
496 lines
16 KiB

package com.wimbli.WorldBorder;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
public class BorderData {
// the main data interacted with
private double x = 0;
private double z = 0;
private int radiusX = 0;
private int radiusZ = 0;
private Boolean shapeRound = null;
private boolean wrapping = false;
// some extra data kept handy for faster border checks
private double maxX;
private double minX;
private double maxZ;
private double minZ;
private double radiusXSquared;
private double radiusZSquared;
private double DefiniteRectangleX;
private double DefiniteRectangleZ;
private double radiusSquaredQuotient;
public BorderData(double x, double z, int radiusX, int radiusZ,
Boolean shapeRound, boolean wrap) {
setData(x, z, radiusX, radiusZ, shapeRound, wrap);
public BorderData(double x, double z, int radiusX, int radiusZ) {
setData(x, z, radiusX, radiusZ, null);
public BorderData(double x, double z, int radiusX, int radiusZ,
Boolean shapeRound) {
setData(x, z, radiusX, radiusZ, shapeRound);
public BorderData(double x, double z, int radius) {
setData(x, z, radius, null);
public BorderData(double x, double z, int radius, Boolean shapeRound) {
setData(x, z, radius, shapeRound);
public final void setData(double x, double z, int radiusX, int radiusZ,
Boolean shapeRound, boolean wrap) {
this.x = x;
this.z = z;
this.shapeRound = shapeRound;
this.wrapping = wrap;
public final void setData(double x, double z, int radiusX, int radiusZ,
Boolean shapeRound) {
setData(x, z, radiusX, radiusZ, shapeRound, false);
public final void setData(double x, double z, int radius,
Boolean shapeRound) {
setData(x, z, radius, radius, shapeRound, false);
public BorderData copy() {
return new BorderData(x, z, radiusX, radiusZ, shapeRound, wrapping);
public double getX() {
return x;
public void setX(double x) {
this.x = x;
this.maxX = x + radiusX;
this.minX = x - radiusX;
public double getZ() {
return z;
public void setZ(double z) {
this.z = z;
this.maxZ = z + radiusZ;
this.minZ = z - radiusZ;
public int getRadiusX() {
return radiusX;
public int getRadiusZ() {
return radiusZ;
public void setRadiusX(int radiusX) {
this.radiusX = radiusX;
this.maxX = x + radiusX;
this.minX = x - radiusX;
this.radiusXSquared = (double) radiusX * (double) radiusX;
this.radiusSquaredQuotient = this.radiusXSquared / this.radiusZSquared;
this.DefiniteRectangleX = Math.sqrt(.5 * this.radiusXSquared);
public void setRadiusZ(int radiusZ) {
this.radiusZ = radiusZ;
this.maxZ = z + radiusZ;
this.minZ = z - radiusZ;
this.radiusZSquared = (double) radiusZ * (double) radiusZ;
this.radiusSquaredQuotient = this.radiusXSquared / this.radiusZSquared;
this.DefiniteRectangleZ = Math.sqrt(.5 * this.radiusZSquared);
// backwards-compatible methods from before elliptical/rectangular shapes
// were supported
* @deprecated Replaced by {@link #getRadiusX()} and {@link #getRadiusZ()};
* this method now returns an average of those two values and is thus
* imprecise
public int getRadius() {
return (radiusX + radiusZ) / 2; // average radius; not great, but
// probably best for backwards
// compatibility
public void setRadius(int radius) {
public Boolean getShape() {
return shapeRound;
public void setShape(Boolean shapeRound) {
this.shapeRound = shapeRound;
public boolean getWrapping() {
return wrapping;
public void setWrapping(boolean wrap) {
this.wrapping = wrap;
public String toString() {
return "radius "
+ ((radiusX == radiusZ) ? radiusX : radiusX + "x" + radiusZ)
+ " at X: " + Config.coord.format(x) + " Z: "
+ Config.coord.format(z)
+ (shapeRound != null ? (" (shape override: "
+ Config.ShapeName(shapeRound.booleanValue()) + ")")
: "")
+ (wrapping ? (" (wrapping)") : "");
// This algorithm of course needs to be fast, since it will be run very
// frequently
public boolean insideBorder(double xLoc, double zLoc, boolean round) {
// if this border has a shape override set, use it
if (shapeRound != null)
round = shapeRound.booleanValue();
// square border
if (!round)
return !(xLoc < minX || xLoc > maxX || zLoc < minZ || zLoc > maxZ);
// round border
else {
// elegant round border checking algorithm is from rBorder by Reil
// with almost no changes, all credit to him for it
double X = Math.abs(x - xLoc);
double Z = Math.abs(z - zLoc);
if (X < DefiniteRectangleX && Z < DefiniteRectangleZ)
return true; // Definitely inside
else if (X >= radiusX || Z >= radiusZ)
return false; // Definitely outside
else if (X * X + Z * Z * radiusSquaredQuotient < radiusXSquared)
return true; // After further calculation, inside
return false; // Apparently outside, then
public boolean insideBorder(double xLoc, double zLoc) {
return insideBorder(xLoc, zLoc, Config.ShapeRound());
public boolean insideBorder(Location loc) {
return insideBorder(loc.getX(), loc.getZ(), Config.ShapeRound());
public boolean insideBorder(CoordXZ coord, boolean round) {
return insideBorder(coord.x, coord.z, round);
public boolean insideBorder(CoordXZ coord) {
return insideBorder(coord.x, coord.z, Config.ShapeRound());
public Location correctedPosition(Location loc, boolean round,
boolean flying) {
// if this border has a shape override set, use it
if (shapeRound != null)
round = shapeRound.booleanValue();
double xLoc = loc.getX();
double zLoc = loc.getZ();
double yLoc = loc.getY();
// square border
if (!round) {
if (wrapping) {
if (xLoc <= minX)
xLoc = maxX - Config.KnockBack();
else if (xLoc >= maxX)
xLoc = minX + Config.KnockBack();
if (zLoc <= minZ)
zLoc = maxZ - Config.KnockBack();
else if (zLoc >= maxZ)
zLoc = minZ + Config.KnockBack();
else {
if (xLoc <= minX)
xLoc = minX + Config.KnockBack();
else if (xLoc >= maxX)
xLoc = maxX - Config.KnockBack();
if (zLoc <= minZ)
zLoc = minZ + Config.KnockBack();
else if (zLoc >= maxZ)
zLoc = maxZ - Config.KnockBack();
// round border
else {
// algorithm originally from:
// modified by Lang Lukas to support elliptical border shape
// Transform the ellipse to a circle with radius 1 (we need to
// transform the point the same way)
double dX = xLoc - x;
double dZ = zLoc - z;
double dU = Math.sqrt(dX * dX + dZ * dZ); // distance of the
// untransformed point
// from the center
double dT = Math
.sqrt(dX * dX / radiusXSquared + dZ * dZ / radiusZSquared); // distance
// of
// the
// transformed
// point
// from
// the
// center
double f = (1 / dT - Config.KnockBack() / dU); // "correction"
// factor for the
// distances
if (wrapping) {
xLoc = x - dX * f;
zLoc = z - dZ * f;
else {
xLoc = x + dX * f;
zLoc = z + dZ * f;
int ixLoc = Location.locToBlock(xLoc);
int izLoc = Location.locToBlock(zLoc);
// Make sure the chunk we're checking in is actually loaded
Chunk tChunk = loc.getWorld().getChunkAt(CoordXZ.blockToChunk(ixLoc),
if (!tChunk.isLoaded())
yLoc = getSafeY(loc.getWorld(), ixLoc, Location.locToBlock(yLoc), izLoc,
if (yLoc == -1)
return null;
return new Location(loc.getWorld(), Math.floor(xLoc) + 0.5, yLoc,
Math.floor(zLoc) + 0.5, loc.getYaw(), loc.getPitch());
public Location correctedPosition(Location loc, boolean round) {
return correctedPosition(loc, round, false);
public Location correctedPosition(Location loc) {
return correctedPosition(loc, Config.ShapeRound(), false);
* Set of block materials that cause damage.
private EnumSet<Material> damagingBlocks = EnumSet.of(
* Determines if given material represents an open block; that is, a block
* that is not solid allowing player to occupy the same position.
* @param mat material of block to test
* @return true, if block is considered open; otherwise, false.
private boolean isOpenBlock(final Material mat) {
return mat.isBlock() && !mat.isSolid();
* Determines if given material represents a block that imparts player
* damage.
* @param mat material of block to test
* @return true, if block does damage; otherwise, false.
private boolean isDamagingBlock(final Material mat) {
return damagingBlocks.contains(mat);
* Determines if given material represents an open block that does no
* damage (e.g. lava).
* @param mat material of block to test
* @return true, if block does damage; otherwise, false.
private boolean isSafeOpenBlock(final Material mat) {
return isOpenBlock(mat) && !isDamagingBlock(mat);
* Determine if the given location is a safe spot, which is defined as
* having open block at the foot level and head level of a player and
* a non-damaging block below.
* @param world
* @param x
* @param y
* @param z
* @param flying
* @return true, if location is safe; otherwise, false.
private boolean isSafeSpot(World world, int x, int y, int z,
boolean flying) {
final Block feet = world.getBlockAt(x, y, z);
final Block head = feet.getRelative(BlockFace.UP);
boolean safe = isSafeOpenBlock(feet.getType())
&& isSafeOpenBlock(head.getType());
if (!safe || flying)
return false;
final Block below = feet.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN);
return !isDamagingBlock(below.getType());
private static final int limBot = 0;
// find closest safe Y position from the starting position
private double getSafeY(World world, int X, int Y, int Z, boolean flying) {
// artificial height limit of 127 added for Nether worlds since
// CraftBukkit still incorrectly returns 255 for their max height,
// leading to players sent to the "roof" of the Nether
final boolean isNether = world
.getEnvironment() == World.Environment.NETHER;
int limTop = isNether ? 125 : world.getMaxHeight() - 2;
final int highestBlockBoundary = Math
.min(world.getHighestBlockYAt(X, Z) + 1, limTop);
// if Y is larger than the world can be and user can fly, return Y -
// Unless we are in the Nether, we might not want players on the roof
if (flying && Y > limTop && !isNether)
return (double) Y;
// make sure Y values are within the boundaries of the world.
if (Y > limTop) {
if (isNether)
Y = limTop; // because of the roof, the nether can not rely on
// highestBlockBoundary, so limTop has to be used
else {
if (flying)
Y = limTop;
Y = highestBlockBoundary; // there will never be a save
// block to stand on for Y values
// > highestBlockBoundary
if (Y < limBot)
Y = limBot;
// for non Nether worlds we don't need to check upwards to the
// world-limit, it is enough to check up to the highestBlockBoundary,
// unless player is flying
if (!isNether && !flying)
limTop = highestBlockBoundary;
// Expanding Y search method adapted from Acru's code in the Nether
// plugin
for (int y1 = Y, y2 = Y; (y1 > limBot) || (y2 < limTop); y1--, y2++) {
// Look below.
if (y1 > limBot) {
if (isSafeSpot(world, X, y1, Z, flying))
return (double) y1;
// Look above.
if (y2 < limTop && y2 != y1) {
if (isSafeSpot(world, X, y2, Z, flying))
return (double) y2;
return -1.0; // no safe Y location?!?!? Must be a rare spot in a
// Nether world or something
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
else if (obj == null || obj.getClass() != this.getClass())
return false;
BorderData test = (BorderData) obj;
return test.x == this.x && test.z == this.z
&& test.radiusX == this.radiusX && test.radiusZ == this.radiusZ;
public int hashCode() {
return (((int) (this.x * 10) << 4) + (int) this.z + (this.radiusX << 2)
+ (this.radiusZ << 3));