nopermission: "&cYou do not have permission to that command!" unknown_error: "&cSomething went wrong..." lagdetection: "Lagdetection in world: &c%world" wrong_usage: "&c%usage" not_registered: "&cThis player hasn't joined yet!" world: reseted: "You would was reset!" still_loaded: "&cYour world is still loaded!" not_on: "&cYou are not on a world!" created: "Your world is now ready. Get there with &a/ws home" already_exists: "&cYou already have a world!" delete: own: "&cYour world was deleted!" other: "You deleted the world of &c%player&6!" does_not_exists: own: "&cYou don't have a world!" other: "&cThis player doesn't has a world!" setting_up: "&aLoading world..." playerlist: "Players in this world: %players" still_creating: "&cWorld is still creating" set_home: "You set the home" not_enough_money: "You do not have enough money" member: removed: "You removed &c%player&6 from your world!" added: "You have added &c%player&6 to your world!" already_added: "&cThis player is already a member!" not_added: own: "&cThis player isn't a member!" other: "&cYou have not been added to this world!" no_one_added: "&cThere are no members added" request: expired: "&cYour request has expired!" confirm: "WARNING - Please confirm reset of your world: %command" until_expire: "&cYour request expires in %time seconds!" already_sent: "&cYou already sent a request!" not_sent: "&cYou have not sent a request!" invalid_input: "&c%input is not a valid request!" toggle: gamemode: enabled: "&a%player&6 can now change their gamemode!" disabled: "&c%player&6 can no longer change their gamemode!" teleport: enabled: "&a%player&6 can now teleport!" disabled: "&c%player&6 can no longer teleport!" build: enabled: "&a%player&6 can now build!" disabled: "&c%player&6 can no longer build!" worldedit: enabled: "&a%player&6 can now use WorldEdit!" disabled: "&c%player&6 can no longer use WorldEdit!" fire: enabled: "&aYou activated fire!" disabled: "&cYou deactivated fire!" tnt: enabled: "&aYou activated TNT-Damage!" disabled: "&cYou deactivated TNT-Damage!" info: owner: "Owner: %data" id: "ID: %data" member: "Member: %data" tnt: "TNT: %data" fire: "Fire: %data" enabled: "&aOn" disabled: "&cOff" command_help: list: - "/ws get &8- &7Will give you a world" - "/ws home &8- &7Teleports you on your world" - "/ws sethome &8- &7Sets a specific home" - "/ws gui &8- &7Opens the GUI menu if you are the world owner" - "/ws tp &8- &7Teleports you on a specific world" - "/ws addmember &8- &7Adds a player to your world" - "/ws delmember &8- &7Removes a player from your world" - "/ws leave &8- &7Leave a world" - "/ws tnt &8- &7Allows/Denies TNT on your world" - "/ws fire &8- &7Allows/Denies Fire on your world" - "/ws togglegm &8- &7Allows/Denies a player changing gamemode" - "/ws togglebuild &8- &7Allows/Denies a player building on your world" - "/ws toggletp &8- &7Allows/Denies a player teleporting on your world" - "/ws togglewe &8- &7Allows/Denys a player using WorldEdit" - "/ws info &8- &7Shows information about the world" - "/ws reset &8- &7Will reset your world" delete_command: "/ws delete &8- &7Will delete a world"