp-taxonomy` on all input elements to improve handling in the UI for custom taxonomies.

Props afercia, azaozz.
See #33902.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38797

git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38740 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-14 22:40:28 +00:00

204 lines
4.8 KiB

/* jshint curly: false, eqeqeq: false */
/* global ajaxurl */
var tagBox, array_unique_noempty;
( function( $ ) {
var tagDelimiter = ( window.tagsSuggestL10n && window.tagsSuggestL10n.tagDelimiter ) || ',';
// Return an array with any duplicate, whitespace or empty values removed
array_unique_noempty = function( array ) {
var out = [];
$.each( array, function( key, val ) {
val = $.trim( val );
if ( val && $.inArray( val, out ) === -1 ) {
out.push( val );
} );
return out;
tagBox = {
clean : function( tags ) {
if ( ',' !== tagDelimiter ) {
tags = tags.replace( new RegExp( tagDelimiter, 'g' ), ',' );
tags = tags.replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ',').replace(/,+/g, ',').replace(/[,\s]+$/, '').replace(/^[,\s]+/, '');
if ( ',' !== tagDelimiter ) {
tags = tags.replace( /,/g, tagDelimiter );
return tags;
parseTags : function(el) {
var id = el.id,
num = id.split('-check-num-')[1],
taxbox = $(el).closest('.tagsdiv'),
thetags = taxbox.find('.the-tags'),
current_tags = thetags.val().split( tagDelimiter ),
new_tags = [];
delete current_tags[num];
$.each( current_tags, function( key, val ) {
val = $.trim( val );
if ( val ) {
new_tags.push( val );
thetags.val( this.clean( new_tags.join( tagDelimiter ) ) );
this.quickClicks( taxbox );
return false;
quickClicks : function( el ) {
var thetags = $('.the-tags', el),
tagchecklist = $('.tagchecklist', el),
id = $(el).attr('id'),
current_tags, disabled;
if ( ! thetags.length )
disabled = thetags.prop('disabled');
current_tags = thetags.val().split( tagDelimiter );
$.each( current_tags, function( key, val ) {
var span, xbutton;
val = $.trim( val );
if ( ! val )
// Create a new span, and ensure the text is properly escaped.
span = $('<span />').text( val );
// If tags editing isn't disabled, create the X button.
if ( ! disabled ) {
xbutton = $( '<a id="' + id + '-check-num-' + key + '" class="ntdelbutton" tabindex="0">X</a>' );
xbutton.on( 'click keypress', function( e ) {
// Trigger function if pressed Enter - keyboard navigation
if ( e.type === 'click' || e.keyCode === 13 ) {
// When using keyboard, move focus back to the new tag field.
if ( e.keyCode === 13 ) {
$( this ).closest( '.tagsdiv' ).find( 'input.newtag' ).focus();
tagBox.parseTags( this );
span.prepend( '&nbsp;' ).prepend( xbutton );
// Append the span to the tag list.
tagchecklist.append( span );
flushTags : function( el, a, f ) {
var tagsval, newtags, text,
tags = $( '.the-tags', el ),
newtag = $( 'input.newtag', el );
a = a || false;
text = a ? $(a).text() : newtag.val();
if ( 'undefined' == typeof( text ) ) {
return false;
tagsval = tags.val();
newtags = tagsval ? tagsval + tagDelimiter + text : text;
newtags = this.clean( newtags );
newtags = array_unique_noempty( newtags.split( tagDelimiter ) ).join( tagDelimiter );
tags.val( newtags );
this.quickClicks( el );
if ( ! a )
if ( 'undefined' == typeof( f ) )
return false;
get : function( id ) {
var tax = id.substr( id.indexOf('-') + 1 );
$.post( ajaxurl, { 'action': 'get-tagcloud', 'tax': tax }, function( r, stat ) {
if ( 0 === r || 'success' != stat ) {
r = $( '<p id="tagcloud-' + tax + '" class="the-tagcloud">' + r + '</p>' );
$( 'a', r ).click( function() {
tagBox.flushTags( $( '#' + tax ), this );
return false;
$( '#' + id ).after( r );
init : function() {
var ajaxtag = $('div.ajaxtag');
$('.tagsdiv').each( function() {
tagBox.quickClicks( this );
$( '.tagadd', ajaxtag ).click( function() {
tagBox.flushTags( $( this ).closest( '.tagsdiv' ) );
$( 'input.newtag', ajaxtag ).keyup( function( event ) {
if ( 13 == event.which ) {
tagBox.flushTags( $( this ).closest( '.tagsdiv' ) );
}).keypress( function( event ) {
if ( 13 == event.which ) {
}).each( function( i, element ) {
$( element ).wpTagsSuggest();
// save tags on post save/publish
$('div.tagsdiv').each( function() {
tagBox.flushTags(this, false, 1);
// tag cloud
tagBox.get( $(this).attr('id') );
return false;
return false;
}( jQuery ));