name: WorldBorder author: Brettflan description: Limit the size of your worlds with a border, round or square. version: 1.1.2 main: com.wimbli.WorldBorder.WorldBorder commands: wborder: description: Primary command for WorldBorder. aliases: [worldborder, wb] usage: | / - list available commands (show help). / set - set world border, centered on you. / [world] set - set world border. / [world] radius - change world's border radius. / [world] clear - remove border for this world. / clear all - remove border for all worlds. / list - show border information for all worlds. / shape - set the border shape. / getmsg - display border message. / setmsg - set border message. / knockback - how far to move the player back. / delay - time between border checks.