
195 lines
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package com.wimbli.WorldBorder;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.*;
// image output stuff, for debugging method at bottom of this file
// by the way, this region file handler was created based on the divulged region file format:
public class WorldFileData {
private final transient World world;
private final transient Map<CoordXZ, List<Boolean>> regionChunkExistence = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<CoordXZ, List<Boolean>>());
private transient File regionFolder = null;
private transient File[] regionFiles = null;
private transient Player notifyPlayer = null;
// the constructor is private; use create() method above to create an instance of this class.
private WorldFileData(World world, Player notifyPlayer) { = world;
this.notifyPlayer = notifyPlayer;
// Use this static method to create a new instance of this class. If null is returned, there was a problem so any process relying on this should be cancelled.
public static WorldFileData create(World world, Player notifyPlayer) {
WorldFileData newData = new WorldFileData(world, notifyPlayer);
newData.regionFolder = new File(, "region");
if (!newData.regionFolder.exists() || !newData.regionFolder.isDirectory()) {
// check for region folder inside a DIM* folder (DIM-1 for nether, DIM1 for end, DIMwhatever for custom world types)
File[] possibleDimFolders = DimFolderFileFilter());
assert possibleDimFolders != null;
for (File possibleDimFolder : possibleDimFolders) {
File possible = new File(, possibleDimFolder.getName() + File.separator + "region");
if (possible.exists() && possible.isDirectory()) {
newData.regionFolder = possible;
if (!newData.regionFolder.exists() || !newData.regionFolder.isDirectory()) {
newData.sendMessage("Could not validate folder for world's region files. Looked in " + + " for valid DIM* folder with a region folder in it.");
return null;
// Accepted region file formats: MCR is from late beta versions through 1.1, MCA is from 1.2+
newData.regionFiles = newData.regionFolder.listFiles(new ExtFileFilter(".MCA"));
if (newData.regionFiles == null || newData.regionFiles.length == 0) {
newData.regionFiles = newData.regionFolder.listFiles(new ExtFileFilter(".MCR"));
if (newData.regionFiles == null || newData.regionFiles.length == 0) {
newData.sendMessage("Could not find any region files. Looked in: " + newData.regionFolder.getPath());
return null;
return newData;
// number of region files this world has
public int regionFileCount() {
return regionFiles.length;
// folder where world's region files are located
public File regionFolder() {
return regionFolder;
// return entire list of region files
public File[] regionFiles() {
return regionFiles.clone();
// return a region file by index
public File regionFile(int index) {
if (regionFiles.length < index)
return null;
return regionFiles[index];
// get the X and Z world coordinates of the region from the filename
public CoordXZ regionFileCoordinates(int index) {
File regionFile = this.regionFile(index);
String[] coords = regionFile.getName().split("\\.");
int x, z;
try {
x = Integer.parseInt(coords[1]);
z = Integer.parseInt(coords[2]);
return new CoordXZ(x, z);
} catch (Exception ex) {
sendMessage("Error! Region file found with abnormal name: " + regionFile.getName());
return null;
// Find out if the chunk at the given coordinates exists.
public boolean doesChunkExist(int x, int z) {
CoordXZ region = new CoordXZ(CoordXZ.chunkToRegion(x), CoordXZ.chunkToRegion(z));
List<Boolean> regionChunks = this.getRegionData(region);
// Bukkit.getLogger().info("x: "+x+" z: "+z+" offset: "+coordToRegionOffset(x, z));
return regionChunks.get(coordToRegionOffset(x, z));
// Find out if the chunk at the given coordinates has been fully generated.
// Minecraft only fully generates a chunk when adjacent chunks are also loaded.
public boolean isChunkFullyGenerated(int x, int z) { // if all adjacent chunks exist, it should be a safe enough bet that this one is fully generated
// For 1.13+, due to world gen changes, this is now effectively a 3 chunk radius requirement vs a 1 chunk radius
for (int xx = x - 3; xx <= x + 3; xx++) {
for (int zz = z - 3; zz <= z + 3; zz++) {
if (!doesChunkExist(xx, zz))
return false;
return true;
// Method to let us know a chunk has been generated, to update our region map.
public void chunkExistsNow(int x, int z) {
CoordXZ region = new CoordXZ(CoordXZ.chunkToRegion(x), CoordXZ.chunkToRegion(z));
List<Boolean> regionChunks = this.getRegionData(region);
regionChunks.set(coordToRegionOffset(x, z), true);
// region is 32 * 32 chunks; chunk pointers are stored in region file at position: x + z*32 (32 * 32 chunks = 1024)
// input x and z values can be world-based chunk coordinates or local-to-region chunk coordinates either one
private int coordToRegionOffset(int x, int z) {
// "%" modulus is used to convert potential world coordinates to definitely be local region coordinates
x = x % 32;
z = z % 32;
// similarly, for local coordinates, we need to wrap negative values around
if (x < 0) x += 32;
if (z < 0) z += 32;
// return offset position for the now definitely local x and z values
return (x + (z * 32));
private List<Boolean> getRegionData(CoordXZ region) {
List<Boolean> data = regionChunkExistence.get(region);
if (data != null)
return data;
// data for the specified region isn't loaded yet, so init it as empty and try to find the file and load the data
data = new ArrayList<Boolean>(1024);
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
regionChunkExistence.put(region, data);
return data;
// send a message to the server console/log and possibly to an in-game player
private void sendMessage(String text) {
Config.log("[WorldData] " + text);
if (notifyPlayer != null && notifyPlayer.isOnline())
notifyPlayer.sendMessage("[WorldData] " + text);
// file filter used for region files
private static class ExtFileFilter implements FileFilter {
String ext;
public ExtFileFilter(String extension) {
this.ext = extension.toLowerCase();
public boolean accept(File file) {
return (
&& file.isFile()
&& file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(ext)
// file filter used for DIM* folders (for nether, End, and custom world types)
private static class DimFolderFileFilter implements FileFilter {
public boolean accept(File file) {
return (
&& file.isDirectory()
&& file.getName().toLowerCase().startsWith("dim")