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synced 2025-03-10 13:49:12 +01:00
* Use ajax-based saving, add saving indicator. * Use ajax-based refreshing instead of form targets. * Instead of using hidden inputs with prefixed names to track the canonical data, use the values stored in wp.customize. Encode the values as JSON before sending to avoid bugs with ids that contain square brackets (PHP mangles POST values with nested brackets). * Use wp.customize.Previewer solely for the purpose of previewing; move the postMessage connection with the parent frame and other unrelated code snippets into the 'ready' handler. git-svn-id: http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress/trunk@20645 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
514 lines
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514 lines
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(function( exports, $ ){
var api = wp.customize;
* @param options
* - previewer - The Previewer instance to sync with.
* - transport - The transport to use for previewing. Supports 'refresh' and 'postMessage'.
api.Setting = api.Value.extend({
initialize: function( id, value, options ) {
var element;
api.Value.prototype.initialize.call( this, value, options );
this.id = id;
this.transport = this.transport || 'refresh';
this.bind( this.preview );
preview: function() {
switch ( this.transport ) {
case 'refresh':
return this.previewer.refresh();
case 'postMessage':
return this.previewer.send( 'setting', [ this.id, this() ] );
api.Control = api.Class.extend({
initialize: function( id, options ) {
var control = this,
nodes, radios, settings;
this.params = {};
$.extend( this, options || {} );
this.id = id;
this.selector = '#customize-control-' + id.replace( ']', '' ).replace( '[', '-' );
this.container = $( this.selector );
settings = $.map( this.params.settings, function( value ) {
return value;
api.apply( api, settings.concat( function() {
var key;
control.settings = {};
for ( key in control.params.settings ) {
control.settings[ key ] = api( control.params.settings[ key ] );
control.setting = control.settings['default'] || null;
}) );
control.elements = [];
nodes = this.container.find('[data-customize-setting-link]');
radios = {};
nodes.each( function() {
var node = $(this),
if ( node.is(':radio') ) {
name = node.prop('name');
if ( radios[ name ] )
radios[ name ] = true;
node = nodes.filter( '[name="' + name + '"]' );
api( node.data('customizeSettingLink'), function( setting ) {
var element = new api.Element( node );
control.elements.push( element );
element.sync( setting );
element.set( setting() );
ready: function() {},
dropdownInit: function() {
var control = this,
statuses = this.container.find('.dropdown-status'),
params = this.params,
update = function( to ) {
if ( typeof to === 'string' && params.statuses && params.statuses[ to ] )
statuses.html( params.statuses[ to ] ).show();
// Support the .dropdown class to open/close complex elements
this.container.on( 'click', '.dropdown', function( event ) {
this.setting.bind( update );
update( this.setting() );
api.ColorControl = api.Control.extend({
ready: function() {
var control = this,
spot, text, update;
spot = this.container.find('.dropdown-content');
update = function( color ) {
color = color ? '#' + color : '';
spot.css( 'background', color );
control.farbtastic.setColor( color );
this.farbtastic = $.farbtastic( this.container.find('.farbtastic-placeholder'), function( color ) {
control.setting.set( color.replace( '#', '' ) );
this.setting.bind( update );
update( this.setting() );
api.UploadControl = api.Control.extend({
ready: function() {
var control = this;
this.params.removed = this.params.removed || '';
this.success = $.proxy( this.success, this );
this.uploader = new wp.Uploader({
browser: this.container.find('.upload'),
dropzone: this.container.find('.upload-dropzone'),
success: this.success
this.remover = this.container.find('.remove');
this.remover.click( function( event ) {
control.setting.set( control.params.removed );
this.removerVisibility = $.proxy( this.removerVisibility, this );
this.setting.bind( this.removerVisibility );
this.removerVisibility( this.setting.get() );
if ( this.params.context )
control.uploader.param( 'post_data[context]', this.params.context );
success: function( attachment ) {
this.setting.set( attachment.url );
removerVisibility: function( to ) {
this.remover.toggle( to != this.params.removed );
api.ImageControl = api.UploadControl.extend({
ready: function() {
var control = this,
api.UploadControl.prototype.ready.call( this );
this.thumbnail = this.container.find('.preview-thumbnail img');
this.thumbnailSrc = $.proxy( this.thumbnailSrc, this );
this.setting.bind( this.thumbnailSrc );
this.library = this.container.find('.library');
// Generate tab objects
this.tabs = {};
panels = this.library.find('.library-content');
this.library.children('ul').children('li').each( function() {
var link = $(this),
id = link.data('customizeTab'),
panel = panels.filter('[data-customize-tab="' + id + '"]');
control.tabs[ id ] = {
both: link.add( panel ),
link: link,
panel: panel
// Select a tab
this.selected = this.tabs[ panels.first().data('customizeTab') ];
// Bind tab switch events
this.library.children('ul').on( 'click', 'li', function( event ) {
var id = $(this).data('customizeTab'),
tab = control.tabs[ id ];
if ( tab.link.hasClass('library-selected') )
control.selected = tab;
this.library.on( 'click', 'a', function( event ) {
var value = $(this).data('customizeImageValue');
if ( value ) {
control.setting.set( value );
if ( this.tabs.uploaded ) {
this.tabs.uploaded.target = this.library.find('.uploaded-target');
if ( ! this.tabs.uploaded.panel.find('.thumbnail').length )
success: function( attachment ) {
api.UploadControl.prototype.success.call( this, attachment );
// Add the uploaded image to the uploaded tab.
if ( this.tabs.uploaded && this.tabs.uploaded.target.length ) {
$( '<a href="#" class="thumbnail"></a>' )
.data( 'customizeImageValue', attachment.url )
.append( '<img src="' + attachment.url+ '" />' )
.appendTo( this.tabs.uploaded.target );
thumbnailSrc: function( to ) {
if ( /^(https?:)?\/\//.test( to ) )
this.thumbnail.prop( 'src', to ).show();
// Change objects contained within the main customize object to Settings.
api.defaultConstructor = api.Setting;
// Create the collection of Control objects.
api.control = new api.Values({ defaultConstructor: api.Control });
api.Previewer = api.Messenger.extend({
refreshBuffer: 250,
* Requires params:
* - container - a selector or jQuery element
* - url - the URL of preview frame
initialize: function( params, options ) {
var self = this;
$.extend( this, options || {} );
this.loaded = $.proxy( this.loaded, this );
* Wrap this.refresh to prevent it from hammering the servers:
* If refresh is called once and no other refresh requests are
* loading, trigger the request immediately.
* If refresh is called while another refresh request is loading,
* debounce the refresh requests:
* 1. Stop the loading request (as it is instantly outdated).
* 2. Trigger the new request once refresh hasn't been called for
* self.refreshBuffer milliseconds.
this.refresh = (function( self ) {
var refresh = self.refresh,
callback = function() {
timeout = null;
refresh.call( self );
return function() {
if ( typeof timeout !== 'number' ) {
if ( self.loading ) {
delete self.loading;
} else {
return callback();
clearTimeout( timeout );
timeout = setTimeout( callback, self.refreshBuffer );
})( this );
this.container = api.ensure( params.container );
api.Messenger.prototype.initialize.call( this, params.url );
this.bind( 'url', function( url ) {
// Bail if we're navigating to the current url, to a different origin, or wp-admin.
if ( this.url() == url || 0 !== url.indexOf( this.origin() + '/' ) || -1 !== url.indexOf( 'wp-admin' ) )
this.url( url );
loader: function() {
if ( this.loading )
return this.loading;
this.loading = $('<iframe />').appendTo( this.container );
return this.loading;
loaded: function() {
if ( this.iframe )
this.iframe = this.loading;
delete this.loading;
this.targetWindow( this.iframe[0].contentWindow );
query: function() {},
refresh: function() {
var self = this;
if ( this.request )
this.request = $.post( this.url(), this.query() || {}, function( response ) {
var iframe = self.loader()[0].contentWindow;
self.loader().one( 'load', self.loaded );
iframe.document.write( response );
/* =====================================================================
* Ready.
* ===================================================================== */
api.controlConstructor = {
color: api.ColorControl,
upload: api.UploadControl,
image: api.ImageControl
$( function() {
if ( ! api.settings )
// Initialize Previewer
var body = $( document.body ),
query, previewer, parent;
// Prevent the form from saving when enter is pressed.
$('#customize-controls').on( 'keydown', function( e ) {
if ( 13 === e.which ) // Enter
previewer = new api.Previewer({
container: '#customize-preview',
form: '#customize-controls',
url: api.settings.preview
}, {
query: function() {
return {
customize: 'on',
theme: api.settings.theme,
customized: JSON.stringify( api.get() )
nonce: $('#_wpnonce').val(),
save: function() {
var query = $.extend( this.query(), {
action: 'customize_save',
nonce: this.nonce
request = $.post( api.settings.ajax, query );
request.always( function() {
$.each( api.settings.settings, function( id, data ) {
api.set( id, id, data.value, {
transport: data.transport,
previewer: previewer
} );
$.each( api.settings.controls, function( id, data ) {
var constructor = api.controlConstructor[ data.type ] || api.Control,
control = api.control.add( id, new constructor( id, {
params: data,
previewer: previewer
} ) );
// Load the preview frame.
// Temporary accordion code.
$('.customize-section-title').click( function() {
$( this ).parents('.customize-section').toggleClass( 'open' );
return false;
// Button bindings.
$('#save').click( function( event ) {
$('.collapse-sidebar').click( function( event ) {
body.toggleClass( 'collapsed' );
// Create a potential postMessage connection with the parent frame.
parent = new api.Messenger( api.settings.parent );
// If we receive a 'back' event, we're inside an iframe.
// Send any clicks to the 'Return' link to the parent page.
parent.bind( 'back', function( text ) {
$('.back').text( text ).click( function( event ) {
parent.send( 'close' );
// Initialize the connection with the parent frame.
parent.send( 'ready' );
// Control visibility for default controls
'background_image': {
controls: [ 'background_repeat', 'background_position_x', 'background_attachment' ],
callback: function( to ) { return !! to }
'show_on_front': {
controls: [ 'page_on_front', 'page_for_posts' ],
callback: function( to ) { return 'page' === to }
'header_textcolor': {
controls: [ 'header_textcolor' ],
callback: function( to ) { return 'blank' !== to }
}, function( settingId, o ) {
api( settingId, function( setting ) {
$.each( o.controls, function( i, controlId ) {
api.control( controlId, function( control ) {
var visibility = function( to ) {
control.container.toggle( o.callback( to ) );
visibility( setting.get() );
setting.bind( visibility );
// Juggle the two controls that use header_textcolor
api.control( 'display_header_text', function( control ) {
var last = '';
control.elements[0].unsync( api( 'header_textcolor' ) );
control.element = new api.Element( control.container.find('input') );
control.element.set( 'blank' !== control.setting() );
control.element.bind( function( to ) {
if ( ! to )
last = api.get( 'header_textcolor' );
control.setting.set( to ? last : 'blank' );
control.setting.bind( function( to ) {
control.element.set( 'blank' !== to );
})( wp, jQuery ); |