mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 06:12:46 +01:00
Large patch with lots of changes and fixes.
- Unified movement checking. Teleporting is now handled by entry/exit flags. Additionally, a region movement event is much closer to being added. - Fixed an issue with enderpearls and exit/entry flags conflicting. - Fixed a null check issue in several commands. - Fixed allowed and blocked command flags making false matches and improved support for blocking/allowing specific command args.
This commit is contained in:
@ -108,6 +108,166 @@ public void registerEvents() {
* Handles movement related events, including changing gamemode, sending
* greeting/farewell messages, etc.
* A reference to WorldGuardPlugin is required to keep this method static
* although WGBukkit.getPlugin() may be used.
* @return true if the movement should not be allowed
public static boolean checkMove(WorldGuardPlugin plugin, Player player, World world, Location from, Location to) {
PlayerFlagState state = plugin.getFlagStateManager().getState(player);
//Flush states in multiworld scenario
if (state.lastWorld != null && !state.lastWorld.equals(world)) {
state = plugin.getFlagStateManager().getState(player);
LocalPlayer localPlayer = plugin.wrapPlayer(player);
boolean hasBypass = plugin.getGlobalRegionManager().hasBypass(player, world);
RegionManager mgr = plugin.getGlobalRegionManager().get(world);
Vector pt = new Vector(to.getBlockX(), to.getBlockY(), to.getBlockZ());
ApplicableRegionSet set = mgr.getApplicableRegions(pt);
// check if region is full
// get the lowest number of allowed members in any region
boolean regionFull = false;
String maxPlayerMessage = null;
if (!hasBypass) {
for (ProtectedRegion region : set) {
if (region instanceof GlobalProtectedRegion) {
continue; // global region can't have a max
// get the max for just this region
Integer maxPlayers = region.getFlag(DefaultFlag.MAX_PLAYERS);
if (maxPlayers == null) {
int occupantCount = 0;
for(Player occupant : world.getPlayers()) {
// each player in this region counts as one toward the max of just this region
// A person with bypass doesn't count as an occupant of the region
if (!occupant.equals(player) && !plugin.getGlobalRegionManager().hasBypass(occupant, world)) {
if (region.contains(BukkitUtil.toVector(occupant.getLocation()))) {
if (++occupantCount >= maxPlayers) {
regionFull = true;
maxPlayerMessage = region.getFlag(DefaultFlag.MAX_PLAYERS_MESSAGE);
// At least one region in the set is full, we are going to use this message because it
// was the first one we detected as full. In reality we should check them all and then
// resolve the message from full regions, but that is probably a lot laggier (and this
// is already pretty laggy. In practice, we can't really control which one we get first
// right here.
boolean entryAllowed = set.allows(DefaultFlag.ENTRY, localPlayer);
if (!hasBypass && (!entryAllowed /*|| regionFull*/)) {
String message = /*maxPlayerMessage != null ? maxPlayerMessage :*/ "You are not permitted to enter this area.";
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + message);
return true;
// Have to set this state
if (state.lastExitAllowed == null) {
state.lastExitAllowed = mgr.getApplicableRegions(toVector(from))
.allows(DefaultFlag.EXIT, localPlayer);
boolean exitAllowed = set.allows(DefaultFlag.EXIT, localPlayer);
if (!hasBypass && exitAllowed && !state.lastExitAllowed) {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + "You are not permitted to leave this area.");
return true;
// WorldGuardRegionMoveEvent event = new WorldGuardRegionMoveEvent(plugin, player, state, set, from, to);
// Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);
String greeting = set.getFlag(DefaultFlag.GREET_MESSAGE);//, localPlayer);
String farewell = set.getFlag(DefaultFlag.FAREWELL_MESSAGE);//, localPlayer);
Boolean notifyEnter = set.getFlag(DefaultFlag.NOTIFY_ENTER);//, localPlayer);
Boolean notifyLeave = set.getFlag(DefaultFlag.NOTIFY_LEAVE);//, localPlayer);
GameMode gameMode = set.getFlag(DefaultFlag.GAME_MODE);
if (state.lastFarewell != null && (farewell == null
|| !state.lastFarewell.equals(farewell))) {
String replacedFarewell = plugin.replaceMacros(
player, BukkitUtil.replaceColorMacros(state.lastFarewell));
for (String line : replacedFarewell.split("\n")) {
if (greeting != null && (state.lastGreeting == null
|| !state.lastGreeting.equals(greeting))) {
String replacedGreeting = plugin.replaceMacros(
player, BukkitUtil.replaceColorMacros(greeting));
for (String line : replacedGreeting.split("\n")) {
if ((notifyLeave == null || !notifyLeave)
&& state.notifiedForLeave != null && state.notifiedForLeave) {
plugin.broadcastNotification(ChatColor.GRAY + "WG: "
+ ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + player.getName()
+ ChatColor.GOLD + " left NOTIFY region");
if (notifyEnter != null && notifyEnter && (state.notifiedForEnter == null
|| !state.notifiedForEnter)) {
StringBuilder regionList = new StringBuilder();
for (ProtectedRegion region : set) {
if (regionList.length() != 0) {
regionList.append(", ");
plugin.broadcastNotification(ChatColor.GRAY + "WG: "
+ ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + player.getName()
+ ChatColor.GOLD + " entered NOTIFY region: "
+ ChatColor.WHITE
+ regionList);
if (!hasBypass && gameMode != null) {
if (player.getGameMode() != gameMode) {
state.lastGameMode = player.getGameMode();
} else if (state.lastGameMode == null) {
state.lastGameMode = player.getServer().getDefaultGameMode();
} else {
if (state.lastGameMode != null) {
GameMode mode = state.lastGameMode;
state.lastGameMode = null;
state.lastGreeting = greeting;
state.lastFarewell = farewell;
state.notifiedForEnter = notifyEnter;
state.notifiedForLeave = notifyLeave;
state.lastExitAllowed = exitAllowed;
state.lastWorld = to.getWorld();
state.lastBlockX = to.getBlockX();
state.lastBlockY = to.getBlockY();
state.lastBlockZ = to.getBlockZ();
return false;
class PlayerMoveHandler implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH)
public void onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent event) {
@ -125,164 +285,14 @@ public void onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent event) {
if (event.getFrom().getBlockX() != event.getTo().getBlockX()
|| event.getFrom().getBlockY() != event.getTo().getBlockY()
|| event.getFrom().getBlockZ() != event.getTo().getBlockZ()) {
PlayerFlagState state = plugin.getFlagStateManager().getState(player);
//Flush states in multiworld scenario
if (state.lastWorld != null && !state.lastWorld.equals(world)) {
state = plugin.getFlagStateManager().getState(player);
LocalPlayer localPlayer = plugin.wrapPlayer(player);
boolean hasBypass = plugin.getGlobalRegionManager().hasBypass(player, world);
RegionManager mgr = plugin.getGlobalRegionManager().get(world);
Vector pt = new Vector(event.getTo().getBlockX(), event.getTo().getBlockY(), event.getTo().getBlockZ());
ApplicableRegionSet set = mgr.getApplicableRegions(pt);
// check if region is full
// get the lowest number of allowed members in any region
boolean regionFull = false;
String maxPlayerMessage = null;
if (!hasBypass) {
for (ProtectedRegion region : set) {
if (region instanceof GlobalProtectedRegion) {
continue; // global region can't have a max
// get the max for just this region
Integer maxPlayers = region.getFlag(DefaultFlag.MAX_PLAYERS);
if (maxPlayers == null) {
int occupantCount = 0;
for(Player occupant : world.getPlayers()) {
// each player in this region counts as one toward the max of just this region
// A person with bypass doesn't count as an occupant of the region
if (!occupant.equals(player) && !plugin.getGlobalRegionManager().hasBypass(occupant, world)) {
if (region.contains(BukkitUtil.toVector(occupant.getLocation()))) {
if (++occupantCount >= maxPlayers) {
regionFull = true;
maxPlayerMessage = region.getFlag(DefaultFlag.MAX_PLAYERS_MESSAGE);
// At least one region in the set is full, we are going to use this message because it
// was the first one we detected as full. In reality we should check them all and then
// resolve the message from full regions, but that is probably a lot laggier (and this
// is already pretty laggy. In practice, we can't really control which one we get first
// right here.
boolean entryAllowed = set.allows(DefaultFlag.ENTRY, localPlayer);
if (!hasBypass && (!entryAllowed /*|| regionFull*/)) {
String message = /*maxPlayerMessage != null ? maxPlayerMessage :*/ "You are not permitted to enter this area.";
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + message);
boolean result = checkMove(plugin, player, world, event.getFrom(), event.getTo());
if (result) {
Location newLoc = event.getFrom();
newLoc.setX(newLoc.getBlockX() + 0.5);
newLoc.setZ(newLoc.getBlockZ() + 0.5);
// Have to set this state
if (state.lastExitAllowed == null) {
state.lastExitAllowed = mgr.getApplicableRegions(toVector(event.getFrom()))
.allows(DefaultFlag.EXIT, localPlayer);
boolean exitAllowed = set.allows(DefaultFlag.EXIT, localPlayer);
if (!hasBypass && exitAllowed && !state.lastExitAllowed) {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + "You are not permitted to leave this area.");
Location newLoc = event.getFrom();
newLoc.setX(newLoc.getBlockX() + 0.5);
newLoc.setZ(newLoc.getBlockZ() + 0.5);
String greeting = set.getFlag(DefaultFlag.GREET_MESSAGE);//, localPlayer);
String farewell = set.getFlag(DefaultFlag.FAREWELL_MESSAGE);//, localPlayer);
Boolean notifyEnter = set.getFlag(DefaultFlag.NOTIFY_ENTER);//, localPlayer);
Boolean notifyLeave = set.getFlag(DefaultFlag.NOTIFY_LEAVE);//, localPlayer);
GameMode gameMode = set.getFlag(DefaultFlag.GAME_MODE);
if (state.lastFarewell != null && (farewell == null
|| !state.lastFarewell.equals(farewell))) {
String replacedFarewell = plugin.replaceMacros(
player, BukkitUtil.replaceColorMacros(state.lastFarewell));
for (String line : replacedFarewell.split("\n")) {
if (greeting != null && (state.lastGreeting == null
|| !state.lastGreeting.equals(greeting))) {
String replacedGreeting = plugin.replaceMacros(
player, BukkitUtil.replaceColorMacros(greeting));
for (String line : replacedGreeting.split("\n")) {
if ((notifyLeave == null || !notifyLeave)
&& state.notifiedForLeave != null && state.notifiedForLeave) {
plugin.broadcastNotification(ChatColor.GRAY + "WG: "
+ ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + player.getName()
+ ChatColor.GOLD + " left NOTIFY region");
if (notifyEnter != null && notifyEnter && (state.notifiedForEnter == null
|| !state.notifiedForEnter)) {
StringBuilder regionList = new StringBuilder();
for (ProtectedRegion region : set) {
if (regionList.length() != 0) {
regionList.append(", ");
plugin.broadcastNotification(ChatColor.GRAY + "WG: "
+ ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + player.getName()
+ ChatColor.GOLD + " entered NOTIFY region: "
+ ChatColor.WHITE
+ regionList);
if (!hasBypass && gameMode != null) {
if (player.getGameMode() != gameMode) {
state.lastGameMode = player.getGameMode();
} else if (state.lastGameMode == null) {
state.lastGameMode = player.getServer().getDefaultGameMode();
} else {
if (state.lastGameMode != null) {
GameMode mode = state.lastGameMode;
state.lastGameMode = null;
state.lastGreeting = greeting;
state.lastFarewell = farewell;
state.notifiedForEnter = notifyEnter;
state.notifiedForLeave = notifyLeave;
state.lastExitAllowed = exitAllowed;
state.lastWorld = event.getTo().getWorld();
state.lastBlockX = event.getTo().getBlockX();
state.lastBlockY = event.getTo().getBlockY();
state.lastBlockZ = event.getTo().getBlockZ();
@ -1358,21 +1368,20 @@ public void onPlayerTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent event) {
WorldConfiguration wcfg = cfg.get(world);
if (wcfg.useRegions) {
if (event.getCause() == TeleportCause.ENDER_PEARL) {
RegionManager mgr = plugin.getGlobalRegionManager().get(event.getFrom().getWorld());
Vector pt = new Vector(event.getTo().getBlockX(), event.getTo().getBlockY(), event.getTo().getBlockZ());
Vector ptFrom = new Vector(event.getFrom().getBlockX(), event.getFrom().getBlockY(), event.getFrom().getBlockZ());
ApplicableRegionSet set = mgr.getApplicableRegions(pt);
ApplicableRegionSet setFrom = mgr.getApplicableRegions(ptFrom);
LocalPlayer localPlayer = plugin.wrapPlayer(event.getPlayer());
RegionManager mgr = plugin.getGlobalRegionManager().get(event.getFrom().getWorld());
Vector pt = new Vector(event.getTo().getBlockX(), event.getTo().getBlockY(), event.getTo().getBlockZ());
Vector ptFrom = new Vector(event.getFrom().getBlockX(), event.getFrom().getBlockY(), event.getFrom().getBlockZ());
ApplicableRegionSet set = mgr.getApplicableRegions(pt);
ApplicableRegionSet setFrom = mgr.getApplicableRegions(ptFrom);
LocalPlayer localPlayer = plugin.wrapPlayer(event.getPlayer());
if (!plugin.getGlobalRegionManager().hasBypass(localPlayer, world)
&& !(set.allows(DefaultFlag.ENTRY, localPlayer)
&& setFrom.allows(DefaultFlag.EXIT, localPlayer))) {
event.getPlayer().sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + "You're not allowed to go there.");
boolean result = checkMove(plugin, event.getPlayer(), event.getPlayer().getWorld(), event.getFrom(), event.getTo());
if (result) {
if (event.getCause() == TeleportCause.ENDER_PEARL) {
if (!plugin.getGlobalRegionManager().hasBypass(localPlayer, world)
&& !(set.allows(DefaultFlag.ENDERPEARL, localPlayer)
&& setFrom.allows(DefaultFlag.ENDERPEARL, localPlayer))) {
@ -1397,32 +1406,88 @@ public void onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent event) {
RegionManager mgr = plugin.getGlobalRegionManager().get(world);
ApplicableRegionSet set = mgr.getApplicableRegions(pt);
String lowerCommand = event.getMessage().toLowerCase();
String usedCommand = event.getMessage().toLowerCase();
Set<String> allowedCommands = set.getFlag(DefaultFlag.ALLOWED_CMDS, localPlayer);
Set<String> blockedCommands = set.getFlag(DefaultFlag.BLOCKED_CMDS, localPlayer);
String blockedCommand = "";
if (blockedCommands != null){
for (String aCommand : blockedCommands) {
if (lowerCommand.startsWith(aCommand)) {
blockedCommand = aCommand;
if (allowedCommands != null) {
if (blockedCommand.isEmpty()) blockedCommand = lowerCommand.split(" ")[0];
for (String aCommand : allowedCommands) {
if (lowerCommand.startsWith(aCommand)) {
blockedCommand = "";
* blocked used allow?
* x x no
* x x y no
* x y x yes
* x y x y no
* allowed used allow?
* x x yes
* x x y yes
* x y x no
* x y x y yes
String result = "";
String[] usedParts = usedCommand.split(" ");
if (blockedCommands != null) {
for (String blockedCommand : blockedCommands) {
String[] blockedParts = blockedCommand.split(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < blockedParts.length && i < usedParts.length; i++) {
if (blockedParts[i].equalsIgnoreCase(usedParts[i])) {
// first part matches - check if it's the whole thing
if (i + 1 == blockedParts.length) {
// consumed all blocked parts, block entire command
result = blockedCommand;
break blocked;
} else {
// more blocked parts to check, also check used length
if (i + 1 == usedParts.length) {
// all that was used, but there is more in blocked
// allow this, check next command in flag
continue blocked;
} else {
// more in both blocked and used, continue checking
if (!blockedCommand.isEmpty()) {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + blockedCommand + " is not allowed in this area.");
if (allowedCommands != null) {
for (String allowedCommand : allowedCommands) {
String[] allowedParts = allowedCommand.split(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < allowedParts.length && i < usedParts.length; i++) {
if (allowedParts[i].equalsIgnoreCase(usedParts[i])) {
// this part matches - check if it's the whole thing
if (i + 1 == allowedParts.length) {
// consumed all allowed parts before reaching used length
// this command is definitely allowed
result = "";
break allowed;
} else {
// more allowed parts to check
if (i + 1 == usedParts.length) {
// all that was used, but there is more in allowed
// block for now, check next part of flag
result = usedCommand;
continue allowed;
} else {
// more in both allowed and used, continue checking for match
} else {
// doesn't match at all, block it, check next flag string
result = usedCommand;
continue allowed;
if (!result.isEmpty()) {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + result + " is not allowed in this area.");
@ -667,14 +667,20 @@ public void list(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandExcept
public void flag(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
final World world;
Player player;
Player player = null;
LocalPlayer localPlayer = null;
if (sender instanceof Player) {
player = (Player) sender;
localPlayer = plugin.wrapPlayer(player);
if (args.hasFlag('w')) {
world = plugin.matchWorld(sender, args.getFlag('w'));
} else {
player = plugin.checkPlayer(sender);
localPlayer = plugin.wrapPlayer(player);
world = player.getWorld();
if (player != null) {
world = player.getWorld();
} else {
throw new CommandException("No world specified. Use -w <worldname>.");
String id = args.getString(0);
@ -859,14 +865,20 @@ public <V> void setFlag(ProtectedRegion region,
min = 2, max = 2)
public void setPriority(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
final World world;
Player player;
Player player = null;
LocalPlayer localPlayer = null;
if (sender instanceof Player) {
player = (Player) sender;
localPlayer = plugin.wrapPlayer(player);
if (args.hasFlag('w')) {
world = plugin.matchWorld(sender, args.getFlag('w'));
} else {
player = plugin.checkPlayer(sender);
localPlayer = plugin.wrapPlayer(player);
world = player.getWorld();
if (player != null) {
world = player.getWorld();
} else {
throw new CommandException("No world specified. Use -w <worldname>.");
String id = args.getString(0);
@ -915,14 +927,20 @@ public void setPriority(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws Comman
min = 1, max = 2)
public void setParent(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
final World world;
Player player;
Player player = null;
LocalPlayer localPlayer = null;
if (sender instanceof Player) {
player = (Player) sender;
localPlayer = plugin.wrapPlayer(player);
if (args.hasFlag('w')) {
world = plugin.matchWorld(sender, args.getFlag('w'));
} else {
player = plugin.checkPlayer(sender);
localPlayer = plugin.wrapPlayer(player);
world = player.getWorld();
if (player != null) {
world = player.getWorld();
} else {
throw new CommandException("No world specified. Use -w <worldname>.");
String id = args.getString(0);
@ -998,14 +1016,20 @@ public void setParent(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandE
min = 1, max = 1)
public void remove(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
final World world;
Player player;
Player player = null;
LocalPlayer localPlayer = null;
if (sender instanceof Player) {
player = (Player) sender;
localPlayer = plugin.wrapPlayer(player);
if (args.hasFlag('w')) {
world = plugin.matchWorld(sender, args.getFlag('w'));
} else {
player = plugin.checkPlayer(sender);
localPlayer = plugin.wrapPlayer(player);
world = player.getWorld();
if (player != null) {
world = player.getWorld();
} else {
throw new CommandException("No world specified. Use -w <worldname>.");
String id = args.getString(0);
@ -52,14 +52,20 @@ public RegionMemberCommands(WorldGuardPlugin plugin) {
min = 2)
public void addMember(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
final World world;
Player player;
Player player = null;
LocalPlayer localPlayer = null;
if (sender instanceof Player) {
player = (Player) sender;
localPlayer = plugin.wrapPlayer(player);
if (args.hasFlag('w')) {
world = plugin.matchWorld(sender, args.getFlag('w'));
} else {
player = plugin.checkPlayer(sender);
localPlayer = plugin.wrapPlayer(player);
world = player.getWorld();
if (player != null) {
world = player.getWorld();
} else {
throw new CommandException("No world specified. Use -w <worldname>.");
String id = args.getString(0);
@ -105,12 +111,18 @@ public void addOwner(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandEx
final World world;
Player player = null;
LocalPlayer localPlayer = null;
if (sender instanceof Player) {
player = (Player) sender;
localPlayer = plugin.wrapPlayer(player);
if (args.hasFlag('w')) {
world = plugin.matchWorld(sender, args.getFlag('w'));
} else {
player = plugin.checkPlayer(sender);
localPlayer = plugin.wrapPlayer(player);
world = player.getWorld();
if (player != null) {
world = player.getWorld();
} else {
throw new CommandException("No world specified. Use -w <worldname>.");
String id = args.getString(0);
@ -167,14 +179,20 @@ public void addOwner(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandEx
min = 2)
public void removeMember(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
final World world;
Player player;
Player player = null;
LocalPlayer localPlayer = null;
if (sender instanceof Player) {
player = (Player) sender;
localPlayer = plugin.wrapPlayer(player);
if (args.hasFlag('w')) {
world = plugin.matchWorld(sender, args.getFlag('w'));
} else {
player = plugin.checkPlayer(sender);
localPlayer = plugin.wrapPlayer(player);
world = player.getWorld();
if (player != null) {
world = player.getWorld();
} else {
throw new CommandException("No world specified. Use -w <worldname>.");
String id = args.getString(0);
@ -219,14 +237,20 @@ public void removeMember(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws Comma
public void removeOwner(CommandContext args,
CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
final World world;
Player player;
Player player = null;
LocalPlayer localPlayer = null;
if (sender instanceof Player) {
player = (Player) sender;
localPlayer = plugin.wrapPlayer(player);
if (args.hasFlag('w')) {
world = plugin.matchWorld(sender, args.getFlag('w'));
} else {
player = plugin.checkPlayer(sender);
localPlayer = plugin.wrapPlayer(player);
world = player.getWorld();
if (player != null) {
world = player.getWorld();
} else {
throw new CommandException("No world specified. Use -w <worldname>.");
String id = args.getString(0);
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public final class DefaultFlag {
public static final StateFlag OTHER_EXPLOSION = new StateFlag("other-explosion", true);
public static final StateFlag SLEEP = new StateFlag("sleep", true);
public static final StateFlag TNT = new StateFlag("tnt", true, RegionGroup.ALL);
public static final StateFlag LIGHTER = new StateFlag("lighter", true, RegionGroup.MEMBERS);
public static final StateFlag LIGHTER = new StateFlag("lighter", false, RegionGroup.NON_MEMBERS);
public static final StateFlag FIRE_SPREAD = new StateFlag("fire-spread", true);
public static final StateFlag LAVA_FIRE = new StateFlag("lava-fire", true);
public static final StateFlag LIGHTNING = new StateFlag("lightning", true);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user