
291 lines
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2022-10-07 02:36:50 +02:00
import com.fastasyncworldedit.core.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
2022-10-07 02:36:50 +02:00
2022-10-07 02:36:50 +02:00
public class LanguageConfig
2022-10-07 02:36:50 +02:00
//TODO NEXT Logger
private static final List<String> defaultCmdHelp = new ArrayList<>(20);
private static File languageFile;
static {
defaultCmdHelp.add("/ws get §8- §7Will give you a World");
defaultCmdHelp.add("/ws home §8- §7Teleports you on your World");
defaultCmdHelp.add("/ws sethome §8- §7Sets a specific home");
defaultCmdHelp.add("/ws tp §8- §7Teleports you on a specific World");
defaultCmdHelp.add("/ws addmember §8- §7Adds a player to your World");
defaultCmdHelp.add("/ws delmember§8 - §7Removes a player from your World");
defaultCmdHelp.add("/ws tnt §8- §7Allows/Denys TNT on your World");
defaultCmdHelp.add("/ws fire §8- §7Allows/Denys Fire on your World");
defaultCmdHelp.add("/ws togglechgm §8- §7Allows/Denys a player changing gamemode");
defaultCmdHelp.add("/ws togglebuild §8- §7Allows/Denys a player building");
defaultCmdHelp.add("/ws toggletp §8- §7Allows/Denys a player teleporting");
defaultCmdHelp.add("/ws info §8- §7Shows information about the World");
defaultCmdHelp.add("/ws reset §8- §7Will reset your World");
2022-10-07 02:36:50 +02:00
//limit Constructor Access
private LanguageConfig() {
public static void checkConfig(File f) {
languageFile = f;
if (!languageFile.exists()) {
try {
String[] fileName = f.getName().split("/");
InputStream in = WorldSystem.getInstance().getResource("languages/" + fileName[fileName.length - 1]);
if (in == null) {
in = WorldSystem.getInstance().getResource("custom.yml");
Files.copy(in, languageFile.toPath());
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Wasn't able to create Message file");
e.printStackTrace(); //TODO Replace with Logger
private static YamlConfiguration getConfig() {
try {
return YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(languageFile), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
e.printStackTrace();//TODO Replace with Logger
return null;
private static String getRawMessage(String path, String alt) {
return ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', getConfig().getString(path, alt));
private static String getMessage(String path, String alt) {
return WorldSystem.getWSConfig().getPrefix() + getRawMessage(path, alt);
public static String getNoPermission() {
return getMessage("nopermission", "§cYou don't have permissions!");
public static String getSettingUpWorld() {
return getMessage("world.setting_up", "§aSetting up world...");
public static String getPlayerList() {
return getMessage("world.playerlist", "Player in this world: %player");
public static String getLagDetection() {
return getMessage("lagdetection", "Lagdetection in world from: §c%world");
public static String getWrongUsage() {
return getMessage("wrong_usage", "§c%usage");
public static String getNoWorldOwn() {
return getMessage("world.does_not_exists.own", "§cYou don't have a world!");
public static String getNoWorldOther() {
return getMessage("world.does_not_exists.other", "§cThis player doesn't has a world!");
public static String getNotRegistered() {
return getMessage("not_registered", "§cThis player hasn't joined yet!");
public static String getAlreadyMember() {
return getMessage("member.already_added", "§cThis player is already a member!");
public static String getMemberAdded() {
return getMessage("member.added", "You have added &c%player&6 to your World!");
public static String getUnknownError() {
return getMessage("unknown_error", "§cSomething went wrong...");
public static String getDeleteWorldOwn() {
return getMessage("world.delete.own", "§cYour world was deleted!");
public static String getDeleteWorldOther() {
return getMessage("world.delete.other", "You deleted the world of §c%player§6!");
public static String getNoMemberOwn() {
return getMessage("member.not_added.own", "§cThis player isn't a member!");
public static String getMemberRemoved() {
return getMessage("member.removed", "You removed §c%player§6 from your world!");
public static String getNoMemberAdded() {
return getMessage("member.no_one_added", "§cThere are no members added");
public static String getWorldAlreadyExists() {
return getMessage("world.already_exists", "§cYou already have a world!");
public static String getWorldCreated() {
return getMessage("world.created", "Your world is now ready. Get there with §a/ws home");
public static String getWorldStillCreating() {
return getMessage("world.still_creating", "§cWorld is still creating");
public static String getNotOnWorld() {
return getMessage("world.not_on", "§cYou are not on a world!");
public static String getWorldStillLoaded() {
return getMessage("world.still_loaded", "§cYour world is still loaded!");
public static String getNoRequestSend() {
return getMessage("request.not_sent", "§cYou didn't send a request!");
public static String getWorldReseted() {
return getMessage("world.reseted", "Your world was reseted!");
public static String getInvalidInput() {
return getMessage("request.invalid_input", "§c%input is not a valid input!");
public static String getRequestAlreadySent() {
return getMessage("request.already_sent", "§cYou already sent a request!");
public static String getRequestExpired() {
return getMessage("request.expired", "§cYou request is expired!");
public static String getTimeUntilExpires() {
return getMessage("request.until_expire", "§cYour request expires in %time seconds!");
public static String getConfirmRequest() {
return getMessage("request.confirm", "§cPlease confirm reset of your world: %command");
public static String getNoMemberOther() {
return getMessage("member.not_added.other", "§cYou are not added to this world!");
public static String getInfoOwner() {
return getMessage("info.owner", "Owner: %data");
public static String getInfoId() {
return getMessage("", "ID: %data");
public static String getInfoMember() {
return getMessage("info.member", "Member: %data");
public static String getInfoTnt() {
return getMessage("info.tnt", "TNT: %data");
public static String getInfoFire() {
return getMessage("", "Fire: %data");
public static String getInfoEnabled() {
return getRawMessage("info.enabled", "§aOn");
public static String getInfoDisabled() {
return getRawMessage("info.disabled", "§cOff");
public static String getToggleGameModeEnabled() {
return getMessage("toggle.gamemode.enabled", "§a%player§6 can now change his gamemode!");
public static String getToggleGameModeDisabled() {
return getMessage("toggle.gamemode.disabled", "§c%player§6 can no longer change his gamemode!");
public static String getToggleTeleportEnabled() {
return getMessage("toggle.teleport.enabled", "§a%player§6 can now teleport!");
public static String getToggleTeleportDisabled() {
return getMessage("toggle.teleport.disabled", "§c%player§6 can no longer teleport!");
public static String getToggleBuildEnabled() {
return getMessage("", "§a%player§6 can now build!");
public static String getToggleBuildDisabled() {
return getMessage("", "§c%player§6 can no longer build!");
public static String getToggleWorldeditEnabled() {
return getMessage("toggle.worldedit.enabled", "§a%player§6 can now use WorldEdit!");
public static String getToggleWorldeditDisabled() {
return getMessage("toggle.worldedit.disabled", "§c%player§6 can no longer use WorldEdit!");
public static String getToggleFireEnabled() {
return getMessage("", "§aYou activated fire!");
public static String getToggleFireDisabled() {
return getMessage("", "§cYou deactivated fire!");
public static String getToggleTntEnabled() {
return getMessage("toggle.tnt.enabled", "§aYou activated TNT-Damage!");
public static String getToggleTntDisabled() {
return getMessage("toggle.tnt.disabled", "§cYou deactivated TNT-Damage!");
public static String getDeleteCommandHelp() {
return getMessage("command_help.delete_command", "/ws delete §8- §7Will delete a World");
public static List<String> getCommandHelp() {
List<String> list = getConfig().getStringList("command_help.list");
if (list == null)
list = defaultCmdHelp;
list = -> ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', s)).collect(Collectors.toList());
return list;
public static String getHomeSet() {
return getMessage("world.set_home", "You set the home");
public static String getNotEnoughMoney() {
return getMessage("not_enough_money", "You do not have enough money");