desrosj f27c6a5565 Build/Test Tools: Update some NPM dependencies to the latest versions.
This updates several NPM dependencies to the latest versions, including:

- `check-node-version` from `4.1.0` to `4.2.1`.
- `dotenv` from `10.0.0` to `16.0.0`.
- `dotenv-expand` from `5.1.0` to `8.0.3`.
- `grunt-contrib-concat` from `2.0.0` to `2.1.0`.
- `grunt-contrib-jshint` from `3.1.1` to `3.2.0`.
- `grunt-contrib-uglify` from `5.0.1` to `5.1.0`.
- `qunit` from `2.17.2` to `2.18.1`.
- `sass` from `1.43.4` to `1.50.0`.
- `sinon` from `12.0.1` to `13.0.1`.
- `sinon-test` from `3.1.1` to `3.1.3`.
- `uglify-js` from `3.14.3` to `3.15.3`.
- `wait-on` from `6.0.0` to `6.0.1`.

The updates to `dotenv` and `dotenv-expand` required a minor change to files using these packages.

Additionally, this contains several updates to the `package-lock.json` file as a result of running `npm audit fix`.

See #54727.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@53113

git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@52702 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2022-04-08 20:07:18 +00:00

2 lines
458 B

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