Andrew Ozz 771cfe22ba TinyMCE, inline link dialog:
- Remove the bottom half of the (old) modal and add autocomplete on the URL field.
- Disable the inline edit dialog in old IE (7, 8 and 9). Use only the modal there.
- Fix in IE10 and 11.
- Fix (most?) remaining edge cases.
- Fix focusing the inline dialog, the modal and the editor.

See #33301.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@36677

git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@36644 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-02-24 06:20:26 +00:00

462 lines
11 KiB

/* global tinymce, wpLinkL10n, wpActiveEditor */
var wpLink;
( function( $ ) {
var editor, correctedURL,
inputs = {},
isTouch = ( 'ontouchend' in document );
function getLink() {
return editor.dom.getParent( editor.selection.getNode(), 'a' );
wpLink = {
textarea: '',
init: function() {
inputs.wrap = $('#wp-link-wrap');
inputs.dialog = $( '#wp-link' );
inputs.backdrop = $( '#wp-link-backdrop' );
inputs.submit = $( '#wp-link-submit' );
inputs.close = $( '#wp-link-close' );
// Input
inputs.text = $( '#wp-link-text' );
inputs.url = $( '#wp-link-url' );
inputs.openInNewTab = $( '#wp-link-target' );
if ( $.ui && $.ui.autocomplete ) {
inputs.submit.click( function( event ) {
inputs.close.add( inputs.backdrop ).add( '#wp-link-cancel a' ).click( function( event ) {
inputs.url.on( 'paste', function() {
setTimeout( wpLink.correctURL, 0 );
} );
setAutocomplete: function() {
var $input = inputs.url,
cache, last;
$input.on( 'keydown', function() {
$input.removeAttr( 'aria-activedescendant' );
} ).autocomplete( {
source: function( request, response ) {
if ( last === request.term ) {
response( cache );
if ( /^https?:/.test( request.term ) || request.term.indexOf( '.' ) !== -1 ) {
return response();
$.post( window.ajaxurl, {
action: 'wp-link-ajax',
page: 1,
search: request.term,
_ajax_linking_nonce: $( '#_ajax_linking_nonce' ).val()
}, function( data ) {
cache = data;
response( data );
}, 'json' );
last = request.term;
focus: function( event, ui ) {
$input.attr( 'aria-activedescendant', 'mce-wp-autocomplete-' + ui.item.ID );
select: function( event, ui ) {
$input.val( ui.item.permalink );
if ( inputs.wrap.hasClass( 'has-text-field' ) && tinymce.trim( inputs.text.val() ) === '' ) {
inputs.text.val( ui.item.title );
return false;
open: function() {
$input.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );
close: function() {
$input.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
minLength: 2,
position: {
my: 'left top+2'
} ).autocomplete( 'instance' )._renderItem = function( ul, item ) {
return $( '<li role="option" id="mce-wp-autocomplete-' + item.ID + '">' )
.append( '<span class="item-title">' + item.title + '</span>&nbsp;<span class="item-date alignright">' + item.info + '</span>' )
.appendTo( ul );
$input.attr( {
'aria-owns': $input.autocomplete( 'widget' ).attr( 'id' )
} )
.on( 'focus', function() {
$input.autocomplete( 'search' );
} )
.autocomplete( 'widget' )
.addClass( 'wplink-autocomplete' )
.attr( 'role', 'listbox' );
// If URL wasn't corrected last time and doesn't start with http:, https:, ? # or /, prepend http://
correctURL: function () {
var url = $.trim( inputs.url.val() );
if ( url && correctedURL !== url && ! /^(?:[a-z]+:|#|\?|\.|\/)/.test( url ) ) {
inputs.url.val( 'http://' + url );
correctedURL = url;
open: function( editorId, url, text ) {
var ed,
$body = $( document.body );
$body.addClass( 'modal-open' );
wpLink.range = null;
if ( editorId ) {
window.wpActiveEditor = editorId;
if ( ! window.wpActiveEditor ) {
this.textarea = $( '#' + window.wpActiveEditor ).get( 0 );
if ( typeof tinymce !== 'undefined' ) {
// Make sure the link wrapper is the last element in the body,
// or the inline editor toolbar may show above the backdrop.
$body.append( inputs.backdrop, inputs.wrap );
ed = tinymce.get( wpActiveEditor );
if ( ed && ! ed.isHidden() ) {
editor = ed;
} else {
editor = null;
if ( editor && tinymce.isIE && ! editor.windowManager.wplinkBookmark ) {
editor.windowManager.wplinkBookmark = editor.selection.getBookmark();
if ( ! wpLink.isMCE() && document.selection ) {
this.range = document.selection.createRange();
wpLink.refresh( url, text );
$( document ).trigger( 'wplink-open', inputs.wrap );
isMCE: function() {
return editor && ! editor.isHidden();
refresh: function( url, text ) {
var linkText = '';
if ( wpLink.isMCE() ) {
wpLink.mceRefresh( url, text );
} else {
// For the Text editor the "Link text" field is always shown
if ( ! inputs.wrap.hasClass( 'has-text-field' ) ) {
inputs.wrap.addClass( 'has-text-field' );
if ( document.selection ) {
// Old IE
linkText = document.selection.createRange().text || text || '';
} else if ( typeof this.textarea.selectionStart !== 'undefined' &&
( this.textarea.selectionStart !== this.textarea.selectionEnd ) ) {
// W3C
text = this.textarea.value.substring( this.textarea.selectionStart, this.textarea.selectionEnd ) || text || '';
inputs.text.val( text );
if ( isTouch ) {
// Close the onscreen keyboard
} else {
// Focus the URL field and highlight its contents.
// If this is moved above the selection changes,
// IE will show a flashing cursor over the dialog.
correctedURL = inputs.url.val().replace( /^http:\/\//, '' );
hasSelectedText: function( linkNode ) {
var node, nodes, i, html = editor.selection.getContent();
// Partial html and not a fully selected anchor element
if ( /</.test( html ) && ( ! /^<a [^>]+>[^<]+<\/a>$/.test( html ) || html.indexOf('href=') === -1 ) ) {
return false;
if ( linkNode ) {
nodes = linkNode.childNodes;
if ( nodes.length === 0 ) {
return false;
for ( i = nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
node = nodes[i];
if ( node.nodeType != 3 && ! tinymce.dom.BookmarkManager.isBookmarkNode( node ) ) {
return false;
return true;
mceRefresh: function( url, text ) {
var selectedNode = editor.selection.getNode(),
linkNode = editor.dom.getParent( selectedNode, 'a[href]' ),
onlyText = this.hasSelectedText( linkNode );
if ( linkNode ) {
text = tinymce.trim( linkNode.innerText || linkNode.textContent ) || text;
url = url || editor.dom.getAttrib( linkNode, 'href' );
if ( url === '_wp_link_placeholder' ) {
url = '';
inputs.url.val( url );
inputs.openInNewTab.prop( 'checked', '_blank' === editor.dom.getAttrib( linkNode, 'target' ) );
inputs.submit.val( wpLinkL10n.update );
} else {
text = editor.selection.getContent({ format: 'text' }) || text;
if ( onlyText ) {
inputs.text.val( text || '' );
inputs.wrap.addClass( 'has-text-field' );
} else {
inputs.text.val( '' );
inputs.wrap.removeClass( 'has-text-field' );
close: function() {
var linkNode;
$( document.body ).removeClass( 'modal-open' );
if ( ! wpLink.isMCE() ) {
if ( wpLink.range ) {
wpLink.range.moveToBookmark( wpLink.range.getBookmark() );
} else {
linkNode = editor.dom.getParent( editor.selection.getNode(), 'a[href]' );
if ( linkNode && editor.dom.getAttrib( linkNode, 'href' ) === '_wp_link_placeholder' ) {
editor.dom.remove( linkNode, true );
correctedURL = false;
$( document ).trigger( 'wplink-close', inputs.wrap );
getAttrs: function() {
return {
href: $.trim( inputs.url.val() ),
target: inputs.openInNewTab.prop( 'checked' ) ? '_blank' : ''
buildHtml: function(attrs) {
var html = '<a href="' + attrs.href + '"';
if ( attrs.target ) {
html += ' target="' + attrs.target + '"';
return html + '>';
update: function() {
if ( wpLink.isMCE() ) {
} else {
htmlUpdate: function() {
var attrs, text, html, begin, end, cursor, selection,
textarea = wpLink.textarea;
if ( ! textarea ) {
attrs = wpLink.getAttrs();
text = inputs.text.val();
// If there's no href, return.
if ( ! attrs.href ) {
html = wpLink.buildHtml(attrs);
// Insert HTML
if ( document.selection && wpLink.range ) {
// IE
// Note: If no text is selected, IE will not place the cursor
// inside the closing tag.
wpLink.range.text = html + ( text || wpLink.range.text ) + '</a>';
wpLink.range.moveToBookmark( wpLink.range.getBookmark() );
wpLink.range = null;
} else if ( typeof textarea.selectionStart !== 'undefined' ) {
// W3C
begin = textarea.selectionStart;
end = textarea.selectionEnd;
selection = text || textarea.value.substring( begin, end );
html = html + selection + '</a>';
cursor = begin + html.length;
// If no text is selected, place the cursor inside the closing tag.
if ( begin === end && ! selection ) {
cursor -= 4;
textarea.value = (
textarea.value.substring( 0, begin ) +
html +
textarea.value.substring( end, textarea.value.length )
// Update cursor position
textarea.selectionStart = textarea.selectionEnd = cursor;
mceUpdate: function() {
var attrs = wpLink.getAttrs(),
link, text;
if ( tinymce.isIE ) {
editor.selection.moveToBookmark( editor.windowManager.wplinkBookmark );
editor.windowManager.wplinkBookmark = null;
if ( ! attrs.href ) {
editor.execCommand( 'unlink' );
link = getLink();
if ( inputs.wrap.hasClass( 'has-text-field' ) ) {
text = inputs.text.val() || attrs.href;
if ( link ) {
if ( text ) {
if ( 'innerText' in link ) {
link.innerText = text;
} else {
link.textContent = text;
editor.dom.setAttribs( link, attrs );
} else {
if ( text ) {
editor.selection.setNode( editor.dom.create( 'a', attrs, editor.dom.encode( text ) ) );
} else {
editor.execCommand( 'mceInsertLink', false, attrs );
setDefaultValues: function() {
var selection,
emailRegexp = /^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i,
urlRegexp = /^(https?|ftp):\/\/[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}[^ "]*$/i;
if ( this.isMCE() ) {
selection = editor.selection.getContent();
} else if ( document.selection && wpLink.range ) {
selection = wpLink.range.text;
} else if ( typeof this.textarea.selectionStart !== 'undefined' ) {
selection = this.textarea.value.substring( this.textarea.selectionStart, this.textarea.selectionEnd );
if ( selection && emailRegexp.test( selection ) ) {
// Selection is email address
inputs.url.val( 'mailto:' + selection );
} else if ( selection && urlRegexp.test( selection ) ) {
// Selection is URL
inputs.url.val( selection.replace( /&amp;|&#0?38;/gi, '&' ) );
} else {
// Set URL to default.
inputs.url.val( '' );
// Update save prompt.
inputs.submit.val( wpLinkL10n.save );
$( document ).ready( wpLink.init );
})( jQuery );