
545 lines
15 KiB

/* global setUserSetting, ajaxurl, commonL10n, alert, confirm, toggleWithKeyboard, pagenow */
var showNotice, adminMenu, columns, validateForm, screenMeta, stickyMenu;
// Removed in 3.3.
// (perhaps) needed for back-compat
adminMenu = {
init : function() {},
fold : function() {},
restoreMenuState : function() {},
toggle : function() {},
favorites : function() {}
// show/hide/save table columns
columns = {
init : function() {
var that = this;
$('.hide-column-tog', '#adv-settings').click( function() {
var $t = $(this), column = $t.val();
if ( $t.prop('checked') )
saveManageColumnsState : function() {
var hidden = this.hidden();
$.post(ajaxurl, {
action: 'hidden-columns',
hidden: hidden,
screenoptionnonce: $('#screenoptionnonce').val(),
page: pagenow
checked : function(column) {
$('.column-' + column).show();
unchecked : function(column) {
$('.column-' + column).hide();
hidden : function() {
return $('.manage-column').filter(':hidden').map(function() { return this.id; }).get().join(',');
useCheckboxesForHidden : function() {
this.hidden = function(){
return $('.hide-column-tog').not(':checked').map(function() {
var id = this.id;
return id.substring( id, id.length - 5 );
colSpanChange : function(diff) {
var $t = $('table').find('.colspanchange'), n;
if ( !$t.length )
n = parseInt( $t.attr('colspan'), 10 ) + diff;
$t.attr('colspan', n.toString());
validateForm = function( form ) {
return !$( form )
.find( '.form-required' )
.filter( function() { return $( 'input:visible', this ).val() === ''; } )
.addClass( 'form-invalid' )
.find( 'input:visible' )
.change( function() { $( this ).closest( '.form-invalid' ).removeClass( 'form-invalid' ); } )
// stub for doing better warnings
showNotice = {
warn : function() {
var msg = commonL10n.warnDelete || '';
if ( confirm(msg) ) {
return true;
return false;
note : function(text) {
screenMeta = {
element: null, // #screen-meta
toggles: null, // .screen-meta-toggle
page: null, // #wpcontent
init: function() {
this.element = $('#screen-meta');
this.toggles = $('.screen-meta-toggle a');
this.page = $('#wpcontent');
this.toggles.click( this.toggleEvent );
toggleEvent: function( e ) {
var panel = $( this.href.replace(/.+#/, '#') );
if ( !panel.length )
if ( panel.is(':visible') )
screenMeta.close( panel, $(this) );
screenMeta.open( panel, $(this) );
open: function( panel, link ) {
$('.screen-meta-toggle').not( link.parent() ).css('visibility', 'hidden');
panel.slideDown( 'fast', function() {
link.addClass('screen-meta-active').attr('aria-expanded', true);
close: function( panel, link ) {
panel.slideUp( 'fast', function() {
link.removeClass('screen-meta-active').attr('aria-expanded', false);
$('.screen-meta-toggle').css('visibility', '');
* Help tabs.
$('.contextual-help-tabs').delegate('a', 'click focus', function(e) {
var link = $(this),
// Don't do anything if the click is for the tab already showing.
if ( link.is('.active a') )
return false;
// Links
$('.contextual-help-tabs .active').removeClass('active');
panel = $( link.attr('href') );
// Panels
$('.help-tab-content').not( panel ).removeClass('active').hide();
$(document).ready( function() {
var checks, first, last, checked, sliced, mobileEvent, transitionTimeout, focusedRowActions,
lastClicked = false,
menu = $('#adminmenu'),
pageInput = $('input.current-page'),
currentPage = pageInput.val();
// when the menu is folded, make the fly-out submenu header clickable
menu.on('click.wp-submenu-head', '.wp-submenu-head', function(e){
$('#collapse-menu').on('click.collapse-menu', function() {
var body = $( document.body ), respWidth;
// reset any compensation for submenus near the bottom of the screen
$('#adminmenu div.wp-submenu').css('margin-top', '');
// WebKit excludes the width of the vertical scrollbar when applying the CSS "@media screen and (max-width: ...)"
// and matches $(window).width().
// Firefox and IE > 8 include the scrollbar width, so after the jQuery normalization
// $(window).width() is 884px but window.innerWidth is 900px.
// (using window.innerWidth also excludes IE < 9)
respWidth = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('AppleWebKit/') > -1 ? $(window).width() : window.innerWidth;
if ( respWidth && respWidth < 900 ) {
if ( body.hasClass('auto-fold') ) {
setUserSetting('unfold', 1);
setUserSetting('mfold', 'o');
} else {
setUserSetting('unfold', 0);
} else {
if ( body.hasClass('folded') ) {
setUserSetting('mfold', 'o');
} else {
setUserSetting('mfold', 'f');
if ( 'ontouchstart' in window || /IEMobile\/[1-9]/.test(navigator.userAgent) ) { // touch screen device
// iOS Safari works with touchstart, the rest work with click
mobileEvent = /Mobile\/.+Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? 'touchstart' : 'click';
// close any open submenus when touch/click is not on the menu
$(document.body).on( mobileEvent+'.wp-mobile-hover', function(e) {
if ( !$(e.target).closest('#adminmenu').length )
menu.find('a.wp-has-submenu').on( mobileEvent+'.wp-mobile-hover', function(e) {
var el = $(this), parent = el.parent();
// Show the sub instead of following the link if:
// - the submenu is not open
// - the submenu is not shown inline or the menu is not folded
if ( !parent.hasClass('opensub') && ( !parent.hasClass('wp-menu-open') || parent.width() < 40 ) ) {
over: function() {
var b, h, o, f, m = $(this).find('.wp-submenu'), menutop, wintop, maxtop, top = parseInt( m.css('top'), 10 );
if ( isNaN(top) || top > -5 ) // meaning the submenu is visible
menutop = $(this).offset().top;
wintop = $(window).scrollTop();
maxtop = menutop - wintop - 30; // max = make the top of the sub almost touch admin bar
b = menutop + m.height() + 1; // Bottom offset of the menu
h = $('#wpwrap').height(); // Height of the entire page
o = 60 + b - h;
f = $(window).height() + wintop - 15; // The fold
if ( f < (b - o) )
o = b - f;
if ( o > maxtop )
o = maxtop;
if ( o > 1 )
m.css('margin-top', '-'+o+'px');
m.css('margin-top', '');
out: function(){
$(this).removeClass('opensub').find('.wp-submenu').css('margin-top', '');
timeout: 200,
sensitivity: 7,
interval: 90
menu.on('focus.adminmenu', '.wp-submenu a', function(e){
}).on('blur.adminmenu', '.wp-submenu a', function(e){
// Move .updated and .error alert boxes. Don't move boxes designed to be inline.
$('div.wrap h2:first').nextAll('div.updated, div.error').addClass('below-h2');
$('div.updated, div.error').not('.below-h2, .inline').insertAfter( $('div.wrap h2:first') );
// Init screen meta
// check all checkboxes
$('tbody').children().children('.check-column').find(':checkbox').click( function(e) {
if ( 'undefined' == e.shiftKey ) { return true; }
if ( e.shiftKey ) {
if ( !lastClicked ) { return true; }
checks = $( lastClicked ).closest( 'form' ).find( ':checkbox' );
first = checks.index( lastClicked );
last = checks.index( this );
checked = $(this).prop('checked');
if ( 0 < first && 0 < last && first != last ) {
sliced = ( last > first ) ? checks.slice( first, last ) : checks.slice( last, first );
sliced.prop( 'checked', function() {
if ( $(this).closest('tr').is(':visible') )
return checked;
return false;
lastClicked = this;
// toggle "check all" checkboxes
var unchecked = $(this).closest('tbody').find(':checkbox').filter(':visible').not(':checked');
$(this).closest('table').children('thead, tfoot').find(':checkbox').prop('checked', function() {
return ( 0 === unchecked.length );
return true;
$('thead, tfoot').find('.check-column :checkbox').click( function(e) {
var c = $(this).prop('checked'),
kbtoggle = 'undefined' == typeof toggleWithKeyboard ? false : toggleWithKeyboard,
toggle = e.shiftKey || kbtoggle;
$(this).closest( 'table' ).children( 'tbody' ).filter(':visible')
.prop('checked', function() {
if ( $(this).is(':hidden') )
return false;
if ( toggle )
return $(this).prop( 'checked' );
else if (c)
return true;
return false;
$(this).closest('table').children('thead, tfoot').filter(':visible')
.prop('checked', function() {
if ( toggle )
return false;
else if (c)
return true;
return false;
// Show row actions on keyboard focus of its parent container element or any other elements contained within
$( 'td.post-title, td.title, td.comment, .bookmarks td.column-name, td.blogname, td.username, .dashboard-comment-wrap' ).focusin(function(){
clearTimeout( transitionTimeout );
focusedRowActions = $(this).find( '.row-actions' );
focusedRowActions.addClass( 'visible' );
// Tabbing between post title and .row-actions links needs a brief pause, otherwise
// the .row-actions div gets hidden in transit in some browsers (ahem, Firefox).
transitionTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
focusedRowActions.removeClass( 'visible' );
}, 30);
$('#default-password-nag-no').click( function() {
setUserSetting('default_password_nag', 'hide');
return false;
// tab in textareas
$('#newcontent').bind('keydown.wpevent_InsertTab', function(e) {
var el = e.target, selStart, selEnd, val, scroll, sel;
if ( e.keyCode == 27 ) { // escape key
$(el).data('tab-out', true);
if ( e.keyCode != 9 || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.shiftKey ) // tab key
if ( $(el).data('tab-out') ) {
$(el).data('tab-out', false);
selStart = el.selectionStart;
selEnd = el.selectionEnd;
val = el.value;
try {
this.lastKey = 9; // not a standard DOM property, lastKey is to help stop Opera tab event. See blur handler below.
} catch(err) {}
if ( document.selection ) {
sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = '\t';
} else if ( selStart >= 0 ) {
scroll = this.scrollTop;
el.value = val.substring(0, selStart).concat('\t', val.substring(selEnd) );
el.selectionStart = el.selectionEnd = selStart + 1;
this.scrollTop = scroll;
if ( e.stopPropagation )
if ( e.preventDefault )
$('#newcontent').bind('blur.wpevent_InsertTab', function() {
if ( this.lastKey && 9 == this.lastKey )
if ( pageInput.length ) {
pageInput.closest('form').submit( function() {
// Reset paging var for new filters/searches but not for bulk actions. See #17685.
if ( $('select[name="action"]').val() == -1 && $('select[name="action2"]').val() == -1 && pageInput.val() == currentPage )
$('.search-box input[type="search"], .search-box input[type="submit"]').mousedown(function () {
// Scroll into view when focused
$('#contextual-help-link, #show-settings-link').on( 'focus.scroll-into-view', function(e){
if ( e.target.scrollIntoView )
// Disable upload buttons until files are selected
var button, input, form = $('form.wp-upload-form');
if ( ! form.length )
button = form.find('input[type="submit"]');
input = form.find('input[type="file"]');
function toggleUploadButton() {
button.prop('disabled', '' === input.map( function() {
return $(this).val();
input.on('change', toggleUploadButton);
stickyMenu = {
active: false,
init: function () {
this.$window = $( window );
this.$body = $( document.body );
this.$adminMenuWrap = $( '#adminmenuwrap' );
this.$collapseMenu = $( '#collapse-menu' );
this.bodyMinWidth = parseInt( this.$body.css( 'min-width' ), 10 );
enable: function () {
if ( ! this.active ) {
this.$window.on( 'resize.stickyMenu scroll.stickyMenu', this.debounce(
$.proxy( this.update, this ), 200
) );
this.$collapseMenu.on( 'click.stickyMenu', $.proxy( this.update, this ) );
this.active = true;
disable: function () {
if ( this.active ) {
this.$window.off( 'resize.stickyMenu scroll.stickyMenu' );
this.$collapseMenu.off( 'click.stickyMenu' );
this.$body.removeClass( 'sticky-menu' );
this.active = false;
update: function () {
// Make the admin menu sticky if both of the following:
// 1. The viewport is taller than the admin menu
// 2. The viewport is wider than the min-width of the <body>
if ( this.$window.height() > this.$adminMenuWrap.height() + 32 && this.$window.width() > this.bodyMinWidth) {
if ( ! this.$body.hasClass( 'sticky-menu' ) ) {
this.$body.addClass( 'sticky-menu' );
} else {
if ( this.$body.hasClass( 'sticky-menu' ) ) {
this.$body.removeClass( 'sticky-menu' );
// Borrowed from Underscore.js
debounce: function( func, wait, immediate ) {
var timeout, args, context, timestamp, result;
return function() {
var later, callNow;
context = this;
args = arguments;
timestamp = new Date().getTime();
later = function() {
var last = new Date().getTime() - timestamp;
if ( last < wait ) {
timeout = setTimeout( later, wait - last );
} else {
timeout = null;
if ( ! immediate ) {
result = func.apply( context, args );
context = args = null;
callNow = immediate && !timeout;
if ( ! timeout ) {
timeout = setTimeout( later, wait );
if ( callNow ) {
result = func.apply( context, args );
context = args = null;
return result;
// internal use
$(document).bind( 'wp_CloseOnEscape', function( e, data ) {
if ( typeof(data.cb) != 'function' )
if ( typeof(data.condition) != 'function' || data.condition() )
return true;