Andrew Ozz 69b74a75cd Plupload: switch to urlstream upload method when the 'flash' runtime is used in non IE browsers. This ensures cookies are sent but limits the maximum file size that flash can handle.
By default only IE9 and older use flash so this change is mostly for completeness. It would affect only the (extremely rare) cases where a plugin disables the html5 runtime.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@27662

git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@27505 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2014-03-23 23:45:19 +00:00

375 lines
10 KiB

/* global pluploadL10n, plupload, _wpPluploadSettings */
window.wp = window.wp || {};
( function( exports, $ ) {
var Uploader;
if ( typeof _wpPluploadSettings === 'undefined' ) {
* An object that helps create a WordPress uploader using plupload.
* @param options - object - The options passed to the new plupload instance.
* Accepts the following parameters:
* - container - The id of uploader container.
* - browser - The id of button to trigger the file select.
* - dropzone - The id of file drop target.
* - plupload - An object of parameters to pass to the plupload instance.
* - params - An object of parameters to pass to $_POST when uploading the file.
* Extends this.plupload.multipart_params under the hood.
* @param attributes - object - Attributes and methods for this specific instance.
Uploader = function( options ) {
var self = this,
isIE = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Trident/') != -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE ') != -1,
elements = {
container: 'container',
browser: 'browse_button',
dropzone: 'drop_element'
key, error;
this.supports = {
upload: Uploader.browser.supported
this.supported = this.supports.upload;
if ( ! this.supported ) {
// Use deep extend to ensure that multipart_params and other objects are cloned.
this.plupload = $.extend( true, { multipart_params: {} }, Uploader.defaults );
this.container = document.body; // Set default container.
// Extend the instance with options
// Use deep extend to allow options.plupload to override individual
// default plupload keys.
$.extend( true, this, options );
// Proxy all methods so this always refers to the current instance.
for ( key in this ) {
if ( $.isFunction( this[ key ] ) ) {
this[ key ] = $.proxy( this[ key ], this );
// Ensure all elements are jQuery elements and have id attributes
// Then set the proper plupload arguments to the ids.
for ( key in elements ) {
if ( ! this[ key ] ) {
this[ key ] = $( this[ key ] ).first();
if ( ! this[ key ].length ) {
delete this[ key ];
if ( ! this[ key ].prop('id') ) {
this[ key ].prop( 'id', '__wp-uploader-id-' + Uploader.uuid++ );
this.plupload[ elements[ key ] ] = this[ key ].prop('id');
// If the uploader has neither a browse button nor a dropzone, bail.
if ( ! ( this.browser && this.browser.length ) && ! ( this.dropzone && this.dropzone.length ) ) {
// Make sure flash sends cookies (seems in IE it does whitout switching to urlstream mode)
if ( ! isIE && 'flash' === plupload.predictRuntime( this.plupload ) &&
( ! this.plupload.required_features || ! this.plupload.required_features.hasOwnProperty( 'send_binary_string' ) ) ) {
this.plupload.required_features = this.plupload.required_features || {};
this.plupload.required_features.send_binary_string = true;
this.uploader = new plupload.Uploader( this.plupload );
delete this.plupload;
// Set default params and remove this.params alias.
this.param( this.params || {} );
delete this.params;
error = function( message, data, file ) {
if ( file.attachment ) {
message: message || pluploadL10n.default_error,
data: data,
file: file
self.error( message, data, file );
this.uploader.bind( 'init', function( uploader ) {
var timer, active, dragdrop,
dropzone = self.dropzone;
dragdrop = self.supports.dragdrop = uploader.features.dragdrop && ! Uploader.browser.mobile;
// Generate drag/drop helper classes.
if ( ! dropzone ) {
dropzone.toggleClass( 'supports-drag-drop', !! dragdrop );
if ( ! dragdrop ) {
return dropzone.unbind('.wp-uploader');
// 'dragenter' doesn't fire correctly,
// simulate it with a limited 'dragover'
dropzone.bind( 'dragover.wp-uploader', function() {
if ( timer ) {
clearTimeout( timer );
if ( active ) {
active = true;
dropzone.bind('dragleave.wp-uploader, drop.wp-uploader', function() {
// Using an instant timer prevents the drag-over class from
// being quickly removed and re-added when elements inside the
// dropzone are repositioned.
// See http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/21705
timer = setTimeout( function() {
active = false;
}, 0 );
$(self).trigger( 'uploader:ready' );
if ( this.browser ) {
this.browser.on( 'mouseenter', this.refresh );
} else {
this.uploader.disableBrowse( true );
// If HTML5 mode, hide the auto-created file container.
$('#' + this.uploader.id + '_html5_container').hide();
this.uploader.bind( 'FilesAdded', function( up, files ) {
_.each( files, function( file ) {
var attributes, image;
// Ignore failed uploads.
if ( plupload.FAILED === file.status ) {
// Generate attributes for a new `Attachment` model.
attributes = _.extend({
file: file,
uploading: true,
date: new Date(),
filename: file.name,
menuOrder: 0,
uploadedTo: wp.media.model.settings.post.id
}, _.pick( file, 'loaded', 'size', 'percent' ) );
// Handle early mime type scanning for images.
image = /(?:jpe?g|png|gif)$/i.exec( file.name );
// Did we find an image?
if ( image ) {
attributes.type = 'image';
// `jpeg`, `png` and `gif` are valid subtypes.
// `jpg` is not, so map it to `jpeg`.
attributes.subtype = ( 'jpg' === image[0] ) ? 'jpeg' : image[0];
// Create the `Attachment`.
file.attachment = wp.media.model.Attachment.create( attributes );
Uploader.queue.add( file.attachment );
self.added( file.attachment );
this.uploader.bind( 'UploadProgress', function( up, file ) {
file.attachment.set( _.pick( file, 'loaded', 'percent' ) );
self.progress( file.attachment );
this.uploader.bind( 'FileUploaded', function( up, file, response ) {
var complete;
try {
response = JSON.parse( response.response );
} catch ( e ) {
return error( pluploadL10n.default_error, e, file );
if ( ! _.isObject( response ) || _.isUndefined( response.success ) )
return error( pluploadL10n.default_error, null, file );
else if ( ! response.success )
return error( response.data && response.data.message, response.data, file );
_.each(['file','loaded','size','percent'], function( key ) {
file.attachment.unset( key );
file.attachment.set( _.extend( response.data, { uploading: false }) );
wp.media.model.Attachment.get( response.data.id, file.attachment );
complete = Uploader.queue.all( function( attachment ) {
return ! attachment.get('uploading');
if ( complete )
self.success( file.attachment );
this.uploader.bind( 'Error', function( up, pluploadError ) {
var message = pluploadL10n.default_error,
// Check for plupload errors.
for ( key in Uploader.errorMap ) {
if ( pluploadError.code === plupload[ key ] ) {
message = Uploader.errorMap[ key ];
if ( _.isFunction( message ) ) {
message = message( pluploadError.file, pluploadError );
error( message, pluploadError, pluploadError.file );
// Adds the 'defaults' and 'browser' properties.
$.extend( Uploader, _wpPluploadSettings );
Uploader.uuid = 0;
Uploader.errorMap = {
'FAILED': pluploadL10n.upload_failed,
'FILE_EXTENSION_ERROR': pluploadL10n.invalid_filetype,
'IMAGE_FORMAT_ERROR': pluploadL10n.not_an_image,
'IMAGE_MEMORY_ERROR': pluploadL10n.image_memory_exceeded,
'IMAGE_DIMENSIONS_ERROR': pluploadL10n.image_dimensions_exceeded,
'GENERIC_ERROR': pluploadL10n.upload_failed,
'IO_ERROR': pluploadL10n.io_error,
'HTTP_ERROR': pluploadL10n.http_error,
'SECURITY_ERROR': pluploadL10n.security_error,
'FILE_SIZE_ERROR': function( file ) {
return pluploadL10n.file_exceeds_size_limit.replace('%s', file.name);
$.extend( Uploader.prototype, {
* Acts as a shortcut to extending the uploader's multipart_params object.
* param( key )
* Returns the value of the key.
* param( key, value )
* Sets the value of a key.
* param( map )
* Sets values for a map of data.
param: function( key, value ) {
if ( arguments.length === 1 && typeof key === 'string' ) {
return this.uploader.settings.multipart_params[ key ];
if ( arguments.length > 1 ) {
this.uploader.settings.multipart_params[ key ] = value;
} else {
$.extend( this.uploader.settings.multipart_params, key );
init: function() {},
error: function() {},
success: function() {},
added: function() {},
progress: function() {},
complete: function() {},
refresh: function() {
var node, attached, container, id;
if ( this.browser ) {
node = this.browser[0];
// Check if the browser node is in the DOM.
while ( node ) {
if ( node === document.body ) {
attached = true;
node = node.parentNode;
// If the browser node is not attached to the DOM, use a
// temporary container to house it, as the browser button
// shims require the button to exist in the DOM at all times.
if ( ! attached ) {
id = 'wp-uploader-browser-' + this.uploader.id;
container = $( '#' + id );
if ( ! container.length ) {
container = $('<div class="wp-uploader-browser" />').css({
position: 'fixed',
top: '-1000px',
left: '-1000px',
height: 0,
width: 0
}).attr( 'id', 'wp-uploader-browser-' + this.uploader.id ).appendTo('body');
container.append( this.browser );
Uploader.queue = new wp.media.model.Attachments( [], { query: false });
Uploader.errors = new Backbone.Collection();
exports.Uploader = Uploader;
})( wp, jQuery );