Boone Gorges bc3d8197aa When saving post, ensure that non-hierarchical taxonomy input is defined before attempting to parse it.
Taxonomy metaboxes that are disabled for the current user are included in the
post.php markup, but do not contain the 'newtag' field, and so should be
skipped when looping through the metaboxes to avoid invoking String methods
on a variable of type `undefined`.

Props MikeNGarrett, A5hleyRich.
Fixes #30859.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@31895

git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@31874 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2015-03-26 01:23:28 +00:00

203 lines
4.9 KiB

/* jshint curly: false, eqeqeq: false */
/* global ajaxurl */
var tagBox, array_unique_noempty;
( function( $ ) {
// Return an array with any duplicate, whitespace or empty values removed
array_unique_noempty = function( array ) {
var out = [];
$.each( array, function( key, val ) {
val = $.trim( val );
if ( val && $.inArray( val, out ) === -1 ) {
out.push( val );
} );
return out;
tagBox = {
clean : function(tags) {
var comma = window.tagsBoxL10n.tagDelimiter;
if ( ',' !== comma )
tags = tags.replace(new RegExp(comma, 'g'), ',');
tags = tags.replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ',').replace(/,+/g, ',').replace(/[,\s]+$/, '').replace(/^[,\s]+/, '');
if ( ',' !== comma )
tags = tags.replace(/,/g, comma);
return tags;
parseTags : function(el) {
var id = el.id,
num = id.split('-check-num-')[1],
taxbox = $(el).closest('.tagsdiv'),
thetags = taxbox.find('.the-tags'),
comma = window.tagsBoxL10n.tagDelimiter,
current_tags = thetags.val().split( comma ),
new_tags = [];
delete current_tags[num];
$.each( current_tags, function( key, val ) {
val = $.trim( val );
if ( val ) {
new_tags.push( val );
thetags.val( this.clean( new_tags.join( comma ) ) );
this.quickClicks( taxbox );
return false;
quickClicks : function( el ) {
var thetags = $('.the-tags', el),
tagchecklist = $('.tagchecklist', el),
id = $(el).attr('id'),
current_tags, disabled;
if ( ! thetags.length )
disabled = thetags.prop('disabled');
current_tags = thetags.val().split( window.tagsBoxL10n.tagDelimiter );
$.each( current_tags, function( key, val ) {
var span, xbutton;
val = $.trim( val );
if ( ! val )
// Create a new span, and ensure the text is properly escaped.
span = $('<span />').text( val );
// If tags editing isn't disabled, create the X button.
if ( ! disabled ) {
xbutton = $( '<a id="' + id + '-check-num-' + key + '" class="ntdelbutton" tabindex="0">X</a>' );
xbutton.on( 'click keypress', function( e ) {
// Trigger function if pressed Enter - keyboard navigation
if ( e.type === 'click' || e.keyCode === 13 ) {
// When using keyboard, move focus back to the new tag field.
if ( e.keyCode === 13 ) {
$( this ).closest( '.tagsdiv' ).find( 'input.newtag' ).focus();
tagBox.parseTags( this );
span.prepend( '&nbsp;' ).prepend( xbutton );
// Append the span to the tag list.
tagchecklist.append( span );
flushTags : function( el, a, f ) {
var tagsval, newtags, text,
tags = $( '.the-tags', el ),
newtag = $( 'input.newtag', el ),
comma = window.tagsBoxL10n.tagDelimiter;
a = a || false;
text = a ? $(a).text() : newtag.val();
if ( 'undefined' == typeof( text ) ) {
return false;
tagsval = tags.val();
newtags = tagsval ? tagsval + comma + text : text;
newtags = this.clean( newtags );
newtags = array_unique_noempty( newtags.split( comma ) ).join( comma );
tags.val( newtags );
this.quickClicks( el );
if ( ! a )
if ( 'undefined' == typeof( f ) )
return false;
get : function( id ) {
var tax = id.substr( id.indexOf('-') + 1 );
$.post( ajaxurl, { 'action': 'get-tagcloud', 'tax': tax }, function( r, stat ) {
if ( 0 === r || 'success' != stat ) {
r = $( '<p id="tagcloud-' + tax + '" class="the-tagcloud">' + r + '</p>' );
$( 'a', r ).click( function() {
tagBox.flushTags( $( '#' + tax ), this );
return false;
$( '#' + id ).after( r );
init : function() {
var t = this, ajaxtag = $('div.ajaxtag');
$('.tagsdiv').each( function() {
$('.tagadd', ajaxtag).click(function(){
t.flushTags( $(this).closest('.tagsdiv') );
$('input.newtag', ajaxtag).keyup(function(e){
if ( 13 == e.which ) {
tagBox.flushTags( $(this).closest('.tagsdiv') );
return false;
if ( 13 == e.which ) {
return false;
}).each( function() {
var tax = $(this).closest('div.tagsdiv').attr('id');
ajaxurl + '?action=ajax-tag-search&tax=' + tax,
{ delay: 500, minchars: 2, multiple: true, multipleSep: window.tagsBoxL10n.tagDelimiter + ' ' }
// save tags on post save/publish
$('div.tagsdiv').each( function() {
tagBox.flushTags(this, false, 1);
// tag cloud
tagBox.get( $(this).attr('id') );
return false;
return false;
}( jQuery ));