joedolson 9922dfd54c Administration: Move tabindex="-1" from notice to JS.
In a handful of admin notices, a `tabindex` attribute is set so that JS can move focus to the notice `div`. Rather than adding `tabindex` to globally accepted attributes for `wp_kses_post()`, move the assignment of `tabindex` into the JS handlers that display those notices. The attribute is only relevant if JS is running, so there is no reason to add it in the original HTML notice.

Follow up to [56408], [56409], [56410], [56518], [56570], [56571], [56572], [56573], [56576], [56589], [56590], [56597], [56599], [56600], [56601].

Props costdev, joedolson.
See #57791.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@56602

git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@56114 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2023-09-17 22:51:24 +00:00

220 lines
6.2 KiB

* @output wp-admin/js/application-passwords.js
( function( $ ) {
var $appPassSection = $( '#application-passwords-section' ),
$newAppPassForm = $appPassSection.find( '.create-application-password' ),
$newAppPassField = $newAppPassForm.find( '.input' ),
$newAppPassButton = $newAppPassForm.find( '.button' ),
$appPassTwrapper = $appPassSection.find( '.application-passwords-list-table-wrapper' ),
$appPassTbody = $appPassSection.find( 'tbody' ),
$appPassTrNoItems = $appPassTbody.find( '.no-items' ),
$removeAllBtn = $( '#revoke-all-application-passwords' ),
tmplNewAppPass = wp.template( 'new-application-password' ),
tmplAppPassRow = wp.template( 'application-password-row' ),
userId = $( '#user_id' ).val();
$newAppPassButton.on( 'click', function( e ) {
if ( $newAppPassButton.prop( 'aria-disabled' ) ) {
var name = $newAppPassField.val();
if ( 0 === name.length ) {
$newAppPassField.trigger( 'focus' );
$newAppPassButton.prop( 'aria-disabled', true ).addClass( 'disabled' );
var request = {
name: name
* Filters the request data used to create a new Application Password.
* @since 5.6.0
* @param {Object} request The request data.
* @param {number} userId The id of the user the password is added for.
request = wp.hooks.applyFilters( 'wp_application_passwords_new_password_request', request, userId );
wp.apiRequest( {
path: '/wp/v2/users/' + userId + '/application-passwords?_locale=user',
method: 'POST',
data: request
} ).always( function() {
$newAppPassButton.removeProp( 'aria-disabled' ).removeClass( 'disabled' );
} ).done( function( response ) {
$newAppPassField.val( '' );
$newAppPassButton.prop( 'disabled', false );
$newAppPassForm.after( tmplNewAppPass( {
name: response.name,
password: response.password
} ) );
$( '.new-application-password-notice' ).attr( 'tabindex', '-1' ).trigger( 'focus' );
$appPassTbody.prepend( tmplAppPassRow( response ) );
* Fires after an application password has been successfully created.
* @since 5.6.0
* @param {Object} response The response data from the REST API.
* @param {Object} request The request data used to create the password.
wp.hooks.doAction( 'wp_application_passwords_created_password', response, request );
} ).fail( handleErrorResponse );
} );
$appPassTbody.on( 'click', '.delete', function( e ) {
if ( ! window.confirm( wp.i18n.__( 'Are you sure you want to revoke this password? This action cannot be undone.' ) ) ) {
var $submitButton = $( this ),
$tr = $submitButton.closest( 'tr' ),
uuid = $tr.data( 'uuid' );
$submitButton.prop( 'disabled', true );
wp.apiRequest( {
path: '/wp/v2/users/' + userId + '/application-passwords/' + uuid + '?_locale=user',
method: 'DELETE'
} ).always( function() {
$submitButton.prop( 'disabled', false );
} ).done( function( response ) {
if ( response.deleted ) {
if ( 0 === $tr.siblings().length ) {
addNotice( wp.i18n.__( 'Application password revoked.' ), 'success' ).trigger( 'focus' );
} ).fail( handleErrorResponse );
} );
$removeAllBtn.on( 'click', function( e ) {
if ( ! window.confirm( wp.i18n.__( 'Are you sure you want to revoke all passwords? This action cannot be undone.' ) ) ) {
var $submitButton = $( this );
$submitButton.prop( 'disabled', true );
wp.apiRequest( {
path: '/wp/v2/users/' + userId + '/application-passwords?_locale=user',
method: 'DELETE'
} ).always( function() {
$submitButton.prop( 'disabled', false );
} ).done( function( response ) {
if ( response.deleted ) {
$appPassSection.children( '.new-application-password' ).remove();
addNotice( wp.i18n.__( 'All application passwords revoked.' ), 'success' ).trigger( 'focus' );
} ).fail( handleErrorResponse );
} );
$appPassSection.on( 'click', '.notice-dismiss', function( e ) {
var $el = $( this ).parent();
$el.removeAttr( 'role' );
$el.fadeTo( 100, 0, function () {
$el.slideUp( 100, function () {
$newAppPassField.trigger( 'focus' );
} );
} );
} );
$newAppPassField.on( 'keypress', function ( e ) {
if ( 13 === e.which ) {
$newAppPassButton.trigger( 'click' );
} );
// If there are no items, don't display the table yet. If there are, show it.
if ( 0 === $appPassTbody.children( 'tr' ).not( $appPassTrNoItems ).length ) {
* Handles an error response from the REST API.
* @since 5.6.0
* @param {jqXHR} xhr The XHR object from the ajax call.
* @param {string} textStatus The string categorizing the ajax request's status.
* @param {string} errorThrown The HTTP status error text.
function handleErrorResponse( xhr, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
var errorMessage = errorThrown;
if ( xhr.responseJSON && xhr.responseJSON.message ) {
errorMessage = xhr.responseJSON.message;
addNotice( errorMessage, 'error' );
* Displays a message in the Application Passwords section.
* @since 5.6.0
* @param {string} message The message to display.
* @param {string} type The notice type. Either 'success' or 'error'.
* @returns {jQuery} The notice element.
function addNotice( message, type ) {
var $notice = $( '<div></div>' )
.attr( 'role', 'alert' )
.attr( 'tabindex', '-1' )
.addClass( 'is-dismissible notice notice-' + type )
.append( $( '<p></p>' ).text( message ) )
$( '<button></button>' )
.attr( 'type', 'button' )
.addClass( 'notice-dismiss' )
.append( $( '<span></span>' ).addClass( 'screen-reader-text' ).text( wp.i18n.__( 'Dismiss this notice.' ) ) )
$newAppPassForm.after( $notice );
return $notice;
* Clears notice messages from the Application Passwords section.
* @since 5.6.0
function clearNotices() {
$( '.notice', $appPassSection ).remove();
}( jQuery ) );