matt 7d581043df Importing Duster theme, first pass at a candidate for twentyeleven theme.
Nice to have, but optional, improvements it'd be nice to have:

* Ability to have random rotating headers. (Core improvement to custom header functionality.)
* Color and layout options.
* More post formats. (Currently supporst  Asides, Links, and Galleries.)
* CMS-style slider home page option.

Welcome, TwentyEleven née Duster. :) Track at #17198.

git-svn-id: http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress/trunk@17669 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2011-04-20 21:46:33 +00:00

67 lines
2.5 KiB

* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Twenty Eleven
<div id="comments">
<?php if ( post_password_required() ) : ?>
<div class="nopassword"><?php _e( 'This post is password protected. Enter the password to view any comments.', 'twentyeleven' ); ?></div>
</div><!-- .comments -->
<?php return;
<?php // You can start editing here -- including this comment! ?>
<?php if ( have_comments() ) : ?>
<h2 id="comments-title">
printf( _n( 'One thought on &ldquo;%2$s&rdquo;', '%1$s thoughts on &ldquo;%2$s&rdquo;', get_comments_number(), 'twentyeleven' ),
number_format_i18n( get_comments_number() ), '<span>' . get_the_title() . '</span>' );
<?php if ( get_comment_pages_count() > 1 && get_option( 'page_comments' ) ) : // are there comments to navigate through ?>
<nav id="comment-nav-above">
<h1 class="section-heading"><?php _e( 'Comment navigation', 'twentyeleven' ); ?></h1>
<div class="nav-previous"><?php previous_comments_link( __( '&larr; Older Comments', 'twentyeleven' ) ); ?></div>
<div class="nav-next"><?php next_comments_link( __( 'Newer Comments &rarr;', 'twentyeleven' ) ); ?></div>
<?php endif; // check for comment navigation ?>
<ol class="commentlist">
<?php wp_list_comments( array( 'callback' => 'twentyeleven_comment' ) ); ?>
<?php if ( get_comment_pages_count() > 1 && get_option( 'page_comments' ) ) : // are there comments to navigate through ?>
<nav id="comment-nav-below">
<h1 class="section-heading"><?php _e( 'Comment navigation', 'twentyeleven' ); ?></h1>
<div class="nav-previous"><?php previous_comments_link( __( '&larr; Older Comments', 'twentyeleven' ) ); ?></div>
<div class="nav-next"><?php next_comments_link( __( 'Newer Comments &rarr;', 'twentyeleven' ) ); ?></div>
<?php endif; // check for comment navigation ?>
<?php else : // this is displayed if there are no comments so far ?>
<?php if ( comments_open() ) : // If comments are open, but there are no comments ?>
<?php else : // or, if we don't have comments:
/* If there are no comments and comments are closed,
* let's leave a little note, shall we?
* But only on posts! We don't want the note on pages.
if ( ! comments_open() && ! is_page() ) :
<p class="nocomments"><?php _e( 'Comments are closed.', 'twentyeleven' ); ?></p>
<?php endif; // end ! comments_open() && ! is_page() ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php comment_form(); ?>
</div><!-- #comments -->