# # WorldGuard's configuration file # # About editing this file: # - DO NOT USE TABS. You MUST use spaces or Bukkit will complain. If # you use an editor like Notepad++ (recommended for Windows users), you # must configure it to "replace tabs with spaces." In Notepad++, this can # be changed in Settings > Preferences > Language Menu. # - Don't get rid of the indents. They are indented so some entries are # in categories (like "enforce-single-session" is in the "protection" # category. # - If you want to check the format of this file before putting it # into WorldGuard, paste it into http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/ # and see if it gives "ERROR:". # - Lines starting with # are commentsand so they are ignored. # # WARNING: # Remember to check the compatibility spreadsheet for WorldGuard to see # if any features are currently broken in your version of Bukkit. # summary-on-start: on protection: enforce-single-session: on item-durability: on simulation: classic-water: off sponge: enable: on radius: 3 physics: no-physics-gravel: off no-physics-sand: off allow-portal-anywhere: off disable-water-damage-blocks: [] ignition: block-tnt: off block-lighter: off fire: disable-all-fire-spread: off disable-fire-spread-blocks: [] disable-lava-fire-spread: on lava-spread-blocks: [] mobs: block-creeper-explosions: off spawn: login-protection: 3 spawn-protection: 0 kick-on-death: off exact-respawn: off teleport-to-home-on-death: off player-damage: disable-fall-damage: on disable-lava-damage: on disable-fire-damage: on disable-drowning-damage: on disable-suffocation-damage: on teleport-on-suffocation: on regions: enable: on wand: 287 blacklist: logging: console: enable: on database: enable: off dsn: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft user: root password: pass table: blacklist_events file: enable: on path: worldguard/logs/%Y-%m-%d.log open-files: 10 # Change sk89q to your name (or sk89q will be able to change regions # on your server!). Check the documentation to see how to configure this permissions: users: sk89q: permissions: - /region - /reload