
334 lines
10 KiB

package com.wimbli.WorldBorder;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.command.*;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.World;
public class WBCommand implements CommandExecutor
private WorldBorder plugin;
public WBCommand (WorldBorder plugin)
this.plugin = plugin;
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] split)
Player player = (sender instanceof Player) ? (Player)sender : null;
String cmd = ChatColor.AQUA + ((player == null) ? "wb" : "/wb");
String cmdW = ChatColor.AQUA + ((player == null) ? "wb " + ChatColor.GREEN + "<world>" : "/wb " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + "[world]") + ChatColor.AQUA;
// "set" command from player or console, world specified
if (split.length == 5 && split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("set"))
if (!Config.HasPermission(player, "set")) return true;
World world = sender.getServer().getWorld(split[0]);
if (world == null)
sender.sendMessage("The world you specified (\"" + split[0] + "\") could not be found on the server, but data for it will be stored anyway.");
if(cmdSet(sender, split[0], split, 2) && player != null)
sender.sendMessage("Border has been set. " + Config.BorderDescription(split[0]));
// "set" command from player, using current world, X and Z specified
else if (split.length == 4 && split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("set") && player != null)
if (!Config.HasPermission(player, "set")) return true;
String world = player.getWorld().getName();
if (cmdSet(sender, world, split, 1))
sender.sendMessage("Border has been set. " + Config.BorderDescription(world));
// "set" command from player, using current world, X and Z NOT specified
else if (split.length == 2 && split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("set") && player != null)
if (!Config.HasPermission(player, "set")) return true;
String world = player.getWorld().getName();
double x = player.getLocation().getX();
double z = player.getLocation().getZ();
int radius;
radius = Integer.parseInt(split[1]);
catch(NumberFormatException ex)
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "The radius value must be an integer.");
return true;
Config.setBorder(world, radius, x, z);
sender.sendMessage("Border has been set. " + Config.BorderDescription(world));
// "radius" command from player or console, world specified
else if (split.length == 3 && split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("radius"))
if (!Config.HasPermission(player, "radius")) return true;
String world = split[0];
BorderData border = Config.Border(world);
if (border == null)
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "That world (\"" + world + "\") must first have a border set normally.");
return true;
double x = border.getX();
double z = border.getZ();
int radius;
radius = Integer.parseInt(split[2]);
catch(NumberFormatException ex)
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "The radius value must be an integer.");
return true;
Config.setBorder(world, radius, x, z);
if (player != null)
sender.sendMessage("Radius has been set. " + Config.BorderDescription(world));
// "radius" command from player, using current world
else if (split.length == 2 && split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("radius") && player != null)
if (!Config.HasPermission(player, "radius")) return true;
String world = player.getWorld().getName();
BorderData border = Config.Border(world);
if (border == null)
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "This world (\"" + world + "\") must first have a border set normally.");
return true;
double x = border.getX();
double z = border.getZ();
int radius;
radius = Integer.parseInt(split[1]);
catch(NumberFormatException ex)
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "The radius value must be an integer.");
return true;
Config.setBorder(world, radius, x, z);
sender.sendMessage("Radius has been set. " + Config.BorderDescription(world));
// "clear" command from player or console, world specified
else if (split.length == 2 && split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("clear"))
if (!Config.HasPermission(player, "clear")) return true;
String world = split[0];
BorderData border = Config.Border(world);
if (border == null)
sender.sendMessage("The world you specified (\"" + world + "\") does not have a border set.");
return true;
if (player != null)
sender.sendMessage("Border cleared for world \"" + world + "\".");
// "clear" command from player, using current world
else if (split.length == 1 && split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("clear") && player != null)
if (!Config.HasPermission(player, "clear")) return true;
String world = player.getWorld().getName();
BorderData border = Config.Border(world);
if (border == null)
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Your current world (\"" + world + "\") does not have a border set.");
return true;
sender.sendMessage("Border cleared for world \"" + world + "\".");
// "clear all" command from player or console
else if (split.length == 2 && split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("clear") && split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("all"))
if (!Config.HasPermission(player, "clear")) return true;
if (player != null)
sender.sendMessage("All borders cleared for all worlds.");
// "list" command from player or console
else if (split.length == 1 && split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("list"))
if (!Config.HasPermission(player, "list")) return true;
sender.sendMessage("Border shape for all worlds is \"" + (Config.ShapeRound() ? "round" : "square") + "\".");
Set<String> list = Config.BorderDescriptions();
if (list.isEmpty())
sender.sendMessage("There are no borders currently set.");
return true;
Iterator listItem = list.iterator();
sender.sendMessage( (String) );
// "shape" command from player or console
else if (split.length == 2 && split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("shape"))
if (!Config.HasPermission(player, "shape")) return true;
if (split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("square"))
else if (split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("round"))
sender.sendMessage("You must specify a shape of \"round\" or \"square\".");
return true;
if (player != null)
sender.sendMessage("Border shape for all worlds is now set to \"" + (Config.ShapeRound() ? "round" : "square") + "\".");
// "getmsg" command from player or console
else if (split.length == 1 && split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("getmsg"))
if (!Config.HasPermission(player, "getmsg")) return true;
sender.sendMessage("Border message is currently set to:");
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + Config.Message());
// "setmsg" command from player or console
else if (split.length >= 2 && split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("setmsg"))
if (!Config.HasPermission(player, "setmsg")) return true;
String message = "";
for(int i = 1; i < split.length; i++)
if (i != 1)
message += ' ';
message += split[i];
if (player != null)
sender.sendMessage("Border message is now set to:");
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + Config.Message());
// "reload" command from player or console
else if (split.length == 1 && split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("reload"))
if (!Config.HasPermission(player, "reload")) return true;
if (player != null)
Config.Log("Reloading config file at the command of player \"" + player.getName() + "\".");
Config.load(plugin, true);
if (player != null)
sender.sendMessage("WorldBorder configuration reloaded.");
// "debug" command from player or console
else if (split.length == 2 && split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("debug"))
if (!Config.HasPermission(player, "debug")) return true;
if (player != null)
Config.Log((Config.Debug() ? "Enabling" : "Disabling") + " debug output at the command of player \"" + player.getName() + "\".");
if (player != null)
sender.sendMessage("Debug mode " + (Config.Debug() ? "enabled" : "disabled") + ".");
// we couldn't decipher any known commands, so show help
if (!Config.HasPermission(player, "help")) return true;
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.WHITE + plugin.getDescription().getFullName() + " - commands (" + (player != null ? ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + "[optional] " : "") + ChatColor.GREEN + "<required>" + ChatColor.WHITE + "):");
if (player != null)
sender.sendMessage(cmd+" set " + ChatColor.GREEN + "<radius>" + ChatColor.WHITE + " - set world border, centered on you.");
sender.sendMessage(cmdW+" set " + ChatColor.GREEN + "<radius> <x> <z>" + ChatColor.WHITE + " - set world border.");
sender.sendMessage(cmdW+" radius " + ChatColor.GREEN + "<radius>" + ChatColor.WHITE + " - change a border radius.");
sender.sendMessage(cmdW+" clear" + ChatColor.WHITE + " - remove border for this world.");
sender.sendMessage(cmd+" clear all" + ChatColor.WHITE + " - remove border for all worlds.");
sender.sendMessage(cmd+" list" + ChatColor.WHITE + " - show border information for all worlds.");
sender.sendMessage(cmd+" shape " + ChatColor.GREEN + "<round|square>" + ChatColor.WHITE + " - set the border shape.");
sender.sendMessage(cmd+" getmsg" + ChatColor.WHITE + " - display border message.");
sender.sendMessage(cmd+" setmsg " + ChatColor.GREEN + "<text>" + ChatColor.WHITE + " - set border message.");
if (player == null)
sender.sendMessage(cmd+" reload" + ChatColor.WHITE + " - re-load data from config.yml.");
sender.sendMessage(cmd+" debug " + ChatColor.GREEN + "<on|off>" + ChatColor.WHITE + " - turn console debug output on or off.");
return true;
private boolean cmdSet(CommandSender sender, String world, String[] data, int offset)
int radius;
double x, z;
radius = Integer.parseInt(data[offset]);
x = Double.parseDouble(data[offset+1]);
z = Double.parseDouble(data[offset+2]);
catch(NumberFormatException ex)
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "The radius value must be an integer and the x and z values must be numerical.");
return false;
Config.setBorder(world, radius, x, z);
return true;