
6143 lines
147 KiB

(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
/*globals wp, _ */
var media = wp.media,
baseSettings = window._wpmejsSettings || {},
l10n = window._wpMediaViewsL10n || {};
* @mixin
wp.media.mixin = {
mejsSettings: baseSettings,
removeAllPlayers: function() {
var p;
if ( window.mejs && window.mejs.players ) {
for ( p in window.mejs.players ) {
this.removePlayer( window.mejs.players[p] );
* Override the MediaElement method for removing a player.
* MediaElement tries to pull the audio/video tag out of
* its container and re-add it to the DOM.
removePlayer: function(t) {
var featureIndex, feature;
if ( ! t.options ) {
// invoke features cleanup
for ( featureIndex in t.options.features ) {
feature = t.options.features[featureIndex];
if ( t['clean' + feature] ) {
try {
t['clean' + feature](t);
} catch (e) {}
if ( ! t.isDynamic ) {
if ( 'native' !== t.media.pluginType ) {
delete window.mejs.players[t.id];
delete t.node.player;
* Allows any class that has set 'player' to a MediaElementPlayer
* instance to remove the player when listening to events.
* Examples: modal closes, shortcode properties are removed, etc.
unsetPlayers : function() {
if ( this.players && this.players.length ) {
_.each( this.players, function (player) {
wp.media.mixin.removePlayer( player );
} );
this.players = [];
* Autowire "collection"-type shortcodes
wp.media.playlist = new wp.media.collection({
tag: 'playlist',
editTitle : l10n.editPlaylistTitle,
defaults : {
id: wp.media.view.settings.post.id,
style: 'light',
tracklist: true,
tracknumbers: true,
images: true,
artists: true,
type: 'audio'
* Shortcode modeling for audio
* `edit()` prepares the shortcode for the media modal
* `shortcode()` builds the new shortcode after update
* @namespace
wp.media.audio = {
coerce : wp.media.coerce,
defaults : {
id : wp.media.view.settings.post.id,
src : '',
loop : false,
autoplay : false,
preload : 'none',
width : 400
edit : function( data ) {
var frame, shortcode = wp.shortcode.next( 'audio', data ).shortcode;
frame = wp.media({
frame: 'audio',
state: 'audio-details',
metadata: _.defaults( shortcode.attrs.named, this.defaults )
return frame;
shortcode : function( model ) {
var content;
_.each( this.defaults, function( value, key ) {
model[ key ] = this.coerce( model, key );
if ( value === model[ key ] ) {
delete model[ key ];
}, this );
content = model.content;
delete model.content;
return new wp.shortcode({
tag: 'audio',
attrs: model,
content: content
* Shortcode modeling for video
* `edit()` prepares the shortcode for the media modal
* `shortcode()` builds the new shortcode after update
* @namespace
wp.media.video = {
coerce : wp.media.coerce,
defaults : {
id : wp.media.view.settings.post.id,
src : '',
poster : '',
loop : false,
autoplay : false,
preload : 'metadata',
content : '',
width : 640,
height : 360
edit : function( data ) {
var frame,
shortcode = wp.shortcode.next( 'video', data ).shortcode,
attrs = shortcode.attrs.named;
attrs.content = shortcode.content;
frame = wp.media({
frame: 'video',
state: 'video-details',
metadata: _.defaults( attrs, this.defaults )
return frame;
shortcode : function( model ) {
var content;
_.each( this.defaults, function( value, key ) {
model[ key ] = this.coerce( model, key );
if ( value === model[ key ] ) {
delete model[ key ];
}, this );
content = model.content;
delete model.content;
return new wp.shortcode({
tag: 'video',
attrs: model,
content: content
media.model.PostMedia = require( './models/post-media.js' );
media.controller.AudioDetails = require( './controllers/audio-details.js' );
media.controller.VideoDetails = require( './controllers/video-details.js' );
media.view.MediaFrame.MediaDetails = require( './views/frame/media-details.js' );
media.view.MediaFrame.AudioDetails = require( './views/frame/audio-details.js' );
media.view.MediaFrame.VideoDetails = require( './views/frame/video-details.js' );
media.view.MediaDetails = require( './views/media-details.js' );
media.view.AudioDetails = require( './views/audio-details.js' );
media.view.VideoDetails = require( './views/video-details.js' );
/*globals wp */
* wp.media.controller.AudioDetails
* The controller for the Audio Details state
* @class
* @augments wp.media.controller.State
* @augments Backbone.Model
var State = require( './state.js' ),
l10n = wp.media.view.l10n,
AudioDetails = State.extend({
defaults: {
id: 'audio-details',
toolbar: 'audio-details',
title: l10n.audioDetailsTitle,
content: 'audio-details',
menu: 'audio-details',
router: false,
priority: 60
initialize: function( options ) {
this.media = options.media;
State.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
module.exports = AudioDetails;
/*globals wp, _, Backbone */
* wp.media.controller.Library
* A state for choosing an attachment or group of attachments from the media library.
* @class
* @augments wp.media.controller.State
* @augments Backbone.Model
* @mixes media.selectionSync
* @param {object} [attributes] The attributes hash passed to the state.
* @param {string} [attributes.id=library] Unique identifier.
* @param {string} [attributes.title=Media library] Title for the state. Displays in the media menu and the frame's title region.
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachments} [attributes.library] The attachments collection to browse.
* If one is not supplied, a collection of all attachments will be created.
* @param {wp.media.model.Selection|object} [attributes.selection] A collection to contain attachment selections within the state.
* If the 'selection' attribute is a plain JS object,
* a Selection will be created using its values as the selection instance's `props` model.
* Otherwise, it will copy the library's `props` model.
* @param {boolean} [attributes.multiple=false] Whether multi-select is enabled.
* @param {string} [attributes.content=upload] Initial mode for the content region.
* Overridden by persistent user setting if 'contentUserSetting' is true.
* @param {string} [attributes.menu=default] Initial mode for the menu region.
* @param {string} [attributes.router=browse] Initial mode for the router region.
* @param {string} [attributes.toolbar=select] Initial mode for the toolbar region.
* @param {boolean} [attributes.searchable=true] Whether the library is searchable.
* @param {boolean|string} [attributes.filterable=false] Whether the library is filterable, and if so what filters should be shown.
* Accepts 'all', 'uploaded', or 'unattached'.
* @param {boolean} [attributes.sortable=true] Whether the Attachments should be sortable. Depends on the orderby property being set to menuOrder on the attachments collection.
* @param {boolean} [attributes.autoSelect=true] Whether an uploaded attachment should be automatically added to the selection.
* @param {boolean} [attributes.describe=false] Whether to offer UI to describe attachments - e.g. captioning images in a gallery.
* @param {boolean} [attributes.contentUserSetting=true] Whether the content region's mode should be set and persisted per user.
* @param {boolean} [attributes.syncSelection=true] Whether the Attachments selection should be persisted from the last state.
var selectionSync = require( '../utils/selection-sync.js' ),
State = require( './state.js' ),
l10n = wp.media.view.l10n,
getUserSetting = window.getUserSetting,
setUserSetting = window.setUserSetting,
Library = State.extend({
defaults: {
id: 'library',
title: l10n.mediaLibraryTitle,
multiple: false,
content: 'upload',
menu: 'default',
router: 'browse',
toolbar: 'select',
searchable: true,
filterable: false,
sortable: true,
autoSelect: true,
describe: false,
contentUserSetting: true,
syncSelection: true
* If a library isn't provided, query all media items.
* If a selection instance isn't provided, create one.
* @since 3.5.0
initialize: function() {
var selection = this.get('selection'),
if ( ! this.get('library') ) {
this.set( 'library', wp.media.query() );
if ( ! ( selection instanceof wp.media.model.Selection ) ) {
props = selection;
if ( ! props ) {
props = this.get('library').props.toJSON();
props = _.omit( props, 'orderby', 'query' );
this.set( 'selection', new wp.media.model.Selection( null, {
multiple: this.get('multiple'),
props: props
}) );
* @since 3.5.0
activate: function() {
wp.Uploader.queue.on( 'add', this.uploading, this );
this.get('selection').on( 'add remove reset', this.refreshContent, this );
if ( this.get( 'router' ) && this.get('contentUserSetting') ) {
this.frame.on( 'content:activate', this.saveContentMode, this );
this.set( 'content', getUserSetting( 'libraryContent', this.get('content') ) );
* @since 3.5.0
deactivate: function() {
this.frame.off( 'content:activate', this.saveContentMode, this );
// Unbind all event handlers that use this state as the context
// from the selection.
this.get('selection').off( null, null, this );
wp.Uploader.queue.off( null, null, this );
* Reset the library to its initial state.
* @since 3.5.0
reset: function() {
* Reset the attachment display settings defaults to the site options.
* If site options don't define them, fall back to a persistent user setting.
* @since 3.5.0
resetDisplays: function() {
var defaultProps = wp.media.view.settings.defaultProps;
this._displays = [];
this._defaultDisplaySettings = {
align: defaultProps.align || getUserSetting( 'align', 'none' ),
size: defaultProps.size || getUserSetting( 'imgsize', 'medium' ),
link: defaultProps.link || getUserSetting( 'urlbutton', 'file' )
* Create a model to represent display settings (alignment, etc.) for an attachment.
* @since 3.5.0
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachment} attachment
* @returns {Backbone.Model}
display: function( attachment ) {
var displays = this._displays;
if ( ! displays[ attachment.cid ] ) {
displays[ attachment.cid ] = new Backbone.Model( this.defaultDisplaySettings( attachment ) );
return displays[ attachment.cid ];
* Given an attachment, create attachment display settings properties.
* @since 3.6.0
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachment} attachment
* @returns {Object}
defaultDisplaySettings: function( attachment ) {
var settings = this._defaultDisplaySettings;
if ( settings.canEmbed = this.canEmbed( attachment ) ) {
settings.link = 'embed';
return settings;
* Whether an attachment can be embedded (audio or video).
* @since 3.6.0
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachment} attachment
* @returns {Boolean}
canEmbed: function( attachment ) {
// If uploading, we know the filename but not the mime type.
if ( ! attachment.get('uploading') ) {
var type = attachment.get('type');
if ( type !== 'audio' && type !== 'video' ) {
return false;
return _.contains( wp.media.view.settings.embedExts, attachment.get('filename').split('.').pop() );
* If the state is active, no items are selected, and the current
* content mode is not an option in the state's router (provided
* the state has a router), reset the content mode to the default.
* @since 3.5.0
refreshContent: function() {
var selection = this.get('selection'),
frame = this.frame,
router = frame.router.get(),
mode = frame.content.mode();
if ( this.active && ! selection.length && router && ! router.get( mode ) ) {
this.frame.content.render( this.get('content') );
* Callback handler when an attachment is uploaded.
* Switch to the Media Library if uploaded from the 'Upload Files' tab.
* Adds any uploading attachments to the selection.
* If the state only supports one attachment to be selected and multiple
* attachments are uploaded, the last attachment in the upload queue will
* be selected.
* @since 3.5.0
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachment} attachment
uploading: function( attachment ) {
var content = this.frame.content;
if ( 'upload' === content.mode() ) {
if ( this.get( 'autoSelect' ) ) {
this.get('selection').add( attachment );
this.frame.trigger( 'library:selection:add' );
* Persist the mode of the content region as a user setting.
* @since 3.5.0
saveContentMode: function() {
if ( 'browse' !== this.get('router') ) {
var mode = this.frame.content.mode(),
view = this.frame.router.get();
if ( view && view.get( mode ) ) {
setUserSetting( 'libraryContent', mode );
// Make selectionSync available on any Media Library state.
_.extend( Library.prototype, selectionSync );
module.exports = Library;
/*globals wp, _ */
* wp.media.controller.MediaLibrary
* @class
* @augments wp.media.controller.Library
* @augments wp.media.controller.State
* @augments Backbone.Model
var Library = require( './library.js' ),
MediaLibrary = Library.extend({
defaults: _.defaults({
// Attachments browser defaults. @see media.view.AttachmentsBrowser
filterable: 'uploaded',
displaySettings: false,
priority: 80,
syncSelection: false
}, Library.prototype.defaults ),
* @since 3.9.0
* @param options
initialize: function( options ) {
this.media = options.media;
this.type = options.type;
this.set( 'library', wp.media.query({ type: this.type }) );
Library.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
* @since 3.9.0
activate: function() {
// @todo this should use this.frame.
if ( wp.media.frame.lastMime ) {
this.set( 'library', wp.media.query({ type: wp.media.frame.lastMime }) );
delete wp.media.frame.lastMime;
Library.prototype.activate.apply( this, arguments );
module.exports = MediaLibrary;
/*globals Backbone, _ */
* wp.media.controller.Region
* A region is a persistent application layout area.
* A region assumes one mode at any time, and can be switched to another.
* When mode changes, events are triggered on the region's parent view.
* The parent view will listen to specific events and fill the region with an
* appropriate view depending on mode. For example, a frame listens for the
* 'browse' mode t be activated on the 'content' view and then fills the region
* with an AttachmentsBrowser view.
* @class
* @param {object} options Options hash for the region.
* @param {string} options.id Unique identifier for the region.
* @param {Backbone.View} options.view A parent view the region exists within.
* @param {string} options.selector jQuery selector for the region within the parent view.
var Region = function( options ) {
_.extend( this, _.pick( options || {}, 'id', 'view', 'selector' ) );
// Use Backbone's self-propagating `extend` inheritance method.
Region.extend = Backbone.Model.extend;
_.extend( Region.prototype, {
* Activate a mode.
* @since 3.5.0
* @param {string} mode
* @fires this.view#{this.id}:activate:{this._mode}
* @fires this.view#{this.id}:activate
* @fires this.view#{this.id}:deactivate:{this._mode}
* @fires this.view#{this.id}:deactivate
* @returns {wp.media.controller.Region} Returns itself to allow chaining.
mode: function( mode ) {
if ( ! mode ) {
return this._mode;
// Bail if we're trying to change to the current mode.
if ( mode === this._mode ) {
return this;
* Region mode deactivation event.
* @event this.view#{this.id}:deactivate:{this._mode}
* @event this.view#{this.id}:deactivate
this._mode = mode;
this.render( mode );
* Region mode activation event.
* @event this.view#{this.id}:activate:{this._mode}
* @event this.view#{this.id}:activate
return this;
* Render a mode.
* @since 3.5.0
* @param {string} mode
* @fires this.view#{this.id}:create:{this._mode}
* @fires this.view#{this.id}:create
* @fires this.view#{this.id}:render:{this._mode}
* @fires this.view#{this.id}:render
* @returns {wp.media.controller.Region} Returns itself to allow chaining
render: function( mode ) {
// If the mode isn't active, activate it.
if ( mode && mode !== this._mode ) {
return this.mode( mode );
var set = { view: null },
* Create region view event.
* Region view creation takes place in an event callback on the frame.
* @event this.view#{this.id}:create:{this._mode}
* @event this.view#{this.id}:create
this.trigger( 'create', set );
view = set.view;
* Render region view event.
* Region view creation takes place in an event callback on the frame.
* @event this.view#{this.id}:create:{this._mode}
* @event this.view#{this.id}:create
this.trigger( 'render', view );
if ( view ) {
this.set( view );
return this;
* Get the region's view.
* @since 3.5.0
* @returns {wp.media.View}
get: function() {
return this.view.views.first( this.selector );
* Set the region's view as a subview of the frame.
* @since 3.5.0
* @param {Array|Object} views
* @param {Object} [options={}]
* @returns {wp.Backbone.Subviews} Subviews is returned to allow chaining
set: function( views, options ) {
if ( options ) {
options.add = false;
return this.view.views.set( this.selector, views, options );
* Trigger regional view events on the frame.
* @since 3.5.0
* @param {string} event
* @returns {undefined|wp.media.controller.Region} Returns itself to allow chaining.
trigger: function( event ) {
var base, args;
if ( ! this._mode ) {
args = _.toArray( arguments );
base = this.id + ':' + event;
// Trigger `{this.id}:{event}:{this._mode}` event on the frame.
args[0] = base + ':' + this._mode;
this.view.trigger.apply( this.view, args );
// Trigger `{this.id}:{event}` event on the frame.
args[0] = base;
this.view.trigger.apply( this.view, args );
return this;
module.exports = Region;
/*globals _, Backbone */
* wp.media.controller.StateMachine
* A state machine keeps track of state. It is in one state at a time,
* and can change from one state to another.
* States are stored as models in a Backbone collection.
* @since 3.5.0
* @class
* @augments Backbone.Model
* @mixin
* @mixes Backbone.Events
* @param {Array} states
var StateMachine = function( states ) {
// @todo This is dead code. The states collection gets created in media.view.Frame._createStates.
this.states = new Backbone.Collection( states );
// Use Backbone's self-propagating `extend` inheritance method.
StateMachine.extend = Backbone.Model.extend;
_.extend( StateMachine.prototype, Backbone.Events, {
* Fetch a state.
* If no `id` is provided, returns the active state.
* Implicitly creates states.
* Ensure that the `states` collection exists so the `StateMachine`
* can be used as a mixin.
* @since 3.5.0
* @param {string} id
* @returns {wp.media.controller.State} Returns a State model
* from the StateMachine collection
state: function( id ) {
this.states = this.states || new Backbone.Collection();
// Default to the active state.
id = id || this._state;
if ( id && ! this.states.get( id ) ) {
this.states.add({ id: id });
return this.states.get( id );
* Sets the active state.
* Bail if we're trying to select the current state, if we haven't
* created the `states` collection, or are trying to select a state
* that does not exist.
* @since 3.5.0
* @param {string} id
* @fires wp.media.controller.State#deactivate
* @fires wp.media.controller.State#activate
* @returns {wp.media.controller.StateMachine} Returns itself to allow chaining
setState: function( id ) {
var previous = this.state();
if ( ( previous && id === previous.id ) || ! this.states || ! this.states.get( id ) ) {
return this;
if ( previous ) {
this._lastState = previous.id;
this._state = id;
return this;
* Returns the previous active state.
* Call the `state()` method with no parameters to retrieve the current
* active state.
* @since 3.5.0
* @returns {wp.media.controller.State} Returns a State model
* from the StateMachine collection
lastState: function() {
if ( this._lastState ) {
return this.state( this._lastState );
// Map all event binding and triggering on a StateMachine to its `states` collection.
_.each([ 'on', 'off', 'trigger' ], function( method ) {
* @returns {wp.media.controller.StateMachine} Returns itself to allow chaining.
StateMachine.prototype[ method ] = function() {
// Ensure that the `states` collection exists so the `StateMachine`
// can be used as a mixin.
this.states = this.states || new Backbone.Collection();
// Forward the method to the `states` collection.
this.states[ method ].apply( this.states, arguments );
return this;
module.exports = StateMachine;
/*globals _, Backbone */
* wp.media.controller.State
* A state is a step in a workflow that when set will trigger the controllers
* for the regions to be updated as specified in the frame.
* A state has an event-driven lifecycle:
* 'ready' triggers when a state is added to a state machine's collection.
* 'activate' triggers when a state is activated by a state machine.
* 'deactivate' triggers when a state is deactivated by a state machine.
* 'reset' is not triggered automatically. It should be invoked by the
* proper controller to reset the state to its default.
* @class
* @augments Backbone.Model
var State = Backbone.Model.extend({
* Constructor.
* @since 3.5.0
constructor: function() {
this.on( 'activate', this._preActivate, this );
this.on( 'activate', this.activate, this );
this.on( 'activate', this._postActivate, this );
this.on( 'deactivate', this._deactivate, this );
this.on( 'deactivate', this.deactivate, this );
this.on( 'reset', this.reset, this );
this.on( 'ready', this._ready, this );
this.on( 'ready', this.ready, this );
* Call parent constructor with passed arguments
Backbone.Model.apply( this, arguments );
this.on( 'change:menu', this._updateMenu, this );
* Ready event callback.
* @abstract
* @since 3.5.0
ready: function() {},
* Activate event callback.
* @abstract
* @since 3.5.0
activate: function() {},
* Deactivate event callback.
* @abstract
* @since 3.5.0
deactivate: function() {},
* Reset event callback.
* @abstract
* @since 3.5.0
reset: function() {},
* @access private
* @since 3.5.0
_ready: function() {
* @access private
* @since 3.5.0
_preActivate: function() {
this.active = true;
* @access private
* @since 3.5.0
_postActivate: function() {
this.on( 'change:menu', this._menu, this );
this.on( 'change:titleMode', this._title, this );
this.on( 'change:content', this._content, this );
this.on( 'change:toolbar', this._toolbar, this );
this.frame.on( 'title:render:default', this._renderTitle, this );
* @access private
* @since 3.5.0
_deactivate: function() {
this.active = false;
this.frame.off( 'title:render:default', this._renderTitle, this );
this.off( 'change:menu', this._menu, this );
this.off( 'change:titleMode', this._title, this );
this.off( 'change:content', this._content, this );
this.off( 'change:toolbar', this._toolbar, this );
* @access private
* @since 3.5.0
_title: function() {
this.frame.title.render( this.get('titleMode') || 'default' );
* @access private
* @since 3.5.0
_renderTitle: function( view ) {
view.$el.text( this.get('title') || '' );
* @access private
* @since 3.5.0
_router: function() {
var router = this.frame.router,
mode = this.get('router'),
this.frame.$el.toggleClass( 'hide-router', ! mode );
if ( ! mode ) {
this.frame.router.render( mode );
view = router.get();
if ( view && view.select ) {
view.select( this.frame.content.mode() );
* @access private
* @since 3.5.0
_menu: function() {
var menu = this.frame.menu,
mode = this.get('menu'),
this.frame.$el.toggleClass( 'hide-menu', ! mode );
if ( ! mode ) {
menu.mode( mode );
view = menu.get();
if ( view && view.select ) {
view.select( this.id );
* @access private
* @since 3.5.0
_updateMenu: function() {
var previous = this.previous('menu'),
menu = this.get('menu');
if ( previous ) {
this.frame.off( 'menu:render:' + previous, this._renderMenu, this );
if ( menu ) {
this.frame.on( 'menu:render:' + menu, this._renderMenu, this );
* Create a view in the media menu for the state.
* @access private
* @since 3.5.0
* @param {media.view.Menu} view The menu view.
_renderMenu: function( view ) {
var menuItem = this.get('menuItem'),
title = this.get('title'),
priority = this.get('priority');
if ( ! menuItem && title ) {
menuItem = { text: title };
if ( priority ) {
menuItem.priority = priority;
if ( ! menuItem ) {
view.set( this.id, menuItem );
_.each(['toolbar','content'], function( region ) {
* @access private
State.prototype[ '_' + region ] = function() {
var mode = this.get( region );
if ( mode ) {
this.frame[ region ].render( mode );
module.exports = State;
/*globals wp */
* wp.media.controller.VideoDetails
* The controller for the Video Details state
* @class
* @augments wp.media.controller.State
* @augments Backbone.Model
var State = require( './state.js' ),
l10n = wp.media.view.l10n,
VideoDetails = State.extend({
defaults: {
id: 'video-details',
toolbar: 'video-details',
title: l10n.videoDetailsTitle,
content: 'video-details',
menu: 'video-details',
router: false,
priority: 60
initialize: function( options ) {
this.media = options.media;
State.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
module.exports = VideoDetails;
/*globals wp, Backbone, _ */
* wp.media.model.PostMedia
* Shared model class for audio and video. Updates the model after
* "Add Audio|Video Source" and "Replace Audio|Video" states return
* @class
* @augments Backbone.Model
var PostMedia = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.attachment = false;
setSource: function( attachment ) {
this.attachment = attachment;
this.extension = attachment.get( 'filename' ).split('.').pop();
if ( this.get( 'src' ) && this.extension === this.get( 'src' ).split('.').pop() ) {
this.unset( 'src' );
if ( _.contains( wp.media.view.settings.embedExts, this.extension ) ) {
this.set( this.extension, this.attachment.get( 'url' ) );
} else {
this.unset( this.extension );
changeAttachment: function( attachment ) {
this.setSource( attachment );
this.unset( 'src' );
_.each( _.without( wp.media.view.settings.embedExts, this.extension ), function( ext ) {
this.unset( ext );
}, this );
module.exports = PostMedia;
/*globals _ */
* wp.media.selectionSync
* Sync an attachments selection in a state with another state.
* Allows for selecting multiple images in the Insert Media workflow, and then
* switching to the Insert Gallery workflow while preserving the attachments selection.
* @mixin
var selectionSync = {
* @since 3.5.0
syncSelection: function() {
var selection = this.get('selection'),
manager = this.frame._selection;
if ( ! this.get('syncSelection') || ! manager || ! selection ) {
// If the selection supports multiple items, validate the stored
// attachments based on the new selection's conditions. Record
// the attachments that are not included; we'll maintain a
// reference to those. Other attachments are considered in flux.
if ( selection.multiple ) {
selection.reset( [], { silent: true });
selection.validateAll( manager.attachments );
manager.difference = _.difference( manager.attachments.models, selection.models );
// Sync the selection's single item with the master.
selection.single( manager.single );
* Record the currently active attachments, which is a combination
* of the selection's attachments and the set of selected
* attachments that this specific selection considered invalid.
* Reset the difference and record the single attachment.
* @since 3.5.0
recordSelection: function() {
var selection = this.get('selection'),
manager = this.frame._selection;
if ( ! this.get('syncSelection') || ! manager || ! selection ) {
if ( selection.multiple ) {
manager.attachments.reset( selection.toArray().concat( manager.difference ) );
manager.difference = [];
} else {
manager.attachments.add( selection.toArray() );
manager.single = selection._single;
module.exports = selectionSync;
/*globals _ */
* wp.media.view.AttachmentCompat
* A view to display fields added via the `attachment_fields_to_edit` filter.
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var View = require( './view.js' ),
AttachmentCompat = View.extend({
tagName: 'form',
className: 'compat-item',
events: {
'submit': 'preventDefault',
'change input': 'save',
'change select': 'save',
'change textarea': 'save'
initialize: function() {
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:compat', this.render );
* @returns {wp.media.view.AttachmentCompat} Returns itself to allow chaining
dispose: function() {
if ( this.$(':focus').length ) {
* call 'dispose' directly on the parent class
return View.prototype.dispose.apply( this, arguments );
* @returns {wp.media.view.AttachmentCompat} Returns itself to allow chaining
render: function() {
var compat = this.model.get('compat');
if ( ! compat || ! compat.item ) {
this.$el.html( compat.item );
return this;
* @param {Object} event
preventDefault: function( event ) {
* @param {Object} event
save: function( event ) {
var data = {};
if ( event ) {
_.each( this.$el.serializeArray(), function( pair ) {
data[ pair.name ] = pair.value;
this.controller.trigger( 'attachment:compat:waiting', ['waiting'] );
this.model.saveCompat( data ).always( _.bind( this.postSave, this ) );
postSave: function() {
this.controller.trigger( 'attachment:compat:ready', ['ready'] );
module.exports = AttachmentCompat;
/*globals _ */
* wp.media.view.AttachmentFilters
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var View = require( './view.js' ),
$ = jQuery,
AttachmentFilters = View.extend({
tagName: 'select',
className: 'attachment-filters',
id: 'media-attachment-filters',
events: {
change: 'change'
keys: [],
initialize: function() {
_.extend( this.filters, this.options.filters );
// Build `<option>` elements.
this.$el.html( _.chain( this.filters ).map( function( filter, value ) {
return {
el: $( '<option></option>' ).val( value ).html( filter.text )[0],
priority: filter.priority || 50
}, this ).sortBy('priority').pluck('el').value() );
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change', this.select );
* @abstract
createFilters: function() {
this.filters = {};
* When the selected filter changes, update the Attachment Query properties to match.
change: function() {
var filter = this.filters[ this.el.value ];
if ( filter ) {
this.model.set( filter.props );
select: function() {
var model = this.model,
value = 'all',
props = model.toJSON();
_.find( this.filters, function( filter, id ) {
var equal = _.all( filter.props, function( prop, key ) {
return prop === ( _.isUndefined( props[ key ] ) ? null : props[ key ] );
if ( equal ) {
return value = id;
this.$el.val( value );
module.exports = AttachmentFilters;
* wp.media.view.AttachmentFilters.All
* @class
* @augments wp.media.view.AttachmentFilters
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var AttachmentFilters = require( '../attachment-filters.js' ),
l10n = wp.media.view.l10n,
All = AttachmentFilters.extend({
createFilters: function() {
var filters = {};
_.each( wp.media.view.settings.mimeTypes || {}, function( text, key ) {
filters[ key ] = {
text: text,
props: {
status: null,
type: key,
uploadedTo: null,
orderby: 'date',
order: 'DESC'
filters.all = {
text: l10n.allMediaItems,
props: {
status: null,
type: null,
uploadedTo: null,
orderby: 'date',
order: 'DESC'
priority: 10
if ( wp.media.view.settings.post.id ) {
filters.uploaded = {
text: l10n.uploadedToThisPost,
props: {
status: null,
type: null,
uploadedTo: wp.media.view.settings.post.id,
orderby: 'menuOrder',
order: 'ASC'
priority: 20
filters.unattached = {
text: l10n.unattached,
props: {
status: null,
uploadedTo: 0,
type: null,
orderby: 'menuOrder',
order: 'ASC'
priority: 50
if ( wp.media.view.settings.mediaTrash &&
this.controller.isModeActive( 'grid' ) ) {
filters.trash = {
text: l10n.trash,
props: {
uploadedTo: null,
status: 'trash',
type: null,
orderby: 'date',
order: 'DESC'
priority: 50
this.filters = filters;
module.exports = All;
/*globals wp, _ */
* A filter dropdown for month/dates.
* @class
* @augments wp.media.view.AttachmentFilters
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var AttachmentFilters = require( '../attachment-filters.js' ),
l10n = wp.media.view.l10n,
DateFilter = AttachmentFilters.extend({
id: 'media-attachment-date-filters',
createFilters: function() {
var filters = {};
_.each( wp.media.view.settings.months || {}, function( value, index ) {
filters[ index ] = {
text: value.text,
props: {
year: value.year,
monthnum: value.month
filters.all = {
text: l10n.allDates,
props: {
monthnum: false,
year: false
priority: 10
this.filters = filters;
module.exports = DateFilter;
* wp.media.view.AttachmentFilters.Uploaded
* @class
* @augments wp.media.view.AttachmentFilters
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var AttachmentFilters = require( '../attachment-filters.js' ),
l10n = wp.media.view.l10n,
Uploaded = AttachmentFilters.extend({
createFilters: function() {
var type = this.model.get('type'),
types = wp.media.view.settings.mimeTypes,
if ( types && type ) {
text = types[ type ];
this.filters = {
all: {
text: text || l10n.allMediaItems,
props: {
uploadedTo: null,
orderby: 'date',
order: 'DESC'
priority: 10
uploaded: {
text: l10n.uploadedToThisPost,
props: {
uploadedTo: wp.media.view.settings.post.id,
orderby: 'menuOrder',
order: 'ASC'
priority: 20
unattached: {
text: l10n.unattached,
props: {
uploadedTo: 0,
orderby: 'menuOrder',
order: 'ASC'
priority: 50
module.exports = Uploaded;
/*globals wp, _, jQuery */
* wp.media.view.Attachment
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var View = require( './view.js' ),
$ = jQuery,
Attachment = View.extend({
tagName: 'li',
className: 'attachment',
template: wp.template('attachment'),
attributes: function() {
return {
'tabIndex': 0,
'role': 'checkbox',
'aria-label': this.model.get( 'title' ),
'aria-checked': false,
'data-id': this.model.get( 'id' )
events: {
'click .js--select-attachment': 'toggleSelectionHandler',
'change [data-setting]': 'updateSetting',
'change [data-setting] input': 'updateSetting',
'change [data-setting] select': 'updateSetting',
'change [data-setting] textarea': 'updateSetting',
'click .close': 'removeFromLibrary',
'click .check': 'checkClickHandler',
'click a': 'preventDefault',
'keydown .close': 'removeFromLibrary',
'keydown': 'toggleSelectionHandler'
buttons: {},
initialize: function() {
var selection = this.options.selection,
options = _.defaults( this.options, {
rerenderOnModelChange: true
} );
if ( options.rerenderOnModelChange ) {
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change', this.render );
} else {
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:percent', this.progress );
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:title', this._syncTitle );
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:caption', this._syncCaption );
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:artist', this._syncArtist );
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:album', this._syncAlbum );
// Update the selection.
this.listenTo( this.model, 'add', this.select );
this.listenTo( this.model, 'remove', this.deselect );
if ( selection ) {
selection.on( 'reset', this.updateSelect, this );
// Update the model's details view.
this.listenTo( this.model, 'selection:single selection:unsingle', this.details );
this.details( this.model, this.controller.state().get('selection') );
this.listenTo( this.controller, 'attachment:compat:waiting attachment:compat:ready', this.updateSave );
* @returns {wp.media.view.Attachment} Returns itself to allow chaining
dispose: function() {
var selection = this.options.selection;
// Make sure all settings are saved before removing the view.
if ( selection ) {
selection.off( null, null, this );
* call 'dispose' directly on the parent class
View.prototype.dispose.apply( this, arguments );
return this;
* @returns {wp.media.view.Attachment} Returns itself to allow chaining
render: function() {
var options = _.defaults( this.model.toJSON(), {
orientation: 'landscape',
uploading: false,
type: '',
subtype: '',
icon: '',
filename: '',
caption: '',
title: '',
dateFormatted: '',
width: '',
height: '',
compat: false,
alt: '',
description: ''
}, this.options );
options.buttons = this.buttons;
options.describe = this.controller.state().get('describe');
if ( 'image' === options.type ) {
options.size = this.imageSize();
options.can = {};
if ( options.nonces ) {
options.can.remove = !! options.nonces['delete'];
options.can.save = !! options.nonces.update;
if ( this.controller.state().get('allowLocalEdits') ) {
options.allowLocalEdits = true;
if ( options.uploading && ! options.percent ) {
options.percent = 0;
this.$el.html( this.template( options ) );
this.$el.toggleClass( 'uploading', options.uploading );
if ( options.uploading ) {
this.$bar = this.$('.media-progress-bar div');
} else {
delete this.$bar;
// Check if the model is selected.
// Update the save status.
return this;
progress: function() {
if ( this.$bar && this.$bar.length ) {
this.$bar.width( this.model.get('percent') + '%' );
* @param {Object} event
toggleSelectionHandler: function( event ) {
var method;
// Don't do anything inside inputs.
if ( 'INPUT' === event.target.nodeName ) {
// Catch arrow events
if ( 37 === event.keyCode || 38 === event.keyCode || 39 === event.keyCode || 40 === event.keyCode ) {
this.controller.trigger( 'attachment:keydown:arrow', event );
// Catch enter and space events
if ( 'keydown' === event.type && 13 !== event.keyCode && 32 !== event.keyCode ) {
// In the grid view, bubble up an edit:attachment event to the controller.
if ( this.controller.isModeActive( 'grid' ) ) {
if ( this.controller.isModeActive( 'edit' ) ) {
// Pass the current target to restore focus when closing
this.controller.trigger( 'edit:attachment', this.model, event.currentTarget );
if ( this.controller.isModeActive( 'select' ) ) {
method = 'toggle';
if ( event.shiftKey ) {
method = 'between';
} else if ( event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey ) {
method = 'toggle';
method: method
this.controller.trigger( 'selection:toggle' );
* @param {Object} options
toggleSelection: function( options ) {
var collection = this.collection,
selection = this.options.selection,
model = this.model,
method = options && options.method,
single, models, singleIndex, modelIndex;
if ( ! selection ) {
single = selection.single();
method = _.isUndefined( method ) ? selection.multiple : method;
// If the `method` is set to `between`, select all models that
// exist between the current and the selected model.
if ( 'between' === method && single && selection.multiple ) {
// If the models are the same, short-circuit.
if ( single === model ) {
singleIndex = collection.indexOf( single );
modelIndex = collection.indexOf( this.model );
if ( singleIndex < modelIndex ) {
models = collection.models.slice( singleIndex, modelIndex + 1 );
} else {
models = collection.models.slice( modelIndex, singleIndex + 1 );
selection.add( models );
selection.single( model );
// If the `method` is set to `toggle`, just flip the selection
// status, regardless of whether the model is the single model.
} else if ( 'toggle' === method ) {
selection[ this.selected() ? 'remove' : 'add' ]( model );
selection.single( model );
} else if ( 'add' === method ) {
selection.add( model );
selection.single( model );
// Fixes bug that loses focus when selecting a featured image
if ( ! method ) {
method = 'add';
if ( method !== 'add' ) {
method = 'reset';
if ( this.selected() ) {
// If the model is the single model, remove it.
// If it is not the same as the single model,
// it now becomes the single model.
selection[ single === model ? 'remove' : 'single' ]( model );
} else {
// If the model is not selected, run the `method` on the
// selection. By default, we `reset` the selection, but the
// `method` can be set to `add` the model to the selection.
selection[ method ]( model );
selection.single( model );
updateSelect: function() {
this[ this.selected() ? 'select' : 'deselect' ]();
* @returns {unresolved|Boolean}
selected: function() {
var selection = this.options.selection;
if ( selection ) {
return !! selection.get( this.model.cid );
* @param {Backbone.Model} model
* @param {Backbone.Collection} collection
select: function( model, collection ) {
var selection = this.options.selection,
controller = this.controller;
// Check if a selection exists and if it's the collection provided.
// If they're not the same collection, bail; we're in another
// selection's event loop.
if ( ! selection || ( collection && collection !== selection ) ) {
// Bail if the model is already selected.
if ( this.$el.hasClass( 'selected' ) ) {
// Add 'selected' class to model, set aria-checked to true.
this.$el.addClass( 'selected' ).attr( 'aria-checked', true );
// Make the checkbox tabable, except in media grid (bulk select mode).
if ( ! ( controller.isModeActive( 'grid' ) && controller.isModeActive( 'select' ) ) ) {
this.$( '.check' ).attr( 'tabindex', '0' );
* @param {Backbone.Model} model
* @param {Backbone.Collection} collection
deselect: function( model, collection ) {
var selection = this.options.selection;
// Check if a selection exists and if it's the collection provided.
// If they're not the same collection, bail; we're in another
// selection's event loop.
if ( ! selection || ( collection && collection !== selection ) ) {
this.$el.removeClass( 'selected' ).attr( 'aria-checked', false )
.find( '.check' ).attr( 'tabindex', '-1' );
* @param {Backbone.Model} model
* @param {Backbone.Collection} collection
details: function( model, collection ) {
var selection = this.options.selection,
if ( selection !== collection ) {
details = selection.single();
this.$el.toggleClass( 'details', details === this.model );
* @param {Object} event
preventDefault: function( event ) {
* @param {string} size
* @returns {Object}
imageSize: function( size ) {
var sizes = this.model.get('sizes'), matched = false;
size = size || 'medium';
// Use the provided image size if possible.
if ( sizes ) {
if ( sizes[ size ] ) {
matched = sizes[ size ];
} else if ( sizes.large ) {
matched = sizes.large;
} else if ( sizes.thumbnail ) {
matched = sizes.thumbnail;
} else if ( sizes.full ) {
matched = sizes.full;
if ( matched ) {
return _.clone( matched );
return {
url: this.model.get('url'),
width: this.model.get('width'),
height: this.model.get('height'),
orientation: this.model.get('orientation')
* @param {Object} event
updateSetting: function( event ) {
var $setting = $( event.target ).closest('[data-setting]'),
setting, value;
if ( ! $setting.length ) {
setting = $setting.data('setting');
value = event.target.value;
if ( this.model.get( setting ) !== value ) {
this.save( setting, value );
* Pass all the arguments to the model's save method.
* Records the aggregate status of all save requests and updates the
* view's classes accordingly.
save: function() {
var view = this,
save = this._save = this._save || { status: 'ready' },
request = this.model.save.apply( this.model, arguments ),
requests = save.requests ? $.when( request, save.requests ) : request;
// If we're waiting to remove 'Saved.', stop.
if ( save.savedTimer ) {
clearTimeout( save.savedTimer );
save.requests = requests;
requests.always( function() {
// If we've performed another request since this one, bail.
if ( save.requests !== requests ) {
view.updateSave( requests.state() === 'resolved' ? 'complete' : 'error' );
save.savedTimer = setTimeout( function() {
delete save.savedTimer;
}, 2000 );
* @param {string} status
* @returns {wp.media.view.Attachment} Returns itself to allow chaining
updateSave: function( status ) {
var save = this._save = this._save || { status: 'ready' };
if ( status && status !== save.status ) {
this.$el.removeClass( 'save-' + save.status );
save.status = status;
this.$el.addClass( 'save-' + save.status );
return this;
updateAll: function() {
var $settings = this.$('[data-setting]'),
model = this.model,
changed = _.chain( $settings ).map( function( el ) {
var $input = $('input, textarea, select, [value]', el ),
setting, value;
if ( ! $input.length ) {
setting = $(el).data('setting');
value = $input.val();
// Record the value if it changed.
if ( model.get( setting ) !== value ) {
return [ setting, value ];
if ( ! _.isEmpty( changed ) ) {
model.save( changed );
* @param {Object} event
removeFromLibrary: function( event ) {
// Catch enter and space events
if ( 'keydown' === event.type && 13 !== event.keyCode && 32 !== event.keyCode ) {
// Stop propagation so the model isn't selected.
this.collection.remove( this.model );
* Add the model if it isn't in the selection, if it is in the selection,
* remove it.
* @param {[type]} event [description]
* @return {[type]} [description]
checkClickHandler: function ( event ) {
var selection = this.options.selection;
if ( ! selection ) {
if ( selection.where( { id: this.model.get( 'id' ) } ).length ) {
selection.remove( this.model );
// Move focus back to the attachment tile (from the check).
} else {
selection.add( this.model );
// Ensure settings remain in sync between attachment views.
caption: '_syncCaption',
title: '_syncTitle',
artist: '_syncArtist',
album: '_syncAlbum'
}, function( method, setting ) {
* @param {Backbone.Model} model
* @param {string} value
* @returns {wp.media.view.Attachment} Returns itself to allow chaining
Attachment.prototype[ method ] = function( model, value ) {
var $setting = this.$('[data-setting="' + setting + '"]');
if ( ! $setting.length ) {
return this;
// If the updated value is in sync with the value in the DOM, there
// is no need to re-render. If we're currently editing the value,
// it will automatically be in sync, suppressing the re-render for
// the view we're editing, while updating any others.
if ( value === $setting.find('input, textarea, select, [value]').val() ) {
return this;
return this.render();
module.exports = Attachment;
/*globals wp, _ */
* wp.media.view.Attachment.Details
* @class
* @augments wp.media.view.Attachment
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var Attachment = require( '../attachment.js' ),
l10n = wp.media.view.l10n,
Details = Attachment.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'attachment-details',
template: wp.template('attachment-details'),
attributes: function() {
return {
'tabIndex': 0,
'data-id': this.model.get( 'id' )
events: {
'change [data-setting]': 'updateSetting',
'change [data-setting] input': 'updateSetting',
'change [data-setting] select': 'updateSetting',
'change [data-setting] textarea': 'updateSetting',
'click .delete-attachment': 'deleteAttachment',
'click .trash-attachment': 'trashAttachment',
'click .untrash-attachment': 'untrashAttachment',
'click .edit-attachment': 'editAttachment',
'click .refresh-attachment': 'refreshAttachment',
'keydown': 'toggleSelectionHandler'
initialize: function() {
this.options = _.defaults( this.options, {
rerenderOnModelChange: false
this.on( 'ready', this.initialFocus );
// Call 'initialize' directly on the parent class.
Attachment.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
initialFocus: function() {
if ( ! wp.media.isTouchDevice ) {
this.$( ':input' ).eq( 0 ).focus();
* @param {Object} event
deleteAttachment: function( event ) {
if ( window.confirm( l10n.warnDelete ) ) {
// Keep focus inside media modal
// after image is deleted
* @param {Object} event
trashAttachment: function( event ) {
var library = this.controller.library;
if ( wp.media.view.settings.mediaTrash &&
'edit-metadata' === this.controller.content.mode() ) {
this.model.set( 'status', 'trash' );
this.model.save().done( function() {
library._requery( true );
} );
} else {
* @param {Object} event
untrashAttachment: function( event ) {
var library = this.controller.library;
this.model.set( 'status', 'inherit' );
this.model.save().done( function() {
library._requery( true );
} );
* @param {Object} event
editAttachment: function( event ) {
var editState = this.controller.states.get( 'edit-image' );
if ( window.imageEdit && editState ) {
editState.set( 'image', this.model );
this.controller.setState( 'edit-image' );
} else {
* @param {Object} event
refreshAttachment: function( event ) {
* When reverse tabbing(shift+tab) out of the right details panel, deliver
* the focus to the item in the list that was being edited.
* @param {Object} event
toggleSelectionHandler: function( event ) {
if ( 'keydown' === event.type && 9 === event.keyCode && event.shiftKey && event.target === this.$( ':tabbable' ).get( 0 ) ) {
this.controller.trigger( 'attachment:details:shift-tab', event );
return false;
if ( 37 === event.keyCode || 38 === event.keyCode || 39 === event.keyCode || 40 === event.keyCode ) {
this.controller.trigger( 'attachment:keydown:arrow', event );
module.exports = Details;
* wp.media.view.Attachment.Library
* @class
* @augments wp.media.view.Attachment
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var Attachment = require( '../attachment.js' ),
Library = Attachment.extend({
buttons: {
check: true
module.exports = Library;
/*globals wp, _ */
* wp.media.view.Attachments
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var View = require( './view.js' ),
Attachment = require( './attachment.js' ),
$ = jQuery,
Attachments = View.extend({
tagName: 'ul',
className: 'attachments',
attributes: {
tabIndex: -1
initialize: function() {
this.el.id = _.uniqueId('__attachments-view-');
_.defaults( this.options, {
refreshSensitivity: wp.media.isTouchDevice ? 300 : 200,
refreshThreshold: 3,
AttachmentView: Attachment,
sortable: false,
resize: true,
idealColumnWidth: $( window ).width() < 640 ? 135 : 150
this._viewsByCid = {};
this.$window = $( window );
this.resizeEvent = 'resize.media-modal-columns';
this.collection.on( 'add', function( attachment ) {
this.views.add( this.createAttachmentView( attachment ), {
at: this.collection.indexOf( attachment )
}, this );
this.collection.on( 'remove', function( attachment ) {
var view = this._viewsByCid[ attachment.cid ];
delete this._viewsByCid[ attachment.cid ];
if ( view ) {
}, this );
this.collection.on( 'reset', this.render, this );
this.listenTo( this.controller, 'library:selection:add', this.attachmentFocus );
// Throttle the scroll handler and bind this.
this.scroll = _.chain( this.scroll ).bind( this ).throttle( this.options.refreshSensitivity ).value();
this.options.scrollElement = this.options.scrollElement || this.el;
$( this.options.scrollElement ).on( 'scroll', this.scroll );
_.bindAll( this, 'setColumns' );
if ( this.options.resize ) {
this.on( 'ready', this.bindEvents );
this.controller.on( 'open', this.setColumns );
// Call this.setColumns() after this view has been rendered in the DOM so
// attachments get proper width applied.
_.defer( this.setColumns, this );
bindEvents: function() {
this.$window.off( this.resizeEvent ).on( this.resizeEvent, _.debounce( this.setColumns, 50 ) );
attachmentFocus: function() {
this.$( 'li:first' ).focus();
restoreFocus: function() {
this.$( 'li.selected:first' ).focus();
arrowEvent: function( event ) {
var attachments = this.$el.children( 'li' ),
perRow = this.columns,
index = attachments.filter( ':focus' ).index(),
row = ( index + 1 ) <= perRow ? 1 : Math.ceil( ( index + 1 ) / perRow );
if ( index === -1 ) {
// Left arrow
if ( 37 === event.keyCode ) {
if ( 0 === index ) {
attachments.eq( index - 1 ).focus();
// Up arrow
if ( 38 === event.keyCode ) {
if ( 1 === row ) {
attachments.eq( index - perRow ).focus();
// Right arrow
if ( 39 === event.keyCode ) {
if ( attachments.length === index ) {
attachments.eq( index + 1 ).focus();
// Down arrow
if ( 40 === event.keyCode ) {
if ( Math.ceil( attachments.length / perRow ) === row ) {
attachments.eq( index + perRow ).focus();
dispose: function() {
this.collection.props.off( null, null, this );
if ( this.options.resize ) {
this.$window.off( this.resizeEvent );
* call 'dispose' directly on the parent class
View.prototype.dispose.apply( this, arguments );
setColumns: function() {
var prev = this.columns,
width = this.$el.width();
if ( width ) {
this.columns = Math.min( Math.round( width / this.options.idealColumnWidth ), 12 ) || 1;
if ( ! prev || prev !== this.columns ) {
this.$el.closest( '.media-frame-content' ).attr( 'data-columns', this.columns );
initSortable: function() {
var collection = this.collection;
if ( wp.media.isTouchDevice || ! this.options.sortable || ! $.fn.sortable ) {
this.$el.sortable( _.extend({
// If the `collection` has a `comparator`, disable sorting.
disabled: !! collection.comparator,
// Change the position of the attachment as soon as the
// mouse pointer overlaps a thumbnail.
tolerance: 'pointer',
// Record the initial `index` of the dragged model.
start: function( event, ui ) {
ui.item.data('sortableIndexStart', ui.item.index());
// Update the model's index in the collection.
// Do so silently, as the view is already accurate.
update: function( event, ui ) {
var model = collection.at( ui.item.data('sortableIndexStart') ),
comparator = collection.comparator;
// Temporarily disable the comparator to prevent `add`
// from re-sorting.
delete collection.comparator;
// Silently shift the model to its new index.
collection.remove( model, {
silent: true
collection.add( model, {
silent: true,
at: ui.item.index()
// Restore the comparator.
collection.comparator = comparator;
// Fire the `reset` event to ensure other collections sync.
collection.trigger( 'reset', collection );
// If the collection is sorted by menu order,
// update the menu order.
}, this.options.sortable ) );
// If the `orderby` property is changed on the `collection`,
// check to see if we have a `comparator`. If so, disable sorting.
collection.props.on( 'change:orderby', function() {
this.$el.sortable( 'option', 'disabled', !! collection.comparator );
}, this );
this.collection.props.on( 'change:orderby', this.refreshSortable, this );
refreshSortable: function() {
if ( wp.media.isTouchDevice || ! this.options.sortable || ! $.fn.sortable ) {
// If the `collection` has a `comparator`, disable sorting.
var collection = this.collection,
orderby = collection.props.get('orderby'),
enabled = 'menuOrder' === orderby || ! collection.comparator;
this.$el.sortable( 'option', 'disabled', ! enabled );
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachment} attachment
* @returns {wp.media.View}
createAttachmentView: function( attachment ) {
var view = new this.options.AttachmentView({
controller: this.controller,
model: attachment,
collection: this.collection,
selection: this.options.selection
return this._viewsByCid[ attachment.cid ] = view;
prepare: function() {
// Create all of the Attachment views, and replace
// the list in a single DOM operation.
if ( this.collection.length ) {
this.views.set( this.collection.map( this.createAttachmentView, this ) );
// If there are no elements, clear the views and load some.
} else {
this.collection.more().done( this.scroll );
ready: function() {
// Trigger the scroll event to check if we're within the
// threshold to query for additional attachments.
scroll: function() {
var view = this,
el = this.options.scrollElement,
scrollTop = el.scrollTop,
// The scroll event occurs on the document, but the element
// that should be checked is the document body.
if ( el === document ) {
el = document.body;
scrollTop = $(document).scrollTop();
if ( ! $(el).is(':visible') || ! this.collection.hasMore() ) {
toolbar = this.views.parent.toolbar;
// Show the spinner only if we are close to the bottom.
if ( el.scrollHeight - ( scrollTop + el.clientHeight ) < el.clientHeight / 3 ) {
if ( el.scrollHeight < scrollTop + ( el.clientHeight * this.options.refreshThreshold ) ) {
this.collection.more().done(function() {
module.exports = Attachments;
/*globals wp, _, jQuery */
* wp.media.view.AttachmentsBrowser
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
* @param {object} options
* @param {object} [options.filters=false] Which filters to show in the browser's toolbar.
* Accepts 'uploaded' and 'all'.
* @param {object} [options.search=true] Whether to show the search interface in the
* browser's toolbar.
* @param {object} [options.date=true] Whether to show the date filter in the
* browser's toolbar.
* @param {object} [options.display=false] Whether to show the attachments display settings
* view in the sidebar.
* @param {bool|string} [options.sidebar=true] Whether to create a sidebar for the browser.
* Accepts true, false, and 'errors'.
var View = require( '../view.js' ),
Library = require( '../attachment/library.js' ),
Toolbar = require( '../toolbar.js' ),
Spinner = require( '../spinner.js' ),
Search = require( '../search.js' ),
Label = require( '../label.js' ),
Uploaded = require( '../attachment-filters/uploaded.js' ),
All = require( '../attachment-filters/all.js' ),
DateFilter = require( '../attachment-filters/date.js' ),
UploaderInline = require( '../uploader/inline.js' ),
Attachments = require( '../attachments.js' ),
Sidebar = require( '../sidebar.js' ),
UploaderStatus = require( '../uploader/status.js' ),
Details = require( '../attachment/details.js' ),
AttachmentCompat = require( '../attachment-compat.js' ),
AttachmentDisplay = require( '../settings/attachment-display.js' ),
mediaTrash = wp.media.view.settings.mediaTrash,
l10n = wp.media.view.l10n,
$ = jQuery,
AttachmentsBrowser = View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'attachments-browser',
initialize: function() {
_.defaults( this.options, {
filters: false,
search: true,
date: true,
display: false,
sidebar: true,
AttachmentView: Library
this.listenTo( this.controller, 'toggle:upload:attachment', _.bind( this.toggleUploader, this ) );
this.controller.on( 'edit:selection', this.editSelection );
if ( this.options.sidebar ) {
if ( ! this.options.sidebar || 'errors' === this.options.sidebar ) {
this.$el.addClass( 'hide-sidebar' );
if ( 'errors' === this.options.sidebar ) {
this.$el.addClass( 'sidebar-for-errors' );
this.collection.on( 'add remove reset', this.updateContent, this );
editSelection: function( modal ) {
modal.$( '.media-button-backToLibrary' ).focus();
* @returns {wp.media.view.AttachmentsBrowser} Returns itself to allow chaining
dispose: function() {
this.options.selection.off( null, null, this );
View.prototype.dispose.apply( this, arguments );
return this;
createToolbar: function() {
var LibraryViewSwitcher, Filters, toolbarOptions;
toolbarOptions = {
controller: this.controller
if ( this.controller.isModeActive( 'grid' ) ) {
toolbarOptions.className = 'media-toolbar wp-filter';
* @member {wp.media.view.Toolbar}
this.toolbar = new Toolbar( toolbarOptions );
this.views.add( this.toolbar );
this.toolbar.set( 'spinner', new Spinner({
priority: -60
}) );
if ( -1 !== $.inArray( this.options.filters, [ 'uploaded', 'all' ] ) ) {
// "Filters" will return a <select>, need to render
// screen reader text before
this.toolbar.set( 'filtersLabel', new Label({
value: l10n.filterByType,
attributes: {
'for': 'media-attachment-filters'
priority: -80
}).render() );
if ( 'uploaded' === this.options.filters ) {
this.toolbar.set( 'filters', new Uploaded({
controller: this.controller,
model: this.collection.props,
priority: -80
}).render() );
} else {
Filters = new All({
controller: this.controller,
model: this.collection.props,
priority: -80
this.toolbar.set( 'filters', Filters.render() );
// Feels odd to bring the global media library switcher into the Attachment
// browser view. Is this a use case for doAction( 'add:toolbar-items:attachments-browser', this.toolbar );
// which the controller can tap into and add this view?
if ( this.controller.isModeActive( 'grid' ) ) {
LibraryViewSwitcher = View.extend({
className: 'view-switch media-grid-view-switch',
template: wp.template( 'media-library-view-switcher')
this.toolbar.set( 'libraryViewSwitcher', new LibraryViewSwitcher({
controller: this.controller,
priority: -90
}).render() );
// DateFilter is a <select>, screen reader text needs to be rendered before
this.toolbar.set( 'dateFilterLabel', new Label({
value: l10n.filterByDate,
attributes: {
'for': 'media-attachment-date-filters'
priority: -75
}).render() );
this.toolbar.set( 'dateFilter', new DateFilter({
controller: this.controller,
model: this.collection.props,
priority: -75
}).render() );
// BulkSelection is a <div> with subviews, including screen reader text
this.toolbar.set( 'selectModeToggleButton', new wp.media.view.SelectModeToggleButton({
text: l10n.bulkSelect,
controller: this.controller,
priority: -70
}).render() );
this.toolbar.set( 'deleteSelectedButton', new wp.media.view.DeleteSelectedButton({
filters: Filters,
style: 'primary',
disabled: true,
text: mediaTrash ? l10n.trashSelected : l10n.deleteSelected,
controller: this.controller,
priority: -60,
click: function() {
var changed = [], removed = [],
selection = this.controller.state().get( 'selection' ),
library = this.controller.state().get( 'library' );
if ( ! selection.length ) {
if ( ! mediaTrash && ! window.confirm( l10n.warnBulkDelete ) ) {
if ( mediaTrash &&
'trash' !== selection.at( 0 ).get( 'status' ) &&
! window.confirm( l10n.warnBulkTrash ) ) {
selection.each( function( model ) {
if ( ! model.get( 'nonces' )['delete'] ) {
removed.push( model );
if ( mediaTrash && 'trash' === model.get( 'status' ) ) {
model.set( 'status', 'inherit' );
changed.push( model.save() );
removed.push( model );
} else if ( mediaTrash ) {
model.set( 'status', 'trash' );
changed.push( model.save() );
removed.push( model );
} else {
model.destroy({wait: true});
} );
if ( changed.length ) {
selection.remove( removed );
$.when.apply( null, changed ).then( _.bind( function() {
library._requery( true );
this.controller.trigger( 'selection:action:done' );
}, this ) );
} else {
this.controller.trigger( 'selection:action:done' );
}).render() );
if ( mediaTrash ) {
this.toolbar.set( 'deleteSelectedPermanentlyButton', new wp.media.view.DeleteSelectedPermanentlyButton({
filters: Filters,
style: 'primary',
disabled: true,
text: l10n.deleteSelected,
controller: this.controller,
priority: -55,
click: function() {
var removed = [], selection = this.controller.state().get( 'selection' );
if ( ! selection.length || ! window.confirm( l10n.warnBulkDelete ) ) {
selection.each( function( model ) {
if ( ! model.get( 'nonces' )['delete'] ) {
removed.push( model );
} );
selection.remove( removed );
this.controller.trigger( 'selection:action:done' );
}).render() );
} else if ( this.options.date ) {
// DateFilter is a <select>, screen reader text needs to be rendered before
this.toolbar.set( 'dateFilterLabel', new Label({
value: l10n.filterByDate,
attributes: {
'for': 'media-attachment-date-filters'
priority: -75
}).render() );
this.toolbar.set( 'dateFilter', new DateFilter({
controller: this.controller,
model: this.collection.props,
priority: -75
}).render() );
if ( this.options.search ) {
// Search is an input, screen reader text needs to be rendered before
this.toolbar.set( 'searchLabel', new Label({
value: l10n.searchMediaLabel,
attributes: {
'for': 'media-search-input'
priority: 60
}).render() );
this.toolbar.set( 'search', new Search({
controller: this.controller,
model: this.collection.props,
priority: 60
}).render() );
if ( this.options.dragInfo ) {
this.toolbar.set( 'dragInfo', new View({
el: $( '<div class="instructions">' + l10n.dragInfo + '</div>' )[0],
priority: -40
}) );
if ( this.options.suggestedWidth && this.options.suggestedHeight ) {
this.toolbar.set( 'suggestedDimensions', new View({
el: $( '<div class="instructions">' + l10n.suggestedDimensions + ' ' + this.options.suggestedWidth + ' &times; ' + this.options.suggestedHeight + '</div>' )[0],
priority: -40
}) );
updateContent: function() {
var view = this,
if ( this.controller.isModeActive( 'grid' ) ) {
noItemsView = view.attachmentsNoResults;
} else {
noItemsView = view.uploader;
if ( ! this.collection.length ) {
this.toolbar.get( 'spinner' ).show();
this.dfd = this.collection.more().done( function() {
if ( ! view.collection.length ) {
noItemsView.$el.removeClass( 'hidden' );
} else {
noItemsView.$el.addClass( 'hidden' );
view.toolbar.get( 'spinner' ).hide();
} );
} else {
noItemsView.$el.addClass( 'hidden' );
view.toolbar.get( 'spinner' ).hide();
createUploader: function() {
this.uploader = new UploaderInline({
controller: this.controller,
status: false,
message: this.controller.isModeActive( 'grid' ) ? '' : l10n.noItemsFound,
canClose: this.controller.isModeActive( 'grid' )
this.views.add( this.uploader );
toggleUploader: function() {
if ( this.uploader.$el.hasClass( 'hidden' ) ) {
} else {
createAttachments: function() {
this.attachments = new Attachments({
controller: this.controller,
collection: this.collection,
selection: this.options.selection,
model: this.model,
sortable: this.options.sortable,
scrollElement: this.options.scrollElement,
idealColumnWidth: this.options.idealColumnWidth,
// The single `Attachment` view to be used in the `Attachments` view.
AttachmentView: this.options.AttachmentView
// Add keydown listener to the instance of the Attachments view
this.attachments.listenTo( this.controller, 'attachment:keydown:arrow', this.attachments.arrowEvent );
this.attachments.listenTo( this.controller, 'attachment:details:shift-tab', this.attachments.restoreFocus );
this.views.add( this.attachments );
if ( this.controller.isModeActive( 'grid' ) ) {
this.attachmentsNoResults = new View({
controller: this.controller,
tagName: 'p'
this.attachmentsNoResults.$el.addClass( 'hidden no-media' );
this.attachmentsNoResults.$el.html( l10n.noMedia );
this.views.add( this.attachmentsNoResults );
createSidebar: function() {
var options = this.options,
selection = options.selection,
sidebar = this.sidebar = new Sidebar({
controller: this.controller
this.views.add( sidebar );
if ( this.controller.uploader ) {
sidebar.set( 'uploads', new UploaderStatus({
controller: this.controller,
priority: 40
}) );
selection.on( 'selection:single', this.createSingle, this );
selection.on( 'selection:unsingle', this.disposeSingle, this );
if ( selection.single() ) {
createSingle: function() {
var sidebar = this.sidebar,
single = this.options.selection.single();
sidebar.set( 'details', new Details({
controller: this.controller,
model: single,
priority: 80
}) );
sidebar.set( 'compat', new AttachmentCompat({
controller: this.controller,
model: single,
priority: 120
}) );
if ( this.options.display ) {
sidebar.set( 'display', new AttachmentDisplay({
controller: this.controller,
model: this.model.display( single ),
attachment: single,
priority: 160,
userSettings: this.model.get('displayUserSettings')
}) );
// Show the sidebar on mobile
if ( this.model.id === 'insert' ) {
sidebar.$el.addClass( 'visible' );
disposeSingle: function() {
var sidebar = this.sidebar;
// Hide the sidebar on mobile
sidebar.$el.removeClass( 'visible' );
module.exports = AttachmentsBrowser;
/*globals wp */
* wp.media.view.AudioDetails
* @class
* @augments wp.media.view.MediaDetails
* @augments wp.media.view.Settings.AttachmentDisplay
* @augments wp.media.view.Settings
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var MediaDetails = require( './media-details' ),
AudioDetails = MediaDetails.extend({
className: 'audio-details',
template: wp.template('audio-details'),
setMedia: function() {
var audio = this.$('.wp-audio-shortcode');
if ( audio.find( 'source' ).length ) {
if ( audio.is(':hidden') ) {
this.media = MediaDetails.prepareSrc( audio.get(0) );
} else {
this.media = false;
return this;
module.exports = AudioDetails;
/*globals _, Backbone */
* wp.media.view.Button
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var View = require( './view.js' ),
Button = View.extend({
tagName: 'a',
className: 'media-button',
attributes: { href: '#' },
events: {
'click': 'click'
defaults: {
text: '',
style: '',
size: 'large',
disabled: false
initialize: function() {
* Create a model with the provided `defaults`.
* @member {Backbone.Model}
this.model = new Backbone.Model( this.defaults );
// If any of the `options` have a key from `defaults`, apply its
// value to the `model` and remove it from the `options object.
_.each( this.defaults, function( def, key ) {
var value = this.options[ key ];
if ( _.isUndefined( value ) ) {
this.model.set( key, value );
delete this.options[ key ];
}, this );
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change', this.render );
* @returns {wp.media.view.Button} Returns itself to allow chaining
render: function() {
var classes = [ 'button', this.className ],
model = this.model.toJSON();
if ( model.style ) {
classes.push( 'button-' + model.style );
if ( model.size ) {
classes.push( 'button-' + model.size );
classes = _.uniq( classes.concat( this.options.classes ) );
this.el.className = classes.join(' ');
this.$el.attr( 'disabled', model.disabled );
this.$el.text( this.model.get('text') );
return this;
* @param {Object} event
click: function( event ) {
if ( '#' === this.attributes.href ) {
if ( this.options.click && ! this.model.get('disabled') ) {
this.options.click.apply( this, arguments );
module.exports = Button;
* wp.media.view.FocusManager
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var View = require( './view.js' ),
FocusManager = View.extend({
events: {
'keydown': 'constrainTabbing'
focus: function() { // Reset focus on first left menu item
* @param {Object} event
constrainTabbing: function( event ) {
var tabbables;
// Look for the tab key.
if ( 9 !== event.keyCode ) {
// Skip the file input added by Plupload.
tabbables = this.$( ':tabbable' ).not( '.moxie-shim input[type="file"]' );
// Keep tab focus within media modal while it's open
if ( tabbables.last()[0] === event.target && ! event.shiftKey ) {
return false;
} else if ( tabbables.first()[0] === event.target && event.shiftKey ) {
return false;
module.exports = FocusManager;
/*globals _, Backbone */
* wp.media.view.Frame
* A frame is a composite view consisting of one or more regions and one or more
* states.
* @see wp.media.controller.State
* @see wp.media.controller.Region
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
* @mixes wp.media.controller.StateMachine
var StateMachine = require( '../controllers/state-machine.js' ),
State = require( '../controllers/state.js' ),
Region = require( '../controllers/region.js' ),
View = require( './view.js' ),
Frame = View.extend({
initialize: function() {
_.defaults( this.options, {
mode: [ 'select' ]
_createRegions: function() {
// Clone the regions array.
this.regions = this.regions ? this.regions.slice() : [];
// Initialize regions.
_.each( this.regions, function( region ) {
this[ region ] = new Region({
view: this,
id: region,
selector: '.media-frame-' + region
}, this );
* Create the frame's states.
* @see wp.media.controller.State
* @see wp.media.controller.StateMachine
* @fires wp.media.controller.State#ready
_createStates: function() {
// Create the default `states` collection.
this.states = new Backbone.Collection( null, {
model: State
// Ensure states have a reference to the frame.
this.states.on( 'add', function( model ) {
model.frame = this;
}, this );
if ( this.options.states ) {
this.states.add( this.options.states );
* A frame can be in a mode or multiple modes at one time.
* For example, the manage media frame can be in the `Bulk Select` or `Edit` mode.
_createModes: function() {
// Store active "modes" that the frame is in. Unrelated to region modes.
this.activeModes = new Backbone.Collection();
this.activeModes.on( 'add remove reset', _.bind( this.triggerModeEvents, this ) );
_.each( this.options.mode, function( mode ) {
this.activateMode( mode );
}, this );
* Reset all states on the frame to their defaults.
* @returns {wp.media.view.Frame} Returns itself to allow chaining
reset: function() {
this.states.invoke( 'trigger', 'reset' );
return this;
* Map activeMode collection events to the frame.
triggerModeEvents: function( model, collection, options ) {
var collectionEvent,
modeEventMap = {
add: 'activate',
remove: 'deactivate'
// Probably a better way to do this.
_.each( options, function( value, key ) {
if ( value ) {
collectionEvent = key;
} );
if ( ! _.has( modeEventMap, collectionEvent ) ) {
eventToTrigger = model.get('id') + ':' + modeEventMap[collectionEvent];
this.trigger( eventToTrigger );
* Activate a mode on the frame.
* @param string mode Mode ID.
* @returns {this} Returns itself to allow chaining.
activateMode: function( mode ) {
// Bail if the mode is already active.
if ( this.isModeActive( mode ) ) {
this.activeModes.add( [ { id: mode } ] );
// Add a CSS class to the frame so elements can be styled for the mode.
this.$el.addClass( 'mode-' + mode );
return this;
* Deactivate a mode on the frame.
* @param string mode Mode ID.
* @returns {this} Returns itself to allow chaining.
deactivateMode: function( mode ) {
// Bail if the mode isn't active.
if ( ! this.isModeActive( mode ) ) {
return this;
this.activeModes.remove( this.activeModes.where( { id: mode } ) );
this.$el.removeClass( 'mode-' + mode );
* Frame mode deactivation event.
* @event this#{mode}:deactivate
this.trigger( mode + ':deactivate' );
return this;
* Check if a mode is enabled on the frame.
* @param string mode Mode ID.
* @return bool
isModeActive: function( mode ) {
return Boolean( this.activeModes.where( { id: mode } ).length );
// Make the `Frame` a `StateMachine`.
_.extend( Frame.prototype, StateMachine.prototype );
module.exports = Frame;
/*globals wp */
* wp.media.view.MediaFrame.AudioDetails
* @class
* @augments wp.media.view.MediaFrame.MediaDetails
* @augments wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Select
* @augments wp.media.view.MediaFrame
* @augments wp.media.view.Frame
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
* @mixes wp.media.controller.StateMachine
var MediaDetails = require( './media-details' ),
MediaLibrary = require( '../../controllers/media-library.js' ),
AudioDetailsView = require( '../audio-details.js' ),
AudioDetailsController = require( '../../controllers/audio-details.js' ),
l10n = wp.media.view.l10n,
AudioDetails = MediaDetails.extend({
defaults: {
id: 'audio',
url: '',
menu: 'audio-details',
content: 'audio-details',
toolbar: 'audio-details',
type: 'link',
title: l10n.audioDetailsTitle,
priority: 120
initialize: function( options ) {
options.DetailsView = AudioDetailsView;
options.cancelText = l10n.audioDetailsCancel;
options.addText = l10n.audioAddSourceTitle;
MediaDetails.prototype.initialize.call( this, options );
bindHandlers: function() {
MediaDetails.prototype.bindHandlers.apply( this, arguments );
this.on( 'toolbar:render:replace-audio', this.renderReplaceToolbar, this );
this.on( 'toolbar:render:add-audio-source', this.renderAddSourceToolbar, this );
createStates: function() {
new AudioDetailsController( {
media: this.media
} ),
new MediaLibrary( {
type: 'audio',
id: 'replace-audio',
title: l10n.audioReplaceTitle,
toolbar: 'replace-audio',
media: this.media,
menu: 'audio-details'
} ),
new MediaLibrary( {
type: 'audio',
id: 'add-audio-source',
title: l10n.audioAddSourceTitle,
toolbar: 'add-audio-source',
media: this.media,
menu: false
} )
module.exports = AudioDetails;
/*globals wp */
* wp.media.view.MediaFrame.MediaDetails
* @class
* @augments wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Select
* @augments wp.media.view.MediaFrame
* @augments wp.media.view.Frame
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
* @mixes wp.media.controller.StateMachine
var View = require( '../view.js' ),
Toolbar = require( '../toolbar.js' ),
Select = require( './select.js' ),
l10n = wp.media.view.l10n,
MediaDetails = Select.extend({
defaults: {
id: 'media',
url: '',
menu: 'media-details',
content: 'media-details',
toolbar: 'media-details',
type: 'link',
priority: 120
initialize: function( options ) {
this.DetailsView = options.DetailsView;
this.cancelText = options.cancelText;
this.addText = options.addText;
this.media = new wp.media.model.PostMedia( options.metadata );
this.options.selection = new wp.media.model.Selection( this.media.attachment, { multiple: false } );
Select.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
bindHandlers: function() {
var menu = this.defaults.menu;
Select.prototype.bindHandlers.apply( this, arguments );
this.on( 'menu:create:' + menu, this.createMenu, this );
this.on( 'content:render:' + menu, this.renderDetailsContent, this );
this.on( 'menu:render:' + menu, this.renderMenu, this );
this.on( 'toolbar:render:' + menu, this.renderDetailsToolbar, this );
renderDetailsContent: function() {
var view = new this.DetailsView({
controller: this,
model: this.state().media,
attachment: this.state().media.attachment
this.content.set( view );
renderMenu: function( view ) {
var lastState = this.lastState(),
previous = lastState && lastState.id,
frame = this;
cancel: {
text: this.cancelText,
priority: 20,
click: function() {
if ( previous ) {
frame.setState( previous );
} else {
separateCancel: new View({
className: 'separator',
priority: 40
setPrimaryButton: function(text, handler) {
this.toolbar.set( new Toolbar({
controller: this,
items: {
button: {
style: 'primary',
text: text,
priority: 80,
click: function() {
var controller = this.controller;
handler.call( this, controller, controller.state() );
// Restore and reset the default state.
controller.setState( controller.options.state );
}) );
renderDetailsToolbar: function() {
this.setPrimaryButton( l10n.update, function( controller, state ) {
state.trigger( 'update', controller.media.toJSON() );
} );
renderReplaceToolbar: function() {
this.setPrimaryButton( l10n.replace, function( controller, state ) {
var attachment = state.get( 'selection' ).single();
controller.media.changeAttachment( attachment );
state.trigger( 'replace', controller.media.toJSON() );
} );
renderAddSourceToolbar: function() {
this.setPrimaryButton( this.addText, function( controller, state ) {
var attachment = state.get( 'selection' ).single();
controller.media.setSource( attachment );
state.trigger( 'add-source', controller.media.toJSON() );
} );
module.exports = MediaDetails;
/*globals wp, _ */
* wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Select
* A frame for selecting an item or items from the media library.
* @class
* @augments wp.media.view.MediaFrame
* @augments wp.media.view.Frame
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
* @mixes wp.media.controller.StateMachine
var MediaFrame = require( '../media-frame.js' ),
Library = require( '../../controllers/library.js' ),
AttachmentsBrowser = require( '../attachments/browser.js' ),
UploaderInline = require( '../uploader/inline.js' ),
ToolbarSelect = require( '../toolbar/select.js' ),
l10n = wp.media.view.l10n,
Select = MediaFrame.extend({
initialize: function() {
// Call 'initialize' directly on the parent class.
MediaFrame.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
_.defaults( this.options, {
selection: [],
library: {},
multiple: false,
state: 'library'
* Attach a selection collection to the frame.
* A selection is a collection of attachments used for a specific purpose
* by a media frame. e.g. Selecting an attachment (or many) to insert into
* post content.
* @see media.model.Selection
createSelection: function() {
var selection = this.options.selection;
if ( ! (selection instanceof wp.media.model.Selection) ) {
this.options.selection = new wp.media.model.Selection( selection, {
multiple: this.options.multiple
this._selection = {
attachments: new wp.media.model.Attachments(),
difference: []
* Create the default states on the frame.
createStates: function() {
var options = this.options;
if ( this.options.states ) {
// Add the default states.
// Main states.
new Library({
library: wp.media.query( options.library ),
multiple: options.multiple,
title: options.title,
priority: 20
* Bind region mode event callbacks.
* @see media.controller.Region.render
bindHandlers: function() {
this.on( 'router:create:browse', this.createRouter, this );
this.on( 'router:render:browse', this.browseRouter, this );
this.on( 'content:create:browse', this.browseContent, this );
this.on( 'content:render:upload', this.uploadContent, this );
this.on( 'toolbar:create:select', this.createSelectToolbar, this );
* Render callback for the router region in the `browse` mode.
* @param {wp.media.view.Router} routerView
browseRouter: function( routerView ) {
upload: {
text: l10n.uploadFilesTitle,
priority: 20
browse: {
text: l10n.mediaLibraryTitle,
priority: 40
* Render callback for the content region in the `browse` mode.
* @param {wp.media.controller.Region} contentRegion
browseContent: function( contentRegion ) {
var state = this.state();
// Browse our library of attachments.
contentRegion.view = new AttachmentsBrowser({
controller: this,
collection: state.get('library'),
selection: state.get('selection'),
model: state,
sortable: state.get('sortable'),
search: state.get('searchable'),
filters: state.get('filterable'),
display: state.has('display') ? state.get('display') : state.get('displaySettings'),
dragInfo: state.get('dragInfo'),
idealColumnWidth: state.get('idealColumnWidth'),
suggestedWidth: state.get('suggestedWidth'),
suggestedHeight: state.get('suggestedHeight'),
AttachmentView: state.get('AttachmentView')
* Render callback for the content region in the `upload` mode.
uploadContent: function() {
this.$el.removeClass( 'hide-toolbar' );
this.content.set( new UploaderInline({
controller: this
}) );
* Toolbars
* @param {Object} toolbar
* @param {Object} [options={}]
* @this wp.media.controller.Region
createSelectToolbar: function( toolbar, options ) {
options = options || this.options.button || {};
options.controller = this;
toolbar.view = new ToolbarSelect( options );
module.exports = Select;
/*globals wp, _ */
* wp.media.view.MediaFrame.VideoDetails
* @class
* @augments wp.media.view.MediaFrame.MediaDetails
* @augments wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Select
* @augments wp.media.view.MediaFrame
* @augments wp.media.view.Frame
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
* @mixes wp.media.controller.StateMachine
var MediaDetails = require( './media-details' ),
MediaLibrary = require( '../../controllers/media-library.js' ),
VideoDetailsView = require( '../video-details.js' ),
VideoDetailsController = require( '../../controllers/video-details.js' ),
l10n = wp.media.view.l10n,
VideoDetails = MediaDetails.extend({
defaults: {
id: 'video',
url: '',
menu: 'video-details',
content: 'video-details',
toolbar: 'video-details',
type: 'link',
title: l10n.videoDetailsTitle,
priority: 120
initialize: function( options ) {
options.DetailsView = VideoDetailsView;
options.cancelText = l10n.videoDetailsCancel;
options.addText = l10n.videoAddSourceTitle;
MediaDetails.prototype.initialize.call( this, options );
bindHandlers: function() {
MediaDetails.prototype.bindHandlers.apply( this, arguments );
this.on( 'toolbar:render:replace-video', this.renderReplaceToolbar, this );
this.on( 'toolbar:render:add-video-source', this.renderAddSourceToolbar, this );
this.on( 'toolbar:render:select-poster-image', this.renderSelectPosterImageToolbar, this );
this.on( 'toolbar:render:add-track', this.renderAddTrackToolbar, this );
createStates: function() {
new VideoDetailsController({
media: this.media
new MediaLibrary( {
type: 'video',
id: 'replace-video',
title: l10n.videoReplaceTitle,
toolbar: 'replace-video',
media: this.media,
menu: 'video-details'
} ),
new MediaLibrary( {
type: 'video',
id: 'add-video-source',
title: l10n.videoAddSourceTitle,
toolbar: 'add-video-source',
media: this.media,
menu: false
} ),
new MediaLibrary( {
type: 'image',
id: 'select-poster-image',
title: l10n.videoSelectPosterImageTitle,
toolbar: 'select-poster-image',
media: this.media,
menu: 'video-details'
} ),
new MediaLibrary( {
type: 'text',
id: 'add-track',
title: l10n.videoAddTrackTitle,
toolbar: 'add-track',
media: this.media,
menu: 'video-details'
} )
renderSelectPosterImageToolbar: function() {
this.setPrimaryButton( l10n.videoSelectPosterImageTitle, function( controller, state ) {
var urls = [], attachment = state.get( 'selection' ).single();
controller.media.set( 'poster', attachment.get( 'url' ) );
state.trigger( 'set-poster-image', controller.media.toJSON() );
_.each( wp.media.view.settings.embedExts, function (ext) {
if ( controller.media.get( ext ) ) {
urls.push( controller.media.get( ext ) );
} );
wp.ajax.send( 'set-attachment-thumbnail', {
data : {
urls: urls,
thumbnail_id: attachment.get( 'id' )
} );
} );
renderAddTrackToolbar: function() {
this.setPrimaryButton( l10n.videoAddTrackTitle, function( controller, state ) {
var attachment = state.get( 'selection' ).single(),
content = controller.media.get( 'content' );
if ( -1 === content.indexOf( attachment.get( 'url' ) ) ) {
content += [
'<track srclang="en" label="English"kind="subtitles" src="',
attachment.get( 'url' ),
'" />'
controller.media.set( 'content', content );
state.trigger( 'add-track', controller.media.toJSON() );
} );
module.exports = VideoDetails;
* wp.media.view.Iframe
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var View = require( './view.js' ),
Iframe = View.extend({
className: 'media-iframe',
* @returns {wp.media.view.Iframe} Returns itself to allow chaining
render: function() {
this.$el.html( '<iframe src="' + this.controller.state().get('src') + '" />' );
return this;
module.exports = Iframe;
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var View = require( './view.js' ),
Label = View.extend({
tagName: 'label',
className: 'screen-reader-text',
initialize: function() {
this.value = this.options.value;
render: function() {
this.$el.html( this.value );
return this;
module.exports = Label;
/*global wp, jQuery, _, MediaElementPlayer */
* wp.media.view.MediaDetails
* @class
* @augments wp.media.view.Settings.AttachmentDisplay
* @augments wp.media.view.Settings
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var AttachmentDisplay = require( './settings/attachment-display.js' ),
$ = jQuery,
MediaDetails = AttachmentDisplay.extend({
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'success');
this.players = [];
this.listenTo( this.controller, 'close', wp.media.mixin.unsetPlayers );
this.on( 'ready', this.setPlayer );
this.on( 'media:setting:remove', wp.media.mixin.unsetPlayers, this );
this.on( 'media:setting:remove', this.render );
this.on( 'media:setting:remove', this.setPlayer );
this.events = _.extend( this.events, {
'click .remove-setting' : 'removeSetting',
'change .content-track' : 'setTracks',
'click .remove-track' : 'setTracks',
'click .add-media-source' : 'addSource'
} );
AttachmentDisplay.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
prepare: function() {
return _.defaults({
model: this.model.toJSON()
}, this.options );
* Remove a setting's UI when the model unsets it
* @fires wp.media.view.MediaDetails#media:setting:remove
* @param {Event} e
removeSetting : function(e) {
var wrap = $( e.currentTarget ).parent(), setting;
setting = wrap.find( 'input' ).data( 'setting' );
if ( setting ) {
this.model.unset( setting );
this.trigger( 'media:setting:remove', this );
* @fires wp.media.view.MediaDetails#media:setting:remove
setTracks : function() {
var tracks = '';
_.each( this.$('.content-track'), function(track) {
tracks += $( track ).val();
} );
this.model.set( 'content', tracks );
this.trigger( 'media:setting:remove', this );
addSource : function( e ) {
this.controller.lastMime = $( e.currentTarget ).data( 'mime' );
this.controller.setState( 'add-' + this.controller.defaults.id + '-source' );
loadPlayer: function () {
this.players.push( new MediaElementPlayer( this.media, this.settings ) );
this.scriptXhr = false;
* @global MediaElementPlayer
setPlayer : function() {
var baseSettings;
if ( this.players.length || ! this.media || this.scriptXhr ) {
if ( this.media.src.indexOf( 'vimeo' ) && ! ( 'Froogaloop' in window ) ) {
baseSettings = wp.media.mixin.mejsSettings;
this.scriptXhr = $.getScript( baseSettings.pluginPath + 'froogaloop.min.js', _.bind( this.loadPlayer, this ) );
} else {
* @abstract
setMedia : function() {
return this;
success : function(mejs) {
var autoplay = mejs.attributes.autoplay && 'false' !== mejs.attributes.autoplay;
if ( 'flash' === mejs.pluginType && autoplay ) {
mejs.addEventListener( 'canplay', function() {
}, false );
this.mejs = mejs;
* @returns {media.view.MediaDetails} Returns itself to allow chaining
render: function() {
AttachmentDisplay.prototype.render.apply( this, arguments );
setTimeout( _.bind( function() {
}, this ), 10 );
this.settings = _.defaults( {
success : this.success
}, wp.media.mixin.mejsSettings );
return this.setMedia();
resetFocus: function() {
this.$( '.embed-media-settings' ).scrollTop( 0 );
}, {
instances : 0,
* When multiple players in the DOM contain the same src, things get weird.
* @param {HTMLElement} elem
* @returns {HTMLElement}
prepareSrc : function( elem ) {
var i = MediaDetails.instances++;
_.each( $( elem ).find( 'source' ), function( source ) {
source.src = [
source.src.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?',
} );
return elem;
module.exports = MediaDetails;
/*globals wp, _, jQuery */
* wp.media.view.MediaFrame
* The frame used to create the media modal.
* @class
* @augments wp.media.view.Frame
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
* @mixes wp.media.controller.StateMachine
var View = require( './view.js' ),
Frame = require( './frame.js' ),
Modal = require( './modal.js' ),
UploaderWindow = require( './uploader/window.js' ),
Menu = require( './menu.js' ),
Toolbar = require( './toolbar.js' ),
Router = require( './router.js' ),
Iframe = require( './iframe.js' ),
$ = jQuery,
MediaFrame = Frame.extend({
className: 'media-frame',
template: wp.template('media-frame'),
regions: ['menu','title','content','toolbar','router'],
events: {
'click div.media-frame-title h1': 'toggleMenu'
* @global wp.Uploader
initialize: function() {
Frame.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
_.defaults( this.options, {
title: '',
modal: true,
uploader: true
// Ensure core UI is enabled.
// Initialize modal container view.
if ( this.options.modal ) {
this.modal = new Modal({
controller: this,
title: this.options.title
this.modal.content( this );
// Force the uploader off if the upload limit has been exceeded or
// if the browser isn't supported.
if ( wp.Uploader.limitExceeded || ! wp.Uploader.browser.supported ) {
this.options.uploader = false;
// Initialize window-wide uploader.
if ( this.options.uploader ) {
this.uploader = new UploaderWindow({
controller: this,
uploader: {
dropzone: this.modal ? this.modal.$el : this.$el,
container: this.$el
this.views.set( '.media-frame-uploader', this.uploader );
this.on( 'attach', _.bind( this.views.ready, this.views ), this );
// Bind default title creation.
this.on( 'title:create:default', this.createTitle, this );
this.on( 'title:render', function( view ) {
view.$el.append( '<span class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-down"></span>' );
// Bind default menu.
this.on( 'menu:create:default', this.createMenu, this );
* @returns {wp.media.view.MediaFrame} Returns itself to allow chaining
render: function() {
// Activate the default state if no active state exists.
if ( ! this.state() && this.options.state ) {
this.setState( this.options.state );
* call 'render' directly on the parent class
return Frame.prototype.render.apply( this, arguments );
* @param {Object} title
* @this wp.media.controller.Region
createTitle: function( title ) {
title.view = new View({
controller: this,
tagName: 'h1'
* @param {Object} menu
* @this wp.media.controller.Region
createMenu: function( menu ) {
menu.view = new Menu({
controller: this
toggleMenu: function() {
this.$el.find( '.media-menu' ).toggleClass( 'visible' );
* @param {Object} toolbar
* @this wp.media.controller.Region
createToolbar: function( toolbar ) {
toolbar.view = new Toolbar({
controller: this
* @param {Object} router
* @this wp.media.controller.Region
createRouter: function( router ) {
router.view = new Router({
controller: this
* @param {Object} options
createIframeStates: function( options ) {
var settings = wp.media.view.settings,
tabs = settings.tabs,
tabUrl = settings.tabUrl,
if ( ! tabs || ! tabUrl ) {
// Add the post ID to the tab URL if it exists.
$postId = $('#post_ID');
if ( $postId.length ) {
tabUrl += '&post_id=' + $postId.val();
// Generate the tab states.
_.each( tabs, function( title, id ) {
this.state( 'iframe:' + id ).set( _.defaults({
tab: id,
src: tabUrl + '&tab=' + id,
title: title,
content: 'iframe',
menu: 'default'
}, options ) );
}, this );
this.on( 'content:create:iframe', this.iframeContent, this );
this.on( 'content:deactivate:iframe', this.iframeContentCleanup, this );
this.on( 'menu:render:default', this.iframeMenu, this );
this.on( 'open', this.hijackThickbox, this );
this.on( 'close', this.restoreThickbox, this );
* @param {Object} content
* @this wp.media.controller.Region
iframeContent: function( content ) {
content.view = new Iframe({
controller: this
iframeContentCleanup: function() {
iframeMenu: function( view ) {
var views = {};
if ( ! view ) {
_.each( wp.media.view.settings.tabs, function( title, id ) {
views[ 'iframe:' + id ] = {
text: this.state( 'iframe:' + id ).get('title'),
priority: 200
}, this );
view.set( views );
hijackThickbox: function() {
var frame = this;
if ( ! window.tb_remove || this._tb_remove ) {
this._tb_remove = window.tb_remove;
window.tb_remove = function() {
frame.setState( frame.options.state );
frame._tb_remove.call( window );
restoreThickbox: function() {
if ( ! this._tb_remove ) {
window.tb_remove = this._tb_remove;
delete this._tb_remove;
// Map some of the modal's methods to the frame.
_.each(['open','close','attach','detach','escape'], function( method ) {
* @returns {wp.media.view.MediaFrame} Returns itself to allow chaining
MediaFrame.prototype[ method ] = function() {
if ( this.modal ) {
this.modal[ method ].apply( this.modal, arguments );
return this;
module.exports = MediaFrame;
* wp.media.view.MenuItem
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var View = require( './view.js' ),
$ = jQuery,
MenuItem = View.extend({
tagName: 'a',
className: 'media-menu-item',
attributes: {
href: '#'
events: {
'click': '_click'
* @param {Object} event
_click: function( event ) {
var clickOverride = this.options.click;
if ( event ) {
if ( clickOverride ) {
clickOverride.call( this );
} else {
// When selecting a tab along the left side,
// focus should be transferred into the main panel
if ( ! wp.media.isTouchDevice ) {
$('.media-frame-content input').first().focus();
click: function() {
var state = this.options.state;
if ( state ) {
this.controller.setState( state );
this.views.parent.$el.removeClass( 'visible' ); // TODO: or hide on any click, see below
* @returns {wp.media.view.MenuItem} returns itself to allow chaining
render: function() {
var options = this.options;
if ( options.text ) {
this.$el.text( options.text );
} else if ( options.html ) {
this.$el.html( options.html );
return this;
module.exports = MenuItem;
* wp.media.view.Menu
* @class
* @augments wp.media.view.PriorityList
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var MenuItem = require( './menu-item.js' ),
PriorityList = require( './priority-list.js' ),
Menu = PriorityList.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'media-menu',
property: 'state',
ItemView: MenuItem,
region: 'menu',
/* TODO: alternatively hide on any click anywhere
events: {
'click': 'click'
click: function() {
this.$el.removeClass( 'visible' );
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} id
* @returns {wp.media.View}
toView: function( options, id ) {
options = options || {};
options[ this.property ] = options[ this.property ] || id;
return new this.ItemView( options ).render();
ready: function() {
* call 'ready' directly on the parent class
PriorityList.prototype.ready.apply( this, arguments );
set: function() {
* call 'set' directly on the parent class
PriorityList.prototype.set.apply( this, arguments );
unset: function() {
* call 'unset' directly on the parent class
PriorityList.prototype.unset.apply( this, arguments );
visibility: function() {
var region = this.region,
view = this.controller[ region ].get(),
views = this.views.get(),
hide = ! views || views.length < 2;
if ( this === view ) {
this.controller.$el.toggleClass( 'hide-' + region, hide );
* @param {string} id
select: function( id ) {
var view = this.get( id );
if ( ! view ) {
deselect: function() {
hide: function( id ) {
var view = this.get( id );
if ( ! view ) {
show: function( id ) {
var view = this.get( id );
if ( ! view ) {
module.exports = Menu;
/*globals wp, _ */
* wp.media.view.Modal
* A modal view, which the media modal uses as its default container.
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var View = require( './view.js' ),
FocusManager = require( './focus-manager.js' ),
$ = jQuery,
Modal = View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
template: wp.template('media-modal'),
attributes: {
tabindex: 0
events: {
'click .media-modal-backdrop, .media-modal-close': 'escapeHandler',
'keydown': 'keydown'
initialize: function() {
_.defaults( this.options, {
container: document.body,
title: '',
propagate: true,
freeze: true
this.focusManager = new FocusManager({
el: this.el
* @returns {Object}
prepare: function() {
return {
title: this.options.title
* @returns {wp.media.view.Modal} Returns itself to allow chaining
attach: function() {
if ( this.views.attached ) {
return this;
if ( ! this.views.rendered ) {
this.$el.appendTo( this.options.container );
// Manually mark the view as attached and trigger ready.
this.views.attached = true;
return this.propagate('attach');
* @returns {wp.media.view.Modal} Returns itself to allow chaining
detach: function() {
if ( this.$el.is(':visible') ) {
this.views.attached = false;
return this.propagate('detach');
* @returns {wp.media.view.Modal} Returns itself to allow chaining
open: function() {
var $el = this.$el,
options = this.options,
if ( $el.is(':visible') ) {
return this;
if ( ! this.views.attached ) {
// If the `freeze` option is set, record the window's scroll position.
if ( options.freeze ) {
this._freeze = {
scrollTop: $( window ).scrollTop()
// Disable page scrolling.
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'modal-open' );
// Try to close the onscreen keyboard
if ( 'ontouchend' in document ) {
if ( ( mceEditor = window.tinymce && window.tinymce.activeEditor ) && ! mceEditor.isHidden() && mceEditor.iframeElement ) {
setTimeout( function() {
}, 100 );
return this.propagate('open');
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {wp.media.view.Modal} Returns itself to allow chaining
close: function( options ) {
var freeze = this._freeze;
if ( ! this.views.attached || ! this.$el.is(':visible') ) {
return this;
// Enable page scrolling.
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'modal-open' );
// Hide modal and remove restricted media modal tab focus once it's closed
this.$el.hide().undelegate( 'keydown' );
// Put focus back in useful location once modal is closed
// If the `freeze` option is set, restore the container's scroll position.
if ( freeze ) {
$( window ).scrollTop( freeze.scrollTop );
if ( options && options.escape ) {
return this;
* @returns {wp.media.view.Modal} Returns itself to allow chaining
escape: function() {
return this.close({ escape: true });
* @param {Object} event
escapeHandler: function( event ) {
* @param {Array|Object} content Views to register to '.media-modal-content'
* @returns {wp.media.view.Modal} Returns itself to allow chaining
content: function( content ) {
this.views.set( '.media-modal-content', content );
return this;
* Triggers a modal event and if the `propagate` option is set,
* forwards events to the modal's controller.
* @param {string} id
* @returns {wp.media.view.Modal} Returns itself to allow chaining
propagate: function( id ) {
this.trigger( id );
if ( this.options.propagate ) {
this.controller.trigger( id );
return this;
* @param {Object} event
keydown: function( event ) {
// Close the modal when escape is pressed.
if ( 27 === event.which && this.$el.is(':visible') ) {
module.exports = Modal;
/*globals _, Backbone */
* wp.media.view.PriorityList
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var View = require( './view.js' ),
PriorityList = View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
initialize: function() {
this._views = {};
this.set( _.extend( {}, this._views, this.options.views ), { silent: true });
delete this.options.views;
if ( ! this.options.silent ) {
* @param {string} id
* @param {wp.media.View|Object} view
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {wp.media.view.PriorityList} Returns itself to allow chaining
set: function( id, view, options ) {
var priority, views, index;
options = options || {};
// Accept an object with an `id` : `view` mapping.
if ( _.isObject( id ) ) {
_.each( id, function( view, id ) {
this.set( id, view );
}, this );
return this;
if ( ! (view instanceof Backbone.View) ) {
view = this.toView( view, id, options );
view.controller = view.controller || this.controller;
this.unset( id );
priority = view.options.priority || 10;
views = this.views.get() || [];
_.find( views, function( existing, i ) {
if ( existing.options.priority > priority ) {
index = i;
return true;
this._views[ id ] = view;
this.views.add( view, {
at: _.isNumber( index ) ? index : views.length || 0
return this;
* @param {string} id
* @returns {wp.media.View}
get: function( id ) {
return this._views[ id ];
* @param {string} id
* @returns {wp.media.view.PriorityList}
unset: function( id ) {
var view = this.get( id );
if ( view ) {
delete this._views[ id ];
return this;
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {wp.media.View}
toView: function( options ) {
return new View( options );
module.exports = PriorityList;
* wp.media.view.RouterItem
* @class
* @augments wp.media.view.MenuItem
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var MenuItem = require( './menu-item.js' ),
RouterItem = MenuItem.extend({
* On click handler to activate the content region's corresponding mode.
click: function() {
var contentMode = this.options.contentMode;
if ( contentMode ) {
this.controller.content.mode( contentMode );
module.exports = RouterItem;
* wp.media.view.Router
* @class
* @augments wp.media.view.Menu
* @augments wp.media.view.PriorityList
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var Menu = require( './menu.js' ),
RouterItem = require( './router-item.js' ),
Router = Menu.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'media-router',
property: 'contentMode',
ItemView: RouterItem,
region: 'router',
initialize: function() {
this.controller.on( 'content:render', this.update, this );
// Call 'initialize' directly on the parent class.
Menu.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
update: function() {
var mode = this.controller.content.mode();
if ( mode ) {
this.select( mode );
module.exports = Router;
* wp.media.view.Search
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var View = require( './view.js' ),
l10n = wp.media.view.l10n,
Search = View.extend({
tagName: 'input',
className: 'search',
id: 'media-search-input',
attributes: {
type: 'search',
placeholder: l10n.search
events: {
'input': 'search',
'keyup': 'search',
'change': 'search',
'search': 'search'
* @returns {wp.media.view.Search} Returns itself to allow chaining
render: function() {
this.el.value = this.model.escape('search');
return this;
search: function( event ) {
if ( event.target.value ) {
this.model.set( 'search', event.target.value );
} else {
module.exports = Search;
/*globals _, jQuery, Backbone */
* wp.media.view.Settings
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var View = require( './view.js' ),
$ = jQuery,
Settings = View.extend({
events: {
'click button': 'updateHandler',
'change input': 'updateHandler',
'change select': 'updateHandler',
'change textarea': 'updateHandler'
initialize: function() {
this.model = this.model || new Backbone.Model();
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change', this.updateChanges );
prepare: function() {
return _.defaults({
model: this.model.toJSON()
}, this.options );
* @returns {wp.media.view.Settings} Returns itself to allow chaining
render: function() {
View.prototype.render.apply( this, arguments );
// Select the correct values.
_( this.model.attributes ).chain().keys().each( this.update, this );
return this;
* @param {string} key
update: function( key ) {
var value = this.model.get( key ),
$setting = this.$('[data-setting="' + key + '"]'),
$buttons, $value;
// Bail if we didn't find a matching setting.
if ( ! $setting.length ) {
// Attempt to determine how the setting is rendered and update
// the selected value.
// Handle dropdowns.
if ( $setting.is('select') ) {
$value = $setting.find('[value="' + value + '"]');
if ( $value.length ) {
$setting.find('option').prop( 'selected', false );
$value.prop( 'selected', true );
} else {
// If we can't find the desired value, record what *is* selected.
this.model.set( key, $setting.find(':selected').val() );
// Handle button groups.
} else if ( $setting.hasClass('button-group') ) {
$buttons = $setting.find('button').removeClass('active');
$buttons.filter( '[value="' + value + '"]' ).addClass('active');
// Handle text inputs and textareas.
} else if ( $setting.is('input[type="text"], textarea') ) {
if ( ! $setting.is(':focus') ) {
$setting.val( value );
// Handle checkboxes.
} else if ( $setting.is('input[type="checkbox"]') ) {
$setting.prop( 'checked', !! value && 'false' !== value );
* @param {Object} event
updateHandler: function( event ) {
var $setting = $( event.target ).closest('[data-setting]'),
value = event.target.value,
if ( ! $setting.length ) {
// Use the correct value for checkboxes.
if ( $setting.is('input[type="checkbox"]') ) {
value = $setting[0].checked;
// Update the corresponding setting.
this.model.set( $setting.data('setting'), value );
// If the setting has a corresponding user setting,
// update that as well.
if ( userSetting = $setting.data('userSetting') ) {
window.setUserSetting( userSetting, value );
updateChanges: function( model ) {
if ( model.hasChanged() ) {
_( model.changed ).chain().keys().each( this.update, this );
module.exports = Settings;
/*globals wp, _ */
* wp.media.view.Settings.AttachmentDisplay
* @class
* @augments wp.media.view.Settings
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var Settings = require( '../settings.js' ),
AttachmentDisplay = Settings.extend({
className: 'attachment-display-settings',
template: wp.template('attachment-display-settings'),
initialize: function() {
var attachment = this.options.attachment;
_.defaults( this.options, {
userSettings: false
// Call 'initialize' directly on the parent class.
Settings.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:link', this.updateLinkTo );
if ( attachment ) {
attachment.on( 'change:uploading', this.render, this );
dispose: function() {
var attachment = this.options.attachment;
if ( attachment ) {
attachment.off( null, null, this );
* call 'dispose' directly on the parent class
Settings.prototype.dispose.apply( this, arguments );
* @returns {wp.media.view.AttachmentDisplay} Returns itself to allow chaining
render: function() {
var attachment = this.options.attachment;
if ( attachment ) {
_.extend( this.options, {
sizes: attachment.get('sizes'),
type: attachment.get('type')
* call 'render' directly on the parent class
Settings.prototype.render.call( this );
return this;
updateLinkTo: function() {
var linkTo = this.model.get('link'),
$input = this.$('.link-to-custom'),
attachment = this.options.attachment;
if ( 'none' === linkTo || 'embed' === linkTo || ( ! attachment && 'custom' !== linkTo ) ) {
$input.addClass( 'hidden' );
if ( attachment ) {
if ( 'post' === linkTo ) {
$input.val( attachment.get('link') );
} else if ( 'file' === linkTo ) {
$input.val( attachment.get('url') );
} else if ( ! this.model.get('linkUrl') ) {
$input.prop( 'readonly', 'custom' !== linkTo );
$input.removeClass( 'hidden' );
// If the input is visible, focus and select its contents.
if ( ! wp.media.isTouchDevice && $input.is(':visible') ) {
module.exports = AttachmentDisplay;
* wp.media.view.Sidebar
* @class
* @augments wp.media.view.PriorityList
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var PriorityList = require( './priority-list.js' ),
Sidebar = PriorityList.extend({
className: 'media-sidebar'
module.exports = Sidebar;
/*globals _ */
* wp.media.view.Spinner
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var View = require( './view.js' ),
Spinner = View.extend({
tagName: 'span',
className: 'spinner',
spinnerTimeout: false,
delay: 400,
show: function() {
if ( ! this.spinnerTimeout ) {
this.spinnerTimeout = _.delay(function( $el ) {
}, this.delay, this.$el );
return this;
hide: function() {
this.spinnerTimeout = clearTimeout( this.spinnerTimeout );
return this;
module.exports = Spinner;
/*globals _, Backbone */
* wp.media.view.Toolbar
* A toolbar which consists of a primary and a secondary section. Each sections
* can be filled with views.
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var View = require( './view.js' ),
Button = require( './button.js' ),
PriorityList = require( './priority-list.js' ),
Toolbar = View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'media-toolbar',
initialize: function() {
var state = this.controller.state(),
selection = this.selection = state.get('selection'),
library = this.library = state.get('library');
this._views = {};
// The toolbar is composed of two `PriorityList` views.
this.primary = new PriorityList();
this.secondary = new PriorityList();
this.primary.$el.addClass('media-toolbar-primary search-form');
this.views.set([ this.secondary, this.primary ]);
if ( this.options.items ) {
this.set( this.options.items, { silent: true });
if ( ! this.options.silent ) {
if ( selection ) {
selection.on( 'add remove reset', this.refresh, this );
if ( library ) {
library.on( 'add remove reset', this.refresh, this );
* @returns {wp.media.view.Toolbar} Returns itsef to allow chaining
dispose: function() {
if ( this.selection ) {
this.selection.off( null, null, this );
if ( this.library ) {
this.library.off( null, null, this );
* call 'dispose' directly on the parent class
return View.prototype.dispose.apply( this, arguments );
ready: function() {
* @param {string} id
* @param {Backbone.View|Object} view
* @param {Object} [options={}]
* @returns {wp.media.view.Toolbar} Returns itself to allow chaining
set: function( id, view, options ) {
var list;
options = options || {};
// Accept an object with an `id` : `view` mapping.
if ( _.isObject( id ) ) {
_.each( id, function( view, id ) {
this.set( id, view, { silent: true });
}, this );
} else {
if ( ! ( view instanceof Backbone.View ) ) {
view.classes = [ 'media-button-' + id ].concat( view.classes || [] );
view = new Button( view ).render();
view.controller = view.controller || this.controller;
this._views[ id ] = view;
list = view.options.priority < 0 ? 'secondary' : 'primary';
this[ list ].set( id, view, options );
if ( ! options.silent ) {
return this;
* @param {string} id
* @returns {wp.media.view.Button}
get: function( id ) {
return this._views[ id ];
* @param {string} id
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {wp.media.view.Toolbar} Returns itself to allow chaining
unset: function( id, options ) {
delete this._views[ id ];
this.primary.unset( id, options );
this.secondary.unset( id, options );
if ( ! options || ! options.silent ) {
return this;
refresh: function() {
var state = this.controller.state(),
library = state.get('library'),
selection = state.get('selection');
_.each( this._views, function( button ) {
if ( ! button.model || ! button.options || ! button.options.requires ) {
var requires = button.options.requires,
disabled = false;
// Prevent insertion of attachments if any of them are still uploading
disabled = _.some( selection.models, function( attachment ) {
return attachment.get('uploading') === true;
if ( requires.selection && selection && ! selection.length ) {
disabled = true;
} else if ( requires.library && library && ! library.length ) {
disabled = true;
button.model.set( 'disabled', disabled );
module.exports = Toolbar;
/*globals wp, _ */
* wp.media.view.Toolbar.Select
* @class
* @augments wp.media.view.Toolbar
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var Toolbar = require( '../toolbar.js' ),
l10n = wp.media.view.l10n,
Select = Toolbar.extend({
initialize: function() {
var options = this.options;
_.bindAll( this, 'clickSelect' );
_.defaults( options, {
event: 'select',
state: false,
reset: true,
close: true,
text: l10n.select,
// Does the button rely on the selection?
requires: {
selection: true
options.items = _.defaults( options.items || {}, {
select: {
style: 'primary',
text: options.text,
priority: 80,
click: this.clickSelect,
requires: options.requires
// Call 'initialize' directly on the parent class.
Toolbar.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
clickSelect: function() {
var options = this.options,
controller = this.controller;
if ( options.close ) {
if ( options.event ) {
controller.state().trigger( options.event );
if ( options.state ) {
controller.setState( options.state );
if ( options.reset ) {
module.exports = Select;
/*globals wp, _ */
* wp.media.view.UploaderInline
* The inline uploader that shows up in the 'Upload Files' tab.
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var View = require( '../view.js' ),
UploaderStatus = require( './status.js' ),
UploaderInline = View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'uploader-inline',
template: wp.template('uploader-inline'),
events: {
'click .close': 'hide'
initialize: function() {
_.defaults( this.options, {
message: '',
status: true,
canClose: false
if ( ! this.options.$browser && this.controller.uploader ) {
this.options.$browser = this.controller.uploader.$browser;
if ( _.isUndefined( this.options.postId ) ) {
this.options.postId = wp.media.view.settings.post.id;
if ( this.options.status ) {
this.views.set( '.upload-inline-status', new UploaderStatus({
controller: this.controller
}) );
prepare: function() {
var suggestedWidth = this.controller.state().get('suggestedWidth'),
suggestedHeight = this.controller.state().get('suggestedHeight'),
data = {};
data.message = this.options.message;
data.canClose = this.options.canClose;
if ( suggestedWidth && suggestedHeight ) {
data.suggestedWidth = suggestedWidth;
data.suggestedHeight = suggestedHeight;
return data;
* @returns {wp.media.view.UploaderInline} Returns itself to allow chaining
dispose: function() {
if ( this.disposing ) {
* call 'dispose' directly on the parent class
return View.prototype.dispose.apply( this, arguments );
// Run remove on `dispose`, so we can be sure to refresh the
// uploader with a view-less DOM. Track whether we're disposing
// so we don't trigger an infinite loop.
this.disposing = true;
return this.remove();
* @returns {wp.media.view.UploaderInline} Returns itself to allow chaining
remove: function() {
* call 'remove' directly on the parent class
var result = View.prototype.remove.apply( this, arguments );
_.defer( _.bind( this.refresh, this ) );
return result;
refresh: function() {
var uploader = this.controller.uploader;
if ( uploader ) {
* @returns {wp.media.view.UploaderInline}
ready: function() {
var $browser = this.options.$browser,
if ( this.controller.uploader ) {
$placeholder = this.$('.browser');
// Check if we've already replaced the placeholder.
if ( $placeholder[0] === $browser[0] ) {
$browser.detach().text( $placeholder.text() );
$browser[0].className = $placeholder[0].className;
$placeholder.replaceWith( $browser.show() );
return this;
show: function() {
this.$el.removeClass( 'hidden' );
hide: function() {
this.$el.addClass( 'hidden' );
module.exports = UploaderInline;
* wp.media.view.UploaderStatusError
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var View = require( '../view.js' ),
UploaderStatusError = View.extend({
className: 'upload-error',
template: wp.template('uploader-status-error')
module.exports = UploaderStatusError;
/*globals wp, _ */
* wp.media.view.UploaderStatus
* An uploader status for on-going uploads.
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var View = require( '../view.js' ),
UploaderStatusError = require( './status-error.js' ),
UploaderStatus = View.extend({
className: 'media-uploader-status',
template: wp.template('uploader-status'),
events: {
'click .upload-dismiss-errors': 'dismiss'
initialize: function() {
this.queue = wp.Uploader.queue;
this.queue.on( 'add remove reset', this.visibility, this );
this.queue.on( 'add remove reset change:percent', this.progress, this );
this.queue.on( 'add remove reset change:uploading', this.info, this );
this.errors = wp.Uploader.errors;
this.errors.on( 'add remove reset', this.visibility, this );
this.errors.on( 'add', this.error, this );
* @global wp.Uploader
* @returns {wp.media.view.UploaderStatus}
dispose: function() {
wp.Uploader.queue.off( null, null, this );
* call 'dispose' directly on the parent class
View.prototype.dispose.apply( this, arguments );
return this;
visibility: function() {
this.$el.toggleClass( 'uploading', !! this.queue.length );
this.$el.toggleClass( 'errors', !! this.errors.length );
this.$el.toggle( !! this.queue.length || !! this.errors.length );
ready: function() {
'$bar': '.media-progress-bar div',
'$index': '.upload-index',
'$total': '.upload-total',
'$filename': '.upload-filename'
}, function( selector, key ) {
this[ key ] = this.$( selector );
}, this );
progress: function() {
var queue = this.queue,
$bar = this.$bar;
if ( ! $bar || ! queue.length ) {
$bar.width( ( queue.reduce( function( memo, attachment ) {
if ( ! attachment.get('uploading') ) {
return memo + 100;
var percent = attachment.get('percent');
return memo + ( _.isNumber( percent ) ? percent : 100 );
}, 0 ) / queue.length ) + '%' );
info: function() {
var queue = this.queue,
index = 0, active;
if ( ! queue.length ) {
active = this.queue.find( function( attachment, i ) {
index = i;
return attachment.get('uploading');
this.$index.text( index + 1 );
this.$total.text( queue.length );
this.$filename.html( active ? this.filename( active.get('filename') ) : '' );
* @param {string} filename
* @returns {string}
filename: function( filename ) {
return wp.media.truncate( _.escape( filename ), 24 );
* @param {Backbone.Model} error
error: function( error ) {
this.views.add( '.upload-errors', new UploaderStatusError({
filename: this.filename( error.get('file').name ),
message: error.get('message')
}), { at: 0 });
* @global wp.Uploader
* @param {Object} event
dismiss: function( event ) {
var errors = this.views.get('.upload-errors');
if ( errors ) {
_.invoke( errors, 'remove' );
module.exports = UploaderStatus;
/*globals wp, _, jQuery */
* wp.media.view.UploaderWindow
* An uploader window that allows for dragging and dropping media.
* @class
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
* @param {object} [options] Options hash passed to the view.
* @param {object} [options.uploader] Uploader properties.
* @param {jQuery} [options.uploader.browser]
* @param {jQuery} [options.uploader.dropzone] jQuery collection of the dropzone.
* @param {object} [options.uploader.params]
var View = require( '../view.js' ),
$ = jQuery,
UploaderWindow = View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'uploader-window',
template: wp.template('uploader-window'),
initialize: function() {
var uploader;
this.$browser = $('<a href="#" class="browser" />').hide().appendTo('body');
uploader = this.options.uploader = _.defaults( this.options.uploader || {}, {
dropzone: this.$el,
browser: this.$browser,
params: {}
// Ensure the dropzone is a jQuery collection.
if ( uploader.dropzone && ! (uploader.dropzone instanceof $) ) {
uploader.dropzone = $( uploader.dropzone );
this.controller.on( 'activate', this.refresh, this );
this.controller.on( 'detach', function() {
}, this );
refresh: function() {
if ( this.uploader ) {
ready: function() {
var postId = wp.media.view.settings.post.id,
// If the uploader already exists, bail.
if ( this.uploader ) {
if ( postId ) {
this.options.uploader.params.post_id = postId;
this.uploader = new wp.Uploader( this.options.uploader );
dropzone = this.uploader.dropzone;
dropzone.on( 'dropzone:enter', _.bind( this.show, this ) );
dropzone.on( 'dropzone:leave', _.bind( this.hide, this ) );
$( this.uploader ).on( 'uploader:ready', _.bind( this._ready, this ) );
_ready: function() {
this.controller.trigger( 'uploader:ready' );
show: function() {
var $el = this.$el.show();
// Ensure that the animation is triggered by waiting until
// the transparent element is painted into the DOM.
_.defer( function() {
$el.css({ opacity: 1 });
hide: function() {
var $el = this.$el.css({ opacity: 0 });
wp.media.transition( $el ).done( function() {
// Transition end events are subject to race conditions.
// Make sure that the value is set as intended.
if ( '0' === $el.css('opacity') ) {
// https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/27341
_.delay( function() {
if ( '0' === $el.css('opacity') && $el.is(':visible') ) {
}, 500 );
module.exports = UploaderWindow;
/*globals wp */
* wp.media.view.VideoDetails
* @class
* @augments wp.media.view.MediaDetails
* @augments wp.media.view.Settings.AttachmentDisplay
* @augments wp.media.view.Settings
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var MediaDetails = require( './media-details' ),
VideoDetails = MediaDetails.extend({
className: 'video-details',
template: wp.template('video-details'),
setMedia: function() {
var video = this.$('.wp-video-shortcode');
if ( video.find( 'source' ).length ) {
if ( video.is(':hidden') ) {
if ( ! video.hasClass( 'youtube-video' ) && ! video.hasClass( 'vimeo-video' ) ) {
this.media = MediaDetails.prepareSrc( video.get(0) );
} else {
this.media = video.get(0);
} else {
this.media = false;
return this;
module.exports = VideoDetails;
/*globals wp */
* wp.media.View
* The base view class for media.
* Undelegating events, removing events from the model, and
* removing events from the controller mirror the code for
* `Backbone.View.dispose` in Backbone 0.9.8 development.
* This behavior has since been removed, and should not be used
* outside of the media manager.
* @class
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
var View = wp.Backbone.View.extend({
constructor: function( options ) {
if ( options && options.controller ) {
this.controller = options.controller;
wp.Backbone.View.apply( this, arguments );
* @todo The internal comment mentions this might have been a stop-gap
* before Backbone 0.9.8 came out. Figure out if Backbone core takes
* care of this in Backbone.View now.
* @returns {wp.media.View} Returns itself to allow chaining
dispose: function() {
// Undelegating events, removing events from the model, and
// removing events from the controller mirror the code for
// `Backbone.View.dispose` in Backbone 0.9.8 development.
if ( this.model && this.model.off ) {
this.model.off( null, null, this );
if ( this.collection && this.collection.off ) {
this.collection.off( null, null, this );
// Unbind controller events.
if ( this.controller && this.controller.off ) {
this.controller.off( null, null, this );
return this;
* @returns {wp.media.View} Returns itself to allow chaining
remove: function() {
* call 'remove' directly on the parent class
return wp.Backbone.View.prototype.remove.apply( this, arguments );
module.exports = View;