/* * WorldGuard, a suite of tools for Minecraft * Copyright (C) sk89q * Copyright (C) WorldGuard team and contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package com.sk89q.worldguard.commands.region; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull; import com.google.common.base.Strings; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.Command; import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandContext; import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException; import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandPermissionsException; import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEdit; import com.sk89q.worldedit.command.util.AsyncCommandBuilder; import com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.Actor; import com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.Capability; import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.Region; import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.Location; import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.formatting.component.ErrorFormat; import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.formatting.component.LabelFormat; import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.formatting.component.SubtleFormat; import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.formatting.text.Component; import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.formatting.text.TextComponent; import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.formatting.text.event.ClickEvent; import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.formatting.text.event.HoverEvent; import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.formatting.text.format.TextColor; import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.formatting.text.format.TextDecoration; import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.World; import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.gamemode.GameModes; import com.sk89q.worldguard.LocalPlayer; import com.sk89q.worldguard.WorldGuard; import com.sk89q.worldguard.commands.task.RegionAdder; import com.sk89q.worldguard.commands.task.RegionLister; import com.sk89q.worldguard.commands.task.RegionManagerLoader; import com.sk89q.worldguard.commands.task.RegionManagerSaver; import com.sk89q.worldguard.commands.task.RegionRemover; import com.sk89q.worldguard.config.ConfigurationManager; import com.sk89q.worldguard.config.WorldConfiguration; import com.sk89q.worldguard.internal.permission.RegionPermissionModel; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.ApplicableRegionSet; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.FlagValueCalculator; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.flags.Flag; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.flags.FlagContext; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.flags.Flags; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.flags.InvalidFlagFormat; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.flags.RegionGroup; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.flags.RegionGroupFlag; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.flags.registry.FlagRegistry; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.managers.RegionManager; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.managers.RemovalStrategy; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.managers.migration.DriverMigration; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.managers.migration.MigrationException; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.managers.migration.UUIDMigration; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.managers.migration.WorldHeightMigration; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.managers.storage.DriverType; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.managers.storage.RegionDriver; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.regions.GlobalProtectedRegion; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.regions.ProtectedPolygonalRegion; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.regions.ProtectedRegion; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.regions.ProtectedRegion.CircularInheritanceException; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.regions.RegionContainer; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.util.DomainInputResolver.UserLocatorPolicy; import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.util.WorldEditRegionConverter; import com.sk89q.worldguard.session.Session; import com.sk89q.worldguard.util.Enums; import com.sk89q.worldguard.util.logging.LoggerToChatHandler; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.stream.Collectors; /** * Implements the /region commands for WorldGuard. */ public final class RegionCommands extends RegionCommandsBase { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RegionCommands.class.getCanonicalName()); private final WorldGuard worldGuard; public RegionCommands(WorldGuard worldGuard) { checkNotNull(worldGuard); this.worldGuard = worldGuard; } private static TextComponent passthroughFlagWarning = TextComponent.empty() .append(TextComponent.of("WARNING:", TextColor.RED, Sets.newHashSet(TextDecoration.BOLD))) .append(ErrorFormat.wrap(" This flag is unrelated to moving through regions.")) .append(TextComponent.newline()) .append(TextComponent.of("It overrides build checks. If you're unsure what this means, see ") .append(TextComponent.of("[this documentation page]", TextColor.AQUA) .clickEvent(ClickEvent.of(ClickEvent.Action.OPEN_URL, "https://worldguard.enginehub.org/en/latest/regions/flags/#overrides"))) .append(TextComponent.of(" for more info."))); private static TextComponent buildFlagWarning = TextComponent.empty() .append(TextComponent.of("WARNING:", TextColor.RED, Sets.newHashSet(TextDecoration.BOLD))) .append(ErrorFormat.wrap(" Setting this flag is not required for protection.")) .append(TextComponent.newline()) .append(TextComponent.of("Setting this flag will completely override default protection, and apply" + " to members, non-members, pistons, sand physics, and everything else that can modify blocks.")) .append(TextComponent.newline()) .append(TextComponent.of("Only set this flag if you are sure you know what you are doing. See ") .append(TextComponent.of("[this documentation page]", TextColor.AQUA) .clickEvent(ClickEvent.of(ClickEvent.Action.OPEN_URL, "https://worldguard.enginehub.org/en/latest/regions/flags/#protection-related"))) .append(TextComponent.of(" for more info."))); /** * Defines a new region. * * @param args the arguments * @param sender the sender * @throws CommandException any error */ @Command(aliases = {"define", "def", "d", "create"}, usage = "[-w ] [ [ []]]", flags = "ngw:", desc = "Defines a region", min = 1) public void define(CommandContext args, Actor sender) throws CommandException { warnAboutSaveFailures(sender); // Check permissions if (!getPermissionModel(sender).mayDefine()) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } String id = checkRegionId(args.getString(0), false); World world = checkWorld(args, sender, 'w'); RegionManager manager = checkRegionManager(world); checkRegionDoesNotExist(manager, id, true); ProtectedRegion region; if (args.hasFlag('g')) { region = new GlobalProtectedRegion(id); } else { region = checkRegionFromSelection(sender, id); } RegionAdder task = new RegionAdder(manager, region, sender); task.addOwnersFromCommand(args, 2); final String description = String.format("Adding region '%s'", region.getId()); AsyncCommandBuilder.wrap(task, sender) .registerWithSupervisor(worldGuard.getSupervisor(), description) .onSuccess((Component) null, t -> { sender.print(String.format("A new region has been made named '%s'.", region.getId())); warnAboutDimensions(sender, region); informNewUser(sender, manager, region); checkSpawnOverlap(sender, world, region); }) .onFailure(String.format("Failed to add the region '%s'", region.getId()), worldGuard.getExceptionConverter()) .buildAndExec(worldGuard.getExecutorService()); } /** * Re-defines a region with a new selection. * * @param args the arguments * @param sender the sender * @throws CommandException any error */ @Command(aliases = {"redefine", "update", "move"}, usage = "[-w ] ", desc = "Re-defines the shape of a region", flags = "gw:", min = 1, max = 1) public void redefine(CommandContext args, Actor sender) throws CommandException { warnAboutSaveFailures(sender); String id = checkRegionId(args.getString(0), false); World world = checkWorld(args, sender, 'w'); RegionManager manager = checkRegionManager(world); ProtectedRegion existing = checkExistingRegion(manager, id, false); // Check permissions if (!getPermissionModel(sender).mayRedefine(existing)) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } ProtectedRegion region; if (args.hasFlag('g')) { region = new GlobalProtectedRegion(id); } else { region = checkRegionFromSelection(sender, id); } region.copyFrom(existing); RegionAdder task = new RegionAdder(manager, region, sender); final String description = String.format("Updating region '%s'", region.getId()); AsyncCommandBuilder.wrap(task, sender) .registerWithSupervisor(worldGuard.getSupervisor(), description) .sendMessageAfterDelay("(Please wait... " + description + ")") .onSuccess((Component) null, t -> { sender.print(String.format("Region '%s' has been updated with a new area.", region.getId())); warnAboutDimensions(sender, region); informNewUser(sender, manager, region); checkSpawnOverlap(sender, world, region); }) .onFailure(String.format("Failed to update the region '%s'", region.getId()), worldGuard.getExceptionConverter()) .buildAndExec(worldGuard.getExecutorService()); } /** * Claiming command for users. * *

This command is a joke and it needs to be rewritten. It was contributed * code :(

* * @param args the arguments * @param sender the sender * @throws CommandException any error */ @Command(aliases = {"claim"}, usage = "", desc = "Claim a region", min = 1, max = 1) public void claim(CommandContext args, Actor sender) throws CommandException { warnAboutSaveFailures(sender); LocalPlayer player = worldGuard.checkPlayer(sender); RegionPermissionModel permModel = getPermissionModel(player); // Check permissions if (!permModel.mayClaim()) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } String id = checkRegionId(args.getString(0), false); RegionManager manager = checkRegionManager(player.getWorld()); checkRegionDoesNotExist(manager, id, false); ProtectedRegion region = checkRegionFromSelection(player, id); WorldConfiguration wcfg = WorldGuard.getInstance().getPlatform().getGlobalStateManager().get(player.getWorld()); // Check whether the player has created too many regions if (!permModel.mayClaimRegionsUnbounded()) { int maxRegionCount = wcfg.getMaxRegionCount(player); if (maxRegionCount >= 0 && manager.getRegionCountOfPlayer(player) >= maxRegionCount) { throw new CommandException( "You own too many regions, delete one first to claim a new one."); } } ProtectedRegion existing = manager.getRegion(id); // Check for an existing region if (existing != null) { if (!existing.getOwners().contains(player)) { throw new CommandException( "This region already exists and you don't own it."); } } // We have to check whether this region violates the space of any other region ApplicableRegionSet regions = manager.getApplicableRegions(region); // Check if this region overlaps any other region if (regions.size() > 0) { if (!regions.isOwnerOfAll(player)) { throw new CommandException("This region overlaps with someone else's region."); } } else { if (wcfg.claimOnlyInsideExistingRegions) { throw new CommandException("You may only claim regions inside " + "existing regions that you or your group own."); } } if (wcfg.maxClaimVolume >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new CommandException("The maximum claim volume get in the configuration is higher than is supported. " + "Currently, it must be " + Integer.MAX_VALUE + " or smaller. Please contact a server administrator."); } // Check claim volume if (!permModel.mayClaimRegionsUnbounded()) { if (region instanceof ProtectedPolygonalRegion) { throw new CommandException("Polygons are currently not supported for /rg claim."); } if (region.volume() > wcfg.maxClaimVolume) { player.printError("This region is too large to claim."); player.printError("Max. volume: " + wcfg.maxClaimVolume + ", your volume: " + region.volume()); return; } } // Inherit from a template region if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(wcfg.setParentOnClaim)) { ProtectedRegion templateRegion = manager.getRegion(wcfg.setParentOnClaim); if (templateRegion != null) { try { region.setParent(templateRegion); } catch (CircularInheritanceException e) { throw new CommandException(e.getMessage()); } } } region.getOwners().addPlayer(player); manager.addRegion(region); player.print(TextComponent.of(String.format("A new region has been claimed named '%s'.", id))); } /** * Get a WorldEdit selection from a region. * * @param args the arguments * @param sender the sender * @throws CommandException any error */ @Command(aliases = {"select", "sel", "s"}, usage = "[-w ] [id]", desc = "Load a region as a WorldEdit selection", min = 0, max = 1, flags = "w:") public void select(CommandContext args, Actor sender) throws CommandException { World world = checkWorld(args, sender, 'w'); RegionManager manager = checkRegionManager(world); ProtectedRegion existing; // If no arguments were given, get the region that the player is inside if (args.argsLength() == 0) { LocalPlayer player = worldGuard.checkPlayer(sender); if (!player.getWorld().equals(world)) { // confusing to get current location regions in another world throw new CommandException("Please specify a region name."); // just don't allow that } world = player.getWorld(); existing = checkRegionStandingIn(manager, player, "/rg select -w \"" + world.getName() + "\" %id%"); } else { existing = checkExistingRegion(manager, args.getString(0), false); } // Check permissions if (!getPermissionModel(sender).maySelect(existing)) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } // Select setPlayerSelection(sender, existing, world); } /** * Get information about a region. * * @param args the arguments * @param sender the sender * @throws CommandException any error */ @Command(aliases = {"info", "i"}, usage = "[id]", flags = "usw:", desc = "Get information about a region", min = 0, max = 1) public void info(CommandContext args, Actor sender) throws CommandException { warnAboutSaveFailures(sender); World world = checkWorld(args, sender, 'w'); // Get the world RegionPermissionModel permModel = getPermissionModel(sender); // Lookup the existing region RegionManager manager = checkRegionManager(world); ProtectedRegion existing; if (args.argsLength() == 0) { // Get region from where the player is if (!(sender instanceof LocalPlayer)) { throw new CommandException("Please specify the region with /region info -w world_name region_name."); } existing = checkRegionStandingIn(manager, (LocalPlayer) sender, true, "/rg info -w \"" + world.getName() + "\" %id%" + (args.hasFlag('u') ? " -u" : "") + (args.hasFlag('s') ? " -s" : "")); } else { // Get region from the ID existing = checkExistingRegion(manager, args.getString(0), true); } // Check permissions if (!permModel.mayLookup(existing)) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } // Let the player select the region if (args.hasFlag('s')) { // Check permissions if (!permModel.maySelect(existing)) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } setPlayerSelection(worldGuard.checkPlayer(sender), existing, world); } // Print region information RegionPrintoutBuilder printout = new RegionPrintoutBuilder(world.getName(), existing, args.hasFlag('u') ? null : WorldGuard.getInstance().getProfileCache(), sender); AsyncCommandBuilder.wrap(printout, sender) .registerWithSupervisor(WorldGuard.getInstance().getSupervisor(), "Fetching region info") .sendMessageAfterDelay("(Please wait... fetching region information...)") .onSuccess((Component) null, component -> { sender.print(component); checkSpawnOverlap(sender, world, existing); }) .onFailure("Failed to fetch region information", WorldGuard.getInstance().getExceptionConverter()) .buildAndExec(WorldGuard.getInstance().getExecutorService()); } /** * List regions. * * @param args the arguments * @param sender the sender * @throws CommandException any error */ @Command(aliases = {"list"}, usage = "[-w world] [-p owner [-n]] [-s] [-i filter] [page]", desc = "Get a list of regions", flags = "np:w:i:s", max = 1) public void list(CommandContext args, Actor sender) throws CommandException { warnAboutSaveFailures(sender); World world = checkWorld(args, sender, 'w'); // Get the world String ownedBy; // Get page int page = args.getInteger(0, 1); if (page < 1) { page = 1; } // -p flag to lookup a player's regions if (args.hasFlag('p')) { ownedBy = args.getFlag('p'); } else { ownedBy = null; // List all regions } // Check permissions if (!getPermissionModel(sender).mayList(ownedBy)) { ownedBy = sender.getName(); // assume they only want their own if (!getPermissionModel(sender).mayList(ownedBy)) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } } RegionManager manager = checkRegionManager(world); RegionLister task = new RegionLister(manager, sender, world.getName()); task.setPage(page); if (ownedBy != null) { task.filterOwnedByName(ownedBy, args.hasFlag('n')); } if (args.hasFlag('s')) { ProtectedRegion existing = checkRegionFromSelection(sender, "tmp"); task.filterByIntersecting(existing); } // -i string is in region id if (args.hasFlag('i')) { task.filterIdByMatch(args.getFlag('i')); } AsyncCommandBuilder.wrap(task, sender) .registerWithSupervisor(WorldGuard.getInstance().getSupervisor(), "Getting region list") .sendMessageAfterDelay("(Please wait... fetching region list...)") .onFailure("Failed to fetch region list", WorldGuard.getInstance().getExceptionConverter()) .buildAndExec(WorldGuard.getInstance().getExecutorService()); } /** * Set a flag. * * @param args the arguments * @param sender the sender * @throws CommandException any error */ @Command(aliases = {"flag", "f"}, usage = " [-w world] [-g group] [value]", flags = "g:w:eh:", desc = "Set flags", min = 2) public void flag(CommandContext args, Actor sender) throws CommandException { warnAboutSaveFailures(sender); World world = checkWorld(args, sender, 'w'); // Get the world String flagName = args.getString(1); String value = args.argsLength() >= 3 ? args.getJoinedStrings(2) : null; RegionGroup groupValue = null; FlagRegistry flagRegistry = WorldGuard.getInstance().getFlagRegistry(); RegionPermissionModel permModel = getPermissionModel(sender); if (args.hasFlag('e')) { if (value != null) { throw new CommandException("You cannot use -e(mpty) with a flag value."); } value = ""; } // Lookup the existing region RegionManager manager = checkRegionManager(world); ProtectedRegion existing = checkExistingRegion(manager, args.getString(0), true); // Check permissions if (!permModel.maySetFlag(existing)) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } String regionId = existing.getId(); Flag foundFlag = Flags.fuzzyMatchFlag(flagRegistry, flagName); // We didn't find the flag, so let's print a list of flags that the user // can use, and do nothing afterwards if (foundFlag == null) { AsyncCommandBuilder.wrap(new FlagListBuilder(flagRegistry, permModel, existing, world, regionId, sender, flagName), sender) .registerWithSupervisor(WorldGuard.getInstance().getSupervisor(), "Flag list for invalid flag command.") .onSuccess((Component) null, sender::print) .onFailure((Component) null, WorldGuard.getInstance().getExceptionConverter()) .buildAndExec(WorldGuard.getInstance().getExecutorService()); return; } else if (value != null) { if (foundFlag == Flags.BUILD || foundFlag == Flags.BLOCK_BREAK || foundFlag == Flags.BLOCK_PLACE) { sender.print(buildFlagWarning); if (!sender.isPlayer()) { sender.printRaw("https://worldguard.enginehub.org/en/latest/regions/flags/#protection-related"); } } else if (foundFlag == Flags.PASSTHROUGH) { sender.print(passthroughFlagWarning); if (!sender.isPlayer()) { sender.printRaw("https://worldguard.enginehub.org/en/latest/regions/flags/#overrides"); } } } // Also make sure that we can use this flag // This permission is confusing and probably should be replaced, but // but not here -- in the model if (!permModel.maySetFlag(existing, foundFlag, value)) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } // -g for group flag if (args.hasFlag('g')) { String group = args.getFlag('g'); RegionGroupFlag groupFlag = foundFlag.getRegionGroupFlag(); if (groupFlag == null) { throw new CommandException("Region flag '" + foundFlag.getName() + "' does not have a group flag!"); } // Parse the [-g group] separately so entire command can abort if parsing // the [value] part throws an error. try { groupValue = groupFlag.parseInput(FlagContext.create().setSender(sender).setInput(group).setObject("region", existing).build()); } catch (InvalidFlagFormat e) { throw new CommandException(e.getMessage()); } } // Set the flag value if a value was set if (value != null) { // Set the flag if [value] was given even if [-g group] was given as well try { value = setFlag(existing, foundFlag, sender, value).toString(); } catch (InvalidFlagFormat e) { throw new CommandException(e.getMessage()); } if (!args.hasFlag('h')) { sender.print("Region flag " + foundFlag.getName() + " set on '" + regionId + "' to '" + value + "'."); } // No value? Clear the flag, if -g isn't specified } else if (!args.hasFlag('g')) { // Clear the flag only if neither [value] nor [-g group] was given existing.setFlag(foundFlag, null); // Also clear the associated group flag if one exists RegionGroupFlag groupFlag = foundFlag.getRegionGroupFlag(); if (groupFlag != null) { existing.setFlag(groupFlag, null); } if (!args.hasFlag('h')) { sender.print("Region flag " + foundFlag.getName() + " removed from '" + regionId + "'. (Any -g(roups) were also removed.)"); } } // Now set the group if (groupValue != null) { RegionGroupFlag groupFlag = foundFlag.getRegionGroupFlag(); // If group set to the default, then clear the group flag if (groupValue == groupFlag.getDefault()) { existing.setFlag(groupFlag, null); sender.print("Region group flag for '" + foundFlag.getName() + "' reset to default."); } else { existing.setFlag(groupFlag, groupValue); sender.print("Region group flag for '" + foundFlag.getName() + "' set."); } } // Print region information if (args.hasFlag('h')) { int page = args.getFlagInteger('h'); sendFlagHelper(sender, world, existing, permModel, page); } else { RegionPrintoutBuilder printout = new RegionPrintoutBuilder(world.getName(), existing, null, sender); printout.append(SubtleFormat.wrap("(Current flags: ")); printout.appendFlagsList(false); printout.append(SubtleFormat.wrap(")")); printout.send(sender); checkSpawnOverlap(sender, world, existing); } } @Command(aliases = "flags", usage = "[-p ] [id]", flags = "p:w:", desc = "View region flags", min = 0, max = 2) public void flagHelper(CommandContext args, Actor sender) throws CommandException { World world = checkWorld(args, sender, 'w'); // Get the world // Lookup the existing region RegionManager manager = checkRegionManager(world); ProtectedRegion region; if (args.argsLength() == 0) { // Get region from where the player is if (!(sender instanceof LocalPlayer)) { throw new CommandException("Please specify the region with /region flags -w world_name region_name."); } region = checkRegionStandingIn(manager, (LocalPlayer) sender, true, "/rg flags -w \"" + world.getName() + "\" %id%"); } else { // Get region from the ID region = checkExistingRegion(manager, args.getString(0), true); } final RegionPermissionModel perms = getPermissionModel(sender); if (!perms.mayLookup(region)) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } int page = args.hasFlag('p') ? args.getFlagInteger('p') : 1; sendFlagHelper(sender, world, region, perms, page); } private static void sendFlagHelper(Actor sender, World world, ProtectedRegion region, RegionPermissionModel perms, int page) { final FlagHelperBox flagHelperBox = new FlagHelperBox(world, region, perms); flagHelperBox.setComponentsPerPage(18); if (!sender.isPlayer()) { flagHelperBox.tryMonoSpacing(); } AsyncCommandBuilder.wrap(() -> { if (checkSpawnOverlap(sender, world, region)) { flagHelperBox.setComponentsPerPage(15); } return flagHelperBox.create(page); }, sender) .onSuccess((Component) null, sender::print) .onFailure("Failed to get region flags", WorldGuard.getInstance().getExceptionConverter()) .buildAndExec(WorldGuard.getInstance().getExecutorService()); } /** * Set the priority of a region. * * @param args the arguments * @param sender the sender * @throws CommandException any error */ @Command(aliases = {"setpriority", "priority", "pri"}, usage = " ", flags = "w:", desc = "Set the priority of a region", min = 2, max = 2) public void setPriority(CommandContext args, Actor sender) throws CommandException { warnAboutSaveFailures(sender); World world = checkWorld(args, sender, 'w'); // Get the world int priority = args.getInteger(1); // Lookup the existing region RegionManager manager = checkRegionManager(world); ProtectedRegion existing = checkExistingRegion(manager, args.getString(0), false); // Check permissions if (!getPermissionModel(sender).maySetPriority(existing)) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } existing.setPriority(priority); sender.print("Priority of '" + existing.getId() + "' set to " + priority + " (higher numbers override)."); checkSpawnOverlap(sender, world, existing); } /** * Set the parent of a region. * * @param args the arguments * @param sender the sender * @throws CommandException any error */ @Command(aliases = {"setparent", "parent", "par"}, usage = " [parent-id]", flags = "w:", desc = "Set the parent of a region", min = 1, max = 2) public void setParent(CommandContext args, Actor sender) throws CommandException { warnAboutSaveFailures(sender); World world = checkWorld(args, sender, 'w'); // Get the world ProtectedRegion parent; ProtectedRegion child; // Lookup the existing region RegionManager manager = checkRegionManager(world); // Get parent and child child = checkExistingRegion(manager, args.getString(0), false); if (args.argsLength() == 2) { parent = checkExistingRegion(manager, args.getString(1), false); } else { parent = null; } // Check permissions if (!getPermissionModel(sender).maySetParent(child, parent)) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } try { child.setParent(parent); } catch (CircularInheritanceException e) { // Tell the user what's wrong RegionPrintoutBuilder printout = new RegionPrintoutBuilder(world.getName(), parent, null, sender); assert parent != null; printout.append(ErrorFormat.wrap("Uh oh! Setting '", parent.getId(), "' to be the parent of '", child.getId(), "' would cause circular inheritance.")).newline(); printout.append(SubtleFormat.wrap("(Current inheritance on '", parent.getId(), "':")).newline(); printout.appendParentTree(true); printout.append(SubtleFormat.wrap(")")); printout.send(sender); return; } // Tell the user the current inheritance RegionPrintoutBuilder printout = new RegionPrintoutBuilder(world.getName(), child, null, sender); printout.append(TextComponent.of("Inheritance set for region '" + child.getId() + "'.", TextColor.LIGHT_PURPLE)); if (parent != null) { printout.newline(); printout.append(SubtleFormat.wrap("(Current inheritance:")).newline(); printout.appendParentTree(true); printout.append(SubtleFormat.wrap(")")); } else { printout.append(LabelFormat.wrap(" Region is now orphaned.")); } printout.send(sender); } /** * Remove a region. * * @param args the arguments * @param sender the sender * @throws CommandException any error */ @Command(aliases = {"remove", "delete", "del", "rem"}, usage = "", flags = "fuw:", desc = "Remove a region", min = 1, max = 1) public void remove(CommandContext args, Actor sender) throws CommandException { warnAboutSaveFailures(sender); World world = checkWorld(args, sender, 'w'); // Get the world boolean removeChildren = args.hasFlag('f'); boolean unsetParent = args.hasFlag('u'); // Lookup the existing region RegionManager manager = checkRegionManager(world); ProtectedRegion existing = checkExistingRegion(manager, args.getString(0), true); // Check permissions if (!getPermissionModel(sender).mayDelete(existing)) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } RegionRemover task = new RegionRemover(manager, existing); if (removeChildren && unsetParent) { throw new CommandException("You cannot use both -u (unset parent) and -f (remove children) together."); } else if (removeChildren) { task.setRemovalStrategy(RemovalStrategy.REMOVE_CHILDREN); } else if (unsetParent) { task.setRemovalStrategy(RemovalStrategy.UNSET_PARENT_IN_CHILDREN); } final String description = String.format("Removing region '%s' in '%s'", existing.getId(), world.getName()); AsyncCommandBuilder.wrap(task, sender) .registerWithSupervisor(WorldGuard.getInstance().getSupervisor(), description) .sendMessageAfterDelay("Please wait... removing region.") .onSuccess((Component) null, removed -> sender.print(TextComponent.of( "Successfully removed " + removed.stream().map(ProtectedRegion::getId).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) + ".", TextColor.LIGHT_PURPLE))) .onFailure("Failed to remove region", WorldGuard.getInstance().getExceptionConverter()) .buildAndExec(WorldGuard.getInstance().getExecutorService()); } /** * Reload the region database. * * @param args the arguments * @param sender the sender * @throws CommandException any error */ @Command(aliases = {"load", "reload"}, usage = "[world]", desc = "Reload regions from file", flags = "w:") public void load(CommandContext args, final Actor sender) throws CommandException { warnAboutSaveFailures(sender); World world = null; try { world = checkWorld(args, sender, 'w'); // Get the world } catch (CommandException ignored) { // assume the user wants to reload all worlds } // Check permissions if (!getPermissionModel(sender).mayForceLoadRegions()) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } if (world != null) { RegionManager manager = checkRegionManager(world); if (manager == null) { throw new CommandException("No region manager exists for world '" + world.getName() + "'."); } final String description = String.format("Loading region data for '%s'.", world.getName()); AsyncCommandBuilder.wrap(new RegionManagerLoader(manager), sender) .registerWithSupervisor(worldGuard.getSupervisor(), description) .sendMessageAfterDelay("Please wait... " + description) .onSuccess(String.format("Loaded region data for '%s'", world.getName()), null) .onFailure(String.format("Failed to load region data for '%s'", world.getName()), worldGuard.getExceptionConverter()) .buildAndExec(worldGuard.getExecutorService()); } else { // Load regions for all worlds List managers = new ArrayList<>(); for (World w : WorldEdit.getInstance().getPlatformManager().queryCapability(Capability.GAME_HOOKS).getWorlds()) { RegionManager manager = WorldGuard.getInstance().getPlatform().getRegionContainer().get(w); if (manager != null) { managers.add(manager); } } AsyncCommandBuilder.wrap(new RegionManagerLoader(managers), sender) .registerWithSupervisor(worldGuard.getSupervisor(), "Loading regions for all worlds") .sendMessageAfterDelay("(Please wait... loading region data for all worlds...)") .onSuccess("Successfully load the region data for all worlds.", null) .onFailure("Failed to load regions for all worlds", worldGuard.getExceptionConverter()) .buildAndExec(worldGuard.getExecutorService()); } } /** * Re-save the region database. * * @param args the arguments * @param sender the sender * @throws CommandException any error */ @Command(aliases = {"save", "write"}, usage = "[world]", desc = "Re-save regions to file", flags = "w:") public void save(CommandContext args, final Actor sender) throws CommandException { warnAboutSaveFailures(sender); World world = null; try { world = checkWorld(args, sender, 'w'); // Get the world } catch (CommandException ignored) { // assume user wants to save all worlds } // Check permissions if (!getPermissionModel(sender).mayForceSaveRegions()) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } if (world != null) { RegionManager manager = checkRegionManager(world); if (manager == null) { throw new CommandException("No region manager exists for world '" + world.getName() + "'."); } final String description = String.format("Saving region data for '%s'.", world.getName()); AsyncCommandBuilder.wrap(new RegionManagerSaver(manager), sender) .registerWithSupervisor(worldGuard.getSupervisor(), description) .sendMessageAfterDelay("Please wait... " + description) .onSuccess(String.format("Saving region data for '%s'", world.getName()), null) .onFailure(String.format("Failed to save region data for '%s'", world.getName()), worldGuard.getExceptionConverter()) .buildAndExec(worldGuard.getExecutorService()); } else { // Save for all worlds List managers = new ArrayList<>(); final RegionContainer regionContainer = worldGuard.getPlatform().getRegionContainer(); for (World w : WorldEdit.getInstance().getPlatformManager().queryCapability(Capability.GAME_HOOKS).getWorlds()) { RegionManager manager = regionContainer.get(w); if (manager != null) { managers.add(manager); } } AsyncCommandBuilder.wrap(new RegionManagerSaver(managers), sender) .registerWithSupervisor(worldGuard.getSupervisor(), "Saving regions for all worlds") .sendMessageAfterDelay("(Please wait... saving region data for all worlds...)") .onSuccess("Successfully saved the region data for all worlds.", null) .onFailure("Failed to save regions for all worlds", worldGuard.getExceptionConverter()) .buildAndExec(worldGuard.getExecutorService()); } } /** * Migrate the region database. * * @param args the arguments * @param sender the sender * @throws CommandException any error */ @Command(aliases = {"migratedb"}, usage = " ", flags = "y", desc = "Migrate from one Protection Database to another.", min = 2, max = 2) public void migrateDB(CommandContext args, Actor sender) throws CommandException { // Check permissions if (!getPermissionModel(sender).mayMigrateRegionStore()) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } DriverType from = Enums.findFuzzyByValue(DriverType.class, args.getString(0)); DriverType to = Enums.findFuzzyByValue(DriverType.class, args.getString(1)); if (from == null) { throw new CommandException("The value of 'from' is not a recognized type of region data database."); } if (to == null) { throw new CommandException("The value of 'to' is not a recognized type of region region data database."); } if (from == to) { throw new CommandException("It is not possible to migrate between the same types of region data databases."); } if (!args.hasFlag('y')) { throw new CommandException("This command is potentially dangerous.\n" + "Please ensure you have made a backup of your data, and then re-enter the command with -y tacked on at the end to proceed."); } ConfigurationManager config = WorldGuard.getInstance().getPlatform().getGlobalStateManager(); RegionDriver fromDriver = config.regionStoreDriverMap.get(from); RegionDriver toDriver = config.regionStoreDriverMap.get(to); if (fromDriver == null) { throw new CommandException("The driver specified as 'from' does not seem to be supported in your version of WorldGuard."); } if (toDriver == null) { throw new CommandException("The driver specified as 'to' does not seem to be supported in your version of WorldGuard."); } DriverMigration migration = new DriverMigration(fromDriver, toDriver, WorldGuard.getInstance().getFlagRegistry()); LoggerToChatHandler handler = null; Logger minecraftLogger = null; if (sender instanceof LocalPlayer) { handler = new LoggerToChatHandler(sender); handler.setLevel(Level.ALL); minecraftLogger = Logger.getLogger("com.sk89q.worldguard"); minecraftLogger.addHandler(handler); } try { RegionContainer container = WorldGuard.getInstance().getPlatform().getRegionContainer(); sender.print("Now performing migration... this may take a while."); container.migrate(migration); sender.print( "Migration complete! This only migrated the data. If you already changed your settings to use " + "the target driver, then WorldGuard is now using the new data. If not, you have to adjust your " + "configuration to use the new driver and then restart your server."); } catch (MigrationException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to migrate", e); throw new CommandException("Error encountered while migrating: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (minecraftLogger != null) { minecraftLogger.removeHandler(handler); } } } /** * Migrate the region databases to use UUIDs rather than name. * * @param args the arguments * @param sender the sender * @throws CommandException any error */ @Command(aliases = {"migrateuuid"}, desc = "Migrate loaded databases to use UUIDs", max = 0) public void migrateUuid(CommandContext args, Actor sender) throws CommandException { // Check permissions if (!getPermissionModel(sender).mayMigrateRegionNames()) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } LoggerToChatHandler handler = null; Logger minecraftLogger = null; if (sender instanceof LocalPlayer) { handler = new LoggerToChatHandler(sender); handler.setLevel(Level.ALL); minecraftLogger = Logger.getLogger("com.sk89q.worldguard"); minecraftLogger.addHandler(handler); } try { ConfigurationManager config = WorldGuard.getInstance().getPlatform().getGlobalStateManager(); RegionContainer container = WorldGuard.getInstance().getPlatform().getRegionContainer(); RegionDriver driver = container.getDriver(); UUIDMigration migration = new UUIDMigration(driver, WorldGuard.getInstance().getProfileService(), WorldGuard.getInstance().getFlagRegistry()); migration.setKeepUnresolvedNames(config.keepUnresolvedNames); sender.print("Now performing migration... this may take a while."); container.migrate(migration); sender.print("Migration complete!"); } catch (MigrationException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to migrate", e); throw new CommandException("Error encountered while migrating: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (minecraftLogger != null) { minecraftLogger.removeHandler(handler); } } } /** * Migrate regions that went from 0-255 to new world heights. * * @param args the arguments * @param sender the sender * @throws CommandException any error */ @Command(aliases = {"migrateheights"}, usage = "[world]", max = 1, flags = "yw:", desc = "Migrate regions from old height limits to new height limits") public void migrateHeights(CommandContext args, Actor sender) throws CommandException { // Check permissions if (!getPermissionModel(sender).mayMigrateRegionHeights()) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } if (!args.hasFlag('y')) { throw new CommandException("This command is potentially dangerous.\n" + "Please ensure you have made a backup of your data, and then re-enter the command with -y tacked on at the end to proceed."); } World world = null; try { world = checkWorld(args, sender, 'w'); } catch (CommandException ignored) { } LoggerToChatHandler handler = null; Logger minecraftLogger = null; if (sender instanceof LocalPlayer) { handler = new LoggerToChatHandler(sender); handler.setLevel(Level.ALL); minecraftLogger = Logger.getLogger("com.sk89q.worldguard"); minecraftLogger.addHandler(handler); } try { RegionContainer container = WorldGuard.getInstance().getPlatform().getRegionContainer(); RegionDriver driver = container.getDriver(); WorldHeightMigration migration = new WorldHeightMigration(driver, WorldGuard.getInstance().getFlagRegistry(), world); container.migrate(migration); sender.print("Migration complete!"); } catch (MigrationException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to migrate", e); throw new CommandException("Error encountered while migrating: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (minecraftLogger != null) { minecraftLogger.removeHandler(handler); } } } /** * Teleport to a region * * @param args the arguments * @param sender the sender * @throws CommandException any error */ @Command(aliases = {"teleport", "tp"}, usage = "[-w world] [-c|s] ", flags = "csw:", desc = "Teleports you to the location associated with the region.", min = 1, max = 1) public void teleport(CommandContext args, Actor sender) throws CommandException { LocalPlayer player = worldGuard.checkPlayer(sender); Location teleportLocation; // Lookup the existing region World world = checkWorld(args, player, 'w'); RegionManager regionManager = checkRegionManager(world); ProtectedRegion existing = checkExistingRegion(regionManager, args.getString(0), true); // Check permissions if (!getPermissionModel(player).mayTeleportTo(existing)) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } // -s for spawn location if (args.hasFlag('s')) { teleportLocation = FlagValueCalculator.getEffectiveFlagOf(existing, Flags.SPAWN_LOC, player); if (teleportLocation == null) { throw new CommandException( "The region has no spawn point associated."); } } else if (args.hasFlag('c')) { // Check permissions if (!getPermissionModel(player).mayTeleportToCenter(existing)) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } Region region = WorldEditRegionConverter.convertToRegion(existing); if (region == null || region.getCenter() == null) { throw new CommandException("The region has no center point."); } if (player.getGameMode() == GameModes.SPECTATOR) { teleportLocation = new Location(world, region.getCenter(), 0, 0); } else { // TODO: Add some method to create a safe teleport location. // The method AbstractPlayerActor$findFreePoisition(Location loc) is no good way for this. // It doesn't return the found location and it can't be checked if the location is inside the region. throw new CommandException("Center teleport is only available in Spectator gamemode."); } } else { teleportLocation = FlagValueCalculator.getEffectiveFlagOf(existing, Flags.TELE_LOC, player); if (teleportLocation == null) { throw new CommandException("The region has no teleport point associated."); } } String message = FlagValueCalculator.getEffectiveFlagOf(existing, Flags.TELE_MESSAGE, player); // If the flag isn't set, use the default message // If message.isEmpty(), no message is sent by LocalPlayer#teleport(...) if (message == null) { message = Flags.TELE_MESSAGE.getDefault(); } player.teleport(teleportLocation, message.replace("%id%", existing.getId()), "Unable to teleport to region '" + existing.getId() + "'."); } @Command(aliases = {"toggle-bypass", "bypass"}, usage = "[on|off]", desc = "Toggle region bypassing, effectively ignoring bypass permissions.") public void toggleBypass(CommandContext args, Actor sender) throws CommandException { LocalPlayer player = worldGuard.checkPlayer(sender); if (!player.hasPermission("worldguard.region.toggle-bypass")) { throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } Session session = WorldGuard.getInstance().getPlatform().getSessionManager().get(player); boolean shouldEnableBypass; if (args.argsLength() > 0) { String arg1 = args.getString(0); if (!arg1.equalsIgnoreCase("on") && !arg1.equalsIgnoreCase("off")) { throw new CommandException("Allowed optional arguments are: on, off"); } shouldEnableBypass = arg1.equalsIgnoreCase("on"); } else { shouldEnableBypass = session.hasBypassDisabled(); } if (shouldEnableBypass) { session.setBypassDisabled(false); player.print("You are now bypassing region protection (as long as you have permission)."); } else { session.setBypassDisabled(true); player.print("You are no longer bypassing region protection."); } } private static class FlagListBuilder implements Callable { private final FlagRegistry flagRegistry; private final RegionPermissionModel permModel; private final ProtectedRegion existing; private final World world; private final String regionId; private final Actor sender; private final String flagName; FlagListBuilder(FlagRegistry flagRegistry, RegionPermissionModel permModel, ProtectedRegion existing, World world, String regionId, Actor sender, String flagName) { this.flagRegistry = flagRegistry; this.permModel = permModel; this.existing = existing; this.world = world; this.regionId = regionId; this.sender = sender; this.flagName = flagName; } @Override public Component call() { ArrayList flagList = new ArrayList<>(); // Need to build a list for (Flag flag : flagRegistry) { // Can the user set this flag? if (!permModel.maySetFlag(existing, flag)) { continue; } flagList.add(flag.getName()); } Collections.sort(flagList); final TextComponent.Builder builder = TextComponent.builder("Available flags: "); final HoverEvent clickToSet = HoverEvent.of(HoverEvent.Action.SHOW_TEXT, TextComponent.of("Click to set")); for (int i = 0; i < flagList.size(); i++) { String flag = flagList.get(i); builder.append(TextComponent.of(flag, i % 2 == 0 ? TextColor.GRAY : TextColor.WHITE) .hoverEvent(clickToSet).clickEvent(ClickEvent.of(ClickEvent.Action.SUGGEST_COMMAND, "/rg flag -w \"" + world.getName() + "\" " + regionId + " " + flag + " "))); if (i < flagList.size() + 1) { builder.append(TextComponent.of(", ")); } } Component ret = ErrorFormat.wrap("Unknown flag specified: " + flagName) .append(TextComponent.newline()) .append(builder.build()); if (sender.isPlayer()) { return ret.append(TextComponent.of("Or use the command ", TextColor.LIGHT_PURPLE) .append(TextComponent.of("/rg flags " + regionId, TextColor.AQUA) .clickEvent(ClickEvent.of(ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND, "/rg flags -w \"" + world.getName() + "\" " + regionId)))); } return ret; } } }