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synced 2025-03-24 20:49:30 +01:00
git-svn-id: http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress/trunk@8490 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
373 lines
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373 lines
11 KiB
(function($) {
var currentFormEl = false;
var fs = {add:'ajaxAdd',del:'ajaxDel',dim:'ajaxDim',process:'process',recolor:'recolor'};
var wpList = {
settings: {
url: wpListL10n.url, type: 'POST',
response: 'ajax-response',
what: '',
alt: 'alternate', altOffset: 0,
addColor: null, delColor: null, dimAddColor: null, dimDelColor: null,
confirm: null,
addBefore: null, addAfter: null,
delBefore: null, delAfter: null,
dimBefore: null, dimAfter: null
nonce: function(e,s) {
var url = wpAjax.unserialize(e.attr('href'));
return s.nonce || url._ajax_nonce || $('#' + s.element + ' input[name=_ajax_nonce]').val() || url._wpnonce || $('#' + s.element + ' input[name=_wpnonce]').val() || 0;
parseClass: function(e,t) {
var c = [], cl;
try {
cl = $(e).attr('class') || '';
cl = cl.match(new RegExp(t+':[A-Za-z0-9:_=-]+'));
if ( cl ) { c = cl[0].split(':'); }
} catch(r) {}
return c;
pre: function(e,s,a) {
var bg; var r;
s = $.extend( {}, this.wpList.settings, {
element: null,
nonce: 0,
target: e.get(0)
}, s || {} );
if ( $.isFunction( s.confirm ) ) {
if ( 'add' != a ) {
bg = $('#' + s.element).css('backgroundColor');
$('#' + s.element).css('backgroundColor', '#FF9966');
r = s.confirm.call(this,e,s,a,bg);
if ( 'add' != a ) { $('#' + s.element).css('backgroundColor', bg ); }
if ( !r ) { return false; }
return s;
ajaxAdd: function( e, s ) {
var list = this; e = $(e); s = s || {};
var cls = wpList.parseClass(e,'add');
s = wpList.pre.call( list, e, s, 'add' );
s.element = cls[2] || e.attr( 'id' ) || s.element || null;
if ( cls[3] ) { s.addColor = '#' + cls[3]; }
else { s.addColor = s.addColor || '#FFFF33'; }
if ( !s ) { return false; }
if ( !e.is("[class^=add:" + list.id + ":]") ) { return !wpList.add.call( list, e, s ); }
if ( !s.element ) { return true; }
s.action = 'add-' + s.what;
s.nonce = wpList.nonce(e,s);
var es = $('#' + s.element + ' :input').not('[name=_ajax_nonce], [name=_wpnonce], [name=action]');
var valid = wpAjax.validateForm( '#' + s.element );
if ( !valid ) { return false; }
s.data = $.param( $.extend( { _ajax_nonce: s.nonce, action: s.action }, wpAjax.unserialize( cls[4] || '' ) ) );
var formData = $.isFunction(es.fieldSerialize) ? es.fieldSerialize() : es.serialize();
if ( formData ) { s.data += '&' + formData; }
if ( $.isFunction(s.addBefore) ) {
s = s.addBefore( s );
if ( !s ) { return true; }
if ( !s.data.match(/_ajax_nonce=[a-f0-9]+/) ) { return true; }
s.success = function(r) {
var res = wpAjax.parseAjaxResponse(r, s.response, s.element);
if ( !res || res.errors ) { return false; }
if ( true === res ) { return true; }
jQuery.each( res.responses, function() {
wpList.add.call( list, this.data, $.extend( {}, s, { // this.firstChild.nodevalue
pos: this.position || 0,
id: this.id || 0,
oldId: this.oldId || null
} ) );
} );
if ( $.isFunction(s.addAfter) ) {
var o = this.complete;
this.complete = function(x,st) {
var _s = $.extend( { xml: x, status: st, parsed: res }, s );
s.addAfter( r, _s );
if ( $.isFunction(o) ) { o(x,st); }
wpList.clear.call(list,'#' + s.element);
$.ajax( s );
return false;
ajaxDel: function( e, s ) {
var list = this; e = $(e); s = s || {};
var cls = wpList.parseClass(e,'delete');
s = wpList.pre.call( list, e, s, 'delete' );
s.element = cls[2] || s.element || null;
if ( cls[3] ) { s.delColor = '#' + cls[3]; }
else { s.delColor = s.delColor || '#FF3333'; }
if ( !s || !s.element ) { return false; }
s.action = 'delete-' + s.what;
s.nonce = wpList.nonce(e,s);
s.data = $.extend(
{ action: s.action, id: s.element.split('-').pop(), _ajax_nonce: s.nonce },
wpAjax.unserialize( cls[4] || '' )
if ( $.isFunction(s.delBefore) ) {
s = s.delBefore( s );
if ( !s ) { return true; }
if ( !s.data._ajax_nonce ) { return true; }
var element = $('#' + s.element);
if ( 'none' != s.delColor ) {
var anim = 'slideUp';
if ( element.css( 'display' ).match(/table/) )
anim = 'fadeOut'; // Can't slideup table rows and other table elements. Known jQuery bug
.animate( { backgroundColor: s.delColor }, 'fast' )[anim]( 'fast' )
.queue( function() { list.wpList.recolor(); $(this).dequeue(); } );
} else {
s.success = function(r) {
var res = wpAjax.parseAjaxResponse(r, s.response, s.element);
if ( !res || res.errors ) {
element.stop().stop().css( 'backgroundColor', '#FF3333' ).show().queue( function() { list.wpList.recolor(); $(this).dequeue(); } );
return false;
if ( $.isFunction(s.delAfter) ) {
var o = this.complete;
this.complete = function(x,st) {
element.queue( function() {
var _s = $.extend( { xml: x, status: st, parsed: res }, s );
s.delAfter( r, _s );
if ( $.isFunction(o) ) { o(x,st); }
} ).dequeue();
$.ajax( s );
return false;
ajaxDim: function( e, s ) {
var list = this; e = $(e); s = s || {};
var cls = wpList.parseClass(e,'dim');
s = wpList.pre.call( list, e, s, 'dim' );
s.element = cls[2] || s.element || null;
s.dimClass = cls[3] || s.dimClass || null;
if ( cls[4] ) { s.dimAddColor = '#' + cls[4]; }
else { s.dimAddColor = s.dimAddColor || '#FFFF33'; }
if ( cls[5] ) { s.dimDelColor = '#' + cls[5]; }
else { s.dimDelColor = s.dimDelColor || '#FF3333'; }
if ( !s || !s.element || !s.dimClass ) { return true; }
s.action = 'dim-' + s.what;
s.nonce = wpList.nonce(e,s);
s.data = $.extend(
{ action: s.action, id: s.element.split('-').pop(), dimClass: s.dimClass, _ajax_nonce : s.nonce },
wpAjax.unserialize( cls[6] || '' )
if ( $.isFunction(s.dimBefore) ) {
s = s.dimBefore( s );
if ( !s ) { return true; }
var element = $('#' + s.element);
var isClass = element.toggleClass(s.dimClass).is('.' + s.dimClass);
var color = wpList.getColor( element );
element.toggleClass( s.dimClass )
var dimColor = isClass ? s.dimAddColor : s.dimDelColor;
if ( 'none' != dimColor ) {
.animate( { backgroundColor: dimColor }, 'fast' )
.queue( function() { element.toggleClass(s.dimClass); $(this).dequeue(); } )
.animate( { backgroundColor: color }, { complete: function() { $(this).css( 'backgroundColor', '' ); } } );
if ( !s.data._ajax_nonce ) { return true; }
s.success = function(r) {
var res = wpAjax.parseAjaxResponse(r, s.response, s.element);
if ( !res || res.errors ) {
element.stop().stop().css( 'backgroundColor', '#FF3333' )[isClass?'removeClass':'addClass'](s.dimClass).show().queue( function() { list.wpList.recolor(); $(this).dequeue(); } );
return false;
if ( $.isFunction(s.dimAfter) ) {
var o = this.complete;
this.complete = function(x,st) {
element.queue( function() {
var _s = $.extend( { xml: x, status: st, parsed: res }, s );
s.dimAfter( r, _s );
if ( $.isFunction(o) ) { o(x,st); }
} ).dequeue();
$.ajax( s );
return false;
// From jquery.color.js: jQuery Color Animation by John Resig
getColor: function( el ) {
if ( el.constructor == Object )
el = el.get(0);
var elem = el, color, rgbaTrans = new RegExp( "rgba\\(\\s*0,\\s*0,\\s*0,\\s*0\\s*\\)", "i" );
do {
color = jQuery.curCSS(elem, 'backgroundColor');
if ( color != '' && color != 'transparent' && !color.match(rgbaTrans) || jQuery.nodeName(elem, "body") )
} while ( elem = elem.parentNode );
return color || '#ffffff';
add: function( e, s ) {
var list = $(this);
e = $(e);
var old = false;
var _s = { pos: 0, id: 0, oldId: null };
if ( 'string' == typeof s ) { s = { what: s }; }
s = $.extend(_s, this.wpList.settings, s);
if ( !e.size() || !s.what ) { return false; }
if ( s.oldId ) { old = $('#' + s.what + '-' + s.oldId); }
if ( s.id && ( s.id != s.oldId || !old || !old.size() ) ) { $('#' + s.what + '-' + s.id).remove(); }
if ( old && old.size() ) {
} else if ( isNaN(s.pos) ) {
var ba = 'after';
if ( '-' == s.pos.substr(0,1) ) {
s.pos = s.pos.substr(1);
ba = 'before';
var ref = list.find( '#' + s.pos );
if ( 1 === ref.size() ) { ref[ba](e); }
else { list.append(e); }
} else if ( s.pos < 0 ) {
} else {
if ( s.alt ) {
if ( ( list.children(':visible').index( e[0] ) + s.altOffset ) % 2 ) { e.removeClass( s.alt ); }
else { e.addClass( s.alt ); }
if ( 'none' != s.addColor ) {
var color = wpList.getColor( e );
e.css( 'backgroundColor', s.addColor ).animate( { backgroundColor: color }, { complete: function() { $(this).css( 'backgroundColor', '' ); } } );
list.each( function() { this.wpList.process( e ); } );
return e;
clear: function(e) {
var list = this;
e = $(e);
if ( list.wpList && e.parents( '#' + list.id ).size() ) { return; }
e.find(':input').each( function() {
if ( $(this).parents('.form-no-clear').size() )
var t = this.type.toLowerCase(); var tag = this.tagName.toLowerCase();
if ( 'text' == t || 'password' == t || 'textarea' == tag ) { this.value = ''; }
else if ( 'checkbox' == t || 'radio' == t ) { this.checked = false; }
else if ( 'select' == tag ) { this.selectedIndex = null; }
process: function(el) {
var list = this;
$("[class^=add:" + list.id + ":]", el || null)
.filter('form').submit( function() { return list.wpList.add(this); } ).end()
.not('form').click( function() { return list.wpList.add(this); } ).each( function() {
var addEl = this;
var c = wpList.parseClass(this,'add')[2] || addEl.id;
if ( !c ) { return; }
var forms = []; var ins = []; // this is all really inefficient
$('#' + c + ' :input').focus( function() { currentFormEl = this; } ).blur( function() { currentFormEl = false; } ).each( function() {
var f = $(this).parents('form:first').get(0);
if ( $.inArray(f,forms) < 0 ) { forms.push(f); }
} );
$(forms).submit( function() {
if ( 0 <= $.inArray(currentFormEl,ins) ) {
$(addEl).trigger( 'click' );
return false;
} );
} );
$("[class^=delete:" + list.id + ":]", el || null).click( function() { return list.wpList.del(this); } );
$("[class^=dim:" + list.id + ":]", el || null).click( function() { return list.wpList.dim(this); } );
recolor: function() {
var list = this;
if ( !list.wpList.settings.alt ) { return; }
var items = $('.list-item:visible', list);
if ( !items.size() ) { items = $(list).children(':visible'); }
var eo = [':even',':odd'];
if ( list.wpList.settings.altOffset % 2 ) { eo.reverse(); }
init: function() {
var lists = this;
lists.wpList.process = function(a) {
lists.each( function() {
} );
lists.wpList.recolor = function() {
lists.each( function() {
} );
$.fn.wpList = function( settings ) {
this.each( function() {
var _this = this;
this.wpList = { settings: $.extend( {}, wpList.settings, { what: wpList.parseClass(this,'list')[1] || '' }, settings ) };
$.each( fs, function(i,f) { _this.wpList[i] = function( e, s ) { return wpList[f].call( _this, e, s ); }; } );
} );
return this;