Andrea Fercia a4ae97437b Administration: Thickbox: Fix conflicts with the Plugin details and native Thickbox modals.
The Plugin details modal custom implementation in the Plugins page conflicts with
other Thickbox instances added by plugins. Thickbox shows its age and has been
modified over time to suit core needs. However, WordPress should do its best to
not create conflicts with the native Thickbox styles and functionalities. Plugin
authors should be able to use `add_thickbox()` in any admin page as documented, 
without having to worry about potential errors.

- fixes a JavaScript error when closing a native Thickbox modal in the Plugins page
- avoids to override the native Thickbox modal styles
- uses a CSS class to target the Plugin details modal and remove a pile of overqualified CSS selectors

Fixes #41417.

Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@41356

git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@41189 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2017-09-09 14:14:43 +00:00

216 lines
6.5 KiB

/* global plugininstallL10n, tb_click, tb_remove */
* Functionality for the plugin install screens.
var tb_position;
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
var tbWindow,
$focusedBefore = $(),
$uploadViewToggle = $( '.upload-view-toggle' ),
$wrap = $ ( '.wrap' ),
$body = $( document.body );
tb_position = function() {
var width = $( window ).width(),
H = $( window ).height() - ( ( 792 < width ) ? 60 : 20 ),
W = ( 792 < width ) ? 772 : width - 20;
tbWindow = $( '#TB_window' );
if ( tbWindow.length ) {
tbWindow.width( W ).height( H );
$( '#TB_iframeContent' ).width( W ).height( H );
'margin-left': '-' + parseInt( ( W / 2 ), 10 ) + 'px'
if ( typeof document.body.style.maxWidth !== 'undefined' ) {
'top': '30px',
'margin-top': '0'
return $( 'a.thickbox' ).each( function() {
var href = $( this ).attr( 'href' );
if ( ! href ) {
href = href.replace( /&width=[0-9]+/g, '' );
href = href.replace( /&height=[0-9]+/g, '' );
$(this).attr( 'href', href + '&width=' + W + '&height=' + ( H ) );
$( window ).resize( function() {
* Custom events: when a Thickbox iframe has loaded and when the Thickbox
* modal gets removed from the DOM.
.on( 'thickbox:iframe:loaded', tbWindow, function() {
* Return if it's not the modal with the plugin details iframe. Other
* thickbox instances might want to load an iframe with content from
* an external domain. Avoid to access the iframe contents when we're
* not sure the iframe loads from the same domain.
if ( ! tbWindow.hasClass( 'plugin-details-modal' ) ) {
.on( 'thickbox:removed', function() {
// Set focus back to the element that opened the modal dialog.
// Note: IE 8 would need this wrapped in a fake setTimeout `0`.
function iframeLoaded() {
var $iframe = tbWindow.find( '#TB_iframeContent' );
// Get the iframe body.
$iframeBody = $iframe.contents().find( 'body' );
// Get the tabbable elements and handle the keydown event on first load.
// Set initial focus on the "Close" button.
* When the "Install" button is disabled (e.g. the Plugin is already installed)
* then we can't predict where the last focusable element is. We need to get
* the tabbable elements and handle the keydown event again and again,
* each time the active tab panel changes.
$( '#plugin-information-tabs a', $iframeBody ).on( 'click', function() {
// Close the modal when pressing Escape.
$iframeBody.on( 'keydown', function( event ) {
if ( 27 !== event.which ) {
* Get the tabbable elements and detach/attach the keydown event.
* Called after the iframe has fully loaded so we have all the elements we need.
* Called again each time a Tab gets clicked.
* @todo Consider to implement a WordPress general utility for this and don't use jQuery UI.
function handleTabbables() {
var $firstAndLast;
// Get all the tabbable elements.
$tabbables = $( ':tabbable', $iframeBody );
// Our first tabbable element is always the "Close" button.
$firstTabbable = tbWindow.find( '#TB_closeWindowButton' );
// Get the last tabbable element.
$lastTabbable = $tabbables.last();
// Make a jQuery collection.
$firstAndLast = $firstTabbable.add( $lastTabbable );
// Detach any previously attached keydown event.
$firstAndLast.off( 'keydown.wp-plugin-details' );
// Attach again the keydown event on the first and last focusable elements.
$firstAndLast.on( 'keydown.wp-plugin-details', function( event ) {
constrainTabbing( event );
// Constrain tabbing within the plugin modal dialog.
function constrainTabbing( event ) {
if ( 9 !== event.which ) {
if ( $lastTabbable[0] === event.target && ! event.shiftKey ) {
} else if ( $firstTabbable[0] === event.target && event.shiftKey ) {
// Open the Plugin details modal.
$( '.thickbox.open-plugin-details-modal' ).on( 'click', function( e ) {
// The `data-title` attribute is used only in the Plugin screens.
var title = $( this ).data( 'title' ) ? plugininstallL10n.plugin_information + ' ' + $( this ).data( 'title' ) : plugininstallL10n.plugin_modal_label;
// Store the element that has focus before opening the modal dialog, i.e. the control which opens it.
$focusedBefore = $( this );
// Set ARIA role, ARIA label, and add a CSS class.
'role': 'dialog',
'aria-label': plugininstallL10n.plugin_modal_label
.addClass( 'plugin-details-modal' );
// Set title attribute on the iframe.
tbWindow.find( '#TB_iframeContent' ).attr( 'title', title );
/* Plugin install related JS */
$( '#plugin-information-tabs a' ).click( function( event ) {
var tab = $( this ).attr( 'name' );
// Flip the tab
$( '#plugin-information-tabs a.current' ).removeClass( 'current' );
$( this ).addClass( 'current' );
// Only show the fyi box in the description section, on smaller screen, where it's otherwise always displayed at the top.
if ( 'description' !== tab && $( window ).width() < 772 ) {
$( '#plugin-information-content' ).find( '.fyi' ).hide();
} else {
$( '#plugin-information-content' ).find( '.fyi' ).show();
// Flip the content.
$( '#section-holder div.section' ).hide(); // Hide 'em all.
$( '#section-' + tab ).show();
* When a user presses the "Upload Plugin" button, show the upload form in place
* rather than sending them to the devoted upload plugin page.
* The `?tab=upload` page still exists for no-js support and for plugins that
* might access it directly. When we're in this page, let the link behave
* like a link. Otherwise we're in the normal plugin installer pages and the
* link should behave like a toggle button.
if ( ! $wrap.hasClass( 'plugin-install-tab-upload' ) ) {
role: 'button',
'aria-expanded': 'false'
.on( 'click', function( event ) {
$body.toggleClass( 'show-upload-view' );
$uploadViewToggle.attr( 'aria-expanded', $body.hasClass( 'show-upload-view' ) );