Daryl Koopersmith ef0774026b Media: Improve sidebar handling and make attachment display properties attachment-specific.
* Watch all workflows for the `insert` event and attempt to insert the current state's `selection` if it exists.
* Fetch and pass attachment display properties through to `wp.media.string.image()`.

* Separate the concept of events and modes.
* All events triggered on a `Region` trigger both `event` and `event:mode` callbacks.
* When a mode is deactivated, `deactivate` and `deactivate:mode` events are fired.
* When a mode is activated, `activate` and `activate:mode` events are fired.

* Remove the `details()`, `buildDetails()`, and `clearDetails()` methods that juggled sidebar views. Instead, handle the sidebar views using modes.

* Shift the overloaded `sidebar()` method to use modes.

* Declare `activate:mode` event bindings using an nested object to reduce repetition.
* Update sidebar activation callbacks.

* Refactor to leverage HTML data attributes and implicit values (instead of setting the fallback whenever an object was created). This has the additional benefit that gallery shortcode parameters are not output when the user has left them set to the default.

see #21390.

git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@22466 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2012-11-08 14:15:09 +00:00

2268 lines
55 KiB

var media = wp.media,
Attachment = media.model.Attachment,
Attachments = media.model.Attachments,
Query = media.model.Query,
// Link any localized strings.
l10n = media.view.l10n = _.isUndefined( _wpMediaViewsL10n ) ? {} : _wpMediaViewsL10n;
// Check if the browser supports CSS 3.0 transitions
$.support.transition = (function(){
var style = document.documentElement.style,
transitions = {
WebkitTransition: 'webkitTransitionEnd',
MozTransition: 'transitionend',
OTransition: 'oTransitionEnd otransitionend',
transition: 'transitionend'
}, transition;
transition = _.find( _.keys( transitions ), function( transition ) {
return ! _.isUndefined( style[ transition ] );
return transition && {
end: transitions[ transition ]
// Makes it easier to bind events using transitions.
media.transition = function( selector ) {
var deferred = $.Deferred();
if ( $.support.transition ) {
if ( ! (selector instanceof $) )
selector = $( selector );
// Resolve the deferred when the first element finishes animating.
selector.first().one( $.support.transition.end, deferred.resolve );
// Otherwise, execute on the spot.
} else {
return deferred.promise();
* ========================================================================
* ========================================================================
* wp.media.controller.Region
media.controller.Region = function( options ) {
_.extend( this, _.pick( options || {}, 'id', 'controller' ) );
this.on( 'activate:empty', this.empty, this );
// Use Backbone's self-propagating `extend` inheritance method.
media.controller.Region.extend = Backbone.Model.extend;
_.extend( media.controller.Region.prototype, Backbone.Events, {
trigger: (function() {
var eventSplitter = /\s+/,
trigger = Backbone.Events.trigger;
return function( events ) {
var mode = ':' + this._mode,
modeEvents = events.split( eventSplitter ).join( mode ) + mode;
trigger.apply( this, arguments );
trigger.apply( this, [ modeEvents ].concat( _.rest( arguments ) ) );
return this;
mode: function( mode ) {
if ( mode ) {
this._mode = mode;
return this.trigger('activate');
return this._mode;
view: function( view ) {
var previous = this._view,
mode = this._mode,
id = this.id;
// If no argument is provided, return the current view.
if ( ! view )
return previous;
// If we're attempting to switch to the current view, bail.
if ( view === previous )
// Add classes to the new view.
if ( id )
view.$el.addClass( 'region-' + id );
if ( mode )
view.$el.addClass( 'mode-' + mode );
// Remove the hide class.
// this.$el.removeClass( 'hide-' + subview );
if ( previous ) {
// Replace the view in place.
previous.$el.replaceWith( view.$el );
// Fire the view's `destroy` event if it exists.
if ( previous.destroy )
// Undelegate events.
this._view = view;
empty: function() {
this.view( new Backbone.View() );
* wp.media.controller.StateMachine
media.controller.StateMachine = function( states ) {
this.states = new Backbone.Collection( states );
// Use Backbone's self-propagating `extend` inheritance method.
media.controller.StateMachine.extend = Backbone.Model.extend;
// Add events to the `StateMachine`.
_.extend( media.controller.StateMachine.prototype, Backbone.Events, {
// Fetch a state model.
// Implicitly creates states.
get: function( id ) {
// Ensure that the `states` collection exists so the `StateMachine`
// can be used as a mixin.
this.states = this.states || new Backbone.Collection();
if ( ! this.states.get( id ) )
this.states.add({ id: id });
return this.states.get( id );
// Selects or returns the active state.
// If a `id` is provided, sets that as the current state.
// If no parameters are provided, returns the current state object.
state: function( id ) {
var previous;
if ( ! id )
return this._state ? this.get( this._state ) : null;
previous = this.state();
// Bail if we're trying to select the current state, if we haven't
// created the `states` collection, or are trying to select a state
// that does not exist.
if ( ( previous && id === previous.id ) || ! this.states || ! this.states.get( id ) )
if ( previous ) {
this._previous = previous.id;
this._state = id;
previous: function() {
return this._previous;
// Map methods from the `states` collection to the `StateMachine` itself.
_.each([ 'on', 'off', 'trigger' ], function( method ) {
media.controller.StateMachine.prototype[ method ] = function() {
// Ensure that the `states` collection exists so the `StateMachine`
// can be used as a mixin.
this.states = this.states || new Backbone.Collection();
// Forward the method to the `states` collection.
this.states[ method ].apply( this.states, arguments );
return this;
// wp.media.controller.State
// ---------------------------
media.controller.State = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.on( 'activate', this._activate, this );
this.on( 'activate', this.activate, this );
this.on( 'deactivate', this._deactivate, this );
this.on( 'deactivate', this.deactivate, this );
this.on( 'reset', this.reset, this );
activate: function() {},
_activate: function() {
this.active = true;
deactivate: function() {},
_deactivate: function() {
this.active = false;
reset: function() {},
menu: function() {
var menu = this.frame.menu,
mode = this.get('menu'),
if ( ! mode )
if ( menu.mode() !== mode )
menu.mode( mode );
view = menu.view();
if ( view.select )
view.select( this.id );
_.each(['toolbar','sidebar','content'], function( region ) {
media.controller.State.prototype[ region ] = function() {
var mode = this.get( region );
if ( mode )
this.frame[ region ].mode( mode );
// wp.media.controller.Library
// ---------------------------
media.controller.Library = media.controller.State.extend({
defaults: {
id: 'library',
multiple: false,
describe: false,
toolbar: 'main-attachments',
sidebar: 'settings'
initialize: function() {
if ( ! this.get('selection') ) {
this.set( 'selection', new media.model.Selection( null, {
multiple: this.get('multiple')
}) );
if ( ! this.get('library') )
this.set( 'library', media.query() );
if ( ! this.get('edge') )
this.set( 'edge', 120 );
if ( ! this.get('gutter') )
this.set( 'gutter', 8 );
if ( ! this.get('details') )
this.set( 'details', [] );
media.controller.State.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
activate: function() {
var selection = this.get('selection');
// If we're in a workflow that supports multiple attachments,
// automatically select any uploading attachments.
if ( this.get('multiple') )
wp.Uploader.queue.on( 'add', this.selectUpload, this );
selection.on( 'selection:single selection:unsingle', this.sidebar, this );
selection.on( 'add remove reset', this.refreshToolbar, this );
this.get('library').on( 'add remove reset', this._updateEmpty, this );
this.on( 'change:empty', this.refresh, this );
deactivate: function() {
wp.Uploader.queue.off( 'add', this.selectUpload, this );
// Unbind all event handlers that use this state as the context
// from the selection.
this.get('selection').off( null, null, this );
this.get('library').off( 'add remove reset', this._updateEmpty, this );
this.off( 'change:empty', this.refresh, this );
reset: function() {
sidebar: function() {
var sidebar = this.frame.sidebar;
if ( this.get('selection').single() )
sidebar.mode( this.get('sidebar') );
content: function() {
var frame = this.frame;
// Content.
if ( this.get('empty') ) {
// Attempt to fetch any Attachments we don't already have.
// In the meantime, render an inline uploader.
} else {
// Browse our library of attachments.
refresh: function() {
this.frame.$el.toggleClass( 'hide-sidebar hide-toolbar', this.get('empty') );
_updateEmpty: function() {
var library = this.get('library');
this.set( 'empty', ! library.length && ! library.props.get('search') );
refreshToolbar: function() {
selectUpload: function( attachment ) {
this.get('selection').add( attachment );
toggleSelection: function( model ) {
var selection = this.get('selection');
if ( selection.has( model ) ) {
// If the model is the single model, remove it.
// If it is not the same as the single model,
// it now becomes the single model.
selection[ selection.single() === model ? 'remove' : 'single' ]( model );
} else {
selection.add( model ).single();
return this;
// wp.media.controller.Upload
// ---------------------------
media.controller.Upload = media.controller.Library.extend({
defaults: _.defaults({
id: 'upload'
}, media.controller.Library.prototype.defaults ),
initialize: function() {
var library = this.get('library');
// If a `library` attribute isn't provided, create a new
// `Attachments` collection that observes (and thereby receives
// all uploading) attachments.
if ( ! library ) {
library = new Attachments();
orderby: 'date',
order: 'ASC'
library.observe( wp.Uploader.queue );
this.set( 'library', library );
media.controller.Library.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
// wp.media.controller.Gallery
// ---------------------------
media.controller.Gallery = media.controller.Library.extend({
defaults: {
id: 'gallery-edit',
multiple: false,
describe: true,
edge: 199,
editing: false,
sortable: true,
toolbar: 'gallery-edit',
sidebar: 'settings'
initialize: function() {
// The single `Attachment` view to be used in the `Attachments` view.
if ( ! this.get('AttachmentView') )
this.set( 'AttachmentView', media.view.Attachment.Gallery );
media.controller.Library.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
sidebar: function() {
media.controller.Library.prototype.sidebar.apply( this, arguments );
return this;
* ========================================================================
* ========================================================================
* wp.media.view.Frame
media.view.Frame = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
_createRegions: function() {
// Clone the regions array.
this.regions = this.regions ? this.regions.slice() : [];
// Initialize regions.
_.each( this.regions, function( region ) {
this[ region ] = new media.controller.Region({
controller: this,
id: region
}, this );
_createStates: function() {
// Create the default `states` collection.
this.states = new Backbone.Collection();
// Ensure states have a reference to the frame.
this.states.on( 'add', function( model ) {
model.frame = this;
}, this );
render: function() {
var els = _.map( this.regions, function( region ) {
return this[ region ].view().el;
}, this );
// Detach the current views to maintain event bindings.
$( els ).detach();
this.$el.html( els );
return this;
reset: function() {
this.states.invoke( 'trigger', 'reset' );
// Make the `Frame` a `StateMachine`.
_.extend( media.view.Frame.prototype, media.controller.StateMachine.prototype );
* wp.media.view.MediaFrame
media.view.MediaFrame = media.view.Frame.extend({
className: 'media-frame',
regions: ['menu','content','sidebar','toolbar'],
initialize: function() {
media.view.Frame.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
_.defaults( this.options, {
title: '',
modal: true,
uploader: true
// Initialize modal container view.
if ( this.options.modal ) {
this.modal = new media.view.Modal({
controller: this,
$content: this.$el,
title: this.options.title
// Initialize window-wide uploader.
if ( this.options.uploader ) {
this.uploader = new media.view.UploaderWindow({
uploader: {
dropzone: this.modal ? this.modal.$el : this.$el
render: function() {
if ( this.modal )
media.view.Frame.prototype.render.apply( this, arguments );
// Render the window uploader if it exists.
if ( this.uploader )
this.uploader.render().$el.appendTo( this.$el );
return this;
// Map some of the modal's methods to the frame.
_.each(['open','close','attach','detach'], function( method ) {
media.view.MediaFrame.prototype[ method ] = function( view ) {
if ( this.modal )
this.modal[ method ].apply( this.modal, arguments );
return this;
* wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Post
media.view.MediaFrame.Post = media.view.MediaFrame.extend({
initialize: function() {
media.view.MediaFrame.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
_.defaults( this.options, {
state: 'upload',
selection: [],
library: {},
multiple: false,
editing: false
bindHandlers: function() {
var handlers = {
menu: {
main: 'mainMenu',
batch: 'batchMenu',
gallery: 'galleryMenu'
content: {
browse: 'browseContent',
upload: 'uploadContent',
embed: 'embedContent'
sidebar: {
'clear': 'clearSidebar',
'settings': 'settingsSidebar',
'attachment-settings': 'attachmentSettingsSidebar'
toolbar: {
'main-attachments': 'mainAttachmentsToolbar',
'main-embed': 'mainEmbedToolbar',
'batch-edit': 'batchEditToolbar',
'batch-add': 'batchAddToolbar',
'gallery-edit': 'galleryEditToolbar',
'gallery-add': 'galleryAddToolbar'
_.each( handlers, function( regionHandlers, region ) {
_.each( regionHandlers, function( callback, handler ) {
this[ region ].on( 'activate:' + handler, this[ callback ], this );
}, this );
}, this );
this.sidebar.on( 'gallery-settings', this.onSidebarGallerySettings, this );
createSelection: function() {
var controller = this,
selection = this.options.selection;
if ( ! (selection instanceof media.model.Selection) ) {
selection = this.options.selection = new media.model.Selection( selection, {
multiple: this.options.multiple
createStates: function() {
var options = this.options,
main, gallery;
main = {
multiple: this.options.multiple,
menu: 'main',
sidebar: 'attachment-settings',
// Update user settings when users adjust the
// attachment display settings.
displayUserSettings: true
gallery = {
multiple: true,
menu: 'gallery',
toolbar: 'gallery-add'
// Add the default states.
new media.controller.Library( _.defaults({
selection: options.selection,
library: media.query( options.library )
}, main ) ),
new media.controller.Upload( main ),
new media.controller.Gallery({
editing: options.editing,
menu: 'gallery'
new media.controller.Library( _.defaults({
id: 'gallery-library',
library: media.query({ type: 'image' })
}, gallery ) ),
new media.controller.Upload( _.defaults({
id: 'gallery-upload'
}, gallery ) )
this.get('gallery-edit').on( 'change:library', this.updateGalleryLibraries, this ).set({
library: options.selection
// Set the default state.
this.state( options.state );
updateGalleryLibraries: function() {
var editLibrary = this.get('gallery-edit').get('library');
_.each(['gallery-library','gallery-upload'], function( id ) {
var state = this.get( id ),
original = state.get('_library'),
// Remember the state's original library.
if ( ! original )
state.set( '_library', original = state.get('library') );
// Create a skeleton library in its place.
skeleton = new Attachments( null, {
props: _.pick( original.props.toJSON(), 'order', 'orderby' )
// Rejects attachments that do not exist in the original library
// or that do exist edit state's library.
skeleton.filters.difference = function( attachment ) {
return ! original.getByCid( attachment.cid ) || !! editLibrary.getByCid( attachment.cid );
skeleton.evaluate = function( attachment ) {
var valid = ! this.validator( attachment ),
inSkeleton = !! this.getByCid( attachment.cid );
if ( ! valid && inSkeleton )
this.remove( attachment );
else if ( valid && ! inSkeleton )
this.add( attachment ).sort();
return this;
skeleton.evaluateAll = function ( attachments ) {
_.each( attachments.models, this.evaluate, this );
return this;
skeleton.on( 'add remove', skeleton.evaluate, skeleton );
skeleton.on( 'reset', skeleton.evaluateAll, skeleton );
editLibrary.on( 'add remove', skeleton.evaluate, skeleton );
editLibrary.on( 'reset', skeleton.evaluateAll, skeleton );
// Mirror the original library.
skeleton.mirror( original );
// Ensure we've evaluated everything in the edit library.
skeleton.evaluateAll( editLibrary );
state.set( 'library', skeleton );
}, this );
// Menus
mainMenu: function() {
this.menu.view( new media.view.Menu({
controller: this,
views: {
upload: {
text: l10n.uploadFilesTitle,
priority: 20
library: {
text: l10n.mediaLibraryTitle,
priority: 40
separateLibrary: new Backbone.View({
className: 'separator',
priority: 60
embed: {
text: l10n.embedFromUrlTitle,
priority: 80
}) );
batchMenu: function() {},
galleryMenu: function() {
var previous = this.previous(),
frame = this;
this.menu.view( new media.view.Menu({
controller: this,
views: {
cancel: {
text: l10n.cancelGalleryTitle,
priority: 20,
click: function() {
if ( previous )
frame.state( previous );
separateCancel: new Backbone.View({
className: 'separator',
priority: 40
'gallery-edit': {
text: l10n.editGalleryTitle,
priority: 60
'gallery-upload': {
text: l10n.uploadImagesTitle,
priority: 80
'gallery-library': {
text: l10n.mediaLibraryTitle,
priority: 100
}) );
// Content
browseContent: function() {
var state = this.state();
// Browse our library of attachments.
this.content.view( new media.view.AttachmentsBrowser({
controller: this,
collection: state.get('library'),
model: state,
sortable: state.get('sortable'),
AttachmentView: state.get('AttachmentView')
}).render() );
uploadContent: function() {
// In the meantime, render an inline uploader.
this.content.view( new media.view.UploaderInline({
controller: this
}).render() );
embedContent: function() {},
// Sidebars
clearSidebar: function() {
this.sidebar.view( new media.view.Sidebar({
controller: this
}) );
settingsSidebar: function( options ) {
this.sidebar.view( new media.view.Sidebar({
controller: this,
silent: options && options.silent,
views: {
details: new media.view.Attachment.Details({
controller: this,
model: this.state().get('selection').single(),
priority: 80
}) );
onSidebarGallerySettings: function( options ) {
gallery: new media.view.Settings.Gallery({
controller: this,
model: this.state().get('library').props,
priority: 40
}, options );
attachmentSettingsSidebar: function( options ) {
var state = this.state(),
display = state.get('details'),
single = state.get('selection').single().cid;
this.settingsSidebar({ silent: true });
display[ single ] = display[ single ] || new Backbone.Model({
align: getUserSetting( 'align', 'none' ),
size: getUserSetting( 'imgsize', 'medium' ),
link: getUserSetting( 'urlbutton', 'post' )
display: new media.view.Settings.AttachmentDisplay({
controller: this,
model: display[ single ],
priority: 100,
userSettings: state.get('displayUserSettings')
}, options );
// Toolbars
mainAttachmentsToolbar: function() {
this.toolbar.view( new media.view.Toolbar.Insert.Post({
controller: this
}) );
mainEmbedToolbar: function() {},
batchEditToolbar: function() {},
batchAddToolbar: function() {},
galleryEditToolbar: function() {
var editing = this.state().get('editing');
this.toolbar.view( new media.view.Toolbar({
controller: this,
items: {
insert: {
style: 'primary',
text: editing ? l10n.updateGallery : l10n.insertGallery,
priority: 80,
click: function() {
var controller = this.controller,
state = controller.state();
state.trigger( 'update', state.get('library') );
// @todo: Make the state activated dynamic (instead of hardcoded).
}) );
galleryAddToolbar: function() {
this.toolbar.view( new media.view.Toolbar({
controller: this,
items: {
insert: {
style: 'primary',
text: l10n.addToGallery,
priority: 80,
click: function() {
var controller = this.controller,
state = controller.state(),
edit = controller.get('gallery-edit');
edit.get('library').add( state.get('selection').models );
}) );
* wp.media.view.Modal
media.view.Modal = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
template: media.template('media-modal'),
events: {
'click .media-modal-backdrop, .media-modal-close' : 'closeHandler'
initialize: function() {
this.controller = this.options.controller;
_.defaults( this.options, {
container: document.body,
title: ''
render: function() {
// Ensure content div exists.
this.options.$content = this.options.$content || $('<div />');
// Detach the content element from the DOM to prevent
// `this.$el.html()` from garbage collecting its events.
this.$el.html( this.template({
title: this.options.title
}) );
this.$('.media-modal').append( this.options.$content );
return this;
attach: function() {
this.$el.appendTo( this.options.container );
this.controller.trigger( 'attach', this.controller );
return this;
detach: function() {
this.controller.trigger( 'detach', this.controller );
return this;
open: function() {
this.controller.trigger( 'open', this.controller );
return this;
close: function() {
this.controller.trigger( 'close', this.controller );
return this;
closeHandler: function( event ) {
content: function( $content ) {
// Detach any existing content to prevent events from being lost.
if ( this.options.$content )
// Set and render the content.
this.options.$content = ( $content instanceof Backbone.View ) ? $content.$el : $content;
return this.render();
// wp.media.view.UploaderWindow
// ----------------------------
media.view.UploaderWindow = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'uploader-window',
template: media.template('uploader-window'),
initialize: function() {
var uploader;
this.controller = this.options.controller;
this.$browser = $('<a href="#" class="browser" />').hide().appendTo('body');
uploader = this.options.uploader = _.defaults( this.options.uploader || {}, {
dropzone: this.$el,
browser: this.$browser,
params: {}
if ( uploader.dropzone ) {
// Ensure the dropzone is a jQuery collection.
if ( ! (uploader.dropzone instanceof $) )
uploader.dropzone = $( uploader.dropzone );
// Attempt to initialize the uploader whenever the dropzone is hovered.
uploader.dropzone.one( 'mouseenter dragenter', _.bind( this.maybeInitUploader, this ) );
render: function() {
this.$el.html( this.template( this.options ) );
return this;
refresh: function() {
if ( this.uploader )
maybeInitUploader: function() {
var $id, dropzone;
// If the uploader already exists or the body isn't in the DOM, bail.
if ( this.uploader || ! this.$el.closest('body').length )
$id = $('#post_ID');
if ( $id.length )
this.options.uploader.params.post_id = $id.val();
this.uploader = new wp.Uploader( this.options.uploader );
dropzone = this.uploader.dropzone;
dropzone.on( 'dropzone:enter', _.bind( this.show, this ) );
dropzone.on( 'dropzone:leave', _.bind( this.hide, this ) );
show: function() {
var $el = this.$el.show();
// Ensure that the animation is triggered by waiting until
// the transparent element is painted into the DOM.
_.defer( function() {
$el.css({ opacity: 1 });
hide: function() {
var $el = this.$el.css({ opacity: 0 });
media.transition( $el ).done( function() {
// Transition end events are subject to race conditions.
// Make sure that the value is set as intended.
if ( '0' === $el.css('opacity') )
media.view.UploaderInline = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'uploader-inline',
template: media.template('uploader-inline'),
initialize: function() {
this.controller = this.options.controller;
if ( ! this.options.$browser )
this.options.$browser = this.controller.uploader.$browser;
// Track uploading attachments.
wp.Uploader.queue.on( 'add remove reset change:percent', this.renderUploadProgress, this );
destroy: function() {
wp.Uploader.queue.off( 'add remove reset change:percent', this.renderUploadProgress, this );
render: function() {
var $browser = this.options.$browser,
this.$el.html( this.template( this.options ) );
$placeholder = this.$('.browser');
$browser.text( $placeholder.text() );
$browser[0].className = $placeholder[0].className;
$placeholder.replaceWith( $browser.show() );
this.$bar = this.$('.media-progress-bar div');
return this;
renderUploadProgress: function() {
var queue = wp.Uploader.queue;
this.$el.toggleClass( 'uploading', !! queue.length );
if ( ! this.$bar || ! queue.length )
this.$bar.width( ( queue.reduce( function( memo, attachment ) {
if ( attachment.get('uploading') )
return memo + ( attachment.get('percent') || 0 );
return memo + 100;
}, 0 ) / queue.length ) + '%' );
* wp.media.view.Toolbar
media.view.Toolbar = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'media-toolbar',
initialize: function() {
this.controller = this.options.controller;
this._views = {};
this.$primary = $('<div class="media-toolbar-primary" />').prependTo( this.$el );
this.$secondary = $('<div class="media-toolbar-secondary" />').prependTo( this.$el );
if ( this.options.items )
this.add( this.options.items, { silent: true });
if ( ! this.options.silent )
destroy: function() {
_.each( this._views, function( view ) {
if ( view.destroy )
render: function() {
var views = _.chain( this._views ).sortBy( function( view ) {
return view.options.priority || 10;
}).groupBy( function( view ) {
return ( view.options.priority || 10 ) > 0 ? 'primary' : 'secondary';
// Make sure to detach the elements we want to reuse.
// Otherwise, `jQuery.html()` will unbind their events.
$( _.pluck( this._views, 'el' ) ).detach();
this.$primary.html( _.pluck( views.primary || [], 'el' ) );
this.$secondary.html( _.pluck( views.secondary || [], 'el' ) );
return this;
add: function( id, view, options ) {
options = options || {};
// Accept an object with an `id` : `view` mapping.
if ( _.isObject( id ) ) {
_.each( id, function( view, id ) {
this.add( id, view, { silent: true });
}, this );
if ( ! options.silent )
return this;
if ( ! ( view instanceof Backbone.View ) ) {
view.classes = [ id ].concat( view.classes || [] );
view = new media.view.Button( view ).render();
view.controller = view.controller || this.controller;
this._views[ id ] = view;
if ( ! options.silent )
return this;
get: function( id ) {
return this._views[ id ];
remove: function( id, options ) {
delete this._views[ id ];
if ( ! options || ! options.silent )
return this;
refresh: function() {}
// wp.media.view.Toolbar.Insert
// ---------------------------------
media.view.Toolbar.Insert = media.view.Toolbar.extend({
initialize: function() {
var controller = this.options.controller,
selection = controller.state().get('selection');
this.options.items = _.defaults( this.options.items || {}, {
selection: new media.view.Selection({
controller: controller,
collection: selection,
priority: -40
insert: {
style: 'primary',
priority: 80,
text: l10n.insertIntoPost,
click: function() {
controller.state().trigger( 'insert', selection );
media.view.Toolbar.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
refresh: function() {
var selection = this.controller.state().get('selection');
this.get('insert').model.set( 'disabled', ! selection.length );
// wp.media.view.Toolbar.Insert.Post
// ---------------------------------
media.view.Toolbar.Insert.Post = media.view.Toolbar.Insert.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.options.items = _.defaults( this.options.items || {}, {
gallery: {
text: l10n.createNewGallery,
priority: 40,
click: function() {
var controller = this.controller,
selection = controller.state().get('selection'),
edit = controller.get('gallery-edit');
edit.set( 'library', new media.model.Selection( selection.models, {
props: selection.props.toJSON(),
multiple: true
}) );
batch: {
text: l10n.batchInsert,
priority: 60,
click: function() {
media.view.Toolbar.Insert.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
refresh: function() {
var selection = this.controller.state().get('selection'),
count = selection.length;
// Call the parent's `refresh()` method.
media.view.Toolbar.Insert.prototype.refresh.apply( this, arguments );
// Check if every attachment in the selection is an image.
this.get('gallery').$el.toggle( count > 1 && selection.all( function( attachment ) {
return 'image' === attachment.get('type');
}) );
// Batch insert shows for multiple selected attachments.
// Temporarily disabled with `false &&`.
this.get('batch').$el.toggle( false && count > 1 );
// Insert only shows for single attachments.
// Temporarily disabled.
// this.get('insert').$el.toggle( count <= 1 );
* wp.media.view.Button
media.view.Button = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'a',
className: 'media-button',
attributes: { href: '#' },
events: {
'click': 'click'
defaults: {
text: '',
style: '',
size: 'large',
disabled: false
initialize: function() {
// Create a model with the provided `defaults`.
this.model = new Backbone.Model( this.defaults );
// If any of the `options` have a key from `defaults`, apply its
// value to the `model` and remove it from the `options object.
_.each( this.defaults, function( def, key ) {
var value = this.options[ key ];
if ( _.isUndefined( value ) )
this.model.set( key, value );
delete this.options[ key ];
}, this );
if ( this.options.dropdown )
this.model.on( 'change', this.render, this );
render: function() {
var classes = [ 'button', this.className ],
model = this.model.toJSON();
if ( model.style )
classes.push( 'button-' + model.style );
if ( model.size )
classes.push( 'button-' + model.size );
classes = _.uniq( classes.concat( this.options.classes ) );
this.el.className = classes.join(' ');
this.$el.attr( 'disabled', model.disabled );
// Detach the dropdown.
if ( this.options.dropdown )
this.$el.text( this.model.get('text') );
if ( this.options.dropdown )
this.$el.append( this.options.dropdown );
return this;
click: function( event ) {
if ( this.options.click && ! this.model.get('disabled') )
this.options.click.apply( this, arguments );
* wp.media.view.ButtonGroup
media.view.ButtonGroup = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'button-group button-large media-button-group',
initialize: function() {
this.buttons = _.map( this.options.buttons || [], function( button ) {
if ( button instanceof Backbone.View )
return button;
return new media.view.Button( button ).render();
delete this.options.buttons;
if ( this.options.classes )
this.$el.addClass( this.options.classes );
render: function() {
this.$el.html( $( _.pluck( this.buttons, 'el' ) ).detach() );
return this;
* wp.media.view.PriorityList
media.view.PriorityList = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
initialize: function() {
this.controller = this.options.controller;
this._views = {};
this.add( _.extend( {}, this.views, this.options.views ), { silent: true });
delete this.views;
delete this.options.views;
if ( ! this.options.silent )
destroy: function() {
_.each( this._views, function( view ) {
if ( view.destroy )
render: function() {
var els = _( this._views ).chain().sortBy( function( view ) {
return view.options.priority || 10;
// Make sure to detach the elements we want to reuse.
// Otherwise, `jQuery.html()` will unbind their events.
$( els ).detach();
this.$el.html( els );
return this;
add: function( id, view, options ) {
options = options || {};
// Accept an object with an `id` : `view` mapping.
if ( _.isObject( id ) ) {
_.each( id, function( view, id ) {
this.add( id, view, { silent: true });
}, this );
if ( ! options.silent )
return this;
if ( ! (view instanceof Backbone.View) )
view = this.toView( view, id, options );
view.controller = view.controller || this.controller;
this._views[ id ] = view;
if ( ! options.silent )
return this;
get: function( id ) {
return this._views[ id ];
remove: function( id, options ) {
delete this._views[ id ];
if ( ! options || ! options.silent )
return this;
toView: function( options ) {
return new Backbone.View( options );
* wp.media.view.Menu
media.view.Menu = media.view.PriorityList.extend({
tagName: 'ul',
className: 'media-menu',
toView: function( options, id ) {
options = options || {};
options.id = options.id || id;
return new media.view.MenuItem( options ).render();
select: function( id ) {
var view = this.get( id );
if ( ! view )
deselect: function() {
media.view.MenuItem = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'li',
className: 'media-menu-item',
events: {
'click': 'click'
click: function() {
var options = this.options;
if ( options.click )
options.click.call( this );
else if ( options.id )
this.controller.state( options.id );
render: function() {
var options = this.options;
if ( options.text )
this.$el.text( options.text );
else if ( options.html )
this.$el.html( options.html );
return this;
* wp.media.view.Sidebar
media.view.Sidebar = media.view.PriorityList.extend({
className: 'media-sidebar'
* wp.media.view.Attachment
media.view.Attachment = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'li',
className: 'attachment',
template: media.template('attachment'),
events: {
'mousedown .attachment-preview': 'toggleSelection',
'change .describe': 'describe'
buttons: {},
initialize: function() {
this.controller = this.options.controller;
this.model.on( 'change:sizes change:uploading change:caption change:title', this.render, this );
this.model.on( 'change:percent', this.progress, this );
this.model.on( 'add', this.select, this );
this.model.on( 'remove', this.deselect, this );
// Update the model's details view.
this.model.on( 'selection:single selection:unsingle', this.details, this );
this.details( this.model, this.controller.state().get('selection') );
// Prevent default navigation on all links.
this.$el.on( 'click', 'a', this.preventDefault );
destroy: function() {
this.model.off( null, null, this );
this.$el.off( 'click', 'a', this.preventDefault );
render: function() {
var attachment = this.model.toJSON(),
options = _.defaults( this.model.toJSON(), {
orientation: 'landscape',
uploading: false,
type: '',
subtype: '',
icon: '',
filename: '',
caption: '',
title: ''
options.buttons = this.buttons;
options.describe = this.controller.state().get('describe');
if ( 'image' === options.type )
_.extend( options, this.imageSize() );
this.$el.html( this.template( options ) );
if ( options.uploading )
this.$bar = this.$('.media-progress-bar div');
delete this.$bar;
// Check if the model is selected.
if ( this.selected() )
return this;
progress: function() {
if ( this.$bar && this.$bar.length )
this.$bar.width( this.model.get('percent') + '%' );
toggleSelection: function( event ) {
this.controller.state().toggleSelection( this.model );
selected: function() {
var selection = this.controller.state().get('selection');
if ( selection )
return selection.has( this.model );
select: function( model, collection ) {
var selection = this.controller.state().get('selection');
// Check if a selection exists and if it's the collection provided.
// If they're not the same collection, bail; we're in another
// selection's event loop.
if ( ! selection || ( collection && collection !== selection ) )
deselect: function( model, collection ) {
var selection = this.controller.state().get('selection');
// Check if a selection exists and if it's the collection provided.
// If they're not the same collection, bail; we're in another
// selection's event loop.
if ( ! selection || ( collection && collection !== selection ) )
details: function( model, collection ) {
var selection = this.controller.state().get('selection'),
if ( selection !== collection )
details = selection.single();
this.$el.toggleClass( 'details', details === this.model );
preventDefault: function( event ) {
imageSize: function( size ) {
var sizes = this.model.get('sizes');
size = size || 'medium';
// Use the provided image size if possible.
if ( sizes && sizes[ size ] ) {
return _.clone( sizes[ size ] );
} else {
return {
url: this.model.get('url'),
width: this.model.get('width'),
height: this.model.get('height'),
orientation: this.model.get('orientation')
describe: function( event ) {
if ( 'image' === this.model.get('type') )
this.model.save( 'caption', event.target.value );
this.model.save( 'title', event.target.value );
* wp.media.view.Attachment.Library
media.view.Attachment.Library = media.view.Attachment.extend({
className: 'attachment library'
* wp.media.view.Attachment.Gallery
media.view.Attachment.Gallery = media.view.Attachment.extend({
buttons: {
close: true
events: (function() {
var events = _.clone( media.view.Attachment.prototype.events );
events['click .close'] = 'removeFromGallery';
return events;
removeFromGallery: function( event ) {
// Stop propagation so the model isn't selected.
this.controller.state().get('library').remove( this.model );
* wp.media.view.Attachments
media.view.Attachments = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'ul',
className: 'attachments',
template: media.template('attachments-css'),
events: {
'scroll': 'scroll'
initialize: function() {
this.controller = this.options.controller;
this.el.id = _.uniqueId('__attachments-view-');
_.defaults( this.options, {
refreshSensitivity: 200,
refreshThreshold: 3,
AttachmentView: media.view.Attachment,
sortable: false
_.each(['add','remove'], function( method ) {
this.collection.on( method, function( attachment, attachments, options ) {
this[ method ]( attachment, options.index );
}, this );
}, this );
this.collection.on( 'reset', this.render, this );
// Throttle the scroll handler.
this.scroll = _.chain( this.scroll ).bind( this ).throttle( this.options.refreshSensitivity ).value();
_.bindAll( this, 'css' );
this.model.on( 'change:edge change:gutter', this.css, this );
this._resizeCss = _.debounce( _.bind( this.css, this ), this.refreshSensitivity );
$(window).on( 'resize.attachments', this._resizeCss );
destroy: function() {
this.collection.off( 'add remove reset', null, this );
this.model.off( 'change:edge change:gutter', this.css, this );
$(window).off( 'resize.attachments', this._resizeCss );
css: function() {
var $css = $( '#' + this.el.id + '-css' );
if ( $css.length )
media.view.Attachments.$head().append( this.template({
id: this.el.id,
edge: this.edge(),
gutter: this.model.get('gutter')
}) );
edge: function() {
var edge = this.model.get('edge'),
gutter, width, columns;
if ( ! this.$el.is(':visible') )
return edge;
gutter = this.model.get('gutter') * 2;
width = this.$el.width() - gutter;
columns = Math.ceil( width / ( edge + gutter ) );
edge = Math.floor( ( width - ( columns * gutter ) ) / columns );
return edge;
initSortable: function() {
var collection = this.collection,
if ( ! this.options.sortable || ! $.fn.sortable )
// If the `collection` has a `comparator`, disable sorting.
disabled: !! collection.comparator,
// Prevent attachments from being dragged outside the bounding
// box of the list.
containment: this.$el,
// Change the position of the attachment as soon as the
// mouse pointer overlaps a thumbnail.
tolerance: 'pointer',
// Record the initial `index` of the dragged model.
start: function( event, ui ) {
from = ui.item.index();
// Update the model's index in the collection.
// Do so silently, as the view is already accurate.
update: function( event, ui ) {
var model = collection.at( from );
collection.remove( model, {
silent: true
}).add( model, {
at: ui.item.index(),
silent: true
// If the `orderby` property is changed on the `collection`,
// check to see if we have a `comparator`. If so, disable sorting.
collection.props.on( 'change:orderby', function() {
this.$el.sortable( 'option', 'disabled', !! collection.comparator );
}, this );
render: function() {
// If there are no elements, load some.
if ( ! this.collection.length ) {
this.collection.more().done( this.scroll );
return this;
// Otherwise, create all of the Attachment views, and replace
// the list in a single DOM operation.
this.$el.html( this.collection.map( function( attachment ) {
return new this.options.AttachmentView({
controller: this.controller,
model: attachment
}, this ) );
// Then, trigger the scroll event to check if we're within the
// threshold to query for additional attachments.
return this;
add: function( attachment, index ) {
var view, children;
view = new this.options.AttachmentView({
controller: this.controller,
model: attachment
children = this.$el.children();
if ( children.length > index )
children.eq( index ).before( view.$el );
this.$el.append( view.$el );
remove: function( attachment, index ) {
var children = this.$el.children();
if ( children.length )
children.eq( index ).detach();
scroll: function( event ) {
// @todo: is this still necessary?
if ( ! this.$el.is(':visible') )
if ( this.el.scrollHeight < this.el.scrollTop + ( this.el.clientHeight * this.options.refreshThreshold ) ) {
this.collection.more().done( this.scroll );
}, {
$head: (function() {
var $head;
return function() {
return $head = $head || $('head');
* wp.media.view.Search
media.view.Search = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'input',
className: 'search',
attributes: {
type: 'text',
placeholder: l10n.search
events: {
'keyup': 'search'
render: function() {
this.el.value = this.model.escape('search');
return this;
search: function( event ) {
if ( event.target.value )
this.model.set( 'search', event.target.value );
* wp.media.view.AttachmentsBrowser
media.view.AttachmentsBrowser = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'attachments-browser',
initialize: function() {
this.controller = this.options.controller;
_.defaults( this.options, {
search: true,
upload: false,
total: true,
AttachmentView: media.view.Attachment.Library
this.toolbar = new media.view.Toolbar({
controller: this.controller
if ( this.options.search ) {
this.toolbar.add( 'search', new media.view.Search({
controller: this.controller,
model: this.collection.props,
priority: -40
}) );
this.attachments = new media.view.Attachments({
controller: this.controller,
collection: this.collection,
model: this.model,
sortable: this.options.sortable,
// The single `Attachment` view to be used in the `Attachments` view.
AttachmentView: this.options.AttachmentView
destroy: function() {
render: function() {
this.$el.html([ this.toolbar.render().el, this.attachments.render().el ]);
return this;
* wp.media.view.SelectionPreview
media.view.SelectionPreview = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'selection-preview',
template: media.template('media-selection-preview'),
events: {
'click .clear-selection': 'clear'
initialize: function() {
_.defaults( this.options, {
clearable: true
this.controller = this.options.controller;
this.collection.on( 'add change:url remove', this.render, this );
render: function() {
var options = _.clone( this.options ),
last, sizes, amount;
// If nothing is selected, display nothing.
if ( ! this.collection.length ) {
return this;
options.count = this.collection.length;
last = this.collection.last();
sizes = last.get('sizes');
if ( 'image' === last.get('type') )
options.thumbnail = ( sizes && sizes.thumbnail ) ? sizes.thumbnail.url : last.get('url');
options.thumbnail = last.get('icon');
this.$el.html( this.template( options ) );
return this;
clear: function( event ) {
* wp.media.view.Selection
media.view.Selection = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'media-selection',
template: media.template('media-selection'),
events: {
'click .clear-selection': 'clear'
initialize: function() {
_.defaults( this.options, {
clearable: true
this.controller = this.options.controller;
this.attachments = new media.view.Attachments({
controller: this.controller,
collection: this.collection,
sortable: true,
model: new Backbone.Model({
edge: 40,
gutter: 5
// The single `Attachment` view to be used in the `Attachments` view.
AttachmentView: media.view.Attachment.Selection
this.collection.on( 'add remove reset', this.refresh, this );
destroy: function() {
this.collection.off( 'add remove reset', this.refresh, this );
render: function() {
this.$el.html( this.template( this.options ) );
this.$('.selection-view').replaceWith( this.attachments.$el );
return this;
refresh: function() {
// If the selection hasn't been rendered, bail.
if ( ! this.$el.children().length )
// If nothing is selected, display nothing.
this.$el.toggleClass( 'empty', ! this.collection.length );
this.$('.count').text( this.collection.length + ' ' + l10n.selected );
clear: function( event ) {
* wp.media.view.Attachment.Selection
media.view.Attachment.Selection = media.view.Attachment.extend({
// On click, just select the model, instead of removing the model from
// the selection.
toggleSelection: function() {
this.controller.state().get('selection').single( this.model );
* wp.media.view.Settings
media.view.Settings = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
'click button': 'updateHandler',
'change input': 'updateHandler',
'change select': 'updateHandler',
'change textarea': 'updateHandler'
initialize: function() {
this.model = this.model || new Backbone.Model();
this.model.on( 'change', this.updateChanges, this );
render: function() {
this.$el.html( this.template( _.defaults({
model: this.model.toJSON()
}, this.options ) ) );
// Select the correct values.
_( this.model.attributes ).chain().keys().each( this.update, this );
return this;
update: function( key ) {
var value = this.model.get( key ),
$setting = this.$('[data-setting="' + key + '"]'),
// Bail if we didn't find a matching setting.
if ( ! $setting.length )
// Attempt to determine how the setting is rendered and update
// the selected value.
// Handle dropdowns.
if ( $setting.is('select') ) {
$setting.find('[value="' + value + '"]').attr( 'selected', true );
// Handle button groups.
} else if ( $setting.hasClass('button-group') ) {
$buttons = $setting.find('button').removeClass('active');
$buttons.filter( '[value="' + value + '"]' ).addClass('active');
updateHandler: function( event ) {
var $setting = $( event.target ).closest('[data-setting]'),
value = event.target.value,
if ( ! $setting.length )
this.model.set( $setting.data('setting'), value );
// If the setting has a corresponding user setting,
// update that as well.
if ( userSetting = $setting.data('userSetting') )
setUserSetting( userSetting, value );
updateChanges: function( model, options ) {
if ( options.changes )
_( options.changes ).chain().keys().each( this.update, this );
* wp.media.view.Settings.AttachmentDisplay
media.view.Settings.AttachmentDisplay = media.view.Settings.extend({
className: 'attachment-display-settings',
template: media.template('attachment-display-settings'),
initialize: function() {
_.defaults( this.options, {
userSettings: false
media.view.Settings.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
* wp.media.view.Settings.Gallery
media.view.Settings.Gallery = media.view.Settings.extend({
className: 'gallery-settings',
template: media.template('gallery-settings')
* wp.media.view.Attachment.Details
media.view.Attachment.Details = media.view.Attachment.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'attachment-details',
template: media.template('attachment-details'),
events: {
'change .describe': 'describe'