########################################################################## ### __ __ __ _______ __ ### ### \ \ / / / / / / ___/ / / ### ### \ \ __ / /___ ___/ /___/ / /____ ______/ /______________ ### ### \ \ / \ / / __ \/ _/ / __ /__ / / / / __/ __/ ___/ _ _ / ### ### \ \/ /\ \/ / /_/ / // / /_/ /__/ / /_/ /_ / /_/ ___/ // // / ### ### \__/ \__/\____/_//_/\__,_/____/\__, /___/\__/\___/_//_//_/ ### ### ___/ / ### ### \___/ ### ########################################################################## #################### # General Settings # #################### # The Language to plugin should run in language: "en" #The Path that the Worlds of players will be stored when not in use. playerWorldsDir: 'plugins/WorldSystem/Worlds' #The time that a world should take till it unloads from no use unloadTime: 20 #Prefix on Messages sent by the plugin prefix: '&8[&3WorldSystem&8] &6' #Delete the world after set amount of days #-1 to disable deleteAfterDays: -1 #World Difficulty #Options: PEACEFUL, EASY, NORMAL, HARD worldDifficulty: 'EASY' ########################## # World Creation Setting # ########################## #Allow Players to Choose the Template they want multiChoose: false #The Default Generation File #Warning: "do not add the .json" defaultGenerator: 'Vanilla' #World Generation Folder worldGenTemplates: 'plugins/WorldSystem/Generators' #World Borders #The Default World Border Size for everyone worldBorderDefaultSize: 500 #!Note: Dynamic World Borders Will Added back in a Future Update #World Border Center worldBorderCenter: x: 0 z: 0 ########################## # World Entering/Exiting # ########################## #This is the Settings you need to adjust to your server serverSpawn: #The Gamemode the Main server uses #Options: Survival, Creative, Adventure #Warning: Spectator is not a Valid Input #Warning: Spelling Matters, Capitalization Does not serverGamemode: 'Survival' #The point the player should be placed when leaving a WS World serverSpawnPoint: worldName: 'world' x: 0 y: 60 z: 0 #This is the Settings you need to adjust to your server wsWorldSpawn: #The Gamemode the Main server uses #World Gamemode #Options: Survival, Creative, Adventure #Warning: Spectator is not a Valid Input #Warning: Spelling Matters, Capitalization Does not worldGameMode: 'Survival' # places the player at their last known location in the world useLastLocation: false #The point the player should be placed when entering a WS World #for the first Time defaultWorldSpawnPoint: x: 0 y: 60 z: 0 ############# # Dev Tools # ############# # These Config Options are for the Devlopment and Maintenace # Of World System. These features are not for production. devcmds: false ################### # World Gamerules # ################### #!DevTODO create a class to handle this to make it cleaner #Also Document this part of the config announceAdvancements: true commandBlockOutput: false disableElytraMovementCheck: false doDaylightCycle: true doEntityDrops: true doFireTick: true doLimitedCrafting: false doMobLoot: true doMobSpawning: true doTileDrops: true doWeatherCycle: false gameLoopFunction: false keepInventory: true logAdminCommands: true maxCommandChainLength: 65536 maxEntityCramming: 24 mobGriefing: true naturalRegeneration: true randomTickSpeed: 3 reducedDebugInfo: false sendCommandFeedback: true showDeathMessages: true spawnRadius: 10 spectatorsGenerateChunks: true