Andrea Fercia 3c1d571cd7 Accessibility: Improve the Customizer and Theme Installer initial focus.
The Customizer and Theme Installer open in full overlays that need to receive 
focus. Also, keyboard navigation should be constrained within the overlays. Using
CSS `visibility` to hide all the content except the overlays, makes them the only
available and focusable content and allows browsers to handle focus natively.

See #29158.
Fixes #33228, #27705.

Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38520

git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38461 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-09-04 21:51:31 +00:00

264 lines
6.9 KiB

/* global _wpCustomizeLoaderSettings, confirm */
* Expose a public API that allows the customizer to be
* loaded on any page.
window.wp = window.wp || {};
(function( exports, $ ){
var api = wp.customize,
$.extend( $.support, {
history: !! ( window.history && history.pushState ),
hashchange: ('onhashchange' in window) && (document.documentMode === undefined || document.documentMode > 7)
* Allows the Customizer to be overlayed on any page.
* By default, any element in the body with the load-customize class will open
* an iframe overlay with the URL specified.
* e.g. <a class="load-customize" href="<?php echo wp_customize_url(); ?>">Open Customizer</a>
* @augments wp.customize.Events
Loader = $.extend( {}, api.Events, {
* Setup the Loader; triggered on document#ready.
initialize: function() {
this.body = $( document.body );
// Ensure the loader is supported.
// Check for settings, postMessage support, and whether we require CORS support.
if ( ! Loader.settings || ! $.support.postMessage || ( ! $.support.cors && Loader.settings.isCrossDomain ) ) {
this.window = $( window );
this.element = $( '<div id="customize-container" />' ).appendTo( this.body );
// Bind events for opening and closing the overlay.
this.bind( 'open', this.overlay.show );
this.bind( 'close', this.overlay.hide );
// Any element in the body with the `load-customize` class opens
// the Customizer.
$('#wpbody').on( 'click', '.load-customize', function( event ) {
// Store a reference to the link that opened the Customizer.
Loader.link = $(this);
// Load the theme.
Loader.open( Loader.link.attr('href') );
// Add navigation listeners.
if ( $.support.history ) {
this.window.on( 'popstate', Loader.popstate );
if ( $.support.hashchange ) {
this.window.on( 'hashchange', Loader.hashchange );
this.window.triggerHandler( 'hashchange' );
popstate: function( e ) {
var state = e.originalEvent.state;
if ( state && state.customize ) {
Loader.open( state.customize );
} else if ( Loader.active ) {
hashchange: function() {
var hash = window.location.toString().split('#')[1];
if ( hash && 0 === hash.indexOf( 'wp_customize=on' ) ) {
Loader.open( Loader.settings.url + '?' + hash );
if ( ! hash && ! $.support.history ) {
beforeunload: function () {
if ( ! Loader.saved() ) {
return Loader.settings.l10n.saveAlert;
* Open the Customizer overlay for a specific URL.
* @param string src URL to load in the Customizer.
open: function( src ) {
if ( this.active ) {
// Load the full page on mobile devices.
if ( Loader.settings.browser.mobile ) {
return window.location = src;
// Store the document title prior to opening the Live Preview
this.originalDocumentTitle = document.title;
this.active = true;
* Track the dirtiness state (whether the drafted changes have been published)
* of the Customizer in the iframe. This is used to decide whether to display
* an AYS alert if the user tries to close the window before saving changes.
this.saved = new api.Value( true );
this.iframe = $( '<iframe />', { 'src': src, 'title': Loader.settings.l10n.mainIframeTitle } ).appendTo( this.element );
this.iframe.one( 'load', this.loaded );
// Create a postMessage connection with the iframe.
this.messenger = new api.Messenger({
url: src,
channel: 'loader',
targetWindow: this.iframe[0].contentWindow
// Wait for the connection from the iframe before sending any postMessage events.
this.messenger.bind( 'ready', function() {
Loader.messenger.send( 'back' );
this.messenger.bind( 'close', function() {
if ( $.support.history ) {
} else if ( $.support.hashchange ) {
window.location.hash = '';
} else {
// Prompt AYS dialog when navigating away
$( window ).on( 'beforeunload', this.beforeunload );
this.messenger.bind( 'saved', function () {
Loader.saved( true );
} );
this.messenger.bind( 'change', function () {
Loader.saved( false );
} );
this.messenger.bind( 'title', function( newTitle ){
window.document.title = newTitle;
this.pushState( src );
this.trigger( 'open' );
pushState: function ( src ) {
var hash = src.split( '?' )[1];
// Ensure we don't call pushState if the user hit the forward button.
if ( $.support.history && window.location.href !== src ) {
history.pushState( { customize: src }, '', src );
} else if ( ! $.support.history && $.support.hashchange && hash ) {
window.location.hash = 'wp_customize=on&' + hash;
this.trigger( 'open' );
* Callback after the Customizer has been opened.
opened: function() {
Loader.body.addClass( 'customize-active full-overlay-active' ).attr( 'aria-busy', 'true' );
* Close the Customizer overlay.
close: function() {
if ( ! this.active ) {
// Display AYS dialog if Customizer is dirty
if ( ! this.saved() && ! confirm( Loader.settings.l10n.saveAlert ) ) {
// Go forward since Customizer is exited by history.back()
this.active = false;
this.trigger( 'close' );
// Restore document title prior to opening the Live Preview
if ( this.originalDocumentTitle ) {
document.title = this.originalDocumentTitle;
* Callback after the Customizer has been closed.
closed: function() {
Loader.iframe = null;
Loader.messenger = null;
Loader.saved = null;
Loader.body.removeClass( 'customize-active full-overlay-active' ).removeClass( 'customize-loading' );
$( window ).off( 'beforeunload', Loader.beforeunload );
* Return focus to the link that opened the Customizer overlay after
* the body element visibility is restored.
if ( Loader.link ) {
* Callback for the `load` event on the Customizer iframe.
loaded: function() {
Loader.body.removeClass( 'customize-loading' ).attr( 'aria-busy', 'false' );
* Overlay hide/show utility methods.
overlay: {
show: function() {
this.element.fadeIn( 200, Loader.opened );
hide: function() {
this.element.fadeOut( 200, Loader.closed );
// Bootstrap the Loader on document#ready.
$( function() {
Loader.settings = _wpCustomizeLoaderSettings;
// Expose the API publicly on window.wp.customize.Loader
api.Loader = Loader;
})( wp, jQuery );