TimothyBlynJacobs 9bab39685a Privacy: Redesign the Privacy settings pages.
The Privacy settings pages now use the same design patterns as the Site Health screen. Additionally, each privacy policy guide is now contained in an accordion to make the page easier to navigate when multiple plugins are in use.

Props xkon, hedgefield, garrett-eclipse, hellofromTonya, paaljoachim, joedolson.
Fixes #49264.

Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@50161

git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@49840 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2021-02-02 20:14:03 +00:00

347 lines
11 KiB

* Interactions used by the User Privacy tools in WordPress.
* @output wp-admin/js/privacy-tools.js
// Privacy request action handling.
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
var __ = wp.i18n.__,
function setActionState( $action, state ) {
$action.children().addClass( 'hidden' );
$action.children( '.' + state ).removeClass( 'hidden' );
function clearResultsAfterRow( $requestRow ) {
$requestRow.removeClass( 'has-request-results' );
if ( $requestRow.next().hasClass( 'request-results' ) ) {
function appendResultsAfterRow( $requestRow, classes, summaryMessage, additionalMessages ) {
var itemList = '',
resultRowClasses = 'request-results';
clearResultsAfterRow( $requestRow );
if ( additionalMessages.length ) {
$.each( additionalMessages, function( index, value ) {
itemList = itemList + '<li>' + value + '</li>';
itemList = '<ul>' + itemList + '</ul>';
$requestRow.addClass( 'has-request-results' );
if ( $requestRow.hasClass( 'status-request-confirmed' ) ) {
resultRowClasses = resultRowClasses + ' status-request-confirmed';
if ( $requestRow.hasClass( 'status-request-failed' ) ) {
resultRowClasses = resultRowClasses + ' status-request-failed';
$requestRow.after( function() {
return '<tr class="' + resultRowClasses + '"><th colspan="5">' +
'<div class="notice inline notice-alt ' + classes + '">' +
'<p>' + summaryMessage + '</p>' +
itemList +
'</div>' +
'</td>' +
$( '.export-personal-data-handle' ).on( 'click', function( event ) {
var $this = $( this ),
$action = $this.parents( '.export-personal-data' ),
$requestRow = $this.parents( 'tr' ),
$progress = $requestRow.find( '.export-progress' ),
$rowActions = $this.parents( '.row-actions' ),
requestID = $action.data( 'request-id' ),
nonce = $action.data( 'nonce' ),
exportersCount = $action.data( 'exporters-count' ),
sendAsEmail = $action.data( 'send-as-email' ) ? true : false;
$rowActions.addClass( 'processing' );
clearResultsAfterRow( $requestRow );
setExportProgress( 0 );
function onExportDoneSuccess( zipUrl ) {
var summaryMessage = __( 'This user&#8217;s personal data export link was sent.' );
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof zipUrl ) {
summaryMessage = __( 'This user&#8217;s personal data export file was downloaded.' );
setActionState( $action, 'export-personal-data-success' );
appendResultsAfterRow( $requestRow, 'notice-success', summaryMessage, [] );
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof zipUrl ) {
window.location = zipUrl;
} else if ( ! sendAsEmail ) {
onExportFailure( __( 'No personal data export file was generated.' ) );
setTimeout( function() { $rowActions.removeClass( 'processing' ); }, 500 );
function onExportFailure( errorMessage ) {
var summaryMessage = __( 'An error occurred while attempting to export personal data.' );
setActionState( $action, 'export-personal-data-failed' );
if ( errorMessage ) {
appendResultsAfterRow( $requestRow, 'notice-error', summaryMessage, [ errorMessage ] );
setTimeout( function() { $rowActions.removeClass( 'processing' ); }, 500 );
function setExportProgress( exporterIndex ) {
var progress = ( exportersCount > 0 ? exporterIndex / exportersCount : 0 ),
progressString = Math.round( progress * 100 ).toString() + '%';
$progress.html( progressString );
function doNextExport( exporterIndex, pageIndex ) {
url: window.ajaxurl,
data: {
action: 'wp-privacy-export-personal-data',
exporter: exporterIndex,
id: requestID,
page: pageIndex,
security: nonce,
sendAsEmail: sendAsEmail
method: 'post'
).done( function( response ) {
var responseData = response.data;
if ( ! response.success ) {
// e.g. invalid request ID.
setTimeout( function() { onExportFailure( response.data ); }, 500 );
if ( ! responseData.done ) {
setTimeout( doNextExport( exporterIndex, pageIndex + 1 ) );
} else {
setExportProgress( exporterIndex );
if ( exporterIndex < exportersCount ) {
setTimeout( doNextExport( exporterIndex + 1, 1 ) );
} else {
setTimeout( function() { onExportDoneSuccess( responseData.url ); }, 500 );
}).fail( function( jqxhr, textStatus, error ) {
// e.g. Nonce failure.
setTimeout( function() { onExportFailure( error ); }, 500 );
// And now, let's begin.
setActionState( $action, 'export-personal-data-processing' );
doNextExport( 1, 1 );
$( '.remove-personal-data-handle' ).on( 'click', function( event ) {
var $this = $( this ),
$action = $this.parents( '.remove-personal-data' ),
$requestRow = $this.parents( 'tr' ),
$progress = $requestRow.find( '.erasure-progress' ),
$rowActions = $this.parents( '.row-actions' ),
requestID = $action.data( 'request-id' ),
nonce = $action.data( 'nonce' ),
erasersCount = $action.data( 'erasers-count' ),
hasRemoved = false,
hasRetained = false,
messages = [];
$rowActions.addClass( 'processing' );
clearResultsAfterRow( $requestRow );
setErasureProgress( 0 );
function onErasureDoneSuccess() {
var summaryMessage = __( 'No personal data was found for this user.' ),
classes = 'notice-success';
setActionState( $action, 'remove-personal-data-success' );
if ( false === hasRemoved ) {
if ( false === hasRetained ) {
summaryMessage = __( 'No personal data was found for this user.' );
} else {
summaryMessage = __( 'Personal data was found for this user but was not erased.' );
classes = 'notice-warning';
} else {
if ( false === hasRetained ) {
summaryMessage = __( 'All of the personal data found for this user was erased.' );
} else {
summaryMessage = __( 'Personal data was found for this user but some of the personal data found was not erased.' );
classes = 'notice-warning';
appendResultsAfterRow( $requestRow, classes, summaryMessage, messages );
setTimeout( function() { $rowActions.removeClass( 'processing' ); }, 500 );
function onErasureFailure() {
var summaryMessage = __( 'An error occurred while attempting to find and erase personal data.' );
setActionState( $action, 'remove-personal-data-failed' );
appendResultsAfterRow( $requestRow, 'notice-error', summaryMessage, [] );
setTimeout( function() { $rowActions.removeClass( 'processing' ); }, 500 );
function setErasureProgress( eraserIndex ) {
var progress = ( erasersCount > 0 ? eraserIndex / erasersCount : 0 ),
progressString = Math.round( progress * 100 ).toString() + '%';
$progress.html( progressString );
function doNextErasure( eraserIndex, pageIndex ) {
url: window.ajaxurl,
data: {
action: 'wp-privacy-erase-personal-data',
eraser: eraserIndex,
id: requestID,
page: pageIndex,
security: nonce
method: 'post'
}).done( function( response ) {
var responseData = response.data;
if ( ! response.success ) {
setTimeout( function() { onErasureFailure(); }, 500 );
if ( responseData.items_removed ) {
hasRemoved = hasRemoved || responseData.items_removed;
if ( responseData.items_retained ) {
hasRetained = hasRetained || responseData.items_retained;
if ( responseData.messages ) {
messages = messages.concat( responseData.messages );
if ( ! responseData.done ) {
setTimeout( doNextErasure( eraserIndex, pageIndex + 1 ) );
} else {
setErasureProgress( eraserIndex );
if ( eraserIndex < erasersCount ) {
setTimeout( doNextErasure( eraserIndex + 1, 1 ) );
} else {
setTimeout( function() { onErasureDoneSuccess(); }, 500 );
}).fail( function() {
setTimeout( function() { onErasureFailure(); }, 500 );
// And now, let's begin.
setActionState( $action, 'remove-personal-data-processing' );
doNextErasure( 1, 1 );
// Privacy Policy page, copy action.
$( document ).on( 'click', function( event ) {
var $parent,
$target = $( event.target ),
copiedNotice = $target.siblings( '.success' );
clearTimeout( copiedNoticeTimeout );
if ( $target.is( 'button.privacy-text-copy' ) ) {
$parent = $target.closest( '.privacy-settings-accordion-panel' );
if ( $parent.length ) {
try {
var documentPosition = document.documentElement.scrollTop,
bodyPosition = document.body.scrollTop;
// Setup copy.
// Hide tutorial content to remove from copied content.
range = document.createRange();
$parent.addClass( 'hide-privacy-policy-tutorial' );
// Copy action.
range.selectNodeContents( $parent[0] );
window.getSelection().addRange( range );
document.execCommand( 'copy' );
// Reset section.
$parent.removeClass( 'hide-privacy-policy-tutorial' );
// Return scroll position - see #49540.
if ( documentPosition > 0 && documentPosition !== document.documentElement.scrollTop ) {
document.documentElement.scrollTop = documentPosition;
} else if ( bodyPosition > 0 && bodyPosition !== document.body.scrollTop ) {
document.body.scrollTop = bodyPosition;
// Display and speak notice to indicate action complete.
copiedNotice.addClass( 'visible' );
wp.a11y.speak( __( 'The suggested policy text has been copied to your clipboard.' ) );
// Delay notice dismissal.
copiedNoticeTimeout = setTimeout( function() {
copiedNotice.removeClass( 'visible' );
}, 3000 );
} catch ( er ) {}
// Label handling to focus the create page button on Privacy settings page.
$( 'body.options-privacy-php label[for=create-page]' ).on( 'click', function( e ) {
$( 'input#create-page' ).focus();
} );
// Accordion handling in various new Privacy settings pages.
$( '.privacy-settings-accordion' ).on( 'click', '.privacy-settings-accordion-trigger', function() {
var isExpanded = ( 'true' === $( this ).attr( 'aria-expanded' ) );
if ( isExpanded ) {
$( this ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
$( '#' + $( this ).attr( 'aria-controls' ) ).attr( 'hidden', true );
} else {
$( this ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );
$( '#' + $( this ).attr( 'aria-controls' ) ).attr( 'hidden', false );
} );