WorldGuard Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 sk89q Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 Installation ------------ Bukkit: ** Make sure you first install the WorldEdit plugin. ** 1. Create a "plugins" folder inside your server folder. 2. Copy WorldGuard.jar into "plugins". 3. Restart your server. Default configuration files will be created in plugins/WorldGuard/ when WorldGuard is first started. Be sure to edit them and then re-restart your server. Thanks ------ While I would like to thank everyone for their support, I would like to say thanks to the following individuals for their direct contributions to WorldGuard: - Sturmeh, for contributing the original durability workaround - Meaglin, for changing the on flow hook at my request - Dinnerbone, for implementing the on item pick up hook at my request, and also for figuring out the durability bug in the process