# # This is the blacklist for WorldGuard. The blacklist allows you to perform # actions depending on an item or block ID. Comments start with # and they # are ignored so you can put your own notes. # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # WARNING: # Remember to check the compatibility spreadsheet for WorldGuard to see # if any events or actions are currently broken in your version of Bukkit. # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Format: # [item1,item2] # option1=options # event1=whatToDo1,whatToDo2,whatToDo3 # event2=whatToDo1,whatToDo2 # # Example to block some ore mining and placement: # [coalore,goldore,ironore] # on-break=deny,log,kick # on-place=deny,tell # # Options: # - ignore-groups (comma-separated list of groups to not affect) # - comment (message for yourself that is printed with 'log' and 'notify') # - message (optional message to show the user instead; %s is the item name) # # Events: # - on-break (when a block of this type is about to be broken) # - on-destroy-with (the item/block held by the user while destroying) # - on-place (a block is being placed) # - on-use (an item like flint and steel or a bucket is being used) # - on-interact (when a block in used (doors, chests, etc.)) # - on-drop (an item is being dropped from the player's inventory) # - on-acquire (an item enters a player's inventory via some method) # # Actions (for events): # - deny (deny completely, used blacklist mode) # - allow (used in whitelist mode) # - notify (notify admins) # - log (log to console/file/database) # - tell (tell a player that that's not allowed) # - kick (kick player) # - ban (ban player) # # Users with the /worldguardnotify permission will receive notifications. # # ------------- # # You can have the same block or item used in two different sections and # they will both apply: # # [goldblock] # ignore-groups=vip # on-break=deny # [goldblock] # ignore-groups=admins # on-break=tell # # However, some events override others. For example, if you disable both # usage of the diamond pickaxe (with the on-destroy-with event) and # destruction of gold blocks (with the on-break event) and a player tries # to destroy a gold block with a diamond pickaxe, because the # on-destroy-with event comes first, the rules for the gold block # will not be applied (but the player will be denied nevertheless). # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Some examples follow. # # REMEMBER: If a line has # in front, it will be ignored. # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Deny lava buckets #[lavabucket] #ignore-groups=admins,mods #on-use=deny,tell # Deny some ore #[coalore,goldore,ironore] #ignore-groups=admins,mods #on-break=notify,deny,log