name: WorldBorder author: Brettflan description: Efficient, feature-rich plugin for limiting the size of your worlds. version: 1.8.1 main: com.wimbli.WorldBorder.WorldBorder softdepend: - dynmap commands: wborder: description: Primary command for WorldBorder. aliases: [worldborder, wb] usage: | / - list available commands (show help). / help [command] - get help on command usage. / [world] set [radiusZ] - set world border. / [world] set [radiusZ] spawn - use spawn point. / set [radiusZ] - set world border, centered on you. / set [radiusZ] player - center on player. / [world] setcorners - set border from corners. / [world] radius [radiusZ] - change border's radius. / list - show border information for all worlds. / shape - set the default border shape. / shape - same as above, backwards compatible. / [world] clear - remove border for this world. / clear all - remove border for all worlds. / [world] fill [freq] [pad] [force] - generate world to border. / [world] trim [freq] [pad] - trim world outside of border. / bypass [player] [on/off] - let player go beyond border. / bypasslist - list players with border bypass enabled. / knockback - how far to move the player back. / wrap [world] - can make border crossings wrap around. / whoosh - turn knockback effect on or off. / getmsg - display border message. / setmsg - set border message. / wshape [world] - override shape. / wshape [world] - same as above values. / delay - time between border checks. / dynmap - turn DynMap border display on or off. / dynmapmsg - DynMap border labels will show this. / remount - delay before remounting after knockback. / fillautosave - world save interval for Fill process. / portal - turn portal redirection on or off. / denypearl - stop ender pearls thrown past the border. / reload - re-load data from config.yml. / debug - turn debug mode on or off. permissions: worldborder.*: description: Grants all WorldBorder permissions children: worldborder.bypass: true worldborder.bypasslist: true worldborder.clear: true worldborder.debug: true worldborder.delay: true worldborder.denypearl: true worldborder.dynmap: true worldborder.dynmapmsg: true worldborder.fill: true worldborder.fillautosave: true worldborder.getmsg: true true worldborder.knockback: true worldborder.list: true worldborder.portal: true worldborder.radius: true worldborder.reload: true worldborder.remount: true worldborder.set: true worldborder.setmsg: true worldborder.shape: true worldborder.trim: true worldborder.whoosh: true worldborder.wrap: true worldborder.wshape: true worldborder.bypass: description: Can enable bypass mode to go beyond the border default: op worldborder.bypasslist: description: Can get list of players with border bypass enabled default: op worldborder.clear: description: Can remove any border default: op worldborder.debug: description: Can enable/disable debug output to console default: op worldborder.delay: description: Can set the frequency at which the plugin checks for border crossings default: op worldborder.denypearl: description: Can enable/disable direct cancellation of ender pearls thrown past border default: op worldborder.dynmap: description: Can enable/disable DynMap border display integration default: op worldborder.dynmapmsg: description: Can set the label text for borders shown in DynMap default: op worldborder.fill: description: Can fill in (generate) any missing map chunks out to the border default: op worldborder.fillautosave: description: Can set the world save interval for the Fill process default: op worldborder.getmsg: description: Can view the border crossing message default: op description: Can view the command reference help pages default: op worldborder.knockback: description: Can set the knockback distance for border crossings default: op worldborder.list: description: Can view a list of all borders default: op worldborder.portal: description: Can enable/disable portal redirection to be inside border default: op worldborder.radius: description: Can set the radius of an existing border default: op worldborder.reload: description: Can force the plugin to reload from the config file default: op worldborder.remount: description: Can set the delay before remounting a player to their vehicle after knockback default: op worldborder.set: description: Can set borders for any world default: op worldborder.setmsg: description: Can set the border crossing message default: op worldborder.shape: description: Can set the default shape (round or square) for all borders default: op worldborder.trim: description: Can trim (remove) any excess map chunks outside of the border default: op worldborder.whoosh: description: Can enable/disable "whoosh" knockback effect default: op worldborder.wrap: description: Can set border crossings to wrap around to the other side of the world default: op worldborder.wshape: description: Can set an overriding border shape for a single world default: op