Helen Hou-Sandí b90b64bf9e More consistent icons in place of some buttons for the Customizer and theme install preview.
* Use a single close icon instead of a context-changing cancel/close button in the Customizer. In user testing, this small distinction in language was overlooked, and we use an AYS now instead. This also makes it consistent with the back arrow in Customizer panels.
* Use the same close icon as well as the previous/next arrows from the theme details browser in the theme install preview.

props celloexpressions. fixes #28655.

Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@29031

git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@28819 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2014-07-08 18:19:14 +00:00

1218 lines
31 KiB

/* globals _wpCustomizeHeader, _wpMediaViewsL10n */
(function( exports, $ ){
var api = wp.customize;
* @param options
* - previewer - The Previewer instance to sync with.
* - transport - The transport to use for previewing. Supports 'refresh' and 'postMessage'.
api.Setting = api.Value.extend({
initialize: function( id, value, options ) {
api.Value.prototype.initialize.call( this, value, options );
this.id = id;
this.transport = this.transport || 'refresh';
this.bind( this.preview );
preview: function() {
switch ( this.transport ) {
case 'refresh':
return this.previewer.refresh();
case 'postMessage':
return this.previewer.send( 'setting', [ this.id, this() ] );
api.Control = api.Class.extend({
initialize: function( id, options ) {
var control = this,
nodes, radios, settings;
this.params = {};
$.extend( this, options || {} );
this.id = id;
this.selector = '#customize-control-' + id.replace( /\]/g, '' ).replace( /\[/g, '-' );
this.container = $( this.selector );
settings = $.map( this.params.settings, function( value ) {
return value;
api.apply( api, settings.concat( function() {
var key;
control.settings = {};
for ( key in control.params.settings ) {
control.settings[ key ] = api( control.params.settings[ key ] );
control.setting = control.settings['default'] || null;
}) );
control.elements = [];
nodes = this.container.find('[data-customize-setting-link]');
radios = {};
nodes.each( function() {
var node = $(this),
if ( node.is(':radio') ) {
name = node.prop('name');
if ( radios[ name ] )
radios[ name ] = true;
node = nodes.filter( '[name="' + name + '"]' );
api( node.data('customizeSettingLink'), function( setting ) {
var element = new api.Element( node );
control.elements.push( element );
element.sync( setting );
element.set( setting() );
ready: function() {},
dropdownInit: function() {
var control = this,
statuses = this.container.find('.dropdown-status'),
params = this.params,
toggleFreeze = false,
update = function( to ) {
if ( typeof to === 'string' && params.statuses && params.statuses[ to ] )
statuses.html( params.statuses[ to ] ).show();
// Support the .dropdown class to open/close complex elements
this.container.on( 'click keydown', '.dropdown', function( event ) {
if ( event.type === 'keydown' && 13 !== event.which ) // enter
if (!toggleFreeze)
if ( control.container.hasClass('open') )
// Don't want to fire focus and click at same time
toggleFreeze = true;
setTimeout(function () {
toggleFreeze = false;
}, 400);
this.setting.bind( update );
update( this.setting() );
api.ColorControl = api.Control.extend({
ready: function() {
var control = this,
picker = this.container.find('.color-picker-hex');
picker.val( control.setting() ).wpColorPicker({
change: function() {
control.setting.set( picker.wpColorPicker('color') );
clear: function() {
control.setting.set( false );
api.UploadControl = api.Control.extend({
ready: function() {
var control = this;
this.params.removed = this.params.removed || '';
this.success = $.proxy( this.success, this );
this.uploader = $.extend({
container: this.container,
browser: this.container.find('.upload'),
dropzone: this.container.find('.upload-dropzone'),
success: this.success,
plupload: {},
params: {}
}, this.uploader || {} );
if ( control.params.extensions ) {
control.uploader.plupload.filters = [{
title: api.l10n.allowedFiles,
extensions: control.params.extensions
if ( control.params.context )
control.uploader.params['post_data[context]'] = this.params.context;
if ( api.settings.theme.stylesheet )
control.uploader.params['post_data[theme]'] = api.settings.theme.stylesheet;
this.uploader = new wp.Uploader( this.uploader );
this.remover = this.container.find('.remove');
this.remover.on( 'click keydown', function( event ) {
if ( event.type === 'keydown' && 13 !== event.which ) // enter
control.setting.set( control.params.removed );
this.removerVisibility = $.proxy( this.removerVisibility, this );
this.setting.bind( this.removerVisibility );
this.removerVisibility( this.setting.get() );
success: function( attachment ) {
this.setting.set( attachment.get('url') );
removerVisibility: function( to ) {
this.remover.toggle( to != this.params.removed );
api.ImageControl = api.UploadControl.extend({
ready: function() {
var control = this,
this.uploader = {
init: function() {
var fallback, button;
if ( this.supports.dragdrop )
// Maintain references while wrapping the fallback button.
fallback = control.container.find( '.upload-fallback' );
button = fallback.children().detach();
this.browser.detach().empty().append( button );
fallback.append( this.browser ).show();
api.UploadControl.prototype.ready.call( this );
this.thumbnail = this.container.find('.preview-thumbnail img');
this.thumbnailSrc = $.proxy( this.thumbnailSrc, this );
this.setting.bind( this.thumbnailSrc );
this.library = this.container.find('.library');
// Generate tab objects
this.tabs = {};
panels = this.library.find('.library-content');
this.library.children('ul').children('li').each( function() {
var link = $(this),
id = link.data('customizeTab'),
panel = panels.filter('[data-customize-tab="' + id + '"]');
control.tabs[ id ] = {
both: link.add( panel ),
link: link,
panel: panel
// Bind tab switch events
this.library.children('ul').on( 'click keydown', 'li', function( event ) {
if ( event.type === 'keydown' && 13 !== event.which ) // enter
var id = $(this).data('customizeTab'),
tab = control.tabs[ id ];
if ( tab.link.hasClass('library-selected') )
control.selected = tab;
// Bind events to switch image urls.
this.library.on( 'click keydown', 'a', function( event ) {
if ( event.type === 'keydown' && 13 !== event.which ) // enter
var value = $(this).data('customizeImageValue');
if ( value ) {
control.setting.set( value );
if ( this.tabs.uploaded ) {
this.tabs.uploaded.target = this.library.find('.uploaded-target');
if ( ! this.tabs.uploaded.panel.find('.thumbnail').length )
// Select a tab
panels.each( function() {
var tab = control.tabs[ $(this).data('customizeTab') ];
// Select the first visible tab.
if ( ! tab.link.hasClass('hidden') ) {
control.selected = tab;
return false;
success: function( attachment ) {
api.UploadControl.prototype.success.call( this, attachment );
// Add the uploaded image to the uploaded tab.
if ( this.tabs.uploaded && this.tabs.uploaded.target.length ) {
// @todo: Do NOT store this on the attachment model. That is bad.
attachment.element = $( '<a href="#" class="thumbnail"></a>' )
.data( 'customizeImageValue', attachment.get('url') )
.append( '<img src="' + attachment.get('url')+ '" />' )
.appendTo( this.tabs.uploaded.target );
thumbnailSrc: function( to ) {
if ( /^(https?:)?\/\//.test( to ) )
this.thumbnail.prop( 'src', to ).show();
api.HeaderControl = api.Control.extend({
ready: function() {
this.btnRemove = $('#customize-control-header_image .actions .remove');
this.btnNew = $('#customize-control-header_image .actions .new');
_.bindAll(this, 'openMedia', 'removeImage');
this.btnNew.on( 'click', this.openMedia );
this.btnRemove.on( 'click', this.removeImage );
api.HeaderTool.currentHeader = new api.HeaderTool.ImageModel();
new api.HeaderTool.CurrentView({
model: api.HeaderTool.currentHeader,
el: '.current .container'
new api.HeaderTool.ChoiceListView({
collection: api.HeaderTool.UploadsList = new api.HeaderTool.ChoiceList(),
el: '.choices .uploaded .list'
new api.HeaderTool.ChoiceListView({
collection: api.HeaderTool.DefaultsList = new api.HeaderTool.DefaultsList(),
el: '.choices .default .list'
api.HeaderTool.combinedList = api.HeaderTool.CombinedList = new api.HeaderTool.CombinedList([
* Returns a set of options, computed from the attached image data and
* theme-specific data, to be fed to the imgAreaSelect plugin in
* wp.media.view.Cropper.
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachment} attachment
* @param {wp.media.controller.Cropper} controller
* @returns {Object} Options
calculateImageSelectOptions: function(attachment, controller) {
var xInit = parseInt(_wpCustomizeHeader.data.width, 10),
yInit = parseInt(_wpCustomizeHeader.data.height, 10),
flexWidth = !! parseInt(_wpCustomizeHeader.data['flex-width'], 10),
flexHeight = !! parseInt(_wpCustomizeHeader.data['flex-height'], 10),
ratio, xImg, yImg, realHeight, realWidth,
realWidth = attachment.get('width');
realHeight = attachment.get('height');
this.headerImage = new api.HeaderTool.ImageModel();
themeWidth: xInit,
themeHeight: yInit,
themeFlexWidth: flexWidth,
themeFlexHeight: flexHeight,
imageWidth: realWidth,
imageHeight: realHeight
controller.set( 'canSkipCrop', ! this.headerImage.shouldBeCropped() );
ratio = xInit / yInit;
xImg = realWidth;
yImg = realHeight;
if ( xImg / yImg > ratio ) {
yInit = yImg;
xInit = yInit * ratio;
} else {
xInit = xImg;
yInit = xInit / ratio;
imgSelectOptions = {
handles: true,
keys: true,
instance: true,
persistent: true,
imageWidth: realWidth,
imageHeight: realHeight,
x1: 0,
y1: 0,
x2: xInit,
y2: yInit
if (flexHeight === false && flexWidth === false) {
imgSelectOptions.aspectRatio = xInit + ':' + yInit;
if (flexHeight === false ) {
imgSelectOptions.maxHeight = yInit;
if (flexWidth === false ) {
imgSelectOptions.maxWidth = xInit;
return imgSelectOptions;
* Sets up and opens the Media Manager in order to select an image.
* Depending on both the size of the image and the properties of the
* current theme, a cropping step after selection may be required or
* skippable.
* @param {event} event
openMedia: function(event) {
var l10n = _wpMediaViewsL10n;
this.frame = wp.media({
button: {
text: l10n.selectAndCrop,
close: false
states: [
new wp.media.controller.Library({
title: l10n.chooseImage,
library: wp.media.query({ type: 'image' }),
multiple: false,
priority: 20,
suggestedWidth: _wpCustomizeHeader.data.width,
suggestedHeight: _wpCustomizeHeader.data.height
new wp.media.controller.Cropper({
imgSelectOptions: this.calculateImageSelectOptions
this.frame.on('select', this.onSelect, this);
this.frame.on('cropped', this.onCropped, this);
this.frame.on('skippedcrop', this.onSkippedCrop, this);
onSelect: function() {
onCropped: function(croppedImage) {
var url = croppedImage.post_content,
attachmentId = croppedImage.attachment_id,
w = croppedImage.width,
h = croppedImage.height;
this.setImageFromURL(url, attachmentId, w, h);
onSkippedCrop: function(selection) {
var url = selection.get('url'),
w = selection.get('width'),
h = selection.get('height');
this.setImageFromURL(url, selection.id, w, h);
* Creates a new wp.customize.HeaderTool.ImageModel from provided
* header image data and inserts it into the user-uploaded headers
* collection.
* @param {String} url
* @param {Number} attachmentId
* @param {Number} width
* @param {Number} height
setImageFromURL: function(url, attachmentId, width, height) {
var choice, data = {};
data.url = url;
data.thumbnail_url = url;
data.timestamp = _.now();
if (attachmentId) {
data.attachment_id = attachmentId;
if (width) {
data.width = width;
if (height) {
data.height = height;
choice = new api.HeaderTool.ImageModel({
header: data,
choice: url.split('/').pop()
* Triggers the necessary events to deselect an image which was set as
* the currently selected one.
removeImage: function() {
// Change objects contained within the main customize object to Settings.
api.defaultConstructor = api.Setting;
// Create the collection of Control objects.
api.control = new api.Values({ defaultConstructor: api.Control });
api.PreviewFrame = api.Messenger.extend({
sensitivity: 2000,
initialize: function( params, options ) {
var deferred = $.Deferred();
// This is the promise object.
deferred.promise( this );
this.container = params.container;
this.signature = params.signature;
$.extend( params, { channel: api.PreviewFrame.uuid() });
api.Messenger.prototype.initialize.call( this, params, options );
this.add( 'previewUrl', params.previewUrl );
this.query = $.extend( params.query || {}, { customize_messenger_channel: this.channel() });
this.run( deferred );
run: function( deferred ) {
var self = this,
loaded = false,
ready = false;
if ( this._ready )
this.unbind( 'ready', this._ready );
this._ready = function() {
ready = true;
if ( loaded )
deferred.resolveWith( self );
this.bind( 'ready', this._ready );
this.request = $.ajax( this.previewUrl(), {
type: 'POST',
data: this.query,
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true
} );
this.request.fail( function() {
deferred.rejectWith( self, [ 'request failure' ] );
this.request.done( function( response ) {
var location = self.request.getResponseHeader('Location'),
signature = self.signature,
// Check if the location response header differs from the current URL.
// If so, the request was redirected; try loading the requested page.
if ( location && location != self.previewUrl() ) {
deferred.rejectWith( self, [ 'redirect', location ] );
// Check if the user is not logged in.
if ( '0' === response ) {
self.login( deferred );
// Check for cheaters.
if ( '-1' === response ) {
deferred.rejectWith( self, [ 'cheatin' ] );
// Check for a signature in the request.
index = response.lastIndexOf( signature );
if ( -1 === index || index < response.lastIndexOf('</html>') ) {
deferred.rejectWith( self, [ 'unsigned' ] );
// Strip the signature from the request.
response = response.slice( 0, index ) + response.slice( index + signature.length );
// Create the iframe and inject the html content.
self.iframe = $('<iframe />').appendTo( self.container );
// Bind load event after the iframe has been added to the page;
// otherwise it will fire when injected into the DOM.
self.iframe.one( 'load', function() {
loaded = true;
if ( ready ) {
deferred.resolveWith( self );
} else {
setTimeout( function() {
deferred.rejectWith( self, [ 'ready timeout' ] );
}, self.sensitivity );
self.targetWindow( self.iframe[0].contentWindow );
self.targetWindow().document.write( response );
login: function( deferred ) {
var self = this,
reject = function() {
deferred.rejectWith( self, [ 'logged out' ] );
if ( this.triedLogin )
return reject();
// Check if we have an admin cookie.
$.get( api.settings.url.ajax, {
action: 'logged-in'
}).fail( reject ).done( function( response ) {
var iframe;
if ( '1' !== response )
iframe = $('<iframe src="' + self.previewUrl() + '" />').hide();
iframe.appendTo( self.container );
iframe.load( function() {
self.triedLogin = true;
self.run( deferred );
destroy: function() {
api.Messenger.prototype.destroy.call( this );
if ( this.iframe )
delete this.request;
delete this.iframe;
delete this.targetWindow;
var uuid = 0;
api.PreviewFrame.uuid = function() {
return 'preview-' + uuid++;
api.Previewer = api.Messenger.extend({
refreshBuffer: 250,
* Requires params:
* - container - a selector or jQuery element
* - previewUrl - the URL of preview frame
initialize: function( params, options ) {
var self = this,
rscheme = /^https?/;
$.extend( this, options || {} );
* Wrap this.refresh to prevent it from hammering the servers:
* If refresh is called once and no other refresh requests are
* loading, trigger the request immediately.
* If refresh is called while another refresh request is loading,
* debounce the refresh requests:
* 1. Stop the loading request (as it is instantly outdated).
* 2. Trigger the new request once refresh hasn't been called for
* self.refreshBuffer milliseconds.
this.refresh = (function( self ) {
var refresh = self.refresh,
callback = function() {
timeout = null;
refresh.call( self );
return function() {
if ( typeof timeout !== 'number' ) {
if ( self.loading ) {
} else {
return callback();
clearTimeout( timeout );
timeout = setTimeout( callback, self.refreshBuffer );
})( this );
this.container = api.ensure( params.container );
this.allowedUrls = params.allowedUrls;
this.signature = params.signature;
params.url = window.location.href;
api.Messenger.prototype.initialize.call( this, params );
this.add( 'scheme', this.origin() ).link( this.origin ).setter( function( to ) {
var match = to.match( rscheme );
return match ? match[0] : '';
// Limit the URL to internal, front-end links.
// If the frontend and the admin are served from the same domain, load the
// preview over ssl if the customizer is being loaded over ssl. This avoids
// insecure content warnings. This is not attempted if the admin and frontend
// are on different domains to avoid the case where the frontend doesn't have
// ssl certs.
this.add( 'previewUrl', params.previewUrl ).setter( function( to ) {
var result;
// Check for URLs that include "/wp-admin/" or end in "/wp-admin".
// Strip hashes and query strings before testing.
if ( /\/wp-admin(\/|$)/.test( to.replace( /[#?].*$/, '' ) ) )
return null;
// Attempt to match the URL to the control frame's scheme
// and check if it's allowed. If not, try the original URL.
$.each([ to.replace( rscheme, self.scheme() ), to ], function( i, url ) {
$.each( self.allowedUrls, function( i, allowed ) {
var path;
allowed = allowed.replace( /\/+$/, '' );
path = url.replace( allowed, '' );
if ( 0 === url.indexOf( allowed ) && /^([/#?]|$)/.test( path ) ) {
result = url;
return false;
if ( result )
return false;
// If we found a matching result, return it. If not, bail.
return result ? result : null;
// Refresh the preview when the URL is changed (but not yet).
this.previewUrl.bind( this.refresh );
this.scroll = 0;
this.bind( 'scroll', function( distance ) {
this.scroll = distance;
// Update the URL when the iframe sends a URL message.
this.bind( 'url', this.previewUrl );
query: function() {},
abort: function() {
if ( this.loading ) {
delete this.loading;
refresh: function() {
var self = this;
this.loading = new api.PreviewFrame({
url: this.url(),
previewUrl: this.previewUrl(),
query: this.query() || {},
container: this.container,
signature: this.signature
this.loading.done( function() {
// 'this' is the loading frame
this.bind( 'synced', function() {
if ( self.preview )
self.preview = this;
delete self.loading;
self.targetWindow( this.targetWindow() );
self.channel( this.channel() );
self.send( 'active' );
this.send( 'sync', {
scroll: self.scroll,
settings: api.get()
this.loading.fail( function( reason, location ) {
if ( 'redirect' === reason && location )
self.previewUrl( location );
if ( 'logged out' === reason ) {
if ( self.preview ) {
delete self.preview;
self.login().done( self.refresh );
if ( 'cheatin' === reason )
login: function() {
var previewer = this,
deferred, messenger, iframe;
if ( this._login )
return this._login;
deferred = $.Deferred();
this._login = deferred.promise();
messenger = new api.Messenger({
channel: 'login',
url: api.settings.url.login
iframe = $('<iframe src="' + api.settings.url.login + '" />').appendTo( this.container );
messenger.targetWindow( iframe[0].contentWindow );
messenger.bind( 'login', function() {
delete previewer._login;
return this._login;
cheatin: function() {
$( document.body ).empty().addClass('cheatin').append( '<p>' + api.l10n.cheatin + '</p>' );
/* =====================================================================
* Ready.
* ===================================================================== */
api.controlConstructor = {
color: api.ColorControl,
upload: api.UploadControl,
image: api.ImageControl,
header: api.HeaderControl
$( function() {
api.settings = window._wpCustomizeSettings;
api.l10n = window._wpCustomizeControlsL10n;
// Check if we can run the customizer.
if ( ! api.settings )
// Redirect to the fallback preview if any incompatibilities are found.
if ( ! $.support.postMessage || ( ! $.support.cors && api.settings.isCrossDomain ) )
return window.location = api.settings.url.fallback;
var previewer, parent, topFocus,
body = $( document.body ),
overlay = body.children( '.wp-full-overlay' ),
closeBtn = $( '.customize-controls-close' ),
saveBtn = $( '#save' );
// Prevent the form from saving when enter is pressed on an input or select element.
$('#customize-controls').on( 'keydown', function( e ) {
var isEnter = ( 13 === e.which ),
$el = $( e.target );
if ( isEnter && ( $el.is( 'input:not([type=button])' ) || $el.is( 'select' ) ) ) {
// Initialize Previewer
previewer = new api.Previewer({
container: '#customize-preview',
form: '#customize-controls',
previewUrl: api.settings.url.preview,
allowedUrls: api.settings.url.allowed,
}, {
nonce: api.settings.nonce,
query: function() {
return {
wp_customize: 'on',
theme: api.settings.theme.stylesheet,
customized: JSON.stringify( api.get() ),
nonce: this.nonce.preview
save: function() {
var self = this,
query = $.extend( this.query(), {
action: 'customize_save',
nonce: this.nonce.save
} ),
processing = api.state( 'processing' ),
body.addClass( 'saving' );
submit = function () {
var request = $.post( api.settings.url.ajax, query );
api.trigger( 'save', request );
request.always( function () {
body.removeClass( 'saving' );
} );
request.done( function( response ) {
// Check if the user is logged out.
if ( '0' === response ) {
self.login().done( function() {
} );
// Check for cheaters.
if ( '-1' === response ) {
api.trigger( 'saved' );
} );
if ( 0 === processing() ) {
} else {
submitWhenDoneProcessing = function () {
if ( 0 === processing() ) {
api.state.unbind( 'change', submitWhenDoneProcessing );
api.state.bind( 'change', submitWhenDoneProcessing );
// Refresh the nonces if the preview sends updated nonces over.
previewer.bind( 'nonce', function( nonce ) {
$.extend( this.nonce, nonce );
$.each( api.settings.settings, function( id, data ) {
api.create( id, id, data.value, {
transport: data.transport,
previewer: previewer
} );
$.each( api.settings.controls, function( id, data ) {
var constructor = api.controlConstructor[ data.type ] || api.Control,
control = api.control.add( id, new constructor( id, {
params: data,
previewer: previewer
} ) );
// Check if preview url is valid and load the preview frame.
if ( previewer.previewUrl() )
previewer.previewUrl( api.settings.url.home );
// Save and activated states
(function() {
var state = new api.Values(),
saved = state.create( 'saved' ),
activated = state.create( 'activated' ),
processing = state.create( 'processing' );
state.bind( 'change', function() {
if ( ! activated() ) {
saveBtn.val( api.l10n.activate ).prop( 'disabled', false );
closeBtn.find( '.screen-reader-text' ).text( api.l10n.cancel );
} else if ( saved() ) {
saveBtn.val( api.l10n.saved ).prop( 'disabled', true );
closeBtn.find( '.screen-reader-text' ).text( api.l10n.close );
} else {
saveBtn.val( api.l10n.save ).prop( 'disabled', false );
closeBtn.find( '.screen-reader-text' ).text( api.l10n.cancel );
// Set default states.
saved( true );
activated( api.settings.theme.active );
processing( 0 );
api.bind( 'change', function() {
state('saved').set( false );
api.bind( 'saved', function() {
state('saved').set( true );
state('activated').set( true );
activated.bind( function( to ) {
if ( to )
api.trigger( 'activated' );
// Expose states to the API.
api.state = state;
// Button bindings.
saveBtn.click( function( event ) {
}).keydown( function( event ) {
if ( 9 === event.which ) // tab
if ( 13 === event.which ) // enter
closeBtn.keydown( function( event ) {
if ( 9 === event.which ) // tab
if ( 13 === event.which ) // enter
$('.upload-dropzone a.upload').keydown( function( event ) {
if ( 13 === event.which ) // enter
$('.collapse-sidebar').on( 'click keydown', function( event ) {
if ( event.type === 'keydown' && 13 !== event.which ) // enter
overlay.toggleClass( 'collapsed' ).toggleClass( 'expanded' );
// Create a potential postMessage connection with the parent frame.
parent = new api.Messenger({
url: api.settings.url.parent,
channel: 'loader'
// If we receive a 'back' event, we're inside an iframe.
// Send any clicks to the 'Return' link to the parent page.
parent.bind( 'back', function() {
closeBtn.on( 'click.customize-controls-close', function( event ) {
parent.send( 'close' );
// Prompt user with AYS dialog if leaving the Customizer with unsaved changes
$( window ).on( 'beforeunload', function () {
if ( ! api.state( 'saved' )() ) {
return api.l10n.saveAlert;
} );
// Pass events through to the parent.
$.each( [ 'saved', 'change' ], function ( i, event ) {
api.bind( event, function() {
parent.send( event );
} );
// When activated, let the loader handle redirecting the page.
// If no loader exists, redirect the page ourselves (if a url exists).
api.bind( 'activated', function() {
if ( parent.targetWindow() )
parent.send( 'activated', api.settings.url.activated );
else if ( api.settings.url.activated )
window.location = api.settings.url.activated;
// Initialize the connection with the parent frame.
parent.send( 'ready' );
// Control visibility for default controls
'background_image': {
controls: [ 'background_repeat', 'background_position_x', 'background_attachment' ],
callback: function( to ) { return !! to; }
'show_on_front': {
controls: [ 'page_on_front', 'page_for_posts' ],
callback: function( to ) { return 'page' === to; }
'header_textcolor': {
controls: [ 'header_textcolor' ],
callback: function( to ) { return 'blank' !== to; }
}, function( settingId, o ) {
api( settingId, function( setting ) {
$.each( o.controls, function( i, controlId ) {
api.control( controlId, function( control ) {
var visibility = function( to ) {
control.container.toggle( o.callback( to ) );
visibility( setting.get() );
setting.bind( visibility );
// Juggle the two controls that use header_textcolor
api.control( 'display_header_text', function( control ) {
var last = '';
control.elements[0].unsync( api( 'header_textcolor' ) );
control.element = new api.Element( control.container.find('input') );
control.element.set( 'blank' !== control.setting() );
control.element.bind( function( to ) {
if ( ! to )
last = api( 'header_textcolor' ).get();
control.setting.set( to ? last : 'blank' );
control.setting.bind( function( to ) {
control.element.set( 'blank' !== to );
api.trigger( 'ready' );
// Make sure left column gets focus
topFocus = closeBtn;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 200);
})( wp, jQuery );