
184 lines
6.2 KiB

package com.wimbli.WorldBorder.cmd;
import java.util.List;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.*;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.wimbli.WorldBorder.*;
public class CmdFill extends WBCmd
public CmdFill()
name = permission = "fill";
hasWorldNameInput = true;
consoleRequiresWorldName = false;
minParams = 0;
maxParams = 3;
addCmdExample(nameEmphasizedW() + "[freq] [pad] [force] - fill world to border.");
helpText = "This command will generate missing world chunks inside your border. [freq] is the frequency " +
"of chunks per second that will be checked (default 20). [pad] is the number of blocks padding added " +
"beyond the border itself (default 208, to cover player visual range). [force] can be specified as true " +
"to force all chunks to be loaded even if they seem to be fully generated (default false).";
public void execute(CommandSender sender, Player player, List<String> params, String worldName)
boolean confirm = false;
// check for "cancel", "pause", or "confirm"
if (params.size() >= 1)
String check = params.get(0).toLowerCase();
if (check.equals("cancel") || check.equals("stop"))
if (!makeSureFillIsRunning(sender))
sender.sendMessage(C_HEAD + "Cancelling the world map generation task.");
else if (check.equals("pause"))
if (!makeSureFillIsRunning(sender))
sender.sendMessage(C_HEAD + "The world map generation task is now " + (Config.fillTask.isPaused() ? "" : "un") + "paused.");
confirm = check.equals("confirm");
// if not just confirming, make sure a world name is available
if (worldName == null && !confirm)
if (player != null)
worldName = player.getWorld().getName();
sendErrorAndHelp(sender, "You must specify a world!");
// colorized "/wb fill "
String cmd = cmd(sender) + nameEmphasized() + C_CMD;
// make sure Fill isn't already running
if (Config.fillTask != null && Config.fillTask.valid())
sender.sendMessage(C_ERR + "The world map generation task is already running.");
sender.sendMessage(C_DESC + "You can cancel at any time with " + cmd + "cancel" + C_DESC + ", or pause/unpause with " + cmd + "pause" + C_DESC + ".");
// set frequency and/or padding if those were specified
if (params.size() >= 1 && !confirm)
fillFrequency = Math.abs(Integer.parseInt(params.get(0)));
if (params.size() >= 2 && !confirm)
fillPadding = Math.abs(Integer.parseInt(params.get(1)));
catch(NumberFormatException ex)
sendErrorAndHelp(sender, "The frequency and padding values must be integers.");
if (fillFrequency <= 0)
sendErrorAndHelp(sender, "The frequency value must be greater than zero.");
// see if the command specifies to load even chunks which should already be fully generated
if (params.size() == 3)
fillForceLoad = strAsBool(params.get(2));
// set world if it was specified
if (worldName != null)
fillWorld = worldName;
if (confirm)
{ // command confirmed, go ahead with it
if (fillWorld.isEmpty())
sendErrorAndHelp(sender, "You must first use this command successfully without confirming.");
if (player != null)
Config.log("Filling out world to border at the command of player \"" + player.getName() + "\".");
int ticks = 1, repeats = 1;
if (fillFrequency > 20)
repeats = fillFrequency / 20;
ticks = 20 / fillFrequency;
/* */ Config.log("world: " + fillWorld + " padding: " + fillPadding + " repeats: " + repeats + " ticks: " + ticks);
Config.fillTask = new WorldFillTask(Bukkit.getServer(), player, fillWorld, fillPadding, repeats, ticks, fillForceLoad);
if (Config.fillTask.valid())
int task = Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(WorldBorder.plugin, Config.fillTask, ticks, ticks);
sender.sendMessage("WorldBorder map generation task for world \"" + fillWorld + "\" started.");
sender.sendMessage(C_ERR + "The world map generation task failed to start.");
if (fillWorld.isEmpty())
sendErrorAndHelp(sender, "You must first specify a valid world.");
sender.sendMessage(C_HEAD + "World generation task is ready for world \"" + fillWorld + "\", attempting to process up to " + fillFrequency + " chunks per second (default 20). The map will be padded out " + fillPadding + " blocks beyond the border (default " + defaultPadding + "). Parts of the world which are already fully generated will be " + (fillForceLoad ? "loaded anyway." : "skipped."));
sender.sendMessage(C_HEAD + "This process can take a very long time depending on the world's border size. Also, depending on the chunk processing rate, players will likely experience severe lag for the duration.");
sender.sendMessage(C_DESC + "You should now use " + cmd + "confirm" + C_DESC + " to start the process.");
sender.sendMessage(C_DESC + "You can cancel at any time with " + cmd + "cancel" + C_DESC + ", or pause/unpause with " + cmd + "pause" + C_DESC + ".");
/* with "view-distance=10" in on a fast VM test server and "Render Distance: Far" in client,
* hitting border during testing was loading 11+ chunks beyond the border in a couple of directions (10 chunks in
* the other two directions). This could be worse on a more loaded or worse server, so:
private final int defaultPadding = CoordXZ.chunkToBlock(13);
private String fillWorld = "";
private int fillFrequency = 20;
private int fillPadding = defaultPadding;
private boolean fillForceLoad = false;
private void fillDefaults()
fillWorld = "";
fillFrequency = 20;
fillPadding = defaultPadding;
fillForceLoad = false;
private boolean makeSureFillIsRunning(CommandSender sender)
if (Config.fillTask != null && Config.fillTask.valid())
return true;
sendErrorAndHelp(sender, "The world map generation task is not currently running.");
return false;