mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 11:21:57 +01:00
* This moves our "development" versions from .dev.js to .js (same for css). * The compressed version then moves from .js to .min.js (same for css). By switching to the standard .min convention, it sets expectations for developers, and works nicely with existing tools such as ack. fixes #21633. git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@21592 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
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if ( typeof wp === 'undefined' )
var wp = {};
(function( exports, $ ){
var api, extend, ctor, inherits,
slice = Array.prototype.slice;
/* =====================================================================
* Micro-inheritance - thank you, backbone.js.
* ===================================================================== */
extend = function( protoProps, classProps ) {
var child = inherits( this, protoProps, classProps );
child.extend = this.extend;
return child;
// Shared empty constructor function to aid in prototype-chain creation.
ctor = function() {};
// Helper function to correctly set up the prototype chain, for subclasses.
// Similar to `goog.inherits`, but uses a hash of prototype properties and
// class properties to be extended.
inherits = function( parent, protoProps, staticProps ) {
var child;
// The constructor function for the new subclass is either defined by you
// (the "constructor" property in your `extend` definition), or defaulted
// by us to simply call `super()`.
if ( protoProps && protoProps.hasOwnProperty( 'constructor' ) ) {
child = protoProps.constructor;
} else {
child = function() {
// Storing the result `super()` before returning the value
// prevents a bug in Opera where, if the constructor returns
// a function, Opera will reject the return value in favor of
// the original object. This causes all sorts of trouble.
var result = parent.apply( this, arguments );
return result;
// Inherit class (static) properties from parent.
$.extend( child, parent );
// Set the prototype chain to inherit from `parent`, without calling
// `parent`'s constructor function.
ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;
child.prototype = new ctor();
// Add prototype properties (instance properties) to the subclass,
// if supplied.
if ( protoProps )
$.extend( child.prototype, protoProps );
// Add static properties to the constructor function, if supplied.
if ( staticProps )
$.extend( child, staticProps );
// Correctly set child's `prototype.constructor`.
child.prototype.constructor = child;
// Set a convenience property in case the parent's prototype is needed later.
child.__super__ = parent.prototype;
return child;
api = {};
/* =====================================================================
* Base class.
* ===================================================================== */
api.Class = function( applicator, argsArray, options ) {
var magic, args = arguments;
if ( applicator && argsArray && api.Class.applicator === applicator ) {
args = argsArray;
$.extend( this, options || {} );
magic = this;
if ( this.instance ) {
magic = function() {
return magic.instance.apply( magic, arguments );
$.extend( magic, this );
magic.initialize.apply( magic, args );
return magic;
api.Class.applicator = {};
api.Class.prototype.initialize = function() {};
* Checks whether a given instance extended a constructor.
* The magic surrounding the instance parameter causes the instanceof
* keyword to return inaccurate results; it defaults to the function's
* prototype instead of the constructor chain. Hence this function.
api.Class.prototype.extended = function( constructor ) {
var proto = this;
while ( typeof proto.constructor !== 'undefined' ) {
if ( proto.constructor === constructor )
return true;
if ( typeof proto.constructor.__super__ === 'undefined' )
return false;
proto = proto.constructor.__super__;
return false;
api.Class.extend = extend;
/* =====================================================================
* Events mixin.
* ===================================================================== */
api.Events = {
trigger: function( id ) {
if ( this.topics && this.topics[ id ] )
this.topics[ id ].fireWith( this, slice.call( arguments, 1 ) );
return this;
bind: function( id, callback ) {
this.topics = this.topics || {};
this.topics[ id ] = this.topics[ id ] || $.Callbacks();
this.topics[ id ].add.apply( this.topics[ id ], slice.call( arguments, 1 ) );
return this;
unbind: function( id, callback ) {
if ( this.topics && this.topics[ id ] )
this.topics[ id ].remove.apply( this.topics[ id ], slice.call( arguments, 1 ) );
return this;
/* =====================================================================
* Observable values that support two-way binding.
* ===================================================================== */
api.Value = api.Class.extend({
initialize: function( initial, options ) {
this._value = initial; // @todo: potentially change this to a this.set() call.
this.callbacks = $.Callbacks();
$.extend( this, options || {} );
this.set = $.proxy( this.set, this );
* Magic. Returns a function that will become the instance.
* Set to null to prevent the instance from extending a function.
instance: function() {
return arguments.length ? this.set.apply( this, arguments ) : this.get();
get: function() {
return this._value;
set: function( to ) {
var from = this._value;
to = this._setter.apply( this, arguments );
to = this.validate( to );
// Bail if the sanitized value is null or unchanged.
if ( null === to || this._value === to )
return this;
this._value = to;
this.callbacks.fireWith( this, [ to, from ] );
return this;
_setter: function( to ) {
return to;
setter: function( callback ) {
var from = this.get();
this._setter = callback;
// Temporarily clear value so setter can decide if it's valid.
this._value = null;
this.set( from );
return this;
resetSetter: function() {
this._setter = this.constructor.prototype._setter;
this.set( this.get() );
return this;
validate: function( value ) {
return value;
bind: function( callback ) {
this.callbacks.add.apply( this.callbacks, arguments );
return this;
unbind: function( callback ) {
this.callbacks.remove.apply( this.callbacks, arguments );
return this;
link: function() { // values*
var set = this.set;
$.each( arguments, function() {
this.bind( set );
return this;
unlink: function() { // values*
var set = this.set;
$.each( arguments, function() {
this.unbind( set );
return this;
sync: function() { // values*
var that = this;
$.each( arguments, function() {
that.link( this );
this.link( that );
return this;
unsync: function() { // values*
var that = this;
$.each( arguments, function() {
that.unlink( this );
this.unlink( that );
return this;
/* =====================================================================
* A collection of observable values.
* ===================================================================== */
api.Values = api.Class.extend({
defaultConstructor: api.Value,
initialize: function( options ) {
$.extend( this, options || {} );
this._value = {};
this._deferreds = {};
instance: function( id ) {
if ( arguments.length === 1 )
return this.value( id );
return this.when.apply( this, arguments );
value: function( id ) {
return this._value[ id ];
has: function( id ) {
return typeof this._value[ id ] !== 'undefined';
add: function( id, value ) {
if ( this.has( id ) )
return this.value( id );
this._value[ id ] = value;
value.parent = this;
if ( value.extended( api.Value ) )
value.bind( this._change );
this.trigger( 'add', value );
if ( this._deferreds[ id ] )
this._deferreds[ id ].resolve();
return this._value[ id ];
create: function( id ) {
return this.add( id, new this.defaultConstructor( api.Class.applicator, slice.call( arguments, 1 ) ) );
each: function( callback, context ) {
context = typeof context === 'undefined' ? this : context;
$.each( this._value, function( key, obj ) {
callback.call( context, obj, key );
remove: function( id ) {
var value;
if ( this.has( id ) ) {
value = this.value( id );
this.trigger( 'remove', value );
if ( value.extended( api.Value ) )
value.unbind( this._change );
delete value.parent;
delete this._value[ id ];
delete this._deferreds[ id ];
* Runs a callback once all requested values exist.
* when( ids*, [callback] );
* For example:
* when( id1, id2, id3, function( value1, value2, value3 ) {} );
* @returns $.Deferred.promise();
when: function() {
var self = this,
ids = slice.call( arguments ),
dfd = $.Deferred();
// If the last argument is a callback, bind it to .done()
if ( $.isFunction( ids[ ids.length - 1 ] ) )
dfd.done( ids.pop() );
$.when.apply( $, $.map( ids, function( id ) {
if ( self.has( id ) )
return self._deferreds[ id ] = self._deferreds[ id ] || $.Deferred();
})).done( function() {
var values = $.map( ids, function( id ) {
return self( id );
// If a value is missing, we've used at least one expired deferred.
// Call Values.when again to generate a new deferred.
if ( values.length !== ids.length ) {
// ids.push( callback );
self.when.apply( self, ids ).done( function() {
dfd.resolveWith( self, values );
dfd.resolveWith( self, values );
return dfd.promise();
_change: function() {
this.parent.trigger( 'change', this );
$.extend( api.Values.prototype, api.Events );
/* =====================================================================
* An observable value that syncs with an element.
* Handles inputs, selects, and textareas by default.
* ===================================================================== */
api.ensure = function( element ) {
return typeof element == 'string' ? $( element ) : element;
api.Element = api.Value.extend({
initialize: function( element, options ) {
var self = this,
synchronizer = api.Element.synchronizer.html,
type, update, refresh;
this.element = api.ensure( element );
this.events = '';
if ( this.element.is('input, select, textarea') ) {
this.events += 'change';
synchronizer = api.Element.synchronizer.val;
if ( this.element.is('input') ) {
type = this.element.prop('type');
if ( api.Element.synchronizer[ type ] )
synchronizer = api.Element.synchronizer[ type ];
if ( 'text' === type || 'password' === type )
this.events += ' keyup';
} else if ( this.element.is('textarea') ) {
this.events += ' keyup';
api.Value.prototype.initialize.call( this, null, $.extend( options || {}, synchronizer ) );
this._value = this.get();
update = this.update;
refresh = this.refresh;
this.update = function( to ) {
if ( to !== refresh.call( self ) )
update.apply( this, arguments );
this.refresh = function() {
self.set( refresh.call( self ) );
this.bind( this.update );
this.element.bind( this.events, this.refresh );
find: function( selector ) {
return $( selector, this.element );
refresh: function() {},
update: function() {}
api.Element.synchronizer = {};
$.each( [ 'html', 'val' ], function( i, method ) {
api.Element.synchronizer[ method ] = {
update: function( to ) {
this.element[ method ]( to );
refresh: function() {
return this.element[ method ]();
api.Element.synchronizer.checkbox = {
update: function( to ) {
this.element.prop( 'checked', to );
refresh: function() {
return this.element.prop( 'checked' );
api.Element.synchronizer.radio = {
update: function( to ) {
this.element.filter( function() {
return this.value === to;
}).prop( 'checked', true );
refresh: function() {
return this.element.filter( ':checked' ).val();
/* =====================================================================
* Messenger for postMessage.
* ===================================================================== */
$.support.postMessage = !! window.postMessage;
api.Messenger = api.Class.extend({
add: function( key, initial, options ) {
return this[ key ] = new api.Value( initial, options );
* Initialize Messenger.
* @param {object} params Parameters to configure the messenger.
* {string} .url The URL to communicate with.
* {window} .targetWindow The window instance to communicate with. Default window.parent.
* {string} .channel If provided, will send the channel with each message and only accept messages a matching channel.
* @param {object} options Extend any instance parameter or method with this object.
initialize: function( params, options ) {
// Target the parent frame by default, but only if a parent frame exists.
var defaultTarget = window.parent == window ? null : window.parent;
$.extend( this, options || {} );
this.add( 'channel', params.channel );
this.add( 'url', params.url || '' );
this.add( 'targetWindow', params.targetWindow || defaultTarget );
this.add( 'origin', this.url() ).link( this.url ).setter( function( to ) {
return to.replace( /([^:]+:\/\/[^\/]+).*/, '$1' );
// Since we want jQuery to treat the receive function as unique
// to this instance, we give the function a new guid.
// This will prevent every Messenger's receive function from being
// unbound when calling $.off( 'message', this.receive );
this.receive = $.proxy( this.receive, this );
this.receive.guid = $.guid++;
$( window ).on( 'message', this.receive );
destroy: function() {
$( window ).off( 'message', this.receive );
receive: function( event ) {
var message;
event = event.originalEvent;
if ( ! this.targetWindow() )
// Check to make sure the origin is valid.
if ( this.origin() && event.origin !== this.origin() )
message = JSON.parse( event.data );
// Check required message properties.
if ( ! message || ! message.id || typeof message.data === 'undefined' )
// Check if channel names match.
if ( ( message.channel || this.channel() ) && this.channel() !== message.channel )
this.trigger( message.id, message.data );
send: function( id, data ) {
var message;
data = typeof data === 'undefined' ? null : data;
if ( ! this.url() || ! this.targetWindow() )
message = { id: id, data: data };
if ( this.channel() )
message.channel = this.channel();
this.targetWindow().postMessage( JSON.stringify( message ), this.origin() );
// Add the Events mixin to api.Messenger.
$.extend( api.Messenger.prototype, api.Events );
/* =====================================================================
* Core customize object.
* ===================================================================== */
api = $.extend( new api.Values(), api );
api.get = function() {
var result = {};
this.each( function( obj, key ) {
result[ key ] = obj.get();
return result;
// Expose the API to the world.
exports.customize = api;
})( wp, jQuery );