
565 lines
16 KiB

package com.wimbli.WorldBorder;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.Effect;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.World;
public class Config
// private stuff used within this class
private static WorldBorder plugin;
private static FileConfiguration cfg = null;
private static final Logger mcLog = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
public static DecimalFormat coord = new DecimalFormat("0.0");
private static int borderTask = -1;
public static WorldFillTask fillTask;
public static WorldTrimTask trimTask;
private static Set<String> bypassPlayers = Collections.synchronizedSet(new LinkedHashSet<String>());
private static Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
// actual configuration values which can be changed
private static boolean shapeRound = true;
private static Map<String, BorderData> borders = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap<String, BorderData>());
private static String message;
private static boolean DEBUG = false;
private static double knockBack = 3.0;
private static int timerTicks = 4;
private static boolean whooshEffect = false;
private static boolean portalRedirection = true;
private static boolean dynmapEnable = true;
private static String dynmapMessage;
// for monitoring plugin efficiency
// public static long timeUsed = 0;
public static long Now()
return System.currentTimeMillis();
public static void setBorder(String world, BorderData border)
borders.put(world, border);
Log("Border set. " + BorderDescription(world));
DynMapFeatures.showBorder(world, border);
public static void setBorder(String world, int radiusX, int radiusZ, double x, double z, Boolean shapeRound)
BorderData old = Border(world);
boolean oldWrap = (old == null) ? false : old.getWrapping();
setBorder(world, new BorderData(x, z, radiusX, radiusZ, shapeRound, oldWrap));
public static void setBorder(String world, int radiusX, int radiusZ, double x, double z)
BorderData old = Border(world);
Boolean oldShape = (old == null) ? null : old.getShape();
boolean oldWrap = (old == null) ? false : old.getWrapping();
setBorder(world, new BorderData(x, z, radiusX, radiusZ, oldShape, oldWrap));
// backwards-compatible methods from before elliptical/rectangular shapes were supported
public static void setBorder(String world, int radius, double x, double z, Boolean shapeRound)
setBorder(world, new BorderData(x, z, radius, radius, shapeRound));
public static void setBorder(String world, int radius, double x, double z)
setBorder(world, radius, radius, x, z);
// set border based on corner coordinates
public static void setBorderCorners(String world, double x1, double z1, double x2, double z2, Boolean shapeRound, boolean wrap)
double radiusX = Math.abs(x1 - x2) / 2;
double radiusZ = Math.abs(z1 - z2) / 2;
double x = ((x1 < x2) ? x1 : x2) + radiusX;
double z = ((z1 < z2) ? z1 : z2) + radiusZ;
setBorder(world, new BorderData(x, z, (int)Math.round(radiusX), (int)Math.round(radiusZ), shapeRound, wrap));
public static void setBorderCorners(String world, double x1, double z1, double x2, double z2, Boolean shapeRound)
setBorderCorners(world, x1, z1, x2, z2, shapeRound, false);
public static void setBorderCorners(String world, double x1, double z1, double x2, double z2)
BorderData old = Border(world);
Boolean oldShape = (old == null) ? null : old.getShape();
boolean oldWrap = (old == null) ? false : old.getWrapping();
setBorderCorners(world, x1, z1, x2, z2, oldShape, oldWrap);
public static void removeBorder(String world)
Log("Removed border for world \"" + world + "\".");
public static void removeAllBorders()
Log("Removed all borders for all worlds.");
public static String BorderDescription(String world)
BorderData border = borders.get(world);
if (border == null)
return "No border was found for the world \"" + world + "\".";
return "World \"" + world + "\" has border " + border.toString();
public static Set<String> BorderDescriptions()
Set<String> output = new HashSet<String>();
Iterator world = borders.keySet().iterator();
output.add( BorderDescription((String) );
return output;
public static BorderData Border(String world)
return borders.get(world);
public static Map<String, BorderData> getBorders()
return new LinkedHashMap<String, BorderData>(borders);
public static void setMessage(String msg)
message = msg;
Log("Border message is now set to: " + msg);
public static String Message()
return message;
public static void setShape(boolean round)
shapeRound = round;
Log("Set default border shape to " + (ShapeName()) + ".");
public static boolean ShapeRound()
return shapeRound;
public static String ShapeName()
return ShapeName(shapeRound);
public static String ShapeName(boolean round)
return round ? "elliptic/round" : "rectangular/square";
public static void setDebug(boolean debugMode)
DEBUG = debugMode;
Log("Debug mode " + (DEBUG ? "enabled" : "disabled") + ".");
public static boolean Debug()
return DEBUG;
public static void setWhooshEffect(boolean enable)
whooshEffect = enable;
Log("\"Whoosh\" knockback effect " + (enable ? "enabled" : "disabled") + ".");
public static boolean whooshEffect()
return whooshEffect;
public static void showWhooshEffect(Location loc)
if (!whooshEffect())
World world = loc.getWorld();
world.playEffect(loc, Effect.ENDER_SIGNAL, 0);
world.playEffect(loc, Effect.ENDER_SIGNAL, 0);
world.playEffect(loc, Effect.SMOKE, 4);
world.playEffect(loc, Effect.SMOKE, 4);
world.playEffect(loc, Effect.SMOKE, 4);
world.playEffect(loc, Effect.GHAST_SHOOT, 0);
public static void setPortalRedirection(boolean enable)
portalRedirection = enable;
Log("Portal redirection " + (enable ? "enabled" : "disabled") + ".");
public static boolean portalRedirection()
return portalRedirection;
public static void setKnockBack(double numBlocks)
knockBack = numBlocks;
Log("Knockback set to " + knockBack + " blocks inside the border.");
public static double KnockBack()
return knockBack;
public static void setTimerTicks(int ticks)
timerTicks = ticks;
Log("Timer delay set to " + timerTicks + " tick(s). That is roughly " + (timerTicks * 50) + "ms / " + (((double)timerTicks * 50.0) / 1000.0) + " seconds.");
public static int TimerTicks()
return timerTicks;
public static void setDynmapBorderEnabled(boolean enable)
dynmapEnable = enable;
Log("DynMap border display is now " + (enable ? "enabled" : "disabled") + ".");
public static boolean DynmapBorderEnabled()
return dynmapEnable;
public static void setDynmapMessage(String msg)
dynmapMessage = msg;
Log("DynMap border label is now set to: " + msg);
public static String DynmapMessage()
return dynmapMessage;
public static void setPlayerBypass(String player, boolean bypass)
if (bypass)
public static boolean isPlayerBypassing(String player)
return bypassPlayers.contains(player.toLowerCase());
public static void togglePlayerBypass(String player)
setPlayerBypass(player, !isPlayerBypassing(player));
public static boolean isBorderTimerRunning()
if (borderTask == -1) return false;
return (plugin.getServer().getScheduler().isQueued(borderTask) || plugin.getServer().getScheduler().isCurrentlyRunning(borderTask));
public static void StartBorderTimer()
borderTask = plugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(plugin, new BorderCheckTask(), timerTicks, timerTicks);
if (borderTask == -1)
LogWarn("Failed to start timed border-checking task! This will prevent the plugin from working. Try restarting Bukkit.");
LogConfig("Border-checking timed task started.");
public static void StopBorderTimer()
if (borderTask == -1) return;
borderTask = -1;
LogConfig("Border-checking timed task stopped.");
public static void StopFillTask()
if (fillTask != null && fillTask.valid())
public static void StoreFillTask()
save(false, true);
public static void UnStoreFillTask()
public static void RestoreFillTask(String world, int fillDistance, int chunksPerRun, int tickFrequency, int x, int z, int length, int total)
fillTask = new WorldFillTask(plugin.getServer(), null, world, fillDistance, chunksPerRun, tickFrequency);
if (fillTask.valid())
fillTask.continueProgress(x, z, length, total);
int task = plugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(plugin, fillTask, 20, tickFrequency);
public static void StopTrimTask()
if (trimTask != null && trimTask.valid())
public static int AvailableMemory()
return (int)((rt.maxMemory() - rt.totalMemory() + rt.freeMemory()) / 1048576); // 1024*1024 = 1048576 (bytes in 1 MB)
public static boolean HasPermission(Player player, String request)
return HasPermission(player, request, true);
public static boolean HasPermission(Player player, String request, boolean notify)
if (player == null) // console, always permitted
return true;
if (player.hasPermission("worldborder." + request)) // built-in Bukkit superperms
return true;
if (notify)
player.sendMessage("You do not have sufficient permissions.");
return false;
private static final String logName = "WorldBorder";
public static void Log(Level lvl, String text)
mcLog.log(lvl, String.format("[%s] %s", logName, text));
public static void Log(String text)
Log(Level.INFO, text);
public static void LogWarn(String text)
Log(Level.WARNING, text);
public static void LogConfig(String text)
Log(Level.INFO, "[CONFIG] " + text);
private static final int currentCfgVersion = 7;
public static void load(WorldBorder master, boolean logIt)
{ // load config from file
plugin = master;
cfg = plugin.getConfig();
int cfgVersion = cfg.getInt("cfg-version", currentCfgVersion);
message = cfg.getString("message");
shapeRound = cfg.getBoolean("round-border", true);
DEBUG = cfg.getBoolean("debug-mode", false);
whooshEffect = cfg.getBoolean("whoosh-effect", false);
portalRedirection = cfg.getBoolean("portal-redirection", true);
knockBack = cfg.getDouble("knock-back-dist", 3.0);
timerTicks = cfg.getInt("timer-delay-ticks", 5);
dynmapEnable = cfg.getBoolean("dynmap-border-enabled", true);
dynmapMessage = cfg.getString("dynmap-border-message", "The border of the world.");
LogConfig("Using " + (ShapeName()) + " border, knockback of " + knockBack + " blocks, and timer delay of " + timerTicks + ".");
if (message == null || message.isEmpty())
{ // store defaults
LogConfig("Configuration not present, creating new file.");
message = "You have reached the edge of this world.";
ConfigurationSection worlds = cfg.getConfigurationSection("worlds");
if (worlds != null)
Set<String> worldNames = worlds.getKeys(false);
for(String worldName : worldNames)
ConfigurationSection bord = worlds.getConfigurationSection(worldName);
// we're swapping "<" to "." at load since periods denote configuration nodes without a working way to change that, so world names with periods wreak havoc and are thus modified for storage
if (cfgVersion > 3)
worldName = worldName.replace("<", ".");
// backwards compatibility for config from before elliptical/rectangular borders were supported
if (bord.isSet("radius") && !bord.isSet("radiusX"))
int radius = bord.getInt("radius");
bord.set("radiusX", radius);
bord.set("radiusZ", radius);
Boolean overrideShape = (Boolean) bord.get("shape-round");
boolean wrap = (boolean) bord.getBoolean("wrapping", false);
BorderData border = new BorderData(bord.getDouble("x", 0), bord.getDouble("z", 0), bord.getInt("radiusX", 0), bord.getInt("radiusZ", 0), overrideShape, wrap);
borders.put(worldName, border);
// if we have an unfinished fill task stored from a previous run, load it up
ConfigurationSection storedFillTask = cfg.getConfigurationSection("fillTask");
if (storedFillTask != null)
String worldName = storedFillTask.getString("world");
int fillDistance = storedFillTask.getInt("fillDistance", 176);
int chunksPerRun = storedFillTask.getInt("chunksPerRun", 5);
int tickFrequency = storedFillTask.getInt("tickFrequency", 20);
int fillX = storedFillTask.getInt("x", 0);
int fillZ = storedFillTask.getInt("z", 0);
int fillLength = storedFillTask.getInt("length", 0);
int fillTotal = storedFillTask.getInt("total", 0);
RestoreFillTask(worldName, fillDistance, chunksPerRun, tickFrequency, fillX, fillZ, fillLength, fillTotal);
if (logIt)
LogConfig("Configuration loaded.");
if (cfgVersion < currentCfgVersion)
public static void save(boolean logIt)
save(logIt, false);
public static void save(boolean logIt, boolean storeFillTask)
{ // save config to file
if (cfg == null) return;
cfg.set("cfg-version", currentCfgVersion);
cfg.set("message", message);
cfg.set("round-border", shapeRound);
cfg.set("debug-mode", DEBUG);
cfg.set("whoosh-effect", whooshEffect);
cfg.set("portal-redirection", portalRedirection);
cfg.set("knock-back-dist", knockBack);
cfg.set("timer-delay-ticks", timerTicks);
cfg.set("dynmap-border-enabled", dynmapEnable);
cfg.set("dynmap-border-message", dynmapMessage);
cfg.set("worlds", null);
Iterator world = borders.entrySet().iterator();
Entry wdata = (Entry);
String name = ((String)wdata.getKey()).replace(".", "<");
BorderData bord = (BorderData)wdata.getValue();
cfg.set("worlds." + name + ".x", bord.getX());
cfg.set("worlds." + name + ".z", bord.getZ());
cfg.set("worlds." + name + ".radiusX", bord.getRadiusX());
cfg.set("worlds." + name + ".radiusZ", bord.getRadiusZ());
cfg.set("worlds." + name + ".wrapping", bord.getWrapping());
if (bord.getShape() != null)
cfg.set("worlds." + name + ".shape-round", bord.getShape());
if (storeFillTask && fillTask != null && fillTask.valid())
cfg.set("", fillTask.refWorld());
cfg.set("fillTask.fillDistance", fillTask.refFillDistance());
cfg.set("fillTask.chunksPerRun", fillTask.refChunksPerRun());
cfg.set("fillTask.tickFrequency", fillTask.refTickFrequency());
cfg.set("fillTask.x", fillTask.refX());
cfg.set("fillTask.z", fillTask.refZ());
cfg.set("fillTask.length", fillTask.refLength());
cfg.set("", fillTask.refTotal());
cfg.set("fillTask", null);
if (logIt)
LogConfig("Configuration saved.");