mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 07:10:00 +01:00
* This moves our "development" versions from .dev.js to .js (same for css). * The compressed version then moves from .js to .min.js (same for css). By switching to the standard .min convention, it sets expectations for developers, and works nicely with existing tools such as ack. fixes #21633. git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@21592 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
241 lines
8.0 KiB
241 lines
8.0 KiB
var switchEditors = {
switchto: function(el) {
var aid = el.id, l = aid.length, id = aid.substr(0, l - 5), mode = aid.substr(l - 4);
this.go(id, mode);
go: function(id, mode) { // mode can be 'html', 'tmce', or 'toggle'; 'html' is used for the "Text" editor tab.
id = id || 'content';
mode = mode || 'toggle';
var t = this, ed = tinyMCE.get(id), wrap_id, txtarea_el, dom = tinymce.DOM;
wrap_id = 'wp-'+id+'-wrap';
txtarea_el = dom.get(id);
if ( 'toggle' == mode ) {
if ( ed && !ed.isHidden() )
mode = 'html';
mode = 'tmce';
if ( 'tmce' == mode || 'tinymce' == mode ) {
if ( ed && ! ed.isHidden() )
return false;
if ( typeof(QTags) != 'undefined' )
if ( tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[id] && tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[id].wpautop )
txtarea_el.value = t.wpautop( txtarea_el.value );
if ( ed ) {
} else {
ed = new tinymce.Editor(id, tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[id]);
dom.removeClass(wrap_id, 'html-active');
dom.addClass(wrap_id, 'tmce-active');
setUserSetting('editor', 'tinymce');
} else if ( 'html' == mode ) {
if ( ed && ed.isHidden() )
return false;
if ( ed ) {
txtarea_el.style.height = ed.getContentAreaContainer().offsetHeight + 20 + 'px';
dom.removeClass(wrap_id, 'tmce-active');
dom.addClass(wrap_id, 'html-active');
setUserSetting('editor', 'html');
return false;
_wp_Nop : function(content) {
var blocklist1, blocklist2, preserve_linebreaks = false, preserve_br = false;
// Protect pre|script tags
if ( content.indexOf('<pre') != -1 || content.indexOf('<script') != -1 ) {
preserve_linebreaks = true;
content = content.replace(/<(pre|script)[^>]*>[\s\S]+?<\/\1>/g, function(a) {
a = a.replace(/<br ?\/?>(\r\n|\n)?/g, '<wp-temp-lb>');
return a.replace(/<\/?p( [^>]*)?>(\r\n|\n)?/g, '<wp-temp-lb>');
// keep <br> tags inside captions and remove line breaks
if ( content.indexOf('[caption') != -1 ) {
preserve_br = true;
content = content.replace(/\[caption[\s\S]+?\[\/caption\]/g, function(a) {
return a.replace(/<br([^>]*)>/g, '<wp-temp-br$1>').replace(/[\r\n\t]+/, '');
// Pretty it up for the source editor
blocklist1 = 'blockquote|ul|ol|li|table|thead|tbody|tfoot|tr|th|td|div|h[1-6]|p|fieldset';
content = content.replace(new RegExp('\\s*</('+blocklist1+')>\\s*', 'g'), '</$1>\n');
content = content.replace(new RegExp('\\s*<((?:'+blocklist1+')(?: [^>]*)?)>', 'g'), '\n<$1>');
// Mark </p> if it has any attributes.
content = content.replace(/(<p [^>]+>.*?)<\/p>/g, '$1</p#>');
// Sepatate <div> containing <p>
content = content.replace(/<div( [^>]*)?>\s*<p>/gi, '<div$1>\n\n');
// Remove <p> and <br />
content = content.replace(/\s*<p>/gi, '');
content = content.replace(/\s*<\/p>\s*/gi, '\n\n');
content = content.replace(/\n[\s\u00a0]+\n/g, '\n\n');
content = content.replace(/\s*<br ?\/?>\s*/gi, '\n');
// Fix some block element newline issues
content = content.replace(/\s*<div/g, '\n<div');
content = content.replace(/<\/div>\s*/g, '</div>\n');
content = content.replace(/\s*\[caption([^\[]+)\[\/caption\]\s*/gi, '\n\n[caption$1[/caption]\n\n');
content = content.replace(/caption\]\n\n+\[caption/g, 'caption]\n\n[caption');
blocklist2 = 'blockquote|ul|ol|li|table|thead|tbody|tfoot|tr|th|td|h[1-6]|pre|fieldset';
content = content.replace(new RegExp('\\s*<((?:'+blocklist2+')(?: [^>]*)?)\\s*>', 'g'), '\n<$1>');
content = content.replace(new RegExp('\\s*</('+blocklist2+')>\\s*', 'g'), '</$1>\n');
content = content.replace(/<li([^>]*)>/g, '\t<li$1>');
if ( content.indexOf('<hr') != -1 ) {
content = content.replace(/\s*<hr( [^>]*)?>\s*/g, '\n\n<hr$1>\n\n');
if ( content.indexOf('<object') != -1 ) {
content = content.replace(/<object[\s\S]+?<\/object>/g, function(a){
return a.replace(/[\r\n]+/g, '');
// Unmark special paragraph closing tags
content = content.replace(/<\/p#>/g, '</p>\n');
content = content.replace(/\s*(<p [^>]+>[\s\S]*?<\/p>)/g, '\n$1');
// Trim whitespace
content = content.replace(/^\s+/, '');
content = content.replace(/[\s\u00a0]+$/, '');
// put back the line breaks in pre|script
if ( preserve_linebreaks )
content = content.replace(/<wp-temp-lb>/g, '\n');
// and the <br> tags in captions
if ( preserve_br )
content = content.replace(/<wp-temp-br([^>]*)>/g, '<br$1>');
return content;
_wp_Autop : function(pee) {
var preserve_linebreaks = false, preserve_br = false,
blocklist = 'table|thead|tfoot|tbody|tr|td|th|caption|col|colgroup|div|dl|dd|dt|ul|ol|li|pre|select|form|blockquote|address|math|p|h[1-6]|fieldset|legend|hr|noscript|menu|samp|header|footer|article|section|hgroup|nav|aside|details|summary';
if ( pee.indexOf('<object') != -1 ) {
pee = pee.replace(/<object[\s\S]+?<\/object>/g, function(a){
return a.replace(/[\r\n]+/g, '');
pee = pee.replace(/<[^<>]+>/g, function(a){
return a.replace(/[\r\n]+/g, ' ');
// Protect pre|script tags
if ( pee.indexOf('<pre') != -1 || pee.indexOf('<script') != -1 ) {
preserve_linebreaks = true;
pee = pee.replace(/<(pre|script)[^>]*>[\s\S]+?<\/\1>/g, function(a) {
return a.replace(/(\r\n|\n)/g, '<wp-temp-lb>');
// keep <br> tags inside captions and convert line breaks
if ( pee.indexOf('[caption') != -1 ) {
preserve_br = true;
pee = pee.replace(/\[caption[\s\S]+?\[\/caption\]/g, function(a) {
// keep existing <br>
a = a.replace(/<br([^>]*)>/g, '<wp-temp-br$1>');
// no line breaks inside HTML tags
a = a.replace(/<[a-zA-Z0-9]+( [^<>]+)?>/g, function(b){
return b.replace(/[\r\n\t]+/, ' ');
// convert remaining line breaks to <br>
return a.replace(/\s*\n\s*/g, '<wp-temp-br />');
pee = pee + '\n\n';
pee = pee.replace(/<br \/>\s*<br \/>/gi, '\n\n');
pee = pee.replace(new RegExp('(<(?:'+blocklist+')(?: [^>]*)?>)', 'gi'), '\n$1');
pee = pee.replace(new RegExp('(</(?:'+blocklist+')>)', 'gi'), '$1\n\n');
pee = pee.replace(/<hr( [^>]*)?>/gi, '<hr$1>\n\n'); // hr is self closing block element
pee = pee.replace(/\r\n|\r/g, '\n');
pee = pee.replace(/\n\s*\n+/g, '\n\n');
pee = pee.replace(/([\s\S]+?)\n\n/g, '<p>$1</p>\n');
pee = pee.replace(/<p>\s*?<\/p>/gi, '');
pee = pee.replace(new RegExp('<p>\\s*(</?(?:'+blocklist+')(?: [^>]*)?>)\\s*</p>', 'gi'), "$1");
pee = pee.replace(/<p>(<li.+?)<\/p>/gi, '$1');
pee = pee.replace(/<p>\s*<blockquote([^>]*)>/gi, '<blockquote$1><p>');
pee = pee.replace(/<\/blockquote>\s*<\/p>/gi, '</p></blockquote>');
pee = pee.replace(new RegExp('<p>\\s*(</?(?:'+blocklist+')(?: [^>]*)?>)', 'gi'), "$1");
pee = pee.replace(new RegExp('(</?(?:'+blocklist+')(?: [^>]*)?>)\\s*</p>', 'gi'), "$1");
pee = pee.replace(/\s*\n/gi, '<br />\n');
pee = pee.replace(new RegExp('(</?(?:'+blocklist+')[^>]*>)\\s*<br />', 'gi'), "$1");
pee = pee.replace(/<br \/>(\s*<\/?(?:p|li|div|dl|dd|dt|th|pre|td|ul|ol)>)/gi, '$1');
pee = pee.replace(/(?:<p>|<br ?\/?>)*\s*\[caption([^\[]+)\[\/caption\]\s*(?:<\/p>|<br ?\/?>)*/gi, '[caption$1[/caption]');
pee = pee.replace(/(<(?:div|th|td|form|fieldset|dd)[^>]*>)(.*?)<\/p>/g, function(a, b, c) {
if ( c.match(/<p( [^>]*)?>/) )
return a;
return b + '<p>' + c + '</p>';
// put back the line breaks in pre|script
if ( preserve_linebreaks )
pee = pee.replace(/<wp-temp-lb>/g, '\n');
if ( preserve_br )
pee = pee.replace(/<wp-temp-br([^>]*)>/g, '<br$1>');
return pee;
pre_wpautop : function(content) {
var t = this, o = { o: t, data: content, unfiltered: content },
q = typeof(jQuery) != 'undefined';
if ( q )
jQuery('body').trigger('beforePreWpautop', [o]);
o.data = t._wp_Nop(o.data);
if ( q )
jQuery('body').trigger('afterPreWpautop', [o]);
return o.data;
wpautop : function(pee) {
var t = this, o = { o: t, data: pee, unfiltered: pee },
q = typeof(jQuery) != 'undefined';
if ( q )
jQuery('body').trigger('beforeWpautop', [o]);
o.data = t._wp_Autop(o.data);
if ( q )
jQuery('body').trigger('afterWpautop', [o]);
return o.data;