mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 11:21:57 +01:00
git-svn-id: http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress/trunk@7325 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
331 lines
13 KiB
331 lines
13 KiB
jQuery(document).ready( function() {
theFileList = {
currentImage: {ID: 0},
nonce: '',
tab: '',
postID: 0,
// cookie create and read functions adapted from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/cookies.html
createCookie: function(name,value,days) {
if (days) {
var date = new Date();
var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
else var expires = "";
document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";
readCookie: function(name) {
var nameEQ = name + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
return null;
assignCookieOnChange: function() {
jQuery(this).bind("change", function(){
checkCookieSetting: function(name, defaultSetting) {
return this.readCookie(name) ? this.readCookie(name) : defaultSetting;
toQueryParams: function( s ) {
var r = {}; if ( !s ) { return r; }
var q = s.split('?'); if ( q[1] ) { s = q[1]; }
var pp = s.split('&');
for ( var i in pp ) {
var p = pp[i].split('=');
r[p[0]] = p[1];
return r;
toQueryString: function(params) {
var qryStr = '';
for ( var key in params )
qryStr += key + '=' + params[key] + '&';
return qryStr;
initializeVars: function() {
this.urlData = document.location.href.split('?');
this.params = this.toQueryParams(this.urlData[1]);
this.postID = this.params['post_id'];
this.tab = this.params['tab'];
this.style = this.params['style'];
this.ID = this.params['ID'];
if ( !this.style )
this.style = 'default';
var nonceEl = jQuery('#nonce-value');
if ( nonceEl )
this.nonce = jQuery(nonceEl).val();
if ( this.ID ) {
this.grabImageData( this.ID );
this.imageView( this.ID );
initializeLinks: function() {
if ( this.ID )
jQuery('a.file-link').each(function() {
var id = jQuery(this).attr('id').split('-').pop();
jQuery(this).attr('href','javascript:void(0)').click(function(e) {
theFileList[ 'inline' == theFileList.style ? 'imageView' : 'editView' ](id, e);
grabImageData: function(id) {
if ( id == this.currentImage.ID )
var thumbEl = jQuery('#attachment-thumb-url-' + id);
if ( thumbEl ) {
this.currentImage.thumb = ( 0 == id ? '' : jQuery(thumbEl).val() );
this.currentImage.thumbBase = ( 0 == id ? '' : jQuery('#attachment-thumb-url-base-' + id).val() );
} else {
this.currentImage.thumb = false;
this.currentImage.src = ( 0 == id ? '' : jQuery('#attachment-url-' + id).val() );
this.currentImage.srcBase = ( 0 == id ? '' : jQuery('#attachment-url-base-' + id).val() );
this.currentImage.page = ( 0 == id ? '' : jQuery('#attachment-page-url-' + id).val() );
this.currentImage.title = ( 0 == id ? '' : jQuery('#attachment-title-' + id).val() );
this.currentImage.description = ( 0 == id ? '' : jQuery('#attachment-description-' + id).val() );
var widthEl = jQuery('#attachment-width-' + id);
if ( widthEl ) {
this.currentImage.width = ( 0 == id ? '' : jQuery(widthEl).val() );
this.currentImage.height = ( 0 == id ? '' : jQuery('#attachment-height-' + id).val() );
} else {
this.currentImage.width = false;
this.currentImage.height = false;
this.currentImage.isImage = ( 0 == id ? 0 : jQuery('#attachment-is-image-' + id).val() );
this.currentImage.ID = id;
imageView: function(id, e) {
var h = '';
h += "<div id='upload-file'>"
if ( this.ID ) {
var params = this.params;
params.ID = '';
params.action = '';
h += "<a href='" + this.urlData[0] + '?' + this.toQueryString(params) + "'";
} else {
h += "<a href='#' onclick='return theFileList.cancelView();'";
h += " title='" + this.browseTitle + "' class='back'>" + this.back + "</a>";
h += "<div id='file-title'>"
if ( 0 == this.currentImage.isImage )
h += "<h2><a href='" + this.currentImage.srcBase + this.currentImage.src + "' onclick='return false;' title='" + this.directTitle + "'>" + this.currentImage.title + "</a></h2>";
h += "<h2>" + this.currentImage.title + "</h2>";
h += " — <span>";
h += "<a href='#' onclick='return theFileList.editView(" + id + ");'>" + this.edit + "</a>"
h += "</span>";
h += '</div>'
h += "<div id='upload-file-view' class='alignleft'>";
if ( 1 == this.currentImage.isImage ) {
h += "<a href='" + this.currentImage.srcBase + this.currentImage.src + "' onclick='return false;' title='" + this.directTitle + "'>";
h += "<img src='" + ( this.currentImage.thumb ? this.currentImage.thumb : this.currentImage.src ) + "' alt='" + this.currentImage.title + "' width='" + this.currentImage.width + "' height='" + this.currentImage.height + "' />";
h += "</a>";
} else
h += ' ';
h += "</div>";
h += "<form name='uploadoptions' id='uploadoptions' class='alignleft'>";
h += "<table>";
var display = [];
var checkedDisplay = 'display-title';
if ( 1 == this.currentImage.isImage ) {
checkedDisplay = 'display-full';
if ( this.currentImage.thumb ) {
display.push("<label for='display-thumb'><input type='radio' name='display' id='display-thumb' value='thumb' /> " + this.thumb + "</label><br />");
checkedDisplay = 'display-thumb';
display.push("<label for='display-full'><input type='radio' name='display' id='display-full' value='full' /> " + this.full + "</label>");
} else if ( this.currentImage.thumb ) {
display.push("<label for='display-thumb'><input type='radio' name='display' id='display-thumb' value='thumb' /> " + this.icon + "</label>");
if ( display.length ) {
display.push("<br /><label for='display-title'><input type='radio' name='display' id='display-title' value='title' /> " + this.title + "</label>");
h += "<tr><th style='padding-bottom:.5em'>" + this.show + "</th><td style='padding-bottom:.5em'>";
jQuery(display).each( function() { h += this; } );
h += "</td></tr>";
var checkedLink = 'link-file';
h += "<tr><th>" + this.link + "</th><td>";
h += "<label for='link-file'><input type='radio' name='link' id='link-file' value='file' /> " + this.file + "</label><br />"; h += "<label for='link-page'><input type='radio' name='link' id='link-page' value='page' /> " + this.page + "</label><br />";
h += "<label for='link-none'><input type='radio' name='link' id='link-none' value='none' /> " + this.none + "</label>";
h += "</td></tr>";
h += "<tr><td colspan='2'><p class='submit'>";
h += "<input type='button' class='button' name='send' onclick='theFileList.sendToEditor(" + id + ")' value='" + this.editorText + "' />";
h += "</p></td></tr></table>";
h += "</form>";
h += "</div>";
checkedDisplay = this.checkCookieSetting('display', checkedDisplay);
checkedLink = this.checkCookieSetting('link', checkedLink);
jQuery('#' + checkedDisplay).attr('checked','checked');
jQuery('#' + checkedLink).attr('checked','checked');
if (e) return e.stopPropagation();
return false;
editView: function(id, e) {
var h = '';
var action = 'upload.php?style=' + this.style + '&tab=upload';
if ( this.postID )
action += '&post_id=' + this.postID;
h += "<form id='upload-file' method='post' action='" + action + "'>";
if ( this.ID ) {
var params = this.params;
params.ID = '';
params.action = '';
h += "<a href='" + this.urlData[0] + '?' + this.toQueryString(params) + "'";
} else {
h += "<a href='#' onclick='return theFileList.cancelView();'";
h += " title='" + this.browseTitle + "' class='back'>" + this.back + "</a>";
h += "<div id='file-title'>"
if ( 0 == this.currentImage.isImage )
h += "<h2><a href='" + this.currentImage.srcBase + this.currentImage.src + "' onclick='return false;' title='" + this.directTitle + "'>" + this.currentImage.title + "</a></h2>";
h += "<h2>" + this.currentImage.title + "</h2>";
h += " — <span>";
h += "<a href='#' onclick='return theFileList.imageView(" + id + ");'>" + this.insert + "</a>";
h += "</span>";
h += '</div>'
h += "<div id='upload-file-view' class='alignleft'>";
if ( 1 == this.currentImage.isImage ) {
h += "<a href='" + this.currentImage.srcBase + this.currentImage.src + "' onclick='return false;' title='" + this.directTitle + "'>";
h += "<img src='" + ( this.currentImage.thumb ? this.currentImage.thumb : this.currentImage.src ) + "' alt='" + this.currentImage.title + "' width='" + this.currentImage.width + "' height='" + this.currentImage.height + "' />";
h += "</a>";
} else
h += ' ';
h += "</div>";
h += "<table><col /><col class='widefat' /><tr>";
h += "<th scope='row'><label for='url'>" + this.urlText + "</label></th>";
h += "<td><input type='text' id='url' class='readonly' value='" + this.currentImage.srcBase + this.currentImage.src + "' readonly='readonly' /></td>";
h += "</tr><tr>";
h += "<th scope='row'><label for='post_title'>" + this.title + "</label></th>";
h += "<td><input type='text' id='post_title' name='post_title' value='" + this.currentImage.title + "' /></td>";
h += "</tr><tr>";
h += "<th scope='row'><label for='post_content'>" + this.desc + "</label></th>";
h += "<td><textarea name='post_content' id='post_content'>" + this.currentImage.description + "</textarea></td>";
h += "</tr><tr id='buttons' class='submit'><td colspan='2'><input type='button' id='delete' name='delete' class='delete alignleft' value='" + this.deleteText + "' onclick='theFileList.deleteFile(" + id + ");' />";
h += "<input type='hidden' name='from_tab' value='" + this.tab + "' />";
h += "<input type='hidden' name='post_parent' value='" + parseInt(this.postID,10) + "' />";
h += "<input type='hidden' name='action' id='action-value' value='save' />";
h += "<input type='hidden' name='ID' value='" + id + "' />";
h += "<input type='hidden' name='_wpnonce' value='" + this.nonce + "' />";
h += "<div class='submit'><input type='submit' value='" + this.saveText + "' /></div>";
h += "</td></tr></table></form>";
if (e) e.stopPropagation();
return false;
prepView: function(id) {
this.cancelView( true );
var filesEl = jQuery('#upload-files');
if ( filesEl )
var navEl = jQuery('#current-tab-nav');
if ( navEl )
cancelView: function( prep ) {
if ( !prep ) {
var filesEl = jQuery('#upload-files');
if ( filesEl )
var navEl = jQuery('#current-tab-nav');
if ( navEl )
if ( !this.ID )
var div = jQuery('#upload-file');
if ( div )
return false;
sendToEditor: function(id) {
var link = '';
var display = '';
var h = '';
link = jQuery('input[@type=radio][@name="link"][@checked]','#uploadoptions').val();
displayEl = jQuery('input[@type=radio][@name="display"][@checked]','#uploadoptions');
if ( displayEl )
display = jQuery(displayEl).val();
else if ( 1 == this.currentImage.isImage )
display = 'full';
if ( 'none' != link )
h += "<a href='" + ( 'file' == link ? ( this.currentImage.srcBase + this.currentImage.src ) : ( this.currentImage.page + "' rel='attachment wp-att-" + this.currentImage.ID ) ) + "' title='" + this.currentImage.title + "'>";
if ( display && 'title' != display )
h += "<img src='" + ( 'thumb' == display ? ( this.currentImage.thumbBase + this.currentImage.thumb ) : ( this.currentImage.srcBase + this.currentImage.src ) ) + "' alt='" + this.currentImage.title + "' />";
h += this.currentImage.title;
if ( 'none' != link )
h += "</a>";
var win = window.opener ? window.opener : window.dialogArguments;
if ( !win )
win = top;
tinyMCE = win.tinyMCE;
if ( typeof tinyMCE != 'undefined' && tinyMCE.getInstanceById('content') ) {
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, h);
} else
win.edInsertContent(win.edCanvas, h);
if ( !this.ID )
return false;
deleteFile: function(id) {
if ( confirm( this.confirmText.replace(/%title%/g, this.currentImage.title) ) ) {
return true;
return false;
for ( var property in uploadL10n )
theFileList[property] = uploadL10n[property];
} );