Konstantin Obenland c252e77ce3 Plugins: Use plugin file rather than slug as identifier
The plugin file is unique while there can be more than one plugin with the
same slug. This also allows us to simplify the way updates from the plugin
detail iframe are executed.

See [36205].
Fixes .

Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@36221

git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@36188 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-01-08 17:48:28 +00:00

592 lines
17 KiB

/* global tb_remove */
window.wp = window.wp || {};
(function( $, wp, pagenow ) {
wp.updates = {};
* User nonce for ajax calls.
* @since 4.2.0
* @var string
wp.updates.ajaxNonce = window._wpUpdatesSettings.ajax_nonce;
* Localized strings.
* @since 4.2.0
* @var object
wp.updates.l10n = window._wpUpdatesSettings.l10n;
* Whether filesystem credentials need to be requested from the user.
* @since 4.2.0
* @var bool
wp.updates.shouldRequestFilesystemCredentials = null;
* Filesystem credentials to be packaged along with the request.
* @since 4.2.0
* @var object
wp.updates.filesystemCredentials = {
ftp: {
host: null,
username: null,
password: null,
connectionType: null
ssh: {
publicKey: null,
privateKey: null
* Flag if we're waiting for an update to complete.
* @since 4.2.0
* @var bool
wp.updates.updateLock = false;
* * Flag if we've done an update successfully.
* @since 4.2.0
* @var bool
wp.updates.updateDoneSuccessfully = false;
* If the user tries to update a plugin while an update is
* already happening, it can be placed in this queue to perform later.
* @since 4.2.0
* @var array
wp.updates.updateQueue = [];
* Store a jQuery reference to return focus to when exiting the request credentials modal.
* @since 4.2.0
* @var jQuery object
wp.updates.$elToReturnFocusToFromCredentialsModal = null;
* Decrement update counts throughout the various menus.
* @since 3.9.0
* @param {string} upgradeType
wp.updates.decrementCount = function( upgradeType ) {
var count,
$adminBarUpdateCount = $( '#wp-admin-bar-updates .ab-label' ),
$dashboardNavMenuUpdateCount = $( 'a[href="update-core.php"] .update-plugins' ),
$pluginsMenuItem = $( '#menu-plugins' );
count = $adminBarUpdateCount.text();
count = parseInt( count, 10 ) - 1;
if ( count < 0 || isNaN( count ) ) {
$( '#wp-admin-bar-updates .ab-item' ).removeAttr( 'title' );
$adminBarUpdateCount.text( count );
$dashboardNavMenuUpdateCount.each( function( index, elem ) {
elem.className = elem.className.replace( /count-\d+/, 'count-' + count );
} );
$dashboardNavMenuUpdateCount.removeAttr( 'title' );
$dashboardNavMenuUpdateCount.find( '.update-count' ).text( count );
if ( 'plugin' === upgradeType ) {
pluginCount = $pluginsMenuItem.find( '.plugin-count' ).eq(0).text();
pluginCount = parseInt( pluginCount, 10 ) - 1;
if ( pluginCount < 0 || isNaN( pluginCount ) ) {
$pluginsMenuItem.find( '.plugin-count' ).text( pluginCount );
$pluginsMenuItem.find( '.update-plugins' ).each( function( index, elem ) {
elem.className = elem.className.replace( /count-\d+/, 'count-' + pluginCount );
} );
if (pluginCount > 0 ) {
$( '.subsubsub .upgrade .count' ).text( '(' + pluginCount + ')' );
} else {
$( '.subsubsub .upgrade' ).remove();
* Send an Ajax request to the server to update a plugin.
* @since 4.2.0
* @param {string} plugin
* @param {string} slug
wp.updates.updatePlugin = function( plugin, slug ) {
var $message, name,
$card = $( '.plugin-card-' + slug );
if ( 'plugins' === pagenow || 'plugins-network' === pagenow ) {
$message = $( '[data-plugin="' + plugin + '"]' ).next().find( '.update-message' );
} else if ( 'plugin-install' === pagenow ) {
$message = $card.find( '.update-now' );
name = $message.data( 'name' );
$message.attr( 'aria-label', wp.updates.l10n.updatingLabel.replace( '%s', name ) );
// Remove previous error messages, if any.
$card.removeClass( 'plugin-card-update-failed' ).find( '.notice.notice-error' ).remove();
$message.addClass( 'updating-message' );
if ( $message.html() !== wp.updates.l10n.updating ){
$message.data( 'originaltext', $message.html() );
$message.text( wp.updates.l10n.updating );
wp.a11y.speak( wp.updates.l10n.updatingMsg );
if ( wp.updates.updateLock ) {
wp.updates.updateQueue.push( {
type: 'update-plugin',
data: {
plugin: plugin,
slug: slug
} );
wp.updates.updateLock = true;
var data = {
_ajax_nonce: wp.updates.ajaxNonce,
plugin: plugin,
slug: slug,
username: wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ftp.username,
password: wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ftp.password,
hostname: wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ftp.hostname,
connection_type: wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ftp.connectionType,
public_key: wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ssh.publicKey,
private_key: wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ssh.privateKey
wp.ajax.post( 'update-plugin', data )
.done( wp.updates.updateSuccess )
.fail( wp.updates.updateError );
* On a successful plugin update, update the UI with the result.
* @since 4.2.0
* @param {object} response
wp.updates.updateSuccess = function( response ) {
var $updateMessage, name, $pluginRow, newText;
if ( 'plugins' === pagenow || 'plugins-network' === pagenow ) {
$pluginRow = $( '[data-plugin="' + response.plugin + '"]' ).first();
$updateMessage = $pluginRow.next().find( '.update-message' );
$pluginRow.addClass( 'updated' ).removeClass( 'update' );
// Update the version number in the row.
newText = $pluginRow.find('.plugin-version-author-uri').html().replace( response.oldVersion, response.newVersion );
$pluginRow.find('.plugin-version-author-uri').html( newText );
// Add updated class to update message parent tr
$pluginRow.next().addClass( 'updated' );
} else if ( 'plugin-install' === pagenow ) {
$updateMessage = $( '.plugin-card-' + response.slug ).find( '.update-now' );
$updateMessage.addClass( 'button-disabled' );
name = $updateMessage.data( 'name' );
$updateMessage.attr( 'aria-label', wp.updates.l10n.updatedLabel.replace( '%s', name ) );
$updateMessage.removeClass( 'updating-message' ).addClass( 'updated-message' );
$updateMessage.text( wp.updates.l10n.updated );
wp.a11y.speak( wp.updates.l10n.updatedMsg );
wp.updates.decrementCount( 'plugin' );
wp.updates.updateDoneSuccessfully = true;
* The lock can be released since the update was successful,
* and any other updates can commence.
wp.updates.updateLock = false;
$(document).trigger( 'wp-plugin-update-success', response );
* On a plugin update error, update the UI appropriately.
* @since 4.2.0
* @param {object} response
wp.updates.updateError = function( response ) {
var $card = $( '.plugin-card-' + response.slug ),
wp.updates.updateDoneSuccessfully = false;
if ( response.errorCode && response.errorCode == 'unable_to_connect_to_filesystem' && wp.updates.shouldRequestFilesystemCredentials ) {
wp.updates.credentialError( response, 'update-plugin' );
error_message = wp.updates.l10n.updateFailed.replace( '%s', response.error );
if ( 'plugins' === pagenow || 'plugins-network' === pagenow ) {
$message = $( '[data-plugin="' + response.plugin + '"]' ).next().find( '.update-message' );
$message.html( error_message ).removeClass( 'updating-message' );
} else if ( 'plugin-install' === pagenow ) {
$button = $card.find( '.update-now' );
name = $button.data( 'name' );
.addClass( 'plugin-card-update-failed' )
.append( '<div class="notice notice-error is-dismissible"><p>' + error_message + '</p></div>' );
.attr( 'aria-label', wp.updates.l10n.updateFailedLabel.replace( '%s', name ) )
.html( wp.updates.l10n.updateFailedShort ).removeClass( 'updating-message' );
$card.on( 'click', '.notice.is-dismissible .notice-dismiss', function() {
// Use same delay as the total duration of the notice fadeTo + slideUp animation.
setTimeout( function() {
.removeClass( 'plugin-card-update-failed' )
.find( '.column-name a' ).focus();
}, 200 );
wp.a11y.speak( error_message, 'assertive' );
* The lock can be released since this failure was
* after the credentials form.
wp.updates.updateLock = false;
$(document).trigger( 'wp-plugin-update-error', response );
* Show an error message in the request for credentials form.
* @param {string} message
* @since 4.2.0
wp.updates.showErrorInCredentialsForm = function( message ) {
var $modal = $( '.notification-dialog' );
// Remove any existing error.
$modal.find( '.error' ).remove();
$modal.find( 'h3' ).after( '<div class="error">' + message + '</div>' );
* Events that need to happen when there is a credential error
* @since 4.2.0
wp.updates.credentialError = function( response, type ) {
wp.updates.updateQueue.push( {
'type': type,
'data': {
// Not cool that we're depending on response for this data.
// This would feel more whole in a view all tied together.
plugin: response.plugin,
slug: response.slug
} );
wp.updates.showErrorInCredentialsForm( response.error );
* If an update job has been placed in the queue, queueChecker pulls it out and runs it.
* @since 4.2.0
wp.updates.queueChecker = function() {
if ( wp.updates.updateLock || wp.updates.updateQueue.length <= 0 ) {
var job = wp.updates.updateQueue.shift();
wp.updates.updatePlugin( job.data.plugin, job.data.slug );
* Request the users filesystem credentials if we don't have them already.
* @since 4.2.0
wp.updates.requestFilesystemCredentials = function( event ) {
if ( wp.updates.updateDoneSuccessfully === false ) {
* For the plugin install screen, return the focus to the install button
* after exiting the credentials request modal.
if ( 'plugin-install' === pagenow && event ) {
wp.updates.$elToReturnFocusToFromCredentialsModal = $( event.target );
wp.updates.updateLock = true;
* Keydown handler for the request for credentials modal.
* Close the modal when the escape key is pressed.
* Constrain keyboard navigation to inside the modal.
* @since 4.2.0
wp.updates.keydown = function( event ) {
if ( 27 === event.keyCode ) {
} else if ( 9 === event.keyCode ) {
// #upgrade button must always be the last focusable element in the dialog.
if ( event.target.id === 'upgrade' && ! event.shiftKey ) {
$( '#hostname' ).focus();
} else if ( event.target.id === 'hostname' && event.shiftKey ) {
$( '#upgrade' ).focus();
* Open the request for credentials modal.
* @since 4.2.0
wp.updates.requestForCredentialsModalOpen = function() {
var $modal = $( '#request-filesystem-credentials-dialog' );
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'modal-open' );
$modal.find( 'input:enabled:first' ).focus();
$modal.keydown( wp.updates.keydown );
* Close the request for credentials modal.
* @since 4.2.0
wp.updates.requestForCredentialsModalClose = function() {
$( '#request-filesystem-credentials-dialog' ).hide();
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'modal-open' );
* The steps that need to happen when the modal is canceled out
* @since 4.2.0
wp.updates.requestForCredentialsModalCancel = function() {
// no updateLock and no updateQueue means we already have cleared things up
var data, $message;
if( wp.updates.updateLock === false && wp.updates.updateQueue.length === 0 ){
data = wp.updates.updateQueue[0].data;
// remove the lock, and clear the queue
wp.updates.updateLock = false;
wp.updates.updateQueue = [];
if ( 'plugins' === pagenow || 'plugins-network' === pagenow ) {
$message = $( '[data-plugin="' + data.plugin + '"]' ).next().find( '.update-message' );
} else if ( 'plugin-install' === pagenow ) {
$message = $( '.plugin-card-' + data.slug ).find( '.update-now' );
$message.removeClass( 'updating-message' );
$message.html( $message.data( 'originaltext' ) );
wp.a11y.speak( wp.updates.l10n.updateCancel );
* Potentially add an AYS to a user attempting to leave the page
* If an update is on-going and a user attempts to leave the page,
* open an "Are you sure?" alert.
* @since 4.2.0
wp.updates.beforeunload = function() {
if ( wp.updates.updateLock ) {
return wp.updates.l10n.beforeunload;
$( document ).ready( function() {
* Check whether a user needs to submit filesystem credentials based on whether
* the form was output on the page server-side.
* @see {wp_print_request_filesystem_credentials_modal() in PHP}
wp.updates.shouldRequestFilesystemCredentials = ( $( '#request-filesystem-credentials-dialog' ).length <= 0 ) ? false : true;
// File system credentials form submit noop-er / handler.
$( '#request-filesystem-credentials-dialog form' ).on( 'submit', function() {
// Persist the credentials input by the user for the duration of the page load.
wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ftp.hostname = $('#hostname').val();
wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ftp.username = $('#username').val();
wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ftp.password = $('#password').val();
wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ftp.connectionType = $('input[name="connection_type"]:checked').val();
wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ssh.publicKey = $('#public_key').val();
wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ssh.privateKey = $('#private_key').val();
// Unlock and invoke the queue.
wp.updates.updateLock = false;
return false;
// Close the request credentials modal when
$( '#request-filesystem-credentials-dialog [data-js-action="close"], .notification-dialog-background' ).on( 'click', function() {
// Hide SSH fields when not selected
$( '#request-filesystem-credentials-dialog input[name="connection_type"]' ).on( 'change', function() {
$( this ).parents( 'form' ).find( '#private_key, #public_key' ).parents( 'label' ).toggle( ( 'ssh' == $( this ).val() ) );
// Click handler for plugin updates in List Table view.
$( '.plugin-update-tr' ).on( 'click', '.update-link', function( e ) {
if ( wp.updates.shouldRequestFilesystemCredentials && ! wp.updates.updateLock ) {
wp.updates.requestFilesystemCredentials( e );
var updateRow = $( e.target ).parents( '.plugin-update-tr' );
// Return the user to the input box of the plugin's table row after closing the modal.
wp.updates.$elToReturnFocusToFromCredentialsModal = updateRow.prev().find( '.check-column input' );
wp.updates.updatePlugin( updateRow.data( 'plugin' ), updateRow.data( 'slug' ) );
} );
$( '.plugin-card' ).on( 'click', '.update-now', function( e ) {
var $button = $( e.target );
if ( wp.updates.shouldRequestFilesystemCredentials && ! wp.updates.updateLock ) {
wp.updates.requestFilesystemCredentials( e );
wp.updates.updatePlugin( $button.data( 'plugin' ), $button.data( 'slug' ) );
} );
$( '#plugin_update_from_iframe' ).on( 'click' , function( e ) {
var target, job;
target = window.parent == window ? null : window.parent,
$.support.postMessage = !! window.postMessage;
if ( $.support.postMessage === false || target === null || window.parent.location.pathname.indexOf( 'update-core.php' ) !== -1 )
job = {
action: 'updatePlugin',
type: 'update-plugin',
data: {
plugin: $( this ).data( 'plugin' ),
slug: $( this ).data( 'slug' )
target.postMessage( JSON.stringify( job ), window.location.origin );
} );
$( window ).on( 'message', function( e ) {
var event = e.originalEvent,
loc = document.location,
expectedOrigin = loc.protocol + '//' + loc.hostname;
if ( event.origin !== expectedOrigin ) {
message = $.parseJSON( event.data );
if ( typeof message.action === 'undefined' ) {
switch (message.action){
case 'decrementUpdateCount' :
wp.updates.decrementCount( message.upgradeType );
case 'updatePlugin' :
wp.updates.updateQueue.push( message );
} );
$( window ).on( 'beforeunload', wp.updates.beforeunload );
})( jQuery, window.wp, window.pagenow, window.ajaxurl );